• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 2,733 Views, 31 Comments

The Elements of Earth - Tyler-the-Brony

The Elements journey to a strange world, and then to their home, with the love they always wanted.

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Chapter 5: Getting Names and Going to Homes

Lucas was up first to tell Rainbow Dash her Earth name.

“Rainbow, you’ll be Sophie from now on. Good name no?” Lucas told Rainbow.

“Actually, it sounds pretty awesome.” Rainbow replied, smiling at Lucas.

Next up was Antonio and Rarity.

“Rarity, I though you should be called Isabella. Does that name seem acceptable to you?” Antonio asked Rarity, unsure of how she herself would view the name.

“Oh darling it’s fantastic!” Rarity exclaimed, somehow managing to jump and not break her high heels.

Dan and Applejack were next in line.

“Applejack, I thought ya would enjoy Zoe as your Earth name.” Dan told Applejack.

“Definitely sounds alright on ma end.” Applejack replied.

Ben went to Pinkie Pie next.

“Hey Pinkie. What do you think of Lucy for your new name?” Ben questioned Pinkie.

“It’s super-duper!” Pinkie told him, proceeding to actually hug Ben afterwards.

Fluttershy was told her name by Oliver after Pinkie was.

“Fluttershy? Is Alice an okay name to call you?” Oliver asked nervously, afraid of offending Fluttershy.

“O-Oh yes. It’s actually a really pretty name. I like it.” Fluttershy told Oliver, blushing and turning away as she did.

Last in line was Twilight, who Noah would inform.

“Twilight. What do you think of Meghan?” Noah inquired.

“It sounds simply lovely.” Twilight told Noah, happy she’d gotten such a nice name, especially after how she had accused the guys earlier.

“Alright. So we all have our new super-duper names. What’s next?” Lucy asked aloud.

The guys looked at each other. They had indeed thought this far ahead, but were now afraid of voicing their ideas, lest they be shot down.

“Well, if it’s acceptable with you ladies, we were thinking one of you could live with each of us. None of us has any sort of relationship or roommate, so you wouldn’t be intruding on any of us.” Antonio asked the group aloud.

“I don’t have any problems with it. Any of you girls have any problems with the idea?” Sophie asked the group.

No objections were raised from anyone. Some of the others did have some other comments though.

“Darling, I should hope we can pay you back in some way though. I could never forgive myself for not paying you back for all the hospitality you are showing us.” Isabella voiced her worries.

Again, the guys looked at each other before answering.

“Well, if you insist, we can attempt to get you employment at our respective jobs to help with the bills. That may not work out though.” Lucas told them all.

“Are ya sure it’s alright for a gal and a guy our age ta be living together alone?” Zoe asked.

“I’m certainly not one for lying much, but there aint nothing wrong with twisting the truth a bit if the situation requires it. Sometimes people are just a bit happier with only a bit o’ tha truth.” Dan interjected, quickly remedying the worry that had begun to sprout up.

“Why can’t we get our own places and jobs? Huh? Huh? Huh?” Lucy asked.

“The bit system you’re used to is quite a bit different from the system we use. It’d be tough just to learn the basics to then be able pay the bills. Plus, I couldn’t forgive myself if I just let any of you walk away without all the help I can offer.” Ben told them.

“Anything else?” Antonio paused, waiting. When he saw no objections, he continued on. “Alright then. We should get going back down this mountain before it gets any later. We do have quite a lot to do over the next few days.” Antonio finished, heading towards the path they had taken to get up the mountain.

On the way down the mountain, the guys and girls stayed as a separate group except when one or the other needed some help. While they were all at the back, the guys decided on a few things.

“I’m quitting the show. No need to keep watching when ya got a real life Rainbow Dash.” Lucas told them.

They all agreed that the show was basically irrelevant from then on. Real life ponies they agreed are by far the best ponies.

“I was thinking we call off tha weekly meet-ups for a while. We’re all gonna be mighty busy just getting them accustomed to tha world. We can meet up once we’re all a might more settled.” Dan voiced to them.

It was agreed that weekly meet-ups would be more of a hassle than a help at first. They would meet once they had major news or once they were all well off again.

“Let’s not forget about each other. We won’t be able to hang or communicate for a long time, but let’s never forget. Even if it’s a year from now, let’s all still meet-up at least one last time.” Ben announced.

Never forget your friends. A life lesson that everyone eventually earns and that no one should ever forget. They agreed on at least one last meeting in the future.

By the time all was said and decided, the group and the Six had reached the bottom of the mountain and their respective transportation. Each of the girls was quite impressed by the setup the guys had.

“Who owns the bikes?” Sophie asked.

“Motorbike is mine. Dirt bike is Dan’s.” Lucas told her.

“Not exactly the most common choice, but it gets me where I need ta go.” Dan added.

“Oliver has the Van. I own the Ferrari. The Prius is Noah’s. And Ben has the Mini.” Antonio explained to them all.

As Antonio finished explaining who owned what vehicle to the girls, the two groups looked at each other before they gathered together again to say their respective farewells.

“It’s not ‘goodbye.’ It’s just ‘we’ll see you later.’ I’ll cater us a huge party when we get back together.” Ben explained.

“Definitely. You’ll be hearing enough about me I’m sure. Racing is gonna pick up soon.” Lucas told them, looking away near the end.

“Any of you ever want a book, you know where to go.” Noah added.

“Look me up if ya ever want a ride on ma horses.” Dan said. “Although I know it’s not for everyone.”

“I’m the guy you see for clothes. 20% discount for friends.” Antonio voiced.

“Any of you ever need or want a pet, come by the clinic.” Oliver finished.

Whilst the guys finished their farewells, the Six were also finishing theirs.

“I’ll miss you girls. You’ll all always be my PFF’s though no matter what okay?” Meghan told them.

“Never forget that sugarcube. We’re still connected by these though aren’t we?” Zoe asked them, indicating her Element.

“We’re still connected even without them darling. And we always will be.” Isabella stated.

“I built a reputation as Rainbow Dash. Now I just gotta build one as Sophie. Look out for me girls.” Sophie announced.

“I’ll throw us all a super duper party when we get back together. It’s a Pinkie Promise.” Lucy added.

“Bye girls. Come by to visit for any reason.” Alice finished.

The girls shared a last group hug as all the guys shook each other hands. It was an emotional time for everyone. Within 5 minutes, they were all in their vehicles, ready to go. Life won’t wait around for anybody.

“Hold on tight Sophie. This is a whole different kind of speed.” Lucas told Sophie, making sure she put his spare helmet on as he revved the Rainbow Bolt.

“So. Awesome!” Sophie yelled as they took off back towards downtown.

“Dirt bikes ain’t exactly made for two. Ya can sit on ma lap though…If that’s not weird for ya I mean.” Dan added quickly, worried he’d sounded too forward.

“I-I got no real problems with it. I mean, we gotta get to your place right?” Zoe asked.

“Yup. Hold on tight though.” Dan told Applejack as she sat down.

“That I can do without worry.” Zoe told Dan, taking fierce hold of him as they started up the mountain on a different path.

“We have a bit longer of a drive ahead of us Alice. I just happen to live more on the outskirts of town.” Oliver explained to Alice, starting the Van and backing out onto the road that would connect with the highway.

“T-That’s fine. After all, I live near the edge of town too.” Alice told Oliver, smiling at the end.

“I know you’re no Rainbow Dash fanatic about speed, but I hope you don’t abhor it either Isabella. I live in an area not easily accessible.” Antonio explained as he tested the gas and brake pedals respectively, preparing to go on Isabella’s word.

“There’s nothing wrong with the occasional bout of speed. Watching the Wonderbolt’s was quite intoxicating, so I know that I’m fine with high speeds.” Isabella told Antonio, almost immediately after feeling the wind through her hair as they were off on their way.

“I’m sure you’ll quite enjoy where I live and work Meghan.” Noah told Meghan, while he fired up his Prius, secretly hoping all the while that it didn’t stall. It had used to be his fathers after all and hadn’t been that reliable even back then.

“I look very forward to it.” Meghan told Noah, relaxing in the seat as she did.

“Unfortunately Lucy, we can’t go to where I work today. It’s closed by now. But my home’s not worse than it. It’s just slightly less fun.” Ben voiced to Lucy as he set about getting on the road to his place, always glad that he had a Mini for the way he drove.

“I’ll have to try and fix that then.” Lucy told Ben, winking at the end.

Each of the Elements of Harmony. Each of the Elements of Earth. All of them off on their own adventures. Will they ever intermix again? Only time will tell.