• Published 9th Nov 2015
  • 1,953 Views, 82 Comments

Pokémon: The CHS Journeys - Shadow Hero

Klhan and his frind started to travel the Kalos region when a strange light appered and trasported Klhan some place new.

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The Flying Flower (Unedited)

CHS lunch time

Evereone was siting in there table when Lyra walked up. "Ah Klhan can I ask you somethin" Lyra asked

"Ah sure what is it."

"Can I have one of thouse ball" she asked

"You mean a pokeball.. Why" he asked

"Well you see..I found a Pokemon yesterday in the park" she said with a smile

"I see.. Ok,but just one" he said as he pulled a pokeball out of his bag.

"Thanks" she said as she ran off.

"Come on Fluttershy even Lyra is geting a pokemon, so why don't we go searching for one ourselves" Rainbow said

"I don't know" Fluttershy said as she played wit her salad

"If you want I can lend you Totodile so you can catch a Pokemon" Klhan said

"Thats great. So Fluttershy" Rainbow said with pleading eyes

"Fine. You know I can say no when you do that" Fluttershy said

"Yes. We will start searching after school" Rainbow said


After school

"Now here is some pokeballs to use and a list of what moves Totodile can learn" Klhan said as he hand them a paper

"Great lets go" Rainbow ran off

"Wait just...And she is gone. Fluttershy can you keep an eye on them" Klhan asked

"Sure" Fluttershy said as she ran after her friend

"Now were to look" Rainbow said as she stop at an intersection

"Rainbow please don't do that again" Fluttershy said out of breath lean against the pole

"Sorry Flutter I am just to excited" Rainbow said

"Why don't we go check the park or something" Fluttershy said

"Good idea lets.. What the" Rainbow said as she saw a large brown bird fly the opposite direction of the park. "Lets follow that" Rainbow said as she stared ti ran after the bird

"Here I go again. Wait up" Fluttershy said as she ran after Rainbow


The park nere crystal prep

"It got to be around here" Raindow said as she looked around

"Hey what are you doing here" a female voice said from behind Rainbow

Rainbow turnd around to see Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest standing there next to a floting purple thing with disesmpled hands. "Oh it just you two. Have you seen a big brown bird anywere" Rainbow asked

"No. Is that why you are here to get that Pokemon. Well I saw it first" Indigo said with a smille

"What. That can't be" Rainbow said as Fluttershy ran up hold on to Rainbow to catch her breath

"It toldly is. I have been tracking it for day's now" Indigo said

"Why don't we make a compation about it and see how gets it first" Lemon said

"That sound far" Fluttershy said

"We what do you say. A race to se how catchs it" Indigo asked

"Your on" Raindow as they both shock on it


Half an hour later

"Arg. I can't find a thing" Rainbow said

"Well it nice look at flowers" Fluttershy said as she snifed some blue ones and a small white head poped up. "Oh hi there. I am not going to hurt you" she said in a soft voice

"Flow" it said as it came out holding a blue flower

"Thats it" Fluttershy said as she held out her hand. "Nothing to worry about"

"Flow" it said circling Fluttershy

"You seem nice. Have you seen a big brown bird anywere" Fluttershy asked

"Flow" it noded its head and pointed up in the tree next to were the were standing

"Thank you. Hey Rainbow I think I found the Pokemon" Fluttershy said

"Really where" Rainbow said

"Up there" Fluttershy said

"Cool. Ok Totodile help catch this bird by useing Water Pulse up into th tree" Rainbow said as she throw the pokeball up.

"Totota" Totodile said as it shot a ball of water up knocking the bird out if the tree

"Starav" it said as it flaped its wings fast

"Hold in there and use ahhh. Aqua Jet." Totodile shot it self towareds the bird hitting it

"Star" it held as it flew around then shot stars out of its wings hitting Totodile

"Ok then use Water Pulse again." Totodild shot a two ball of water the first one missed but the second one hit the bird

"Star" it said as it looked confused

"Nows my chance" Rainbow said as she throw a pokeball at the bird. It shock three times and the spareked. "I did it" Rainbow yelled

"What you found the bird" Indigo asked

"Yep. Want to see. Go Star" Rainbow said as she released her Pokemon. "Star" it said as it flew in place next to Rainbow

"Ah. Man I lost" Indigo said right befor a grey bird flew past them. "What the. Ok bye" She said as she raced after the bird

"Oh then lets going it geting late" Fluttershy said. As the stared to walk the thing holding the blue flower stared to follow them. "Oh. You want to came with me" she asked

"Flow flow" it said

"Ok then"


The next day

As they walked up saw Lyra next to a big red bug. "Wow a Kricketune" Klhan said as both him and the others walked up.

"Thats what its called" Lyra said as she looked at Kricketune

"Thats cool but look what I got" Rainbow said with a smile. "Go Star" she said as a big brown bird came out of a Pokeball.

"Kirka" Krickatune hid behind Lyra

"Cool a shiny Staravia" Klhan said looking at Staravia

"A Shiny" Twilight asked

"Ya. It when a Pokemon is a diffrent colored then they are supposed to be. See" Klhan said as he pulled up the page for Staravia


New Team Galactic HQ

"You want to see me boss" Eclipse said as he enter the room. In the room sat Cyrus and Mars

"Ah yes. Befor I go any further Eclipse this is Mars. One of my long time Admins" Cyrus said

"It good to meet you. I have heard alot about you" Eclipse said

"Now that the introductions out of the away. I am going to put both of you into a special program that helps research Shadow Pokemon. Our benefactor wants us to look in to there powers, and see if we can recreate a Dark Pokemon" Cyrus said

"You meen like the one you gave that wako weather man" Mars said

"Precisely" Cyrus said with a smile

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long for this chapter. I blame the weather. Anyway the hype for Gen 7 is real. Which one are you getting. I am geting Moon for my love of night,unless they pull a Black and White on us.
Also I may give the Shadow 5 a pokemon, I already gave two of them pokemon, I just need to think of what pokemon to give the rest and the benafactor has nothing todo with Team Cipher of the Orre region in anyway.

As all ways any comment good or bad is appreciated.:twilightsmile:

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