• Published 9th Nov 2015
  • 1,957 Views, 82 Comments

Pokémon: The CHS Journeys - Shadow Hero

Klhan and his frind started to travel the Kalos region when a strange light appered and trasported Klhan some place new.

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A Heartful Battle(unedited)

February 11th,XXXX

Lunch time and everyone is in the cafeteria. "I can't wait for this weekend" Pinkie said as she jumped up in down in her seat

"Why is that" Klhan asked

"The Valentines day dance this Saterday.You do have Valentines were you are from" Rarity asked

"Yes.. We have two" Klhan said

"What really" Rarity said

"Ya. Valentines day is when the girls hand out chocolates and White day were the men bake a cake or if they are laze buy them chocolates. But I have not celebrated them in years" Klhan said

"Thats changes now. You are comeing to the dance" Pinkie said

"Ah. Don't I have to get a date or something" Klhan asked

"We are all going alone. So we are going together" Sunset said

"Ok then" Klhan said. As he finished Lyra came up.

"Ah Klhan can I ask you something...in private" Lyra said as she was hold's her book's tight geting a stare from a firey haired girl

"Ah sure..Lead the way" Klhan said as he got up

"What do you think she wants to ask him. I bet she is going to ask him out" Rainbow said geting everone to stare at her. "What?"

Just out side the cafeteria.

"So whats up" Klhan asked

"So I was wondering if you would like to mabe gotothedancewithme" Lyra said

"Come again I did not catch the last part" He said

'Ok I can do this' She thought. "I said would you go ttto thhe Dance wwith me" she asked

"Ah sure me and the girls are going so"

"I mean just the two of us"

"Uh" Klhan said as just stared in to space trying to think of somethig

'Oh god I freaked him out' she thought as she holded her books ever thighter

"I am flatered but um..I don't feel that way about you. Friends" he asked as he put his hand out

"Ya Friends" she said as shock his hand

"So I am going to go back in sooo see ya around" he said he entered the cafeteria

"Great I may have ruined any chances" Lyra said to her self as Bon-Bon came walking up

"Hay what did I miss" Bon-Bon said

"Nothing...So were have you been for the passed couple of days" Lyra asked hoping to forget what just happened

"Nowere.Why" Bon-Bon said fast

"No reason just missed my Best Friend" Lyra said as she raised an eyebrow. 'She is hiding somethig from me' she thought


February 14th,XXXX Carousel Boutique

"Realy I have to wear this" Rainbow said as she was in a stall

"Yes. You want to look nice dear" Rarity said as she was adjusting some earings

"Fine" Rainbow said as she exited the stall wearing a dress, the top hafe is blue and the bottom is rainbow colored

"You look nice. Sorry I am late" a voice said from the door

"Ah you made it.Oh my" Rairty said as Virgil was standing by the door with a pink cat like pokemon with ribons comeing out of it neck wearing his stander white shirt and orange vest

"What" Virgil said

"You are not wearing that no are you"

"Yes, I don't see whats wrong" Virgil said as he looked at him self in a mirror.

"Dear, I am going to help you. Now come" Rarity said as she pushed him to the back.

After about 5min everyone was there dress nicely when Rarity came back with Virgil wearing Brown jackit insed of his orange vest. "Thats beter" Rarity said

"Virgil I did not know you were comeing" Klhan asked

"Ya. I was in town and I ran into Rarity and she asked me to come" Virgil said

"Wow you look mighty nice" Applejack said with a small blush

"Thanks. You look nice as well" Virgil said as he looked at her, she was wearing a green dress and her hair was done in a braid

"Lets go" Pinkie yelled as she ran up to the door


At the school, everone was there. "Were are you Bonni" Lyra said as he staned by the punch bowl

"Um. Hi Lyra hows it going" Sunset said as she poured her self a glass

"Great I guesss. Have you seen Bon-Bon she said she whould be here" Lyra asked

"No, but I well keep me eye out for her" Sunset said as she walked away.

"Wait I want to " Lyra tryed to say but two Koffings came in by the windows and stared to release some smoke that stared to cover the area.

"Everone evacuate now" principal Celestia yelled

Outside everone was there but one perosn. "Weres Sunset" Klhan asked as he walked up to the girls, each of them shook their head

"She was right next to me.. I think she trip" Lyra said. Looking scared Klhan ran back in to the Gym.

In the Gym.

"It seems we got someone with the energy" a girl with light blue hair with dark blue streaks said as ahe held up a scaner to Sunset that was being wraped by a Serperior

"Let me go" Sunset said trying to escape

"In do time" Admin Eclipse said

"Sunset are you in here" Klhan yelled as he walked in to the Gym

"It looks like he have company. Houndoom Flamethrower." Houndoom shot fire at Klhan that missed

"What the.You" Klhan said

"It seems you are going to try and get in our way again" Admin Eclipse said

"Let her go" Klhan said in an angry tone as he walked up.

"Flamethrower." Houndoo shot more fire at Klhan.

Klhan shielded his eyes waiting to get hit.. But nothing, he opened them and saw Xatu standing there. "What they."

"I am here to help" Xatu said.

"You are that Pokemon that stole some of our stones. No matter. Say lets have a little battle. You win I let her go" Admin Eclipse said with a smile

"And if you win" Klhan asked

"We keep her of course."

"Sir I don't thinks thats a good idea" the girl said

"Skye, I know what I am doing here. Deal" He said

"You ok with this" Klhan asked Xatu

"I am willing to help save her" Xatu said

"Let's begin then" Admin Eclipse said. He lefted his hand up with a glove. "Now then lets test this out." The stone in the middle of the glove stared to glow, and light stared to surround Houndoom. When the light fade Houndoom horns are bent upwards and had a bone chest plate.

"It mega evolved"Klhan said

"Two can play that game.. Put all your trust in to me and lend my your strangth" Xatu said as it turn around to face Klhan

"What. Oh I see" Klhan said as he saw a pendent around Xatu's neck. "I put all my trust in to you, Mega Evolve" Klhan said as he put his hand on his heart. The ring stare to glow and beams of light shot out and hit the pendent. The light died down and stood there was Mega Xatu, the tips of its wings are more spred out, it was red fur comeing out of its eye's on its chest' and it was a face patteren on its chest.

"I see this form is called Mega Evolution. Skye record this please" Admin Eclipse said, she noded. "Good. Houndoom Flamethrower." Houndoom shot blue flames out it's mouth.

"Xatu Mimic." Xatu shot blue fire out of its beack, both fires collided and explode. "Now attack with Twister." Xatu stared to flap its wings as hard as it can creating a twister. Houndoom spined around and got hit be debris.

"Ok the. Houndoom Flame Charge now." Houndoom clocked it self with blue fire and chagered

"Intercepted it with Sky Attack." Xatu clocked it self with blue light and flew in the air and rushed toworeds Houndoom. Both attack collided sending them backwards, both laneding on there feet both Pokemon looked exhausted.

"It seems I need to wrap this up then. Houndoom use Fire Blast." Houndoom shot some blue fire out if it mouth that formed the kanji sign for fire.

"Ok. Xatu use Substitute and then attack with Singnal Beam." Xatu made a copy of it self that the Fire Blast hit and then he shot a purple beam at Houndoom knocking it out in to the puch bowl.

"Uh It seems I lost let her go" Admin Eclipse said returend his Houndoom

"But sir" Skye said

"I am a man of my word so let her go" Admin Eclipse said as he walk away. "This is not over" he said as he passed Klhan.

"Thank you" Sunset said as she rushed over to hug Klhan

"I could not let them take you away, you mean a lot to me" Klhan said as he returned the hug.

"Ya" Sunset said as she released hugging him and they both stared into each others eyes.

Outside. "I am going to go cheack on them" Rainbow said as she approach the door the gym with Fluttershy next to her.

"Oh my" Fluttershy said with a blush as she saw Klhan and Sunset kissing.

"What is it.." Trixie said right befor her eye stared to twitch. "Trixie is going to kill her" she yelled breaking the mood

"Did not see that comeing" Applejack said as she held back Trixie


New Team Galactic HQ

"You done well Skye" Cyrus said as he stared out a window

"But sir we lost" Skye said

"Yes, but we got some info on this Mega Evoltion and I think it may come in handy.. You have been here for only a month now right, but you have showed me that you can be trusted. So I am promoting you to Admin"Cyrus said as he turned to face her

"Thanks it is a honor to serve you" Skye said

"You are dimiss Admin Skye" Cyrus said

"Right" she said as she left. As she walk down the hall she pulled out a heart shaped locket, it had a picture of her hugging another girl with short light blue hair. 'I know you are here, and I am going to save you Sis' she thought

Author's Note:

Happy Valentine's Day, heres hoping you have a good one with your special someone/somepony. A couple of things
1. Bon-Bon is not part of team Galactic but something alse from an diffrent show, a Canadian TV show from a early 2000.. She is a good guy.
2. Cyrus is from the modern timeline were Mega Evolotino do's not exist. Here is a video explaining it in detail
3. Mega Xatu looks like something like this
4.Yes. In japan the have two Valentine day, white day happens a month after.
5.Bayonetta is fun to play as in Smash 4.. I got her last Saturday and can't stop playing with her and trying to master her move set.

And any comment good or bad is appreciated.:twilightsmile:

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