• Published 9th Nov 2015
  • 1,956 Views, 82 Comments

Pokémon: The CHS Journeys - Shadow Hero

Klhan and his frind started to travel the Kalos region when a strange light appered and trasported Klhan some place new.

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The first step part 1: Moon(unedited)

It was a bright monday morning. "Applejack come quick, you got to see this" Applebloom yelled up the staries wakein Applejack up.

"This better be inportant" Applejack grumbled as she got dresed in a hurry.

As she exited her house Applebloom pointed up, and on the roof was green condor-like creature with long, red-and-black tipped white wings staning there on the roof looking at the sun. "What is that" Applebloom asked

"I don't know. But I bet I know who does" Applejack said as she pulled her phone and started to dial

A hour or so later a car pulled up and both Sunset and Klhan got out. They both say the creature on the roof. "Ahh. Is that a Pokemon" Applebloom ask as she ran up to them.

"Yes. Its a Xatu, it can see both into the future and the past at the same time. What is doing here" Klhan said as he rubed his chin

"Realy. Neat wish I could do that" Applebloom said

"Realy. We want to stand there in shock at well happen in the future" Klhan asked

"Well now."

"Run along Applebloom and get ready for school" Applejack said as she came up to them.

"Aww" Applebloom said as she walked back to the house

"Sorry for calling you so early. It just that thing is just standing there looking at the sun. its creepy" Applejack said

"We would have got here sooner but someone did not want to wake up" Sunset said

"As I said befor I am not a morning person" Klhan said as he leand on the car looking up at the Xatu.

"So dose that thing always do that" Applejack said

"I have only saw one once and it was owned by a trainer..But I think it well move sooner or later" Klhan said still looking up.

"I see.. We should head out. Uhn" Applejack said as Xatu flew away.

"It looks like it needs to be some were else" Klhan said as he want back in to the car.


Lunch time outside CHS Klhan was get on Stantler

"Were are you going" Lyra asked as she ran up to him

"Somewhere" Klhan said

"Oh is there going to be a Pokemon. Can I come. Please" Lyra begged.

"No. Its to dangerous, thats why I am not bring anyone else"

"But my car whould be faster" Lyra said as she pulled out her car key's

"No" Klhan said as he left

"Uww" Lyra said as she headed back into the school


A used car lot there was alot of activity as Klhan got clouse. "It seems that I am not the only one looking for Golurk" Klhan whispered crouch down behind some car's.

"Yes. It seem so" a voice said from behind

"Ah" Klhan quietly yelled. He turnd around to see Silver standing there. "What are you doing here?"

"Same thing as you. You are after the Golurk..And stop thouse Team Galactic grunts down there" Silver said as he looked down

"Ya. Wait how do you know that there are team Galactic" Klhan asked

"I read the paper. Crime has been on the rise. So it whould be team Rocket, but this kind of thing does not fit them. But it fits for team Galacitc...Plus the have G's on there shirts" Silver pointed out

"I see" Klhan said as he scratched the back of his head.

"Hold on they are on the move" Silver said as some of the grunts were they walk east.

Down below. "Look what we found. One of the Pokemon that has cost us big time" a woman with white hair wearing a brown jacket and blue jeans said with an angry tone as she and her pokemon, Pidgeotto walke up to Golurk

"Comander Gilda, we just got an report from Comander M that he was headed this way" a grunt said as she ran up.

"I see start looking for the rat then while I take care of this" Gilda barked

"Yes right away" the grunt said as she hurried to tell the others

"Now then for you"

"Not so fast" a voice said from above

"Really" Silver yelled at Klhan

"What do you dwebs want..Never mind Pigeotto use Gust." Gilda said as Pidgeotto flaped it wings knocking both Silver and Klhan down

"Ok then go Meganium" Silversaid as he got up. "Use Energy Ball." Maganium shot a green ball at Pidgeotto, but it doged the attack

"Ha. Weak Pigeotto use Steel Wing" on cue Pidgeottos wings turn silver and slamed right into Meganium knocking it out. "Ha Take that. So much for you being a threat"

"Go Statler use Double Kick" as Klhan finish Statler jumped over some cars a kicked Pigeotto twice sending it towerds some cars

"Grrr. Pigeotto get up and use Double-Edge." Pidgotto flew right at Statler, hiting hard.

"Stantler are you ok" Klhan asked geting a nod. "Good then use Psyshock." Stantlers eyes glowed as small rocks formed in thin air around Pidgeotto hiting making it go down .

"Get up you useless bird..Just perfect" Gilda sad as she return her pokemon. "What are you looking at" she yelled seeing the grunts look at her

"Comander I think we should go" one of the grunts with light blue hair and dark blue streaks said

"What ever " Gilda said

"Ahh. What was that"a grunt asked

"What ever lets go then" Gilda yelled

"Right.. Goldbat use Smokescreen"a grunts Goldbat created some smoke and when it cleared they were gone

"Go" the Golurk said as it approach Silver. It bent down and put a Oran berry next to Silver

"I think its saying thanks" Klhan said

"Golurk" It said as it stared to push Klhan in to a make shift house

"Wait. What are you doing" Klhan said as he was being pushed

Inside the hous look nice to say the least. "Lun" a voice said that was under some sheets.

"Wow. Is that it is"Klhan said as he lefted the sheets to see a Lunatone

"Go go" Golurk said

"Wait do think I can help" Klhan asked


"Let see. what I heard about Lunatones say it gets energy from the moon, and the next full moon is not in till next week" Klhan said

"Lun" Lunatone said as its eye's stared to glow

"What the" was all Klhan can say befor seeing something. It was Lunatone playing with a Soulrock in a cave, but then a green light happened..Then it faded. "I see you miss your friend then"

"Lun" Luntone said as it got up

"I see. Well then why don't you come with me till we find your friend" Klhan said as he pulld a pokeball from his pocket

Lunatone thought for a moment. "Lun" it said as it bowed down

"I take that as a yes then" Klhan said befor taping Lunatone with the pokeball.

"Thats done. Were is Golurk" Klhan saod as he looked back

As he got out of the house Silver nor Golurk was ther. "Strange. Ah" Klhan said as his phone went off.

"Oh. Its just a text from Sunset. I wonder whats up" Klhan said as he looked at his phone


Kalos right out side Geoseng town a couple of minute after Lucario disapered
"Thats good to hear Steven,Thanks bye" Sycamore said as he hung up his holo caster. "Well its not only happaning here. Steven took some readings of Seafloor Cavern and found that there is some Infinity energy and some weird type of energy comeing from deep in the cave." Sycamore said

"Umm. Intresting, when I touch it nothing happens" Cynthia said

"What have you been touching the stone. They should be quarantined so nothing happens" Sycamore said as he pulled her away from the stones

"Nothing well happen when you touch them, Only ones with aura or magic you can use them" a hooded woman said as she came out from behind one of the stones, scaring Sycamore

"So you know whats happaing" Cynthia asked

"Yes and no. What is happening has happened befor. But not here, not in this world" the woman said

"What do youn mean" Sycamore asked

"If I tell you were is the fun in that. One hint befor I go...The power thats every were but can not be seen is only half the answer" she said befor she dissapered with a flash of light .

"Umm. Infinty energy was in both place. More research must be done, best call the others to inform them" Sycamore said as he pulled out his holo caster.

"Guess I am here might as well play lab assistant" Cynthia said with a sigh.

Author's Note:

Hi everyone. You may have notice that the chapters say unedited.. I have a friend looking at the first chapter. Also what do you think of what the woman said?
And the way team Galactict is ranked Cyrus->Admins->Comanders->Grunts.

As always any comment good or bad is appreciated.

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