• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 2,733 Views, 31 Comments

The Elements of Earth - Tyler-the-Brony

The Elements journey to a strange world, and then to their home, with the love they always wanted.

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Chapter 19: The Linked and Separate Paths of Love

Subchapter 1: The Full Afterglow of Victory

The party held in Canterlot after the defeat of Discord and Chrysalis was like what no pony present had ever seen before. Even Celestia and Luna had never attended a party such as the one Pinkie now organized amongst the streets of their city.

Spike and Philomena continued to stay with their fellow species’ during the party, enjoying the afterglow of having been the strongest and largest dragon and the most powerful phoenix respectively in the battle for a short while each. Spike would no longer dare be called half-pony by any dragon ever again after his performance earlier that day, and Philomena would become an even more respected name amongst the Phoenix.

Soarin and Spitfire regrouped with the other Wonderbolts to both celebrate the victory of the day and mourn the previous loss of Fleetfoot and the current loss of Rapidfire. Rainbow Dash, Thunderlane and Snowflake joined the Wonderbolts in their vigil, Rainbow Dash intent to not ask Spitfire about her membership offer for quite a long time thereafter.

Cherry Jubilee, Big Macintosh, Granny Smith, Flim and Flam and the Cakes were set about dispensing refreshments and food to all the partying ponies around, seeing this party as both an opportunity to celebrate their victory and an opportunity to expand their business ventures across the entirety of Canterlot all at once.

Lyra and Bon Bon stayed aside from the main celebration, instead celebrating in a smaller area of the city with ponies like Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, and Moondancer. All the ponies in this group still enjoyed themselves the same as any other pony around Canterlot, but they also were more capable of enjoying every individual pony’s presence in the group as a whole.

Trixie, Sweetie Belle, Sapphire Shores and Scootaloo were providing entertainment for the party, Sweetie Belle and Sapphire Shores being in charge of much of the music as Vinyl Scratch and Octavia were not around to be in charge otherwise. Scootaloo performed aerial tricks for everypony with mild help from her scooter as the Wonderbolts and Rainbow Dash were pre-disposed at the time. Trixie also constantly sounded her fireworks to show her love of the party and her gratitude for the Bearers of the Complete Elements of Harmony.

Chief Thunderhooves and Little Strongheart led an allowed stampede through the unoccupied streets of Canterlot in order to celebrate. Luna returned to her original form and set about enjoying the party to the maximum extent she could, still regretting having missed Cadance and Shining Armor’s wedding so long ago.

Cadance set about enjoying her time with Shining Armor and his parents, constantly counting all her blessings that each of them was still there at the end of this great war. Celestia set about placing the sun in the center of the sky permanently for the day, so that everypony might enjoy the party for that much longer.

It was the original Elements of Harmony who enjoyed this party the most out of everypony present though. Though each of them had to go to make certain that their families and friends were all still okay, the Elements of Harmony returned quickly to bask in the magical glow of each other’s true loves return.

The group stayed together in a single area as a whole, but nopony could begrudge each other for temporarily separating into their respective pairs to better enjoy each other’s return. Eventually though, the Elements of Love decide it was time to carry out their collective and individual missions.

“Twilight, I was wondering whether we might find your brother and your parents now?” Noah asked Twilight, earning the confused look he had expected and hoped for.

“Sure, but why do you want to find my brother and my parents?” Twilight questioned Noah, getting only a knowing smile in return from him.

“You’ll know soon enough. Let’s go.” Noah replied to Twilight, offering his hoof to her to follow him, even though it would ironically be Twilight who must lead Noah to her parents and Shining Armor’s location.

Lucas took to the air shortly after Noah and Twilight left, enticing Rainbow Dash to follow him back to Ponyville.

“Come on Rainbow. Let’s get out of here for a while and head towards Ponyville.” Lucas pleaded with Rainbow Dash, hoping to entice her rare but loving side for a short while.

“But everypony we know is here celebrating right now. What’s there to do in Ponyville that we can’t do here?” Rainbow questioned Lucas, seemingly not noticing Lucas dash his eyes away for a moment to look at his saddlebags.

“You’ll see. I know you hate secrets Rainbow. And if we don’t go to Ponyville, then I’m not telling you what this secret is.” Lucas enticed Rainbow further, glad to prod her competitive side out just enough to challenge him.

“You know me too well. It’s not fair.” Rainbow pouted at Lucas as she flew up to meet him in the sky.

“Life usually isn’t fair Rainbow. But I’d have to say right now is going pretty good, at least on my end.” Lucas told Rainbow, moving in quickly to give her a kiss on her mouth.

Rainbow Dash blushed profusely and attempted to hide her face from everypony she thought might be watching, but followed Lucas at her usual pace all the same as both of them flew back towards Ponyville together.

Oliver gave Lucas and Rainbow Dash a fair few minutes head start before suggesting a return to Ponyville to Fluttershy as well.

“Fluttershy. Would you like to go back to Ponyville and see if Angel and all your other animals are back yet?” Oliver asked Fluttershy, hoping that his presence combined with Fluttershy’s love of all her animals would play to his favor.

“Sure. I’m just so happy you’re back and that you love me. I’m up for anything at all.” Fluttershy replied to Oliver, moving forward to nuzzle him in a most un-Fluttershy-ish manner.

This time, it was Oliver who blushed, still unsure how exactly he had summoned the courage to say he loved Fluttershy openly to everypony in Equestria mere hours ago. Oliver and Fluttershy took to the air too, being the last two pegasi to travel away by air from Canterlot that day.

Antonio and Ben thought along the same lines, despite having not informed each other of their personal intents or the time they wished to execute them.

“Rarity dear. I’m afraid I have something of grave importance to do right now. I do hope you won’t mind my minor disappearance from you side for a short while.” Antonio spoke up, surprising Rarity at how open and forward Antonio was being with her, despite still being cryptic enough.

“Certainly darling. Sweetie Belle has been begging me to do a duet or two with her all day, so I shall set about doing just that while you go about your secretive business.” Rarity replied to Antonio, winking at him near the end as she headed towards the stage that had hastily been built to accommodate Sapphire Shores and Sweetie Belle’s performances.

Antonio set about locating Princess Luna, certain it was her who could best help him find the two ponies he needed to greatly.

On the other side of Canterlot, Ben was making a similar proposition to Pinkie Pie, hoping she might be busy enough with her party to allow him the time he needed.

“Pinkie. I have to find a couple ponies, and I need to do it alone. I’ll be back soon though. Is that ok with you?” Ben voiced his request to Pinkie, glad to see her turn around and smile at him as he did.

“Okie Dokie Lokie Ben! Just be back as soon as you can please?” Pinkie begged Ben, putting on her best begging face despite the fact that it was not needed.

“I Pinkie Promise I will be.” Ben answered her, moving past the now bouncing Pinkie to try to locate the Princess of the Sun he needed help from oh so badly.

Dan was the last to make his request to Applejack, being far more forward with her than the others were being with their loves.

“Applejack. I was wondering if ya would like to have our wedding on the same date we planned ta have it on Earth, only here now?” Dan asked Applejack, eliciting a shocked look and then a loving smile from Applejack.

“I’d love ta do that Dan. But don’t ya think we oughta properly clear our relationship with ma kin first?” Applejack questioned Dan, moving to nuzzle him as she finished.

“Sure thing. Let’s find em then shall we?” Dan offered, moving slightly ahead of Applejack to allow her to walk next to him as they set about finding her family.


Subchapter 2: A Rarity to Have

Antonio happened across Luna while she was enjoying herself with Vinyl Scratch and Lyra in one of the non-main streets of Canterlot. Antonio took his time in approaching Luna, not wanting to have to interrupt her fun too much with his request.

Eventually, Antonio had made his way over to Luna and set about getting her attention so that he could ask her what he needed to.

“Good day… Antonio wasn’t it?” Luna began upon making her way over to Antonio, happy and surprisingly unfazed to see Antonio there despite the fact he was without Rarity and had been a human a few hours back.

“Good day to you too Princess Luna. And you are correct. My name is Antonio. I was wondering if I might ask a favor of you Princess Luna?” Antonio replied to Luna, encouraging a gentle smile from Luna as she enjoyed being asked things by ponies now.

“If it is within my power, than I am more than happy to help you Antonio. What is it you require help with?” Luna questioned Antonio, wondering why exactly Antonio had needed to come to the Princess of the Night for help.

“Well Princess Luna, I wish to ask Rarity to be my wife. I wish to do things properly though, so I was hoping you might be able to help me find her parents to properly ask them for her hoof in matrimony.” Antonio explained, causing Luna to backtrack a bit at how forthcoming and logical Antonio’s request was.

“I-I am honored to help someone with such noble intentions. Many ponies no longer do such things in my current kingdom. How would you like me to help you find them?” Luna asked Antonio, wondering just how she would get to help this stallion with his duties.

“I was hoping that you might be able to transport me to their side. I know that it is Celestia’s sun out at the moment instead of your magnificent moon, but are you still able to sense your subjects same as she can?” Antonio replied to Luna with a question, enticing a nod from Luna in response.

“Indeed I can. My powers are not as powerful as they could be at night, but I have more than enough energy to help you. Hold on a moment please while I ascertain their exact location.” Luna told Antonio, closing her eyes to focus as she did so.

Antonio did not have a long time to wait, Luna having been able to ascertain Rarity’s parents, Magnum and Pearl, locations easily thanks to the relative closeness of almost all of Luna’s subjects within Canterlot.

“I have found them. Do brace yourself for a moment.” Luna spoke up, continuing to keep her eyes closed to focus on transporting Antonio properly.

Antonio felt a cold shiver throughout his body, and then was swallowed by darkness for a moment, opening his eyes again to find he was directly beside the ponies he had sought.

“Mister Magnum. Madame Pearl. Do forgive me for dropping in on you so unexpectedly, but I had matters to discuss with you pertaining to your daughter.” Antonio explained himself to Rarity’s parents, glad to see them both relax and smile at him in turn.

“And what has our little Sweetie Belle done now?” Pearl asked Antonio, shaking her head and almost completely misunderstanding Antonio.

“I came to talk to you about Rarity, not Sweetie Belle. I do apologize for not being clearer on that.” Antonio explained, hearing Magnum choose to speak up next.

“Rarity? What do you have to talk to us to about her?” Magnum added, turning back towards his drink.

Antonio knew he could have been more delicate about what he could say or have waited for a different time to say it, but he also was a stallion of principals and had decided he’d waited long enough to do this as he moved from Earth to Equestria.

“I wish to marry her and would like to formally ask you for her hoof in marriage.” Antonio spoke up, causing Magnum to nearly choke and spit out his drink, while Pearl nearly fainted on his other side.

“Well, I certainly hadn’t expected that. I guess you’re the stallion that spoke up for Rarity from those six new ponies are you?” Magnum questioned Antonio as he moved to wake up his wife.

“Yes, I am indeed that stallion. I had a close relationship with Rarity while she was gone from Equestria, and wish to make it official and proper now that I’m here again with her. Will you consent to give me her hoof in marriage? I know you heard my speech in her defense, so you know my intentions are true.” Antonio explained to Magnum and Pearl as she reawakened from her short fainting trip.

Magnum and Pearl looked at each other for a moment, and then returned their gaze to Antonio, large smiles plastered over both their faces.

“Of course son. I can’t think of a more honorable stallion for my daughter.” Magnum told Antonio, amazed at just how much happier this day had become.

“I agree greatly. You’ll make my little girl happy. I am absolutely certain of that.” Pearl added, moving close to Antonio to give him a kiss on the cheek.

Antonio sighed quite visibly, and then returned Pearl and Magnum’s smiles with gusto as he prepared to return to Rarity with the great news soon.

“Thank you both. You’ll be certain to be amongst the first to hear about our wedding date. I hope to see you both again soon.” Antonio told Pearl and Magnum, turning to wave and gallop away back to Rarity as he did.

Antonio rounded the corner ahead of him, and saw Rarity only a short distance away, coming down from the stage with Sweetie Belle passed out on her back.

Antonio galloped forward to help Rarity set down her unconscious little sister a short ways away from most of the party.

“She certainly is a great singer, like I always believed. But she still needs to learn to more properly control that bizarre amount of energy she has.” Rarity explained to Antonio, looking at Sweetie Belle to make sure she was safe before turning her attention fully back to Antonio.

“I wish I could have heard your duet. Your voice alone is so magical I can’t even imagine how amazing your singing must be.” Antonio replied to Rarity, moving forward to kiss her quickly on the muzzle.

“Oh Antonio. If you don’t mind me asking, what did you go away to do just a little while ago?” Rarity asked Antonio, blushing at first but then returning to gazing into Antonio’s eyes fully.

“Nothing much really. I simply asked your mother and father for your hoof in marriage.” Antonio spoke up, shocking Rarity sufficiently as he had expected.

“W-What?” Rarity exclaimed, immediately covering her mouth with her hooves afterwards as Antonio got on his front knees before her.

“You heard me. I asked your parents if it was alright if I married you and they said it was okay. All that’s left is for you to say that too.” Antonio told Rarity, removing the ring he had feared was lost in his movement to Equestria, but had transformed same as the box that once held it had.

“Oh Antonio! My answer is yes! You’ve made me so happy!” Rarity replied, launching herself forward at Antonio to kiss him as she never had before.

Eventually, Rarity calmed down and allowed Antonio to place the ring on her hoof. Rarity began to almost immediately cry tears of joy once she saw the ring on her hoof, moving forward to allow Antonio to hold her again. Antonio simply held Rarity tight and stroked her mane, knowing that she wanted him to never go anywhere else, and being happy to always comply with that wish of hers.


Subchapter 3: Pinkamina’s Farming Family

Ben weaved his way through the crowded streets of Canterlot, saying greetings to any ponies that sent him one first, his goal still perfectly well in mind.

Eventually, Ben came across Princess Celestia as she was preparing to take flight again towards the Canterlot Castle. Ben hurried as fast as he could and repeatedly called out her name to attempt to gain her attention.

Fortunately, Ben was able to make sure that Celestia noticed him with his yells and she turned around to see him approaching her location.

“Princess Celestia! I am glad that I caught you before you took off. It wouldn’t have been a problem if I were a unicorn or a Pegasus, but I’m neither so it would’ve been a large problem. I was wondering if I could ask a great favor of you.” Ben hurriedly explained to Celestia, worried that if he didn’t explain himself fast that Celestia might not take him seriously.

“What can I help you with Ben? That was your name correct?” Celestia replied to Ben, smiling down at one of her six new subjects that had saved them all earlier that day.

Ben looked up at Princess Celestia fully, happy that she was going to help him with his request, strange or not as it may be.

“Thank you Princess. You’re right by the way. My name is Ben. My request is that I want to marry Pinkie Pie, but I want to ask her parents. Can you send me to their farm and then bring me back here to Pinkie please?” Ben quickly asked Princess Celestia, surprised to see Celestia smile so much.

“I had an inkling that at least one of you six would be by to ask me this. I am more than happy to help you Ben.” Celestia explained herself to Ben, seeing him almost float off his hooves in excitement.

“I can send you to Pinkie Pie’s family farm, but if you want to return here soon you will have only a few minutes there to express your intentions. Are you clear on that fact?” Celestia added to Ben, glad to see him nod seriously and understandingly at her.

“I do understand Princess Celestia. I will be fast with my intentions. There will be much time to get to know each other fully after this. I must do this now though while Pinkie still has my ring but her parents don’t know.” Ben hurriedly explained further, shocking Princess Celestia slightly with his forethought into this matter.

“Exactly Ben. Prepare yourself. I will transport you there now.” Celestia finished, letting her power flow from her horn to envelop Ben for a moment before he disappeared.

Ben appeared a short few seconds later, out at Pinkie Pie’s family rock farm. Fortunately, Ben had appeared next to Clyde and Sue, shocking them slightly but saving time by not having to search for them.

“Hello Clyde and Sue. You don’t know me, but I know you. I don’t have a ton of time here, so I’ll be blatant and quick. I want to marry your daughter Pinkie, but I wanted to let you know first and formally to ask for her hoof.” Ben blurted out, shocking Clyde and Sue even more than his rapid appearance just had.

Ben waited for a moment for his words to sink in, and then decided to prod the answer out of Clyde and Sue, unsure of how much time he had left there.

“So, what do you say? I’ll have you know that I do love Pinkie very much, more than anything else. I will never hurt her. I can promise you that. Cross my hooves, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” Ben continued, miming the Pinkie Promise to Pinkie’s parents in an attempt to further convince them of the truth behind his words.

Clyde and Sue looked at each for a short while, whispered a few words Ben was unable to catch, and then turned back towards Ben, nodding at him their approval.

Ben sighed, and then began to feel Celestia’s aura build around him again. Ben knew he had only a few short seconds left, so he made all of them count.

“Thank you very much! My name is Ben! I’m sure I’ll see you soon! Thank you again! Good bye for now!” Ben powered through his words as he felt himself vanish and then reappear in Canterlot, next to the pink pony he had just been discussing with two other ponies.

“Heya Ben! You’re back! Did you do what you needed to?” Pinkie asked Ben, smiling at him as wide as she ever had before.

Ben saw new beauty in that smile though, a beauty he had not been able to see on Pinkie when she had still been Lucy. Ben felt himself smile wide in return of Pinkie’s smile before moving to answer her.

“Yes. I sure did Pinkie. I just had to ask your parents the same thing I asked you a few months back.” Ben told Pinkie slyly, leaning down to kiss the pony that would soon again be his wife, and seeing Pinkie smile knowingly back at him.


Subchapter 4: A New Kind of Apple

“And that’s pretty much it y’all. I hope y’all understand why we couldn’t tell ya before now, and why we’re telling ya now. I still love Applejack and want her ta be my wife. Your responses aint gonna change that fact, but me and Aj’d sure love it if ya’d want ta be a part of our new family.” Dan finished, looking out and over at all the members of the Apple Family aside from the one he loved who stood next to him.

Dan had prepared what he wanted to say while Applejack had corralled all her family members here so they could all hear Dan speak up on both of their behalves.

Granny Smith moved forward from the crowd first to look right into Dan’s eyes. Dan held her gaze perfectly, knowing full well that Granny Smith was sizing him up just as James had done to Applejack when she had come to Dan’s farm as Zoe.

After a few moments of intense staring, Granny Smith’s face broke into a wide smile before she stepped closer to Dan and pulled him into the strongest hug she could muster at her age.

“Welcome ta the Family Dan. We’re happy ta have ya aren’t we?” Granny Smith told Dan, directing half her words behind her to the other Apple’s as well.

Apple Bloom ran up next after Granny Smith to hug Applejack and then Dan, all while making sure to show everypony her new Cutie Mark, which was a pair of crossed paintbrushes over a yellow apple.

“I’m so happy for ya sis! Can I be one of your bridesmaids please? I know Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle would love ta come too. And Twist. And…” Apple Bloom began her rant, Applejack cutting her off by putting her Stetson hat down on Apple Bloom’s head the same as her dad had done with her when he was still around.

“Hold on there, Apple Bloom. Y’all know I want ya ta be a bridesmaid already, and all your friends too. But let’s just age slowly into this in the next few days okay ya silly filly?” Applejack asked her little sister, glad to see Apple Bloom bounce up and down as she nodded before going around to spread the great news.

Big Macintosh came up next, hugging his sister tight before moving over to Dan to tell him what he needed to.

“Y’all take proper care of Applejack now ya hear?” Big Mac told Dan, looking him up and down for any signs of fear.

“Ya can be sure of that Big Mac. I’ll take as good care of her as you did, maybe even better.” Dan taunted Big Mac, smiling all the while to show Big Mac his seriousness though.

Big Mac nodded and offered his hoof to Dan to shake as both a sign of acknowledgment and a rite of passage of responsibility.

Every single member of the Apple Family came up next to congratulate Applejack and Dan, from Braeburn to Apple Fritter to Red Gala to Golden Delicious.

Applejack and Dan looked at each other again as the last Apple, Apple Strudel, finished congratulating them, glad to still see the love in each other’s eyes, and more confident now than ever that it would stay that way forever.


Subchapter 5: Sparkling Conversation

“That’s the fact of the matter Twilight Velvet and Night Light. I do wish I could have met you sooner and under better circumstances to ease into this slowly, but I can no longer wait. I love Twilight, and I want to marry her. Do you consent to give me her hoof?” Noah finished, allowing the entire room to fall into near complete silence as he did.

Noah had just finished explaining the entirety of his and Twilight’s relationship on Earth, his epiphany in regards to coming to Equestria, and his intentions now that he was here. Twilight Velvet and Night Light, Twilight’s mother and father respectively, sat across from Noah in the room they currently inhabited, both shocked into silence.

Shining Armor, Cadance, and Twilight herself stood off to the side of the room, two of the three being shocked enough to leave their mouths wide open. Cadence was happy that Noah had spoken up, being able to sense the love between him and Twilight when they had come to her and Shining Armor earlier in the day to collect them for this moment.

Shining Armor and Twilight were both shocked into a state of silence though, Shining Armor in denial that his little Twily could already have someone this dedicated to her, and Twilight in shock that Noah had just so willingly announced such a thing as this to her and her parents and brother at the same time.

Eventually, Night Light came to be able to speak again, being the first pony to do so in at least a few moments.

“You promise your intentions are pure towards our daughter?” Night Light asked Noah, intent as he was to make certain of Noah as a stallion.

“I do sir.” Noah responded, conveying as much of his true intentions as he could to Night Light through his words.

“And you promise that all you said when you appeared in Canterlot is no less than the full truth?” Night Light continued, almost fully content with Noah.

“I would never say such things without fully meaning every single one.” Noah explained, hoping he was right in thinking Night Light was almost done with his questioning.

“And you promise to treat her right, for fear of mine and Shining Armor’s retribution?” Night Light finished, certain that this would test the stallion’s confidence fully.

“I would never do any less than treat Twilight like a Queen. And you and Shining Armor do not scare me enough to keep me away from Twilight, for any reason whatsoever.” Noah concluded, happy to speak his mind fully to Night Light and see Twilight blush profusely off in the corner of his peripheral vision.

Night Light smiled at Noah, and then turned towards his wife Twilight Velvet, and saw her own nod of agreement.

“Well then, I can’t think of any reason why to reject your proposition. Welcome to the family Noah.” Night Light called over to Noah, extending his hoof to shake his now son-in-law’s hoof.

Noah shook Night Light’s hoof and hugged Twilight Velvet before moving to go over to Twilight, Cadance, and Shining Armor. Cadance came over and hugged Noah too, before standing to the side of the room to allow Noah a continued path.

Shining Armor stared down Noah for quite a long time, wanting to make certain of him in the same way his father just had. Eventually, with a few prods from Twilight and a knowing nod from Night Light and Cadance, Shining Armor stood aside and allowed Noah to at last reach Twilight.

“Well Twilight. You heard what I’ve come over to do. Will you accept? Will you become my wife Twilight Sparkle?” Noah asked Twilight as he got down on his front knees to ask her.

“Yes I will Noah. You’ve made me so happy.” Twilight replied, embracing Noah as he stood up again.

Though Noah did not have a ring for her at the moment, Twilight did not even care. Noah and Twilight shared a kiss in the presence of their family, and would have been happy to stay that way forever.


Subchapter 6: A Pair of Rainbow’s

Rainbow Dash was stunned beyond belief. Rainbow was even more stunned than when Spitfire had just recently agreed to accept her into the Wonderbolts at last.

Lucas had just proposed to Rainbow Dash, producing the ring from a pocket of his saddlebags, stating it as the surprise he had promised Rainbow earlier in the day. Lucas did not propose in Ponyville though. Instead, Lucas had distracted Rainbow Dash back towards where she had first performed a Sonic Rainboom during the Best Young Fliers Competition in Cloudsdale to propose to her there instead.

Lucas stood quiet for a few minutes, not wanting to break Rainbow’s silence himself, but also not being able to take the wait for an answer either. Eventually, Lucas’ minor lack of patience mildly won out over his need to wait for Rainbow to naturally respond.

“Well Rainbow? What do you say?” Lucas asked Rainbow again, hoping to get an answer from her this time.

Rainbow Dash did not speak her answer to Lucas, instead merely nodding at him and beginning to cry. Lucas came up from his kneeling position instantly to hold Rainbow as she cried, wanting her to truly feel safe as she cried in front of him.

Eventually, Rainbow did calm down enough to allow Lucas to place the ring on her hoof. Rainbow Dash looked down at it once it was on her hoof and said two words to Lucas in response.

“It’s beautiful.” Rainbow spoke up, the sound of her crying still apparent in her voice as she told Lucas that.

“Not as beautiful as you are though Rainbow.” Lucas replied to Rainbow, holding her head up and pulling her into a kiss so as to solidify his feeling for her.

Lucas and Rainbow broke their kiss eventually, and took to merely sitting on the clouds around Cloudsdale for a long time, happy to just enjoy each other’s company for as long as they could, which could now be forever if they wanted.


Subchapter 7: A Love of Kindness

Oliver landed just outside Fluttershy’s cottage, having just gone to search about for Angel’s bunny friends and having been happy to see they were all safe in their own little hutches a short ways away from the cottage.

Oliver walked through the door to the cottage and saw Fluttershy sending out the last of her animal friends, happy to simply be certain they were all safe again.

“Hey Fluttershy. I checked up on all the other bunnies. They’re all safe in their own little hutches.” Oliver spoke up as Fluttershy sent off a baby phoenix with its parents.

“That’s good. That’s all my animals now. I’m happy they’re all still safe after everything that happened here.” Fluttershy replied, turning towards her sofa to take a seat on it as the long day finally came close to an end.

“Not as happy as I was to see that you were still okay when I showed up earlier.” Oliver told Fluttershy, taking the seat next to her on the sofa and extending his wing to wrap around her body fully.

“Oliver?” Fluttershy replied, knowing that when Oliver did speak up it was important, so she simply wanted to let him know she was listening.

“Fluttershy, I could say this forever. I love you. I wish I’d known it all sooner. We could have done so much more before now. But we have now, and all of the future. So long as you answer one question I have for you.” Oliver explained, revealing the ring he had hidden behind his wing in a small pouch earlier.

“Oh Oliver. My answer is yes. You don’t even need to ask me. I already know the question you want to ask me. I’ve always wanted to be your wife, ever since I first saw you on Earth.” Fluttershy told Oliver, holding out her hoof so that Oliver could have simple access to it so as to place the ring on it, and turning her head away to hide her growing blush and urge to cry.

Oliver placed the ring on Fluttershy’s hoof and then moved to turn her head back towards him, giving Fluttershy her first kiss when he succeeded in doing it.

Fluttershy stayed with Oliver on the sofa for a very long time after the kiss ended, simply enjoying the feeling of Oliver’s wing draped around her and loving the knowledge that he would always be there with her from now on.

Eventually, Fluttershy did rise from her seat on the sofa though, intent now to tell every one of her animal and pony friends about the news, and hoping to receive some similar news in return. Oliver followed suite after Fluttershy went about her quest, as he knew he now always wanted to no matter what.