• Published 9th Nov 2015
  • 1,953 Views, 82 Comments

Pokémon: The CHS Journeys - Shadow Hero

Klhan and his frind started to travel the Kalos region when a strange light appered and trasported Klhan some place new.

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The escape(Unedited)

"A-were am I." Twilight grownd as she woke up, she looked around and saw she was in a room that was messy and tied to a chair.

"Oh good the princess is up." Aria said as she had her head in a fridge. "Arg there is nothing to eat." she said as she slamed the door to the fridge

"I am sorry for not geting something you like." Zoey, a girl with short brown hair, said as she sat at a table with empty pizza box's

"Ya what ever." Aria said as she sat down in a lazy boy

"You thirsty?" Zoey asked as she walked over with a cup and a straw in it.

"A little bit thank."'Twilight said as she took a sip, she took a clouser look at the book self. "Wait that text book is from professor Proton's class."

"Ya I use to go to CPA." Zoey said as she put down the glass

"You did then why do this?" Twilight asked

"Who cares." Aria comment

"Well, I got kicked out for something and got dis-owned. Plus it pays well." She said as she sat back down

"Oh Twi.. Are ok." Spike said in a cage next to Twilight

"I am fine Spike."

"I bet." Spike took in air then got shocked. "Ahh." Spike said

"Brilint tec don't you think, any drastic change of temputer it sends a small shock." Stryke said as he sat in front of a small old TV watching the news

"Arg. How much long do we have to be here?" Aria said as she sat bord watching the news

"Any minute now." Stryker said right befor his phone went off. "Speak of the devil. Zoey can you?" He asked

"Sure. Nuzleaf can you help?" Zoey said to 'her' pokémon Nuzleaf as he rolled his eye's befor get up from the chair he was sitting at.

"Nuz nuz." He said befor playing his leaf again

"You two take Twilight. I don't want to here any complaint." Stryker said as he picked up Spike's cage

A van was outside the apartment waiting

"So did the collar work?" A man in a lab coat asked as he open the back door of the van

"Very well Doc." Stryker said as he put Spikes cage in as the others were having trouble carrying Twilight

"Are you even lefting." Aria said

"Yes...I.. Am." Zoey said betweem huff's

"Put her.."
"Lucari." Lucario said as he jumped down from the roof

"Figuers you showed up. Ninjask Slash." Stryker said as Ninjask flew down hiting Lucario back with its claw things

"Lu." Luacrio said as he cloused his eye's waiting for it to strike again. Ninjask flew to attack, but was counter with a Bone Rush sending her flying

"Arg.. What?" Stryker said as Doc put his hand on Stryker with onther collar Stryker. "Right." Ninjask keept flying around.

"Now." Doc said as he thorw the collar on to Lucarion's neck

"Lu." Lucario said as he tryed to take it off

"Try all you want but." Doc said as he pressed a button. "Its no use." he said as Lucario stared to be turned to stone

"Lu lu." Lucario said as he tryed to take off as he was being tund to stone

"Lets go." Doc said as he and the other's entered the van and drived away.

"Lu."Luacrio said as he rasied his paw befor fully being turnd to stone

"Lat." Latias said as she stop to see Lucario frozen. She flew aroud him till she saw the collar. "Ias." She said as she stred to pull off the collar, with alot of stangeth form her psychic the collar fell to the floor

"Lu.. Car." Lucario said as he fell to the floor gasping for air

"Lat." Latias said as she pat Lucario's back

"Lu lucari." Lucario said pointing in the diricton were the van went

"Lat." Latias said as she bowed and flew off

Team Galatic HQ

"Umm." Twilight moaned

"Sorry about that. Water?" Zoey said right out side of Twilight's cell handing her s bottle

"Thanks." Twilight said as she took a sip from the bottle of water

"Funny its you again in a cell." Eclipse said as he stoped right in front of Twilight's cell

"Wait were is Spike?" Twilight asked

"Oh he is being well takein care of. The first animal to transform into a Pokémon is very intresting." Eclipse said as he walked off

With a sigh she leand back, but something was poke her in the back. Twilight reached out and grabed it and found the same flute she got from the Crystal Fair. "How did this get there." She asked her self

"Oh do you play. Can I hear?" Zoey asked as she bent down

"I don't..." Twilight said befor rembering the note, This items well be usefull in the nere future. "Sure why not." She said as she put the flute to her lips and played a small mellody

"Thats it." Zoey said with disaponted tone

"Ya. Thats all I know." Twilight said as a red blur passed and Zoey was gone

"Hello you called Twilight." a woman with long white hair and a red jacket said standing were Zoey was

"H-ow do you know my name?" Twilight asked

"Silly me, you don't know me in this from, hold on." The women said as she glowed silver befor turning in to Latias

"L-latias. You came to help.. Wait you were the women who gave me this?"'Twilight asked geting a nod from Latias

"Lat." Latias said as she levtaited s par of key's to open the door

"We got to save Spike." Twilight said as she exited the cell

"Lati." Latias said as she motioned for her to get off

"I don't know you go realy fast an..Woaw" Twilight was cut off be being levieted on to Latias's back and her speeding off

Room 5b- Lab room

"So you are a dog turned Pokémon fascinating." Doc said as he read the charts on his moniter as Spike was tied down to a table

"Thats cool and all.. But can you not do what you are thinking.!!" Spike yelled out

"Why its for science my boy. Now lets get stared." Doc as he got picked up a scalpel

"Leave him alone." Twilight said from the door with Latias by her side

"What how..Of course Latias." Doc said as he reached for the collar on his belt. Latias seeing this teleported the collar away. "What!" He screamed seeing it gone

"Lat." Latias begain to charge but got hit by something

"Isnt lively in here." Stryker said as he fell from the celling with Ninjask by his side. "Ninjask use Silver Wind." Ninjask stared to flap his wings and small silver dust stsred to fly hitting Latias. "Again." But befor he can Latias eye'e glowed and the attack did not do as much to her

"Lat." She said as she nugde Twilight

"What? Oh right.. Latias use Dragon Pulse." Latias shot a purple shock wave out hitting Ninjask back abit

"Arg.. What!" Styker yelled as Doc haned him something

"Its good time to test this." Doc said as Styrker put this strange head band on Ninjask's. The gem stared to glow and Ninjask was surrounded be a light blue aura for a minuet befor disapareing. "It worked." He said with a happy smile

Styker stand there for a minute. " Oh this is going to be fun. Ninjask Ice Beam." Styker said with smurk as Ninjask shot a beam of ice out hitting Latias hard

"Lat." She said as she shock her head

"Intresting is it not. Changeing Pokémon type's on the fly is outstanding." Doc said with a chuckle

"Thats crule beond anything I heard of." Twilight said
"Lati." Latias said as she shock her head in agrement.

"And to think you are a science type." Doc said with a sigh as he sat down on the table with Spike on it

"I would never do something like that. Latias Flamethrower." Latias shot fire out hitting everything in site

"What are you doing to my stuf! Stop Her!" Doc yelled as he shock Styker.

"First off, don't do that. Secound, Ninjask Water Shirken." Ninjask stared to shoot shirkens out hitting were ever there is fire puting them out. "Now thats done. Ninjask Ice Beam." Ninjask shot the Ice Beam at the Flamethrower nulfing the attack .

"Lati." Latias said as she stop.

"What is it?" Twilight asked

"Lati." Latias said befor sending a shock wave out hitting all the elecronic's, and releasing Spike

"No no no, all my work gone." Doc said as he saw the headband on Ninjask fall on the floor

"Twilight." Spike said as he ran in to Twilight's arm's

"Lets go Doc.There is nothing left." Styker said as he walked out the back door

"I guess there is. But I am not going that easy." Doc said as he pressed a button sealing the door behind him

"What gives." Spike said as he tryed to open the door

"Its no use we are traped in here." Twilight said as some of the machines started to blow up around her

"Lat." Latias said as she picked up Twilight and Spike and but them on her back

"But how are you going to escape?" Spike asked

"Lat." Latias pointed to Twilight's glasses

"What you mean theses." Twilight said as she tounched the gem in her glasses. The gem and Latias stared to glow. "Whats happaning." She said with a nervous tone

When the glowing stop Latias was transformed, she was now purple with longer wings. "Wow." Spike said right befor Latias flew head first at he back door, makeing a hole as she flew thought it at mac speed breaking the sound barrier.

"What was that?" Styker ask as he walked

"I have no clue." Doc said out of breath

"Mars is not going to be happy." Styker said as he walked to the meeting room were


The Sunligh café

"She is now were to be found." Rainbow said as she had her headed on the table

"She must be some were dear." Rarity said as she sat right across from Rainbow

"I did not peg you as a quiting type." Klhan said as he sat at the counter with Sunset next to him

"You well find I know it." Abyass said as he servied them there drink's

"Ya I.." Raindow said right befor a gust of wind blow the door open

"Hi girls." Twilight said with her hair a mess

"Twilight!" Everone screamed

"Oh dear what happend to you hair dear." Rairty comment

"Sorry but when you go mach speed that happens, Can I get someting to drink?" Latias now in her human form said as she sat down

"How is she?" Sunset asked

"Its a long story."'Twilight said as she sat down

"We have all the time." Rainbow said as Rarity stared to fix Twilights hair.

Author's Note:

Latias in the Pokémon movie can transform into a human why can't this one. And the move Latias used was Reflect Type so the Silver Wind did not do as much
Ah delta Pokémon, well they make onther apparent? mabe just tune back later to find out.
Just to clarify Ninjask becaome an Ice/Water type

As all ways any comment good or bad is appreciated:twilightsmile:

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