• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 2,734 Views, 31 Comments

The Elements of Earth - Tyler-the-Brony

The Elements journey to a strange world, and then to their home, with the love they always wanted.

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Chapter 3: Rationalizing

“What the hay are we supposed to do now?” Lucas asked “And why do I keep saying hay? You guys know what I’m trying to say instead of it right?” He added.

“I’m afraid we do. That there’s one a the weirder bits o’ all this. I mean, logically, we should be still able ta say what we want ta, and we shouldn’t be able ta walk around at all.” Dan spoke up.

“Indeed,” Noah began. “Considering we’ve shifted to an entirely new species, we should have had to relearn everything from walking to proper speech. It seems that’s not the case with this situation however.” Noah finished, looking around at his friends before again looking over at the supposed cause of all this.

The 6 ponies often referred to the Mane Six in this world were still there and unconscious. They had tried to rouse them a few times, but it seemed nothing but their own wills would wake them up. Once they’d made certain of that, they set about discussing the odd situation now facing them and how to go about trying to defeat it or live with it.

“I’m no scholar you guys know, but I still think that they’ve got anywhere from something to everything to do with this whole thing.” Ben spoke up, sounding unusually serious as he pointed his hoof at the Mane Six.

“I’m afraid I have to agree with Ben. It all seems too similar to be merely coincidental.” Antonio added.

“Antonio makes a strong point. Although, I have several ideas of my own I’d like to chide in with our collected observations of this idea. Who wants to go first?” Oliver asked, turning to each of his friends.

“Don’t y’all look at me. I know basics and everything I need to for the farm, but I ain’t had a fancy education like Antonio, Noah and you had Oliver. I gave ya all I thought already.” Dan replied.

“I’m in the same boat. I grew up in an orphanage. They couldn’t afford to send us all to school, and there were a few of my friends more deserving. I willingly gave up my opportunities. I know basics thanks to my catering job, but that’s it.” Ben continued.

“Ditto. I gave up on school at 12. What I haven’t used I’ve lost. Not a lot of need for algebra and stuff like that on the streets. I’m probably the least educated of the bunch here.” Lucas finished.

Oliver turned to look at Noah and Antonio, knowing that they like him had gone to Post-Secondary school and would be able to add a bit more insight to the situation as a whole before Oliver attempted to add any of his own thoughts.

“I’ll go first if you don’t mind.” Antonio began. “Well, it’s my belief anyway, that the Elements of Harmony that the Mane Six were using for some reason both brought them here and sent forth a burst of Equestrian energy that changed us into what we are now.” Antonio finished, looking next to Noah to continue.

“My thoughts exactly old friend.” Noah started. “I have a couple ideas of my own though. For example, I don’t believe this change is permanent. Discord wasn’t sealed forever by the Elements. And we have no idea the amount of time differentiation between here and Equestria. This change could wear off in anywhere from minutes to years. I believe we’ll have to ask them,” Noah paused to point at the Mane Six like Ben had. “To explain the difference in time between our worlds. Also, I believe that this thing is reversible by the same thing that caused it; the Elements of Harmony. We’ll also have to ask them how long it takes for the Elements to recharge.” Noah concluded content that he’d explained himself well enough, before turning to look at Oliver for the conclusion.

“I was thinking along the same lines.” Oliver spoke. “However, I believe environment had a part in this.” Oliver paused, waiting for questions.

“What’d you mean Oliver?” Lucas asked.

“What I mean is, as is the case with a lot of animals, their environment has a huge effect on their lives. From where to live, where to find food, and where to find a mate. The list goes on and on. I believe that since Dan said he likes to takes his horses here, perhaps even subconsciously, the Mane Six came here since this area is so beloved by Equines like them. Which makes me think that since we’re in their environment in our world, soon enough our world will reclaim this area and they’ll exist in our environment in our world, as humans.” Oliver finished, worried he’d perhaps sounded a little too crazy in all his ramblings.

“That actually sounds as logical as something relating to this bizarre situation can be” Antonio pointed out.

“I agree. Even the land around us has changed to reflect the situation. We all know that this area is less than even a percentage of a percentage of the size of the world. That the world’s natural energies would want to reclaim this area from the forces that changed it is only natural.” Noah added.

Oliver looked around to see the nods of the other 3 members of the group. He felt relieved that he wasn’t being viewed as being crazy in this already crazy situation.

“How long do y’all think it’ll take for tha Earth to reclaim this area and them?” Dan asked.

“Hard to judge really. I’d say the process will probably take longer while the Mane Six are still unconscious here. It’s often been said that denying a force of nature does in minute ways make it harder to come about happening.” Noah answered.

“We may not have to wait overly long on the ‘unconscious’ bit. Have a look guys.” Ben spoke up, nodding in the direction he was looking.

The other turned to face the direction they all knew well by now. However, it did look different this time. The reason for this was, the rest of the group quickly realized, that the unconscious ponies were stirring and beginning to wake up. Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle were the first two that were fully awake.

“W-What the hay happened? Where in Equestria are we?” Rainbow asked, shaking her head to the side.

“Ugh. I think the Elements of Harmony somehow activated. As for where we are, I’m afraid I have no idea Rainbow.” Twilight groggily answered, getting up on her legs slowly.

“If you’d like, I believe we can answer the ‘where’ for you.” Lucas yelled over at them.

Rainbow and Twilight instantly perked up at the sound of the unknown voices. Rainbow took to the air and began scanning the area while Twilight prepared herself to unleash a spell at the unknown voice, being unsure who or what had produced it as her eyes were still disoriented.

“W-Who’s there? Speak up now or face the wrath of Rainbow Dash!” Rainbow yelled, fear and confusion far more apparent than anger in her retort.

“Your wrath’s not going to be much help if you’re facing the other way now is it?” Antonio spoke up, making sure to make himself audible to both conscious ponies.

Eventually, after a few more shakes of both their heads, both ponies were able to focus on the group of six unknown ponies on the other side of the field they were now in. Twilight was the first one to begin asking questions.

“Who are you? Why are you here? Where are Princess Celestia and Princess Luna? Why are our other friends still unconscious? And where is here exactly?” Twilight asked all in one breath, almost like Pinkie Pie would.

“We can answer all y’all’s questions, but ya need to calm down and wait for your friends to wake up. We’d prefer not ta have to do this too many times in a day.” Dan answered.

“Wait for them to wake up? Why can’t you wake them up? You’re the ones that put them and us to sleep aren’t you?” Rainbow asked, looking mildly confused now.

“Afraid not. You and the rest of your friends came here asleep. We tried to wake you all up the best we could, but nothing worked. We decided to then just let you all get up when you could on your own.” Ben took over.

“How can we know to trust what you say?” Twilight asked, with a few encouraging nods from Rainbow Dash.

“If you aren’t fully certain that you can trust us now, then attempt to rouse Applejack. She’s the Element of Honesty after all. She should be able to tell if any of us are lying better than anypony, except maybe for Pinkie Pie.” Noah told her, still confused by the subconscious shifting of words to their pony equivalent.

Rainbow and Twilight both seemed shocked that these strangers knew so much about them and their friends.

“How do you know AJ’s the Element of Honesty? How do you know anything about us? We’ve never seen any of you before.” Rainbow accused, pointing at each of them.

“Again, we can explain it all. But seriously, either wake em up or wait for your friends to get up. We don’t wanna spend hours repeating ourselves.” Lucas bit back at Rainbow.

A short while passed where nothing was said by anypony. Eventually, it was Twilight who spoke up first.

“Rainbow.” Twilight began. “Maybe we should try and wake up the others. Even if they are tricking us, it’s better to even the odds before doing anything conclusive.” Twilight explained.

Rainbow nodded without looking away from the group, then set about going to wake up Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Twilight was left to wake Fluttershy and Rarity. It took a few minutes of coaxing, but eventually all of the Mane Six were up and about.

“Huh? What’s going on here? This don’t look like tha field near Ponyville at all.” Applejack spoke up, being the first pony thus far to notice the surroundings.

“I do agree Applejack dear. I too am a tad disoriented. And I do hope we can get an explanation soon.” Rarity added, while checking that her mane was still in full working style.

“T-This place is strange. Why are we here?” Fluttershy almost whispered, cowering a tiny bit at the fear of the unknown before her.

“Oooh!” Pinkie started, pointing at the group of ponies across the field. “New friends!” Pinkie set about hopping over to meet them, only to have Rainbow Dash step on her tail and stop her.

“Whoa there Pinks. We were asked to wake you up so those ponies could explain everything. We don’t know if we can trust em yet.” Rainbow told Pinkie, a determined glare in her eye.

“Okie Dokie Lokie Dashie! I can wait.” Pinkie told her, hopping to stand next to her.

Once all of the Mane Six were fully awake, they moved closer to the group of unknown ponies so as to finally get the answers to the many questions they asked and were about to ask.

“All right. Our friends are all awake now. You’ve got no reason to say you can’t answer us now.” Rainbow said.