• Published 9th Nov 2015
  • 1,953 Views, 82 Comments

Pokémon: The CHS Journeys - Shadow Hero

Klhan and his frind started to travel the Kalos region when a strange light appered and trasported Klhan some place new.

  • ...

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Klhan was sleeping in the bed that Sunset’s old roommate left behind. It was so peaceful until someone knocked. "Klhan it's time to get up. It's almost time to get to school." Sunset’s voice came from behind the door.

"Mmm... Five more minutes." Klhan mumbled, not wanting to move from under the sheets.

"You said that three times now, get up!" Sunset said as she walked away from the door.

Klhan sat up and looked around the room. On the left side, there was a desk right under the window, and on the right, there was a closet and next to it, a dresser. It was small but cozy, nothing like his room back home.

Klhan exited his room after getting dressed. The rest of the apartment was small. The only thing separating the kitchen and the living room was an island. "Good morning sleepyhead; there are some cereal and milk in the fridge" Sunset said as she sat at the table, drinking some orange juice.

"Thanks," Klhan said in a sleepy tone as he walked into the kitchen.

"Someone’s not a morning person." Sunset giggled. "Don't worry, we can stop at Sugarcube Corner to pick up some coffee."

"That would be much appreciated," Klhan said as he poured some cereal into a bowl.

"Soo... Are you ready to start school?”

Klhan shrugged. "Not really. I haven’t been in school for the past 5 years. ...But I have learned one thing on my travels." Klhan said as he sat down right in front of Sunset.

"Oh. What’s that?"

"As long as you have friends, you can do anything you set your mind to."


In front of the school sat 6 girls waiting for their friends. "Argh, where are they?!" Rainbow grumbled.

As if on cue, Sunset parked her car, and both her and Klhan got out. "What took you so long?" Rainbow asked."We had to stop and get some coffee." Sunset said, pointing to the very big cup of coffee in Khan's hand.

"What? I need my coffee. It helps me concentrate better." Klhan said as he took a sip.

"I guess if you lived with me, then it would be double the size then." Applejack chuckled before the first bell rang.

"I guess I’ll take you to see principal Celestia then," Sunset said as they walked into the school.

On their way to the principal’s office, Sunset showed Klhan around.

"That's the music room, and that's the computer lab. Oh, we’re here." Sunset said as she stopped right in front of the door.

Sunset knocked. "Come in." a voice said.

"Principal Celestia, we have a new student," Sunset said as she walked into the room.

"Ahh... Have a seat. Sunset, can you wait in the hall?" Principal Celestia asked.

"Uhh... sure..." Sunset said as she exited the room.

"Now. I understand you’re not from our dimension." Celestia said.

"How’d you know?" Klhan asked in surprise.

"Well, one of our janitors saw someone with Sunset and her friends attacking a big white bear."

"Oh... I see." Klhan said as he looked down.

"Don't worry, you can still go to this school, but you may have to take a test to see where you stand."

"Makes sense." Klhan shrugged.

"Now, you must fill these forms out first," Celestia said, handing him some papers.

Ten minutes later...

"Done," Klhan said as he finished writing what he could on the forms.

"That's great, Mr. Star. Now the test will be in two days from now, so you have time to study." Celestia said, putting the forms away.

"Thanks," Khlan said as he got to the door.

"Oh. One more thing: can you keep these creatures away from the other students so they don't get hurt?" Celestia asked.

"Sure. I’ll try my best." Klhan said as he exited the room.

Sitting on a chair right next the room sat Sunset. "So how did it go?" she asked.

"Great. I have to take a test in two days though. Can you help me study by any chance?”

"Sure. I bet the others can help too. Here, let me text them." Sunset said as she pulled out her phone.


After school, everyone was in the library helping Klhan get ready for the test. Well… almost all. Rainbow was snoring in the corner. "Rainbow, please, we are trying to help a friend. If you’re not here to help, you can go." Rarity frowned.

"Uh, sorry. Stuff like this gets me sleepy." Rainbow said as she got up and stretched. "How long have we been at this?"

"About two hours. We have more to cover." Twilight said, getting groans from the rest.

"Help me." a voice said.

"Did you hear that?" Klhan said, looking around as everyone shook their heads.

"Help me." the voice said again.

After hearing it again, Klhan got up and rushed out of the library. "Hey, where are you going?" Twilight asked.

As everyone got outside, they saw a big golem-like creature standing in front of Trixie. "Trixie will not let you hurt this tiny creature."

"We’ve got to do something!" Twilight exclaimed.

"I’m on it. Go Beartic!" Klhan said as he threw out the Pokéball.

“Bear!" Beartic yelled, getting the golem’s attention.

"That's it. Now use Icicle Crusher!" In front of Beartic, three icicles formed and shot at the Golurk, hitting it right in the chest.

After it got knocked back, it fired a beam of silver light. "Beartic, intercept it Icebeam now!" Beartic shot a beam out of its mouth. The two beams collided, making a thick smoke.

As the smoke cleared, the Golurk disappeared. "Hey, it's getting away!" Rainbow said pointing at it as it flew away.

"Hey, are you ok?" Klhan asked Trixie, who was kneeling on the floor, shocked at what she just saw.

"Uhh... yeah."

"Thank you." the voice from earlier said. A small green creature with big eyes stepped out from behind Trixie.

"So it was you that called for help then," Klhan said as he kneeled down.

The three lights on its hands blinked. "Yes, it was me. Thank you. Both of you."

"You’re welcome." Klhan and Trixie said at the same time.

"Wait, you can hear her too?!" they said at the same time again.

The lights blinked again. "That's funny."

"Yes, Trixie did hear her plead for help. So Trixie came and helped."

"I see. That means you, me, and Elgyem is on the same brain wavelength." Klhan said. "Fascinating."

"Look how cute you are," Fluttershy said as she picked Elgyem up.

The lights on Elgyem’s hands blinked again. "I have a name, it's Goerbfcbhygh. Or in your language: Frany."

"Wow, did you hear that?" Rainbow exclaimed.

The lights on Frany blinked again. "I altered the wavelength so all of you can hear me."

"That's so cool. Does that mean you're a Psychic type? What moves do you know?" Twilight asked excitedly, getting everyone to giggle.

"By the way, I have great news," Sunset said, holding up a book.

Author's Note:

Yes I am like that too I need a Extra large Coffee from Tim Hortons to wake up some days.

As always any comments good or bad are appreciated.:twilightsmile:

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