• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 2,730 Views, 31 Comments

The Elements of Earth - Tyler-the-Brony

The Elements journey to a strange world, and then to their home, with the love they always wanted.

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Chapter 18: The Elements Abound

“And how do you intend to defeat us? All your powers have done so far is remove us from Canterlot. If you can do no more than that, then your attempts here are as pointless as the ponies attempts before you.” Discord challenged the mysterious beings before him who he now knew were called Humans.

“Y’all don’t really believe that was all the power we had now do ya?” Dan asked, stepping free of the confines of his bulb, the bulb itself dissipating but leaving a light aura around Dan’s person.

“You don’t have any inkling of our true power yet. But we’re more than happy to show it to you all the same.” Noah continued, gliding smoothly from his bulb to join Dan.

“You’re bluffing. No creature in this world or any other is strong enough to defeat us and our forces.” Chrysalis taunted the Humans before her, hoping to dishearten them as she did indeed fear their mysterious power.

“Send your forces over here and prove that idea.” Ben replied, freeing himself from his own bulb as well and landing near the others.

“Unless you’re all scared to that is. In which case, just go away of your own free will please.” Oliver added, disappearing from his sphere to reappear a short ways away with the others.

“Very well. We shall do just that then.” Discord yelled back at the Humans, clearly letting anger slip through his words.

“We’re here and waiting for you to try it.” Lucas yelled back, having leapt from his own bulb down towards the others now.

“Attack my Changelings! Destroy these ‘humans’ now!” Chrysalis screeched, urging her forces forward towards the humans who now defended the entirety of Equestria.

“Oh goodie. A warm up.” Antonio spoke up from his place next to the others, having freed himself same as all the others by now.

“So which one of you want to speak up first? This is an important decision to make.” Noah questioned the group, appearing completely unfazed at the hordes of Changelings that were quickly approaching.

“I’ll go first if y’all have no objections.” Dan replied, stepping slightly ahead of the others.

As the first group of Changelings approached Canterlot’s barriers again, Dan closed his eyes to tap into the power he now knew he possessed in Equestria. The aura of Dan’s power shifted from white to orange as he did so, with large tendrils of red snaking off from his core to strike the Changelings away.

“I’m here for Applejack. I let her go in ma world cause she needed ta go and protect her family, and I felt I still had ta protect my own family too. I learned before coming here though that ma family’ll be fine without me there. Family’s important, but it aint always the most important thing. Here in Equestria and Earth, I’m tha one and only Element of Obligation.” Dan told everypony, his human form dissolving before everypony’s eyes to become the form it was always meant to be.

Dan had become an earth pony again, even more magnificent then before. Dan stood nearly as tall as Celestia herself, possessing a tan colored coat and a chestnut colored mane. Dan’s Cutie Mark was that of an orange apple with a red ribbon tied around it. The hair ribbon that Dan had received from Applejack transformed too within the magic of the Element of Obligation, snaking mildly up Dan’s left front hoof to form a single glove of sorts.

Another wave of Changelings was quickly approaching, encouraging Ben to step forward next to defeat them. Ben’s aura shifted to a rose color with a large burst of energy coming forward from it to strike many of the Changeling’s away.

“Pinkie Pie is the reason I’m here now. Pinkie taught me to not deny anything, but to accept anything and everything before your eyes as pure and not always so simple fact. I’m not great at explaining all this, but I hope you understand it all enough. I’m here as the Element of Acceptance.” Ben announced, his human form becoming that of a stallion too.

Ben had become an earth pony stallion too, though one not nearly as tall as Dan. Ben possessed a rose colored coat with a blonde mane, a stark contrast as it appeared to many of the ponies present. Ben’s Cutie Mark was that of a question mark with an X drawn through it. Ben’s memories of Pinkie’s Cupcake and her ring allowed a representation of them to appear as the Element of Acceptance, represented as a shield-like object on Ben’s right front hoof.

Yet more Changelings remained to attack though, urging Lucas to come forward next. Lucas’ aura became the color of ocean blue, with multiple rapid bolts of various colors coming off of it to strike many Changelings individually at such a speed that it appeared as a single attack on the group at large.

“Rainbow Dash. The one and only reason I came here to Equestria. Rainbow Dash taught me that wining and racing are both pointless without a reason to do them. I know my reason isn’t exactly the most philosophical thing many of you have ever heard, but it’s good enough for me. The Element of Inclusion is who I am now.” Lucas spoke up, repeating the process of his two earlier friends.

Lucas became a Pegasus stallion even Blueblood envied. Lucas possessed an ocean blue coat and wings with a jet black mane. Lucas’ Cutie Mark was that of two side by side racing stripes, the first being black like his mane and the second being colored like a rainbow. Lucas’ bike reappeared to assume the form of his Element of Inclusion, shifting to the form of an aerodynamic saddle that attached itself to Lucas, even with the exhaust pipes still connected at the end.

Still more Changelings came, though fear was becoming more apparent on some of their features as they watched their brethren fall before the new Elements. Antonio stepped up next to fight. Antonio’s aura did not shift in color, remaining pure white, but it had grown in size at Antonio’s focus. Antonio attack came in the form of a pulse much like the ones from early, except that this one passed over many of the Changelings and forced them to fall, somehow defeated.

“Rarity is the pony I am here to gain back. Rarity came into my life and inspired me in such ways as I had never been before. When she left, I lost all urge and ability to create anything. My reason for this battle is love, pure and true. I represent the Element of Inspiration.” Antonio explained, shifting easily from man to pony as he did.

Antonio became a unicorn stallion befitting of a princely title. Antonio possessed a pure white coat with a horn of the same color, and a gold colored mane. Antonio’s Cutie Mark was that of a spiral of color, spreading outwards from a circle of white with a purple streak in the middle. The gold trim that had brought Antonio here shifted from the Element of Inspiration’s power, becoming a half suit of armor that covered Antonio from his shoulders to just before his Cutie Mark.

Few Changelings remained now, but their numbers were enough to still attack a couple last times. Oliver went next, prepared now for what would happen. Oliver’s aura glowed yellow before snaking away from him to surround about half the remaining Changelings and smash them into the ground below.

“Fluttershy is the pony I came for. Fluttershy came into my life quickly, and when she disappeared, I realized just how much she had affected me. I love Fluttershy, and I didn’t realize it before she left. That will never happen again. I’m here to be the Element of Ignorance.” Oliver yelled, not afraid to speak his mind as he too became a pony.

Oliver became a Pegasus stallion in that same moment. Oliver now possessed a butter yellow coat with appropriately colored wings and a blood red mane. Oliver’s Cutie mark was that of a monarch butterfly flying next to a pink butterfly. Several monarch butterflies appeared again before Oliver, this time to become the inspiration for the Element of Ignorance. The butterflies covered Oliver’s front hooves, eventually shifting into the form of a pair of boots colored like the butterflies themselves had once been.

The last of the Changelings now charged forward, looking as though they hated every moment as they did the action. Noah stepped up now to finish the Changelings. Noah’s aura shifted to grey and was expelled from him in every manner of attack imaginable at the Changelings.

“Twilight Sparkle. Need I say more to explain myself after all the others have said the same thing before me? I came here because Twilight is the single most important thing in all my life. I will not ever lose her again. I am the Element of Love!” Noah yelled, becoming the last of his friends to shift forms.

Noah became a unicorn stallion comparable to that of Shining Armor. Noah had a gray coat and likewise colored horn along with a stark white mane. Noah’s Cutie Mark was that of a heart overlying the design of Twilight’s own Cutie Mark. The ring Noah had brought with him from Earth for Twilight responded to the Element of Love’s influence, and became a helmet with the diamond now protecting Noah’s horn and the white gold protecting all of Noah’s head but his exposed face.

All before Discord and Chrysalis lay all their defeated warriors and the newly transformed and completed Elements of Earth, otherwise known as the Elements of Love. Discord and Chrysalis could not believe that they had just born witness to six ponies defeat the entirety of their forces.

As Discord and Chrysalis remained in shock, the Elements of Love set about joining up with the Elements of Harmony still above them. It took mere moments for the Elements of Love to arrive, the Elements themselves helping them to arrive swiftly.

Each of the recently publicly announced couples looked into each other’s eyes, and knew that everything that had just been said was true. As the truth was at last fully confirmed, the Elements of Love took their places next to their respective Element of Harmony.

“And now Discord and Chrysalis, you will witness all of our powers combined.” Every member of the Elements, both Love and Harmony, announced to the still shocked Discord and Chrysalis.

As each of the Elements closed their eyes and felt their powers flow forth, they also felt each other’s minds and hearts grow closer. To all the other ponies present, what was happening now was a sight beyond all imaginings.

All the separately colored powers of each of the Elements flowed forth, swirling and merging with one another until only an infinite spiral of color indicated their power. Once the spiral of color was completed, a twin burst of 12 unique colors was sent forth from its center. Each of the rainbows was only apart for a few short moments, almost immediately beginning to twist and swirl around one another to fully combine their powers for their final attack.

As Discord and Chrysalis realized only too late that neither of them had yet to attack or move, the power of the now completed Elements of Harmony made contact with them and pushed them forever from the boundaries of Equestria.

As Discord and Chrysalis were pushed to the farthest corner of Equestria, the Elements power split off in a multitude of different rainbows to collect all their subjects and seal them away forever as well. All too late did Discord and Chrysalis finally attempt to escape, realizing with great horror that they had already been sealed in stone.

The power of the Elements circled the area where Discord, Chrysalis, and all their subjects now lay sealed in stone, forming an everlasting dome that would contain them forever, even if they somehow managed to break free of their stone imprisonment charms again. Discord and Chrysalis both let go a scream that would never be heard as their last glimpse of Equestria vanished before their eyes.

Each of the Elements of Love and Harmony slowly returned to the ground, their powers at last fully spent in the last attack. As each landed on the ground and proceeded to again glimpse into each other’s eyes, a cheer erupted from Canterlot that could be heard even where Chrysalis and Discord now lay forever defeated.