• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 2,730 Views, 31 Comments

The Elements of Earth - Tyler-the-Brony

The Elements journey to a strange world, and then to their home, with the love they always wanted.

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Chapter 7: Eight Months of Books

“Here we are.” Noah announced as he pulled into the driveway next to what was his store as well as his home.

Meghan instantly sprang to attention, having been distracted by the various architectural aspects of the city around her in the drive.

“You live here? But…this is a bookstore isn’t it?” Meghan asked Noah as they both exited the Prius and Noah took out his keys.

“The shop is the downstairs section. Upstairs is my house. The store was my grandfather’s. I inherited it from him in his will three years ago.” Noah explained as he showed Twilight through both sections of the house.

“I must say that human literature certainly looks interesting. May I borrow some of these from you at some point?” Twilight asked as she surveyed all the shelves upon shelves of books in the establishment.

“Certainly Meghan. In fact, I was wondering if you might like a job here.” Noah asked Meghan as he set about turning on the lights in his house.

“Oh! I would love to work here! When can I start?” Meghan asked Noah as she took to taking down the occasional book from its shelf.

“You can start tomorrow. I definitely have time to train you. I have a very small cliental at the moment, and they have already been in this week.” Noah told Meghan, catching her worried expression in the mirror set beside him.

“That’s quite sad. So many books without a home.” Meghan spoke up, worry clear on her face.

“Pay it no mind Meghan. I make more than enough to pay the bills, and I am certain that I will send each of these books home with someone at some point in time.” Noah explained himself, seeing Meghan brighten up again.

“That’s good. Do you mind if I ask where I will be staying?” Meghan asked Noah, seeing that he had finished turning on lights and lighting candles.

“Certainly. Follow me to the Guest Room.” Noah informed Meghan, offering his hand to Meghan to lead her.

The Guest Room was only a short ways off from the rest of the upstairs house. It was small, but not uncomfortably so. Noah immediately set about apologizing for various things.

“I do apologize for the size of the room and the amount of dust. I do not often entertain company here and thus don’t often use this room. I do hope it’s okay for you. If not, do feel free to use my bedroom and allow me to stay here in you stead.” Noah rambled, seeing Meghan move to shush him.

“It’s more than acceptable Noah. I am just happy to already have someplace to call my ‘home on Earth.’” Meghan told Noah, smiling at him all the while.

Noah felt himself relax and smile back for the first time in a very long while. Raising himself had not been easy and he did not often feel it appropriate to relax in front of others. His friends, and now apparently Meghan, were the exceptions.

“Well, it is getting late and I do open the shop early. I must get to bed soon. Is there anything I can do for you or get you before I do though?” Noah asked Meghan, surveying her for any misleading actions in her response. Noah was well trained at these things.

“W-Well I wouldn’t want to be an imposition on you. You’re already doing so much for me.” Meghan answered Noah, all the while crossing her hands and looking at her feet.

“Meghan dear, you are no imposition. Your being here has given me an employee as well as a roommate. I am quite happy you’re here. I ask again now if you need anything.” Noah answered Meghan, smiling again.

“Well, if you insist, I wouldn’t mind a cup of tea.” Meghan told Noah, blushing mildly at his overwhelming hospitality.

“Of course. I do have only Green Tea at the moment, but I will pick up more varieties tomorrow. Do you take your tea with honey or sugar or cream?” Noah asked Meghan, stopping at the door to what was now Meghan’s room.

“I do prefer to take my tea with honey. Thank you again Noah.” Meghan told Noah, blushing an even deeper red.

“I will return shortly.” Noah nodded at Meghan, leaving to brew her tea.

Noah felt an odd joy in making tea tonight. He himself usually partook of a cup a day, but brewing it for someone else in addition to himself made him feel happy. He wondered why he felt such emotions, and decided to question it further while enjoying his own cup of tea.

It took a very short while for the water to boil for the tea, the stove having a faulty element that heated unusually fast. Noah often though he should get it fixed, but then he considered the frequency at which he drank tea and decided it was more of a help than a hassle.

Within 15 minutes of leaving, Noah was back at Meghan’s room with her tea. He knew that it was indeed his house and technically his room, but Antonio had taught him to always knock no matter what the situation.

“Meghan? I have your tea here.” Noah spoke as he knocked on the door.

“Oh sorry! Just a moment and I will get the door.” Meghan answered from the other side of the door.

Noah heard a slight shifting for a moment, and then Meghan appeared in front of him again. She had taken off her earrings and blazer to relax it seems. She still wore the Element of Magic around her wrist though.

“Thank you so much Noah. I didn’t expect you back so soon. You have almost unicorn speed at brewing tea.” Meghan told Noah, while straightening her hair out.

Noah was unable to speak for a moment. Looking at Meghan in this state, he felt something boil up inside him. He had never experienced emotions such as these before and was unsure of how to react to them. He decided it was best to act normal until he could be alone with his thoughts.

“It’s a skill I gained due to living alone most of my life. Thank you for the compliment though Meghan.” Noah responded to Meghan, becoming more his usual with each word.

Meghan took her tea and proceeded to test it. It turned out to be a good thing that Noah had allowed it to cool some as Meghan appeared to enjoy her tea as mostly hot, but not right out of the kettle.

“Well Meghan. I’m off to bed now. Come downstairs to the store whenever you wake up tomorrow and we can begin your training.” Noah told Meghan, waving and turning to leave.

“Thank you Noah. I’ll make sure to do just that. Goodnight.” Meghan said, closing her own door again.

Noah stood frozen in the hallway for a few moments though, unsure of how to react. He had not heard the word “Goodnight” uttered in his house since before his mother had left and his father had died. Eventually, almost waking from a trance, Noah set about extinguishing most of the lights, leaving only a few on for necessary navigation at night. He then proceeded to go to his own room with his tea and his thoughts.

“What are these feeling I have when I look at Meghan and think about her?” Noah thought aloud, as was his custom. He had learned a long time ago that speaking to one’s self is the best way to rationalize thoughts.

Noah stayed in silent thought for a long time, being entirely unsure of something for the first time in his life. He thought perhaps that his friends might be able to help him in this situation.

“No. They would all be asleep by now. And how am I to get an answer from them when I can’t properly describe my situation even to myself?” Noah asked himself, beginning to pace.

Noah took periodic sips from his tea, finding that it helped mildly. He had never made tea this good before now.

“Is it because I thought about Meghan when I made it?” Noah voiced the thought, not pushing it to the side as he might usually.

Everything did seem to be stemming from Meghan’s presence in the house; the great tasting tea, the odd feelings in Noah’s stomach, the confusion at the word “Goodnight.” It was all from her. This wasn’t a blame game. It was simple realization of fact.

“Do I…like her? Or is it stronger? Is this…love?” Noah asked himself.

It couldn’t be love. Not this soon anyway. Noah wasn’t one to believe in ‘love at first sight’, even though this wasn’t the technical first time he was seeing Meghan. He had fallen in ‘love’ with her as Twilight on the show. But that was mere fandom was it not?

“I don’t understand this. Perhaps it’s better if I simply observe this for now. I can then come to the conclusion of ‘love’ or whatever this is later.” Noah told himself, quelling the other irrational thoughts that were springing up from his denial.

Noah laid down to go to sleep, his mind and tea cup both empty. Tomorrow would be a new day and one more fit for logical observation. At least that is what Noah initially believed.


Noah woke up early as was his routine, brewed himself some green tea in lieu of coffee, and prepared to open the shop. Nothing extraneous was needed to open the store. All one had to do was unlock the front door, turn on the lights and cash register, and turn the sign to read Open.

Noah took down a book from the Romance section, as was not his usual, to further research the idea of ‘love’ through the use of other logical minds like his own. It quickly turned out that the book was far more graphic than informative, and by skipping some of the greatly detailed parts, Noah had finished 4 of them by the time Meghan came down the stairs.

“Good morning Noah. What have you got there?” Meghan inquired, pointing at the book Noah was currently about to finish entitled ‘A Whaler and His Two Great Loves.’

“Trivial, uninformative, badly written drabble. If it weren’t for the fact that I have reliable customers who buy these, I would burn them.” Noah told Meghan, putting down the novel, if it could even be called such a thing.

“Okay. Well, how will my training begin?” Meghan asked Noah, appearing confused at first over Noah’s comment and then happy at the prospect of her training.

“I suppose I should teach you my organizational system. Follow me. You’re a librarian, so I’m sure this will come naturally to you.” Noah motioned to Meghan for her to follow him.

Meghan quickly followed behind Noah, making notes as he told her which Section was where, where they blended with one another, and what Sub-Sections were classified where. It turned out to be based fairly similarly to the Dewey/ Hoofey Decimal System. This made it all the easier for Meghan to learn.

After explaining how he had organized the store, Noah set about explaining the cash register as well as the whole human legal tender system. This took quite a while, as the bit system was far simpler than the one legal tender system humanity had adopted as its own. Eventually, thanks to many notes, Meghan had at least the basics learned.

“There’s unfortunately not much else to teach you. My store is really quite simple in design. I prefer it that way though. I would much rather deal with a small loyal crowd then work with many strangers as part of a larger corporation.” Noah finished, seeing Meghan nod as she too related to Noah in this regard.

“I’ve never been one for the larger chains either. I find it far better to support the smaller businesses overall.” Meghan added, feeling glad in her assertiveness.

“I must say Meghan, I’m impressed at how similar we are. We think, act, and even work alike. It’s quite refreshing for someone like me.” Noah stated, feeling surprised and glad that he could tell Meghan so much of his former merely personal thoughts.

Meghan smiled at Noah, making him feel the same feeling he had while brewing tea last night and when he had seen her in her relaxed state. He began to subconsciously think that perhaps love wasn’t as far off from these feelings as he believed it was.

“Oh yes Meghan. Staff of the Owl’s Nest are very welcome to read whatever books they please while they are on their shifts, and receive a 30 percent discount when buying books after their shifts. I thought you might enjoy knowing that.” Noah added, seeing Meghan light up even more at the prospect of being able to read as much human literature as she wanted.

“Well Meghan, I am going to brew a cup of tea for myself as we appear to have no customers. I assume you would like one as well?” Noah turned to head upstairs, waiting for Meghan’s answer.

“Oh. Yes, if it wouldn’t imposition you I would love a cup of tea. I will let you know if a customer happens to come by.” Meghan blushed as she answered Noah, bowing while she did so for some reason.

“Certainly. I will be right back.” Noah told her, feeling the unexplainable happiness once more.

The strange happiness was quickly becoming a constant part of Noah’s life. Noah was also quickly becoming joyous over this fact as well.


“There you go Madame Busher. One copy of ‘The Journey of the Jeweler.’ I do hope you enjoy it and hope to see you again soon.” Meghan told the older woman as she finished checking her out.

“Thank you my dear Meghan. You’ll be certain to see me again quite soon so long as you continue to keep having an uncanny ability for recommending great novels to me. Ta-ta!” Madame Busher told Meghan, waving to her as she exited the store.

The cliental for Noah’s store, The Owl’s Nest, had nearly tripled in the six months Meghan had been working there. What Madame Busher had said was indeed true; Meghan did really have a gift for recommending books that made people come back to the store to hear more of her suggestions. She was quickly becoming even more popular than the owner.

Noah had enjoyed every moment of working with Meghan, having become well acquainted with the atmosphere and feelings she brought when she entered the room. People who had known Noah before would swear that he was an entirely different man now.

Noah had also come to terms with the fact that he had romantic feelings directed towards Meghan. Four months of denial had done nothing but deny the man he was now. Now, two months after his realization, he was preparing to ask Meghan out on a date for the first time. He had come to notice, in the two months of watching her with romantic interest, that she often blushed or acted clumsily when Noah would talk to her or help her with some of her tasks. He felt almost certain that Meghan had an inkling of feelings towards him as well.

As Meghan was closing the store and Noah was lighting the candles that replaced the destroyed lights, Noah decided that it was now or never if he were going to ask out Meghan. As he lit the last candle and Meghan looked the door, he decided to go and approach her.

“Um Meghan?” Noah began, surprised at his own nervousness.

“Yes Noah?” Meghan replied, feeling herself become slightly flustered as Noah began to talk to her.

“I was wondering if, maybe, you wouldn’t mind going out to dinner with me?” Noah asked, glad to feel his old bubble of pressure pop, but scared as a bigger one took its place.

Meghan was unsure of what to say. Meghan had indeed thought that Noah was not interested in her romantically, unlike how she was interested in him. Meghan had merely expected him to ask her if she wanted tea as he usually did around closing. After a few minutes of silence, Meghan had her answer.

“I’d love to Noah.” Meghan told Noah, feeling her face flush brighter than it ever had before.

“You would? Really?” Noah asked, not daring to believe his own great amount of luck in a single lifetime.

“Yes really. I always sort of secretly hoped you’d ask me out to dinner.” Meghan shifted uncomfortably, feeling odd at finally revealing her thoughts to Noah.

“I’m extremely happy you said that Meghan. In fact, I don’t think merely happy describes it. I feel almost giddy at that news.” Noah told Meghan, feeling his confidence strengthen with each word.

“I feel almost giddy too.” Meghan told Noah, smiling the brightest she ever had.

“Shall we go then?” Noah offered his arm to Meghan, hoping that she was still sure of her answer to his question of dinner.

“Yes. Let’s be off.” Meghan replied, as she took his arm and walked out with Noah to the same Prius that had delivered her to her first crush, and was now taking her out on her first date.

If only Meghan had known what Equestria was like at the moment. She would not be in the dark for long though. The Element of Magic would see to that.


Meghan awoke screaming, the image of her nightmare still haunting her vision and her right wrist burning. Within moments, Noah was in the room, bearing a lamp and a horrified expression.

“Meghan! What happened? Tell me.” Noah demanded as he sat down next to Meghan on her bed.

“Discord…Chrysalis…They were attacking Canterlot and Ponyville. Equestria was being destroyed.” Meghan told Noah, turning to let him hold her, needing the comfort then.

“It’s okay. It was just a dream right?” Noah asked Meghan, fearing the worst.

“I don’t think so. Look at this,” Meghan indicated the Element of Magic she still wore around her wrist. It was burning red hot. “I think the Elements are letting me know that we need to go back, or else we might never be able to.” Meghan finished, prepared for the damage her words would bring.

“Okay then. Let’s go get the others and go. I know where they all live. We can be ready within the hour.” Noah began to stand up as he said this, until he noticed that Meghan was no longer looking at him.

“We…we can’t do that.” Meghan whispered, beginning to feel the tears.

“Why not? You know as well as I do that the Elements once transformed us all into ponies. It can do the same thing again can’t it?” Noah begged Meghan to answer, already secretly knowing the answer in his heart.

“The Elements of Harmony never react the same way twice. I realized that when we defeated Discord. We’d never be able to transform you guys into ponies again. And the Elements will only open the portal back to Equestria to us, like they did last time. None of you can come with us.” Meghan finished, feeling her tears fully stream down her face now.

“Then we can….Or we could….But….” Noah began, unable to form proper thoughts. For the first time in his life, Noah was rendered speechless.

“I’m sorry. I never thought that this would happen. I wish it never had. I really do.” Meghan spoke up, attempting to touch Noah’s arm to comfort him. Noah jerked away from her touch though.

“Well? Shouldn’t you get going?” Noah asked, anger and sadness equal in his voice.

“Going?” Meghan asked, confused at Noah’s question.

“Yeah. To warn and tell the others. I’m guessing the glow of the Element of Magic also indicates that you’ve gotten some of your powers back. Teleporting should be possible at least.” Noah told Meghan, trying to not look at her so that his face wouldn’t betray his words.

“I-I guess you’re right. But…” Meghan paused, unsure of how to breach the issue. “Aren’t you going to ask me to stay with you instead of going back?” Meghan finished, unsure of how she had sounded when she said that.

“I can’t do that to you Megh…Twilight. You’re an Equestria Native. I can’t ask you to abandon all the people in your own world just for me. I wish I could, but I’m just not that cruel.” Noah explained, feeling his own tears begin to set in.

Meghan stood up from her bed to embrace Noah. Noah returned the embrace with even more emotion, knowing this would be probably his last chance to hold Twilight.

“These last 2 months have been the best of my life. I can’t believe I got to love someone like you. Please, even when you’re back in Equestria, don’t forget me. I know I’ll never forget you.” Noah begged Twilight, feeling her nod while they continued the embrace.

Once Noah finished speaking, he heard and felt the same wind he had 8 months ago. The same wind that had found them in the field and changed everyone back into humans. As he felt the wind pick up, he held onto Twilight even harder, knowing he had only moments left to do so. Within a few seconds, Noah felt his arms grasp only pure air and heard the wind die away completely.

Noah stayed in that stance for hours, not daring to move from the last place he had felt Twilight. He knew that she wouldn’t come back no matter how hard he hoped, but right now his mind wasn’t fully working. Especially due to the two lumps he felt on his person.

The first lump was the one in his throat. This prevented Noah from screaming to the Heavens in denial, daring them to take away anything else. He knew that would also not help to bring Twilight back.

The second lump was the one in his pocket. It was the ring he had gotten only yesterday for Twilight. Noah had intended to give it to her tomorrow, on their two month anniversary. He was going to give her his heart, the heart she had made him feel again, completely and utterly. He had known she wouldn’t say no.

He hadn’t told her. Even in their last moments, Noah hadn’t been able to tell Twilight everything he felt for her. The opportunity was lost, and another one would never come again.

Noah collapsed on the bed Twilight had occupied mere minutes ago. He just couldn’t deal with anything anymore. Had he the means, he would have ended himself then and there. Instead, he set about going to make tea.

Tea was his last fallback. It was all Noah had left. Not the store, not the Prius. Not anything else was his anymore. The universe could have it all. It had already taken everything else that mattered to Noah from him.

Little did Noah know, but even more would soon leave him. Reason would soon be forever lost to him, if it was not already gone from his life at this moment.