• Published 9th Nov 2015
  • 1,957 Views, 82 Comments

Pokémon: The CHS Journeys - Shadow Hero

Klhan and his frind started to travel the Kalos region when a strange light appered and trasported Klhan some place new.

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A Ski Trip (unedited)

New Team Galactic HQ.

"Boss there seems to be strange energy comeing from some were. Do you want to send some people there?" a grunt said on the intercom

"Umm. Yes send group Delta there" the man with spike hair said

"Yes master Cyrus" a female grunt eagerly said.


The first day back to school and everyone is slowly geting back to there routine. By lunch everyone is tired.

"Arg. I am so bord" Rainbow said as she sat down.

"Well we can do something this weekend to hope tie us over. Any suggestions?" Sunset asked. She looked around at the table and saw Pinkie waveing her arm up like she needed to go yo the bathroom in class. "Yes Pinkie."

"We can go to Foal Mountent and go skiing" Pinkie said withe a smile.

"Trixie likes that idea" Trixie said as she sat down

"I don't know.. I am not very good at...Sports stuff" Twilight said as she played with her glasses.

"Its easy. I well show you how its done" Rainbow said

"What are you guys talking about" Klhan said as he to sat down

"Ohh. Just going skiing this weekend" Flutershy said

"Skiing. I have not been skiing since I travled Sinoh. I am in" Klhan said as everyones eyes laid on Twilight

"Fine..So thats what peer pressure feels like" Twilight said mumbling the last part.


The next few days went by so slowly for everyone and were happy that it was Saturday.

"Finnly we are her" Raindow said as she walked of the bus they all took tho Foul Mountin

"Yes we.. Wow" Klhan said as he steped out of the bus looking around

"This place is a nature park, in the winter they turn this place in to this" Applejack said

"Ya ya. enough talking lets go" Rainbow said as she ran towords the large woden building

"Honestly can't she wait for everyone befor running off" Rarity said as she and Flutershe got off the bus.

"You know her she can't wait for anything" Flutershy said as she took in the beautie of the place

"We should go be for she fine us 1 million dollars" Pinkie chuckled as she walked towords the building. Everyone followed.

As they walked in saw how nice looking it is, there is a chandelier hanging in the main hall.

"What took you guys so long. I was going to check in but Rarity has the info" Rainbow said as she walked up.

"Oh. Sorry about that let me take care of that" Rarity said as she walk toworeds the check in desk. After a few minutes she came back. "Sorry for the delay but her you go keys to the cabin we are staying at" she said as she handed out them.

"Ah. What about Klhan. Were is he sleeping" Trixie said

"Well in.... I see....It seems Klhan is shareing a room with us tonight.Sorry I forgot about that" Rarity said as she scratch the back of her neck.

"I don't see the problem" Trixie said geting everyone to stare at he. "What."

"Same. In some Pokecenter the rooms are shared. Now how is up to go snowboarding" Klhan said as he got up and stretched.

"I am lets go" Rainbow said as she ran to the rently store.


"Come on Twi you can do it" Applejack said as she stoped to wait for Twilight

"I.. I know. I just I am new to this" Twilight said as she stoped next to Applejack

"I know you are thats why I am doing this for you" Applejack said with a smile.The ground stared to shake

"Ah Applejack help" Twilight said as slides towared a small ravin.

"I am comeing" Applejack said but she was to late and Twilight fell. "You ok?"

"Sorta... I thing a spraind me leg" Twilight said as she sat there.

"Hold on I well go get some help" Applejack said as she skiied away.

"Ok hurry" Twilight yelled after Applajack

"I think I hear something.. Look" a man with a G embedded on his shirt said as he came out of a cave with a girl.

"Ah. Hi can you help me" Twilight said

"Think we should take her to the boss" the girl said

"Indeed" the man said as he walked up to Twilight

"Sstay bback" Twilight said as she tryed to scoot away. Her pokemon, Rotom came out and tryed to help by scareing off the man.

"I see you have a Pokemom to then. Super Sonic" the man said as he pulled out a pokeball an rellesed a small blue blind bat. The bat made a noise that confused Rotom for amoment.

"Help" Twilight screamed as she was been pulled in to the cave. Rotom not knowing what to do flew away.


"She fell were and you left her" Rainbow said as she sat in a table in the main building with the rest of her friends

"I had to go get help" Applejack said.

"But.." Sunset tryed to say but saw Rotom flew in.

"Look its Twilight Pokemon" Pinkie said as she hoped up in down in her seat

"Ta ta ta" Rotom said with a worry face on.

"I think it saying samething" Flutershy said

"Ta ta ta" It said as it flew towards Trixie

"Hey stop" Trixie said as she squirmed around.

"Ta ta" It said as it hit the butten on Trixies pokeball relesing Frany. "Ta ta" It said to Frany

"it saying Twilights in Troble. A couple of people took Twilight in the cave" Frany said

"Applejack lead the way" Klhan said as he ran out the door, Applejack and Rainbow followed


"Is this the place" Klhan said as he stoped right infront of the ravin.

"Sure is" Applejack said

"Good" Klhan said as he ran towareds the ravin, jumping to the wall and climbed down makeing it to the ground

"That is so awsome" Rainbow said

"You guys wait there for some back up" Klhan said as he ran into the cave. In the cave he saw some pepole with Pokemon walking around and they all have G is on there Clothes.

"What do you think you are doing" one of them said as he spoted Klhan.

"I am here to save my friend. Lets go Noivern use gust" Klhan said as he throw his pokeball.


"You know my friends are going to come get me" Twilight said as she was in a prison cell.

"Likely story" a man with black spike hair with a silver hue to it wearin a red jack with a G on it said as he steped up to the door with a dog, the dog head bent horns.

"Sir there is a breach in secter 5" a man said as he walked up.

"What"the red jackit man said as the door to right of the room blow open with some peope and Pokemon flew.

"Let her go" Klhan said as the cloud of smoke cleard.

"My aren't you well trained with your Pokemon. Lets see how well. Houndoom Flamethrower" as the red jackit man said the dog breathed fire out.

"Noivern counter it with Dragon Pulse" Klhan said. Noiverns shot a blueish shock wave out of it mouth that colided with the Flamethrower

"Very intresting.. Houndoom use Thunder Fang" the Houndoom mouth stared to spark as it ran up to Noivern

"Counter it with Dragon Claw." Noiverns claws glowed dark blue. They both hit, Houndoom bitting Noiverns left wing but got thrown off by the Dragon Claw. Houndoom landed on its feet.

"Mmmm. I see" the man in the red jackit said

"Sir we got what we came for" a women said over the intercom.

"Good..Houndoom Smoke Screen." On cue black smoke came out of Houndoom mouth covring the air around

"Noi..nerin us.. Gust" Klhan said in between coughing. Noinern falped its wings fast to air out the room. The man was gone... everyone was gone.

"Ahh. A little help" Twilight said from her cell.

"Sure" Klhan said as he went to looked for the keys. "Found them." he said a he held up a pair of keys from a desk

"Thank you Thank you Thank you" Twilight said as rushed at Klhan as the door to her cell opend

"You are welcome" Klhan said as he returnd the hug. As the part there eyes met and Twilight lend in and kissed Klhan. Klhan was shocked at first but he kissed back

"I am sorry. So sorry. It was the heat of the moment.. ya that" Twilight said as she pulled away from klhan with a blush.

"It fin..."

"5 Minutes to selfdestruct" an alarm said cuting Klhan off.

"We got to hurry" Klhan said as he began to run.

"Wait my leg" Twilight said as she hovled toware's Klhan

"Here let me help" Klhan said as he was trying to put his arm around her but a red strike came and Twilight was gone. "What the" Klhan said befor a blue srike came and picked him up.


"There down there" Applejack said as she saw her friends and a boy with blond hair run towares her.

"Thats great lets go Leafe..What the" the boy said as the ground shock and the entrance to the cave collapsed.

"Oh no. Klhan and Twilght" Pinkie cryed out as everyone whent ito a big group hug.

"What" Klhan said as he walked up to them with him holding Twilight up.

"You made it out..But how I did not see you guys leave" Rainbow said geting a node from Applejack.

"We got help from them" Twilight said as she pointed at the two Pokemon right behind them.

"Wow. The Lati twins, so you are the ones helping out on the mountain" the boy said

"Ya. Wait how do you know that" Klhan asked as he rasied an eyebrow

"I am Virgil a Pokemon ranger from Unova" He said

"I see..What are you that Virgil that won the Unova cup a couple of years ago"Klhan asked

"Yes who do you know that?"

"I was travling the Sinnoh reigion and saw it on TV."

"So you are a Pokemon trainer then.. That good, I thought I was the only one that got transported here."

"Theres at least one more.." Klhan said

"Well you two stop it we need to get back to the main cabin. My leg hurts" Twilight said

"Lati"Latias said as it flew over a touched Twilights leg. Its hand glowed pink for a sec.

"Wow my leg feels better" Twilight said as she stand up with out the support of Klhan.

"Thats Healing Pulse for ya. It a very hand move" Virgil said

"Lati" both pokemon said as the bowed there heads to Klhan and Twilight befor flying off

"Well thats something. I think the like you two. Come on this way hot chocolat is on me" Virgil said as he walk towreds the cabin.

"Virgil wait" Klhan said as he caught up.

"What is it."

"Do you rember hearing a bout Team Galactic" Klhan asked


New Team Galactic base

"You done well Admin Eclipse" Cyrus said as he sat at his chair

"You are welcome I alreay gave the stones to our head researcher. What about that young trainer and his friends" Eclipse asked

"Mmmm. I well send someone to watch over him" Cyrus said as he got up to look out the window

"Sir there is a breach in secter 12. Its a little girl with green hair and.." a man's voice said over the entercom but was drawned out by sing.

"Mela la la ta" was the last thing heard befor it whent off

"I well go see what it is sir" Eclipes said befor leaving.

Author's Note:

There you have it, the first chapter of the new year...Yes I am crossing cannons here by adding Virgil. I am thinking of writeing a Valentines day chapter..What do you guy's think? And befor I forget thank you SolarEclips912 for our OC.

As always any comments good or bad are appreciated.

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