• Published 9th Nov 2015
  • 1,957 Views, 82 Comments

Pokémon: The CHS Journeys - Shadow Hero

Klhan and his frind started to travel the Kalos region when a strange light appered and trasported Klhan some place new.

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A Day With....(unedited)

Lunchtime, Monday.

"Arrg. I am soo bored" Klhan said as he sat down at there table.

"I guess you are used to battling with your Pokemon and not school work," Pinkie said

"Ya. There is no action" Klhan said.

Everyone looked at each other. "Why don't you help us. I bet one of us does something you like. Right girls" Sunset said earning everyone to nod there heads.

"Mabe. Sure why not" Klhan said as he looked at the 7 girls


Later that day at Sweet Apple Acres

"So you need me to help you collect some apple's," Klhan asked

"Well ya. But also taste test some cider for us. I would get RD but she would drink it all" Applejack said

"Ok then can my Pokemon help collect the apple's," Klhan asked

"Sure the more the merrier."

"Ok then come on out," Klhan said as he throw his pokeballs up and all his Pokemon came out. "Ok, we are here to collect some apples. So let's do this." All his Pokemon agreed.

Beartic was using Double-Edge on the trees to get the apples out and Noivern was using gust as Totodile was picking them up.

Later. "Well to took no time at all" Applejack said

"Ya thanks, guys return," Klhan said

"Now come with me. Its time for you to taste test some cider" Applejack said as she was walking toward her house.

The inside of the house looked nice, it remained Klhan of his grand parent's farm. "This place looks nice."

"Ya. It's not big or fancies its just the way I like it. Ah its this way to the kitchen" Applejack said as she went into the next room

"So is this cider alcoholic or something," Klhan asked, he did try some alcoholic cider once when he was staying with his grandparents.

"No. Those ones are tested with some of my big brother's friends. Why did you ask" Applejack said as she raised an eyebrow

"No reason, just curious that's all" Klhan said

"Ok then let's get to testing," Applejack said.

"This taste sooo good," Klhan said after he had a few.

"Klhan are feeling ok," Applejack asked

"Sure as rain" Klhan said

"Umm ok then."

"Hehe, he." Klhan laughed

"What so funny," Applejack asked

"Nothing sweet thing," Klhan said as he looked into Applejacks eye's

"Ahh. Why it taste soo good" Klhan said as he licked his lips

"I said" She was interrupted by Klhan lips hit hers sending her into shook. She kissed him back.

"Klhan, I do not know what...." She about said but Klhan passed out.

"Ahhh. Is this Acholi?" Applejack said as she sniffed one of the empty mugs "It is," she said as she looked at him


The next day-Tuesday it was Twilight turn she took him to the school's science lab. "Wow. I did not know this school had such a big lab" Klhan said as he walked around.

"Ya me too, but its nowhere near as big as the lab they had at CPA" Twilight said

"That's right you went there didn't you," Klhan asked

"Ya. The people there only thought of winning. But that changed after the Friendship Games" Twilight said

"What happened," Klhan asked

"A lot of things I don't want to talk about it," Twilight said as she sat down.

"That's ok then. You can tell me when you are ready" Klhan said with a smile

"Ok. Now lets me take some reading from your new Pokemon" Twilight said as she walked towards a machine.

"I thought you took all the info you need."

"I did but having this machine here can give me better results."

"I ah see. Ok then go Noivern" He said.

She put some wires on Noivern and the machine went on."Klhan can you come over here" she said as she walked over to the screen of the machine.

"Sure what's up," he said

"What is the weakness of Noivern."

"Let's see here. They are Ice, other Dragon-types, Rock, and fairy" he listed off.

"I see. So it's Dragon-type then."

"Oh, no Dragon and Flying."

"Noi" Noivern said as it flapped its wings creating a small gust knocking Twilight over on to Klhan.

"I think Noivern is getting restless. Ohh you can get off me know" Klhan said as he looked at Twilight

"Ahhh. Ya sure" Twilight said as she got off trying to hide her blush

"Any other Pokemon do you want to test," he asked.

"Ahh. Sure" she said as she played with her glasses


Home EC class- Wednesday Pinkie wanted Klhan to help make cupcakes. Standing in front of the door was Trixie. "Ah. Hi Trixie what are you doing here" Pinkie asked

"Trix... I wanted to help make some cupcakes with you guys" Trixie said

"The more the merrier," Pinkie said as she unlocked the door

"The ingredients are in the fridge. Can you get them Klhan" Pinkie asked

"Sure," Klhan said as he walked over to the fridge. "Is this all it?" He said as he put down the ingredients.

"Yap. That's all of them. Trixie can you get the mixing bowls"Pinkie asked.

"Uh. Sure" Trixie said as she went to the cupboards. She placed it down next to the ingredients

"Well let's get started," Pinkie said as she got cupcake/muffin mold and spatulae.

After the put them in the oven. "Let's play a little game," Trixie said with a smirk

"Oh. What kind of game. Is it an eye spy?" Pinkie asked

"Well. Let's play truth or dare."

"Oh. Can I start I love that game" Pinkie asked

"Ah sure I guess," Trixie said

"Trixie truth or dare" Pinkie asked

"I pick dare."

"I dare you too. Lick icing off of Khan's nose" Pinkie said as she smeared icing on Khan's nose.

"I. What why."

"It's the rules."

"fine" Trixie said as she went and licked the icing off of Khan's nose. "They're happy."


"Good my turn. Klhan truth or dare" Trixie said

"Ahh. Truth I guess" Klhan said as he scratches the back of his head.

"Do you like anyone?" Trixie asked

"Well you see" but before he can answer the timer went off

"They're done," Pinkie said as she took out the tray and put them out to cool

"That's good how long till we have to frost them," Klhan asked hoping they forgot about the question

"Mmm. About 5 min" Pinkie said as she put another tray in.

"That's good."


Thursday- Fluttershy took Klhan to the animal shelter so he can help. "It been a while since I was at a shelter," Klhan said as the went into the back.

"Oh. There are Pokemon shelters then" Fluttershy said

"Ya. Whenever I go home I try to help out" Klhan said as he looked down

"I am sorry for bringing it up," Fluttershy said as she went to give him a hug

"That's fine. I will soon go home" he said as he returned the hug. The hug lasted a little too long. "Ah, Fluttershy you can let go of me."

"Oh. Sorry" Fluttershy said as she looked away trying to hide her blush

"That's ok. Let's go help clean some of these animals."

"Right let's go. Can you get a bucket of water?" Fluttershy asked as she went and got the bath

"Sure. Ah were." Fluttershy pointed to the closet with a sink. "Thank you," he said as he went and filled the bucket up.

They spent the time talking about the differences between animals and Pokemon.

Friday- Rarity took him to her Boutique that she worked at. "This place looks amazing. It looks like the ones in the Kalos region," Klhan said as he walked in.

"I well take that as a compliment dear" Rarity said as she stood right behind him

"Ah. Rarity you here. Ah who is this" a girl with short two-tone blue hair said

"This is klhan. Klhan this Coco" Rarity said

"Ah nice to meet you," Coco said

"Nice to meet you too," klhan said as he shocks her hand.

"Now then what can I do you for Coco," Rarity asked

"Oh I am here to borrow some of that fabric you have," Coco said

"Ah, those fabrics... I loved too but I was going to use it a tux's for Klhan here."

"Oh. Can I help then" Coco asked

"Sure with you here it would be fun" Rarity said

-A little while later-

"Are you sure about this" Klhan asked as got changed

"Absolutely dear. You are going to look fabulous" Rarity said

"Ok here goes," Klhan said as he walked out of the dressing room wearing a gray tux and red bow tie. Both girls were in shock. "That bad."

"No, darling. It looks."

"Amazing on you" Coco finished what Rarity was going to say

"Thank you. But how much do I owe you" Klhan asked

"Nothing dear. Its a gift for thank you for what you have done and going to do for us" Rarity said

"What was he done" Coco asked. And a cue Totodile came out of his Pokeball. "Ah what is that," she said as she hides behind Rarity

"Ah, he is my friend Totodile...A Pokemon" Klhan said as he went to change back

"A what?" Coco asked


Saturday- Rainbow wanted to play a little one on one of soccer. "Come on you have to do better than that" Rainbow said

"I am trying the best I can," Klhan said in between breaths

"You traveled a lot by foot so I thought you were up for the challenge" Rainbow teased

"That may be true. I don't have to run all the time" He said

"Here have a free shot," she said as she hands him the ball

"Thanks, I guess," he said as he shot the ball. Rainbow caught the ball. "Hey."

"I said you can have a free shot, not a free goal," she said as she tosses the ball up.

"That you did. Let's call it there before I lose the feeling in my legs."

"Sure want to go get some pizza. My treat" Rainbow said as she put the soccer ball away.

"Ah Sure as long as I get vegatarian" Klhan said

"Not you too."

"What do you mean," Klhan asked

"Well, Fluttershy and Sunset are both vegetarians. and I think Twilight and Rarity are too."

"And that bothers you how."

"It does not... Much, I love to eat meat some times but hang with you all."

"Ya I get it. But I don't mind eating meat. It's just a lot of our meat come from Pokemon and we befriend so its."

"I get it. Fluttershy works with animals and Sunset is from a world where eating meat is bad" Rainbow said as she playfully pushed him

"Let's just go get that pizza, I guess we can get pepperoni," he said.


Sunday- Klhan stayed home with Sunset. "Boy I am beaten," Klhan said as he sat down on the couch.

"So I take it you are going to stay here then. Cause I am going to go see our friend" Sunset said as she got her jacket on.

"Ya. I just need some me time" Klhan said as he channels surfed

"Ok then call if you need anything," Sunset said as she left

"Mmm. Nothing good on" he said as he turned off the T.V

"Mmm. I should thank Sunset for letting my stay here but how" Klhan said as he got up and walked around

"No...No... Not that...I got it I will make her some dinner tonight as a way of saying thanks" Klhan said, "Let's see if I can remember thous ingredients."

-Later that night-

"Mmm. Needs more salt" Klhan said as he tasted his soup. "There."

"I am, home. What's that smell" Sunset said as she walked in.

"Oh. Just dinner. I thought to say thanks I would make you dinner" Klhan said as he took out the roasted vegetables.

"You did not have to do that" Sunset said as she put her jacket away.

"I don't mind when I travel I tend to cook for the group so I am used to it. Come sit down" Klhan said as he plated the table

"It all smells good. Thank you for cooking vegetarian for me" Sunset said

"I tend to eat vegetarian food myself," Klhan said as he sat right in front of her. "We'll dig in."

Author's Note:

There a longer chapte then usual. What do you think. any other charecter should meet Klhan?

As always any comment good or bad our appreciated:twilightsmile:.

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