• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 2,733 Views, 31 Comments

The Elements of Earth - Tyler-the-Brony

The Elements journey to a strange world, and then to their home, with the love they always wanted.

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Chapter 15: The Lunar Preparations

The next three days passed with much worry and haste within the confines of Canterlot’s walls. Most everypony spent the time resting, visiting with family, or preparing for battle. Most everypony knew that their greatest strengths were already drained, and that who would win this war would be decided on the natural battlefield.

Celestia, Shining Armor, and the Bearers of Elements of Harmony were constantly implored to sleep, but they would not listen. None of them trusted the word of Chrysalis or Discord, instead expecting an attack to come at any time. All of them kept their current protective charms going, but also rested as much as they allowed themselves to regain at least some strength for the final battle.

Luna had also managed to escape the Everfree Forest and make it to Canterlot, surprising everypony. Luna arrived very badly hurt and tired, but at least she was okay now. Luna had been freed in a rag tag rescue mission organized by Blueblood and including Lyra, Bon Bon, and Trixie, all ponies who nopony expected to be able to make it there.

Blueblood had stayed behind to fight off Discord himself when the last train from Fillydelphia left, telling Flim and Flam to take over his position until he could rejoin them. Fighting Discord had been tough, but it turns out Blueblood was more of a warrior than anypony expected. Once out of Fillydelphia, Blueblood had kept underground and had met the others just outside Appleloosa.

Trixie too had stayed behind, but to defend Baltimare from Chrysalis in her situation. It turns out that Changeling’s were weak to very sever light, a speciality of Trixie’s. Trixie had then recruited the last uninjured Ursa Major and Minor to help her escape and get to Canterlot like Princess Celestia had told her to. Trixie had let the Ursa’s behind in Ponyville to return to their families, instead using her limited teleporting powers to make it the rest of the way to Canterlot.

Lyra and Bon Bon had remained in Appleloosa to trick away some of Chrysalis Changeling’s by way of Bon Bon’s special Trottjan Candy Horses and Lyra’s magic. Bon Bon had been badly hurt earlier, and that had made escaping near impossible, until Blueblood and Trixie happened to get there. Once the new team had made sure to detain as many Changeling’s as they could, they made their way slowly to Ponyville to rescue Luna, who they knew about due to an informative group of Changelings Trixie had come across.

Once in Ponyville, Blueblood had falsely offered himself as a prisoner of war to lead the others secretly to where Luna was with great ease. Once they had found Luna, Trixie had called out her Ursa's and also used her magic to make it look like an army of Ursa Majors and Minors. Lyra was also able to put many Changelings to sleep with her magic, making the whole operation go well. Luna had helped in protecting them all from prying eyes with what little magic she had managed to regain, allowing the group to move as quickly as they could, arriving one day before the final battle.

Once being informed of the updated situation, Lyra and Bon Bon made sure to head directly to the medical ponies for check-ups while Blueblood and Trixie went about to find their squads to command them again. Though the appearance of four of the bravest ponies in the war had helped invigorate and inspire everypony else, its effect was not felt long.

“Sister, sleep. Even I had to sleep in order to gain enough magic back to escape. I will keep the eclipse going and will make sure to inform you of any and all situations when you awaken.” Luna implored Celestia, scared to see her older sister in such a horrid fashion.

“Perhaps you are right Luna. I am needed in the final battle with as much strength as I can muster. I shall sleep. Do not let me down. We can’t afford that now.” Celestia replied to Luna, at last feeling the exhaustion of the past few days upon her.

Luna set about making sure her sister was actually asleep, and then took to circling the perimeter of the city, looking for anypony she must talk to and any enemy action she must report. Eventually, Luna came across Shining Armor at the top of one of Canterlot’s tallest towers.

“Greetings Shining Armor. I hope I am welcome.” Luna spoke up, landing on the balcony of the tower a short ways from Shining Armor.

“You are always welcome Princess Luna. I am happy to see you here. If Cadance were awake, I’m sure she would love to see you right now.” Shining Armor answered Luna, a lack of sleep clear in his features.

“And why do you not sleep as well? You must rest. You are one of our strongest fighters and we need you at maximum strength for tomorrow.” Luna voiced her worries, seeing Shining Armor wobble as she did.

“But…my shield spell is still needed. If I were to sleep, it would fall and Canterlot could be more easily attacked.” Shining Armor explained, surprised to see Luna smile at his worry.

“Allow me to alleviate that particular worry for you Shining Armor.” Luna replied, stepping back out onto the balcony.

Though Luna knew she must save much of her strength for tomorrow, she let loose one of her most powerful and useful spells. This spell allowed her to drape a dark copy over anything she chose, including other spells. With this, Luna could take Shining Armor’s place as the shield caster for a few hours.

Luna stepped back inside the tower, and as she wobbled with each step, she heard the voice of her now considered friend, Nightmare Moon, deep within her.

“Use your powers now without worry. I shall fight in you stead tomorrow. I have much energy prepared to fight those who attempt to usurp you.” Nightmare Moon spoke from within Luna herself.

“There you go Shining Armor. I will be able to hold my shield for approximately 12 hours. Use that time wisely Captain of the Guards.” Luna told Shining Armor, glad to see him smile at her.

“Thank you Princess Luna. You have done so much for me in this war. I shall repay you in kind if I am still around when it is over.” Shining Armor announced to Luna, turning towards the room he knew Cadance currently slept in.

Luna nodded towards Shining Armor, preparing to take flight again as he closed the door to his chamber. Luna took off and was slightly put off by how much more opaque her shield was than Shining Armor’s, making enemy movements more difficult to perceive. Celestia had told her not to worry too much about monitoring enemy movement today, saying that the only enemy activity within the last 2 days had been movement of Changeling soldiers flying overhead to join the main forces stationed in Ponyville.

Luna landed only one more time throughout the long night she took charge of all the security measures around Canterlot. When Luna landed this last time, it was to speak with the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony.

“Good evening to all. I am happy to see each of you returned to Equestria, though I do wish it were under different and better circumstances.” Luna announced to the group at large, trying not to have to play the trump card she held right away.

All of the Bearers acknowledged Luna, but not a single one spoke any words to her. To most everypony else, it would appear as though they were merely extremely exhausted. Luna knew better though.

“I’d hoped not to have to say this, but I know the reason you do not properly respond to me now. I am aware that each of you is in love.” Luna continued, glad to see everypony jump to attention at her words.

“W-What do you mean Princess?” Rainbow Dash answered, shaking from head to hoof and nearly begging to fly away by flapping her wings so much.

“Loyal Rainbow Dash and others. I am not merely the Princess of the Night. Celestia and I rule over all the Elements of Equestria. I rule over Love. I am aware of when anypony is in love, and I am usually quite good at alleviating worry related to that love.” Luna explained, shocking everypony by revealing such a well-kept secret of Equestria’s Regal Pony Sisters.

“I doubt you can help us. We all aren’t exactly…in love normally.” Rarity elaborated, swishing her tail back and forth rapidly.

“I know all the logistics of your love Generous Rarity. And, to be entirely honest with all of you, I have never heard of anypony being in love ‘normally.’” Luna answered Rarity, again surprising the Bearers with her amount of knowledge.

“Well…even if ya know all the…details, ya can’t exactly really help us. We left our loves behind ta come back here and save Equestria.” Applejack added, hating herself for vocalizing that fact.

“I know that Honest Applejack. And just as you abandoned their world to come back here, so have they also abandoned it to come here.” Luna announced, no longer surprised at the shocked faces of the ponies before her.

“They’re…They’re…coming here?!” Twilight questioned, not daring to believe that what Princess Luna was saying could be true.

“Indeed they are Twilight Sparkle. They are currently between our two worlds, swiftly moving to come here. I estimate they will all arrive sometime tomorrow.” Luna explained, worried over the possible affect her words could now cause.

“T-T-T-Tomorrow? But tomorrow’s the final battle between us and the Discord and Chrysalis armies! They can’t come tomorrow!” Fluttershy exclaimed, taking to the air to circle nervously.

“I’m afraid it is already set in motion Kind Fluttershy. And I assure you, they are quite prepared.” Luna continued, encouraging confused looks from everypony present.

“Prepared? How in the hay can they be prepared for all this?” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, only becoming worried later about how disrespectful she was being towards Princess Luna.

“I cannot say for certain. But I assure you they are indeed ready. Celestia is certain to know this soon as well. She rules over Time, and thus is able to know some events before they happen. An event such as this will not escape her notice.” Luna explained, hoping that the assurance that the Bearer’s loves were indeed prepared and that Celestia knew so as well would calm the ponies down.

Luna’s words did indeed have the correct effect in calming down the Bearers. Each was still extremely worried about what exactly tomorrow would bring, but each now also had a small, inextinguishable hope burning deep within them.

“Thank you, Princess Luna, for telling us this. Please forgive us for our earlier behaviour towards you.” Rainbow Dash spoke up, bowing before Luna and hoping to appease her.

“Pay it no mind Rainbow Dash. I simply felt I needed to invigorate you with energy for tomorrow, and while my sister and Shining Armor conceded to sleep, I had the particular feeling that you would not want to sleep no matter what information or persuasion I offered you.” Luna explained herself, smiling at the end and seeing her smile reflected on all the other ponies.

After a short while, Luna took a glimpse back towards the sky, being able to judge how much time had passed since she had begun her own shield spell. Luna could tell the spell would last only another four hours, and Luna had much left to do in that time.

“Do forgive me, but I must be off. I have only four hours remaining to complete my rounds and wake my sister and Shining Armor from their respective and much needed slumbers.” Luna explained to the Bearers, taking to the air as she did.

Each of the Bearers greeted Luna’s departure with a genuine smile and a wave before turning towards each other to no doubt discuss what the next day would bring in its entirety.

Luna took off around the perimeter of Canterlot again, making mental notes of all she saw as she prepared to go and wake her sister, and was greeted with a large warming feeling in her heart, meaning that the Loves of the Bearers would indeed soon be there to help just as Luna had said earlier.