• Published 9th Nov 2015
  • 1,956 Views, 82 Comments

Pokémon: The CHS Journeys - Shadow Hero

Klhan and his frind started to travel the Kalos region when a strange light appered and trasported Klhan some place new.

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Galatic Battle(Unedited)

As the smoke spread

"I am here take over this broadcast." Mars said as she walked in to the announcers booth

"No over my.." Cadance said as she got up but Chrysalis but her hand on her shoulder

"I well handly this." Chrysalis said as she throw a Pokéball revealing a Zora

"Umm. So you are part of that organization that keeps geting in our way. No matter,Purugly." Mars said as she throw her Pokéball

Down below the smoke stared to clear revlealing a bunch of Team Galactic grunts

"We got to go help." Rainbow said a she jumped over the chairs as the others ran

"Wait were is Moondancer." Twilight asked looking around not seeing her

"I don't know but we need to split up. Some of us go help down there and the rest gose looks for Meloetta." Applejack said. Everone agreed.

On the stadium

"Return Beartic. It seems there is more to do." Klhan said with a smile

"Yes. Lets show them not to mess with use." Silver said as the Shadow 5 , Applejack, Rarity, Sunset, and Trixe showed up

"The Great and Powerfull Trixie we show no mercy." Trixie said as Frany shot a Psybeam at some of the grunts Pokémon.

As they fought Klhan walked in to Raven. "Sorry." Klhan said

"Useless fighting this." She said as she comaned Shira to use Icy Wind

"I agree with you." Both Raven and Klhan turn around and saw Skye standing there next to her Serperior

"Then why fight then." Raven asked

"Look I have my reason's." Skye said looking up in to the sky

"Fine then. Shira Ice Punch." Shire ran up to Serperior to try to hit it but got wraped insted

"Look I don't want to fight you but.. I have to keep up this image." Skye said whispering the last part

"Xatu Peck." Xatu rushed forwared and pecked Serperior, makeing him let go of Shira

"Thats not far.. You there come help me." Skye said as a random grunt walked up

A little bit forther

"Bonnie were are you?" Lyra yelled. As she turnd the corner she saw Bon-Bon battling Eclipse

"I am not going to loss to you again Sweety Drops." Eclipse said as his Houndoom shot a Fire Blast at Bon-Bon's Herdier, but he dodged the attack

"Herdier, Takedown." Herdier rushed forwerd but bounced off of Houndoom

"Not so tought no.."

"X-scissor." Nando rushed and slashed Houndoom knocking it back abit. "You ok Bonnie." She asked

"Argg. More agents. Houndoum Shadow Rush." Houndoom cloaked in darkness rushed missing Nado as he danced to avoid the attack

"What dose he mean?" Lyra asked Bon-Bon

"Well.. Its not they time for that. Herdier use Shadow Ball." Herdier shot a black ball out hitting Houndoom in the chest

"You see.." Eclipse said right befor Skye's Serperior was sent flying at Houndoom knocking it back

"Well I am out." Skye said as she walked up returning her Pokémon

"What do you meen.. You." Eclpise said poining at Klhan

"Its nice to see you too." Klhan said as he walked up

"Houndoom change of target, Shadow Rush." Houndoom rushed at Xatu

"Oh I don't think so." Klhan said as his ring stared to glow


Out on the streets

"Arg. Why did I get stuck doing this." Rainbow said as she walked next to Fluttershy and Twilight

"Well. We need someone to come with us and you lost to Pinkie in Rock, Pape, Scicers." Twilight said geting stop by Fluttershy

"Wait do you hear that." Fluttershy said as she kneeled down by a wall

"What do you mean you have not found her yet!" a voice that sounded like Moondancer's yelled

"I am trying my best." another voice said.

Twilight look around the corner and saw Moondancer talking to someone from Team Galatic. "Mondancer what are you doing." she said as she walk from behind the corner

"Twilight.. What do you want with me." Moondancer yelled at the grunt

"Cut the crap, we heard you." Rainbow said

"I am hurt that you think that. Twilight you trust me right." Moondacer said as she took a step back

"Look I..I did hear what you said." Twilight said as her eye's stared to tear

"Twilight.. I."

"Look. Why are you after Meloetta." Rainbow asked

"Look skitles, I am not talking to you." Moondancer snaped at Rainbow

"Why.. Why do this." Twilight asked as Fluttershy put her hand on he shoulder

"Do you realy want to know.. They are the reason." Mondancer said as she pointed at Rainbow and Fluttershy

"Us. What did we do to you to tick you off!" Raindow yelled

"You took my only True Friend away from me.. She chouse to hang with you guy's and missed my party." Moondacer yelled back

"So she missed your party its not the end of the world."

'Its not just that." Moondancer said looking at Twilight crying into Fluttershy's arm's. "Never mind, Go Braxien." She said as she relesed Braxien

"Oh my." Fluttershy said as she looked at Braxien, it emeted dark aura around her. "Be carefull something is off about that Pokémon."

"Don't worry I got this. Lets go Star." Rainbow said as Star flew beside her."Star use Wing Attack." Star flew in close and hit, Braxien did not flinch

"Braxien, Shadow Fire." Braxien stared to shot dark fireballs at Star

"Star doge them by going up. Hey watch it." Rainbow said as a fireball all most hit her.

"Braxien, use Shadow Hold to hold that pest down." Braxien eye glowed purple as ring wraped around Star, makeing her crash to the floor.

"Star get up." Star had a hard time geting fo her feet. "Star I belive in you." Rainbow said as both her and Star stared to glow. The back of Star's wing turned in to mutitude of colors.

"What the?" Twilight said as she looked at whats is happaning

"Ah ya. I fell pumped. Star use Brave Bird." Star still glowing charged way faster then befor and send Braxien flying back

"Braxien get up and use.."

"We found her." Gilda said as she walked up

"Gilda what are you doning with them." Rainbow asked still glowing

"Like you care."Gilda said as she reached for her Pokéball

"Its a wast of time lets go. Braxien, Telaport." Both Moondancer and Gilda was cloaked in a pink glow befor vanishing

"Thats it run a.." Rainbow said right befor passed put on to the floor as the glow disapeared

"Oh Rainbow are you ok." Fluttershy said as she ran up and picked her up. "Can you help me." she said with a strand voice


Team Galactic HQ

Meloetta is chaind up to a table. "Were is the it." Cyras asked slaming his fist on the table

"Mela." Meloetta said looking away

"Sir, the rest of the team is back." a male voice said over the intercom

"Understood." Cyras said as he walked away

"Wee vil wee(Why do you have to be like that my master just need thats thing and you can be set free my love)" Weavile said as he rubs her shoulders

"Mel mela( I am not your love. and your master wants to bring the end)." Meloetta said as she gave him a angrey stare

"Weee vil( In do time my love)." Weavile said as he walked out to go find his master

Author's Note:

Virgil and Pinke are helping everyone to get out save.

Any comment good or bad is appreciated.

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