• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 2,734 Views, 31 Comments

The Elements of Earth - Tyler-the-Brony

The Elements journey to a strange world, and then to their home, with the love they always wanted.

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Chapter 4: Explaining

“We were never denying you answers before now Rainbow Dash. We just thought that it might be a better idea to explain everything to everypony in one go.” Ben told them.

“How do y’all know our names?” Applejack asked.

“Yes. I was wondering that too. You also seemed to have a bit of knowledge on our personalities and past experiences too.” Twilight added.

The group of guys looked at each other first, and then proceeded to go about answering the questions.

“All right. We can tell you that. But first you have to keep very open minds. Do you understand?” Antonio asked, looking to each pony.

Once all of the Mane Six had nodded, Noah decided to begin the explanations.

“In Equestria, is there a theory written that says there are an infinite number of parallel universes in which each is different from the prime in small or large ways?” Noah asked them.

All of the girls looked to Twilight, who was certain to know if such a thing really did exist in Equestria.

“Why yes there is. It’s called the ‘Horseshoe Theory’, defining all created universes as being created in the same image as the original but having slight alterations due to the impossibility of full copying.” Twilight explained.

Noah seemed to visibly exhale a bit at that news.

“Good. Knowing that you do have a theory like that in Equestria will save a bit of time in explanation. Well, the same theory is true here except in our universe it is called the String Theory.” Noah explained, waiting for all of his words to sink in.

“Excuse me darling.” Rarity began. “But I must have misunderstood you. I thought I heard you say ‘in our universe’ and ask if there was in fact such a thing as that theory in ‘Equestria’?” Rarity concluded, seeing the other ponies nod as they too came to the conclusion.

Antonio chose to speak up this time.

“I’m afraid you didn’t mishear him. While this may look like Equestria where we are now, it is not. This place is called Earth, the home of the human race, who we are members of.” Antonio finished.

This time, the silence stretched much longer. Strangely, it was Pinkie Pie who chose to speak up first this time.

“But you can’t be humans.” Pinkie started. “You’re clearly ponies, like we are. How can you be ponies and humans? What is a human anyway?” Pinkie asked, tilting her head at the end.

“I’m afraid this is where mostly guess work and general inquiries must take over. We believe that the Elements of Harmony brought you hear from Equestria, and that the resulting expelled energy changed us temporarily from humans to ponies due to Equestrian energy temporarily overwhelming Earthly energy.” Oliver explained.

“I’m willing ta believe that.” Applejack spoke up, seeing her fellow ponies turn to look at her quizzically.

“You believe all that Applejack? B-But it doesn’t seem to make much sense.” Fluttershy questioned.

“Ah rightly agree it don’t make much sense, but when have tha Elements ever really made sense? They do all sorts a things that defy logic. Who’s ta say this hasn’t happened before to previous Bearers?” Applejack voiced her reasoning, seeing nods in return.

“But,” Rainbow spoke up. “That still doesn’t explain how they know who we are so well.”

“I can answer that.” Dan answered. “Ya see, while humans aren’t known in your world, ponies are known in ours through fiction. In our world, y’all aint nothing more than something in imaginations.” Dan finished, waiting for it to sink in.

Most surprisingly, it was Fluttershy who would speak up next from the Mane Six.

“O-Okay. I s-suppose that makes sense. S-So what do we all do now? T-Twilight?” Fluttershy asked, turning towards her friend.

Twilight pondered that question for a moment, her hoof on her chin.

“I suppose that if it was the Elements that brought us here, it’s the Elements that can send us back.” Twilight answered.

“Great! Let’s go now!” Rainbow perked up almost immediately.

“I’m afraid there’s a snag with that theory Rainbow. It takes about 3 months to fully recharge the Elements after you activate their power.” Twilight told her friends, seeing their spirits fall.

“I’m sorry to have to voice this, but you mean 3 months in Equestria right?” Ben interjected.

All the ponies of the Mane Six turned towards him, confusion clear on their faces.

“Well, yes. Why do you ask such a thing darling?” Rarity asked Ben.

Noah cleared his throat and chose to address this question himself.

“It may not mean anything. But let me ask you this. Since Twilight first came to Ponyville and when Cadance and Shining Armor got married. How much time was it between those events?” Noah asked the Mane Six.

The group gathered together for a moment to figure out just how much time had indeed passed. After a few moments of debate, it was Twilight who had the answer.

“It’s been just over 15 months since I arrived and when my brother got married. Why do you ask? How long has it been here?” Twilight asked.

“It’s been nearly 3 years here.” Lucas announced to everypony present.

The silence that followed that comment was the longest yet. Noah knew he must be the one to break it.

“That means that, if it takes 3 months for the Elements to recharge in Equestria, it will take 8 or more months here.” Noah said solemnly.

“What tha hay are we supposed ta do for 8 or more months here? We ain’t got any knowledge here or places to stay! This-“Applejack was prepared to continue her rant, except a huge wind suddenly picked up out of nowhere.

This wind was not the strength of a hurricane, but nor was it just a gentle breeze. It rustled everything, seeming to shake the shapes of things themselves. As the wind approached them, it was Ben who first knew what it was.

“Looks like its human time again.” Ben said bluntly.

After that comment, the wind overtook them, peeling everything away. If felt as though parts of themselves were leaving their bodies to the guys and the Mane Six. The wind thrashed them for what felt like hours. Eventually, it chose to finally move onward, leaving the groups alone.

Lucas was the first to rise and look around, first at the ground and then at his hands, which was when he noticed that he did indeed have hands again instead of hooves.

“Well you sure weren’t wrong Ben. This whole place, including us, is back to the way it was when we first got here.” Lucas explained to the group, seeing the rest of them rise and check their respective surroundings and bodies.

“It’s not like I didn’t enjoy being a pony and all, but I sure did miss this height and ma hands.” Dan added.

“Well, whoopee for you.” Rainbow spoke up from behind all the guys.

Upon hearing her voice, the guys turned around to again survey the Mane Six. What they saw shocked them. They had known that they would now be humans like they were, but not like this. The guys all had but one thought on their minds as they looked at them initially.

“They’re beautiful.”

Rainbow Dash was dressed in a cyan tank top, skinny jeans and sneakers. She had earrings that were colored and shaped like her Cutie Mark, the necklace of the Element of Loyalty which had been resized to her new height and size, as well as her signature Rainbow-colored hair, which was now mildly spiky. She had grown taller, to come just short of Lucas’ height overall.

Fluttershy was in a yellow sundress and low white heels. She was attempting to hold down the hem of her dress and her long pink hair as they were both attempting to blow out of her control. She too still wore the necklace of her Element of Kindness. Surveying her from a distance, Oliver though that she must be close to his height, probably surpassing it in high heels.

Twilight was sporting a red shirt with a purple blazer over top it and a green waterfall skirt below. She wore flat shoes as well as two different earrings, which she was temporarily hiding behind her hair, which was much shorter as a human. One was of Owloysius, and the other was of Spike. Twilight’s Element of Magic had elected to shift into a bracelet to be more wearable as a human. She was just short of Noah’s height now as well.

Rarity was in a white low cut dress with a purple stripe around the waist. She wore a locket around her neck in addition to the Element of Generosity. Rarity’s hair was straight on Earth, and not curled as it usually was. She was also the only pony in high heels; Stiletto’s even, which she wore with ease despite this being her technical first time doing so. She was even with Antonio in height.

Applejack was wearing a red and yellow plaid shirt over a pair of Daisy Dukes. She wore ankle boots and was the tallest of the Mane Six, coming near to Dan’s height. Her hair was still in its signature ponytail, although her hair was far longer as a human. She too had her Element of Honesty around her neck.

Pinkie Pie was dressed in a simple pink penny tee and a mini-skirt while wearing flip flops on her feet. On Earth, her hair was less poufy and was instead curlier. Pinkie was the shortest of the Mane Six, probably still being shorter than Ben even in high heels. She still had her Element of Laughter too, same as all the others.

“Well, I was expecting this ta feel weird. But it aint as weird as I thought’d be by far.” Applejack spoke up while looking over her new body.

“At least we won’t openly stick out to other people like this.” Twilight said, adjusting her new hair as she did.

“Don’t be too open about yourselves though.” Antonio spoke up, adjusting his glasses as they had shifted in the wind.

“Why not…I’m sorry but I never got any of you names.” Pinkie spoke up, laughing as she began bouncing as a human.

“We’ll get to names shortly. Antonio is right though. Your ‘characters’ in our world are known across the world. If it somehow gets out who you really are, you’ll be harassed night and day for different reasons.” Oliver elaborated.

“How are we to prevent such a terrible thing?” Rarity asked, while enjoying the look and feel of her dress.

“I elect that you all attempt to wear your hair different, don’t dress too often in your coat’s colors, and call yourselves by new and different names.” Noah suggested.

“That seems reasonable. We should pick our new names now shouldn’t we?” Rainbow asked, while feeling the new style of her hair.

“Right. Do y’all mind if we pick em out? I mean, I know y’all are able to do stuff as humans just as we could as ponies, but we have been humans a might longer than y’all have.” Dan told them.

“I-I don’t mind. Do any of you girls?” Fluttershy asked around, seeing no negative feedback. She was calming down now that she was used to the feeling of her dress.

“Excellent. Simply give us a few moments please.” Noah asked, seeing nods in return.

The guys huddled together for around 15 minutes. After that, they separated, having chosen names for each of the Mane Six. Each of their respective counterparts decided to tell them.