• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 2,733 Views, 31 Comments

The Elements of Earth - Tyler-the-Brony

The Elements journey to a strange world, and then to their home, with the love they always wanted.

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Chapter 8: Eight Months of Racing

Within moments, Lucas was pulling over next to the apartment building that housed everything he held dear except for his bike and his jacket. Sophie continued to hold onto Lucas for at least a moment after they had stopped moving, simply because she didn’t realize that they had stopped now.

Once Sophie realized what she was doing, she instantly let go of Lucas and nearly fell off the back of the bike. Lucas caught her hand though and pulled her back up to face him.

“Whoa there. No need to freak out Sophie. Sometimes, it takes me a little while to realize the bike has stopped too. It’s just such an intoxicating feeling.” Lucas explained, taking off his helmet and standing up to offer Sophie his hand again.

Once Sophie had righted herself, taken off her own helmet and shaken her hair back to its original style, she responded to Lucas.

“I’ll say. That feeling was comparable to a Sonic Rainboom. Think I can get my own?” Sophie asked Lucas, giving a coy smile to him as she did.

“Funny. You don’t need to though. I got another one upstairs.” Lucas told Sophie, while moving his bike around the corner to hide and chain it up.

“Really? That’s awesome. Why do you have two though? I can’t see you riding anything but this one.” Sophie questioned, looking over Lucas as he went through all his usual protection routines.

“I don’t ride the other one. It’s a sentimental piece. This bike was my dad’s, and the one upstairs was my mom’s. It was destroyed when she crashed, but they sent it to me nonetheless. I’ve been fixing it up in my spare time. I got it running just the other day. I’ve been looking for a test pilot.” Lucas explained as he finally stood up from his bike, satisfied he’d protected it thoroughly.

“Cool. By the way, why’d you do so much to that one? Seems like an awful lot to do for one bike, even if it was your dad’s.” Sophie asked as she and Lucas went towards the front door to the building.

“In the world of street racing, there’s no such thing as too much insurance. I do all that to my bike to make sure no one can steal or tamper with it before a race. I make a point of doing it in public too, to let all my opponents know. See this?” Lucas indicated the tiny piece he held in his hand. “This here prevents the electricity of the battery from flowing outside of the engine of the bike.” Lucas finished, chucking the piece up in the air only to catch it right away.

“Why would you take out such an important part? That thing sounds pretty dangerous to remove too.” Sophie questioned Lucas as they entered the elevator within the building.

“This is my security system for the bike. No one is stupid enough to go near a bike with this removed. Only way to get near it is with the original piece and rubber gloves. This insures no one can mess with my bike in any way, like disabling my brakes or putting sugar in my gas tank. Both of those things would screw me out of victory in any race.” Lucas explained, exiting the elevator on the 14th floor and waiting for Sophie to join him.

“Makes sense. There’s always as many cheaters as there are fair players in any competition.” Sophie concluded as she and Lucas arrived at number 1436.

“Without a doubt. Well, welcome to my castle. It aint much, but its home.” Lucas announced as they entered the apartment.

It was quite a large apartment. To the left of the entrance was the kitchen, comprised mostly of just a stove, a microwave and a fridge. The living room was directly in front of the entrance and was quite large. Most of the space in it was being taken up by a cherry red racing bike though. Behind the bike was a couch that appeared to be in quite good condition. Off to the side of the living room was a hallway that led to the bedroom and bathroom. The bathroom was reasonably sized, having a full bath and shower. The bedroom was rather small though, with the bed in the middle of it taking up far more than half the available space of the room. The rest of the space in the bedroom was filled with a large closet that had its doors removed to offer more space.

“It’s not what some of the others might call a home, but it’s just that to me.” Lucas explained, heading towards the bike in the middle of the living room.

Sophie spent another few minutes surveying the apartment before responding to Lucas.

“Eh. I like it. Just the kind of home I’d pick due to mere necessity instead of luxury.” Sophie told Lucas, following him in to the living room to get a better look at bike she was going to get to ride.

The bike was sleeker than Lucas’, but it was also more top heavy, making taking tight turns a lot more difficult at higher speeds. Sophie also noticed that unlike Lucas’ bike, this one was a simple one color model, marking it as unmodified aside from what Lucas had done to restore it to its former glory.

“So this one is the one I can try out right?” Sophie asked Lucas as he was looking over the bike from various angles.

“Yep. Everything’s the same as I left it, meaning that this thing definitely works as well as it can. I’d like to ask that we wait til tomorrow to try though due to attempting to ride for the first time at night is simply stupid.” Lucas answered Sophie, stretching out his body in lieu of yawning at the moment.

“Fine with me. I’m kinda tired anyway. Normally, I’ve had way more naps than I have today by now.” Sophie agreed, looking around as she did. “Where’s my bed at anyway?”

“It’s right down there.” Lucas indicated to Sophie, pointing to the one bedroom at then of the hallway.

“But where are you gonna sleep then? There’s only one bedroom and bed right?” Sophie asked, not wanting to become more of a nuisance than she thought she already was being.

“I’ll sleep on the couch. I usually end up dozing off at some point on it anyway due to all the time I spend working on one bike or the other. It’s really comfortable actually.” Lucas told Sophie, glad to see her perk up at the confirmation that she wasn’t impositioning Lucas any more than she believed she already was.

“Okay, if you insist. Goodnight then.” Sophie called out to Lucas from the bedroom.

“And the same to you.” Lucas called back, taking up a nice position on the couch to sleep off the long day this had been.


Lucas woke up about three hours or so before noon the next day, judging that by the angle the sun was hitting his eyes from the window he had left open last night. Lucas got up to shut the window and decided to while away this twilight hour by working more on the bike in his living room.

Setting about turning on the coffee maker as he went to grab an apple as his breakfast, Lucas began to look his mother’s bike over more carefully, having only worried about restoring it before now. Lucas now felt an odd urge to modify it though, unsure why he would suddenly feel such an urge.

Lucas decided it was better to go with his instincts than question them. Once he had a cup of coffee and the apple was in his system, Lucas set about his work. Lucas worked on the bike for close to six hours, even managing to give it a new paint job and a super charged engine, before Sophie finally woke up and staggered out of her room.

“Morning. Whatcha doing?” Sophie yelled to Lucas, stumbling forward and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

“Mornings long over Sophie. I’m working on your bike if you must know. I just finished super charging it and giving it a rad new paint job before you came out here.” Lucas explained loudly, finally coming up from kneeling and taking off his filter mask to finish his last touch up coat with the paint.

“Awesome! Lemme see.” Sophie yelled back, finally coming in to the living room itself.

The bike which yesterday had been cherry red was now eggshell white on the lower half and sky blue on the top half. There was also a large yellow lightning bolt design looping around the entirety of the bike, cutting across both halves of blue and white.

“Damn. How did I sleep through you doing all that?” Sophie asked Lucas, as she danced around the bike, taking in every inch of it.

“You’re just a heavy sleeper I guess. I also tend to work quietly sometimes. It could be any combination of factors.” Lucas explained, grabbing himself a much needed energy drink from his fridge.

As Sophie continued to admire the bike, Lucas powered through another two cups of coffee and another energy drink. His friends often voiced that he had a problem with caffeine, but the stuff never bothered him. Lucas just needed the large amount of the stuff to keep going after a tough days work.

“This sure is a sweet bike. Think I can get around to trying it out today?” Sophie asked Lucas as she finally stepped away from memorizing every inch of the bike.

“Sure. Just grab yourself an energy drink to wake you up, and I’ll grab the bike.” Lucas explained to Sophie, putting down his empty can to come forward and unlock the bike from its position in the room.

It took a very short time before Lucas and Sophie were both out the door and heading down the elevator. Sophie had taken an energy drink like Lucas had suggested and seemed to be enjoying the taste as well as the boost it was giving her. Within a few moments, Sophie and Lucas were again outside of the building.

“Wait here while I reconnect my bike. Try to think of a name for your bike too while I’m over doing that.” Lucas told Sophie, seeing her nod and go into thought as he walked away towards his own bike.

The Rainbow Bolt looked exactly the same as it had yesterday, safety measures still in place. Lucas carefully put on his rubber gloves and set about reattaching the part he had removed yesterday. It took very skilled hands to do what Lucas did every day, most mechanics spending an entire year of school mastering it.

Within a few moments though, Lucas had the Rainbow Bolt back in full working order. He brought it out back to where Sophie was, Lucas taking note that Sophie was now leaning against her own bike and was no longer in thought.

“Come up with a name for your ride yet?” Lucas chided Sophie, wanting to hear her idea of a bike’s name.

“I was thinking of ‘Cloud Duster.’ That sound good to a professional racer like yourself?” Sophie asked Lucas, taking note of everything he was doing to set up his own bike.

“Hmm. Original, daring, and connecting. It’s got all three of the important aspects needed when properly naming your bike. It sounds great to me.” Lucas explained, grabbing Sophie’s helmet off of the back of the Rainbow Bolt.

“Cool. So what am I gonna learn today?” Sophie asked, casually going to sit on the seat of her bike.

“You were a racer yourself, so I trust you know some of the basics. Don’t go too fast at first, and always make sure to have proper stopping distance. Always keep your eyes open for anything and everything around you. Sound familiar to you?” Lucas asked Sophie, certain that she must at least know those facts even if she had never raced on a bike before.

“They sound familiar. I know I can’t become Rainbow Dash again over night.” Sophie replied, surprising Lucas with how calm she was being about the whole situation.

“Exactly. Today I’ll just teach you everything you need to be aware of with you bike and then, if you’re set up well enough, we can go for a short ride around the area.” Lucas concluded, coming over to the Cloud Duster to give Sophie her helmet and her instruction for the day.

Lucas and Sophie would spend the next six days discussing everything one needed to know about being a bike rider as well as a bike racer. At the end of their seventh day of instruction, Sophie was finally ready to go for her first ride on the bike. Sophie surprised Lucas greatly by not crashing once during that or any of her next practice sessions. Soon enough, Sophie would be ready for her first race.


The Rainbow Burst and The Cloud. The nicknames given to Sophie and Lucas by the racing world they inhabited. Though each of them thought the other’s nickname was better, Sophie and Lucas each agreed that they certainly were prominent in street racing now.

The Rainbow Burst referred to Lucas and the Rainbow Bolt, which he had modified to have nitrox three months ago. This allowed him to leave behind a Rainbow colored streak of color as he took off, the same as Sophie did back in Equestria.

The Cloud was what Sophie had been called by other racers. This referred to the method in how she could simply drop in nearby you in a race, whether in front of you, behind you, or even to the side. Sophie had finished 5th in her first race and had not placed lower than 3rd in any subsequent races.

It had been four and a half months since Sophie had first tried to ride around the block of her apartment building. Sophie could do that blindfolded in reverse by today. Lucas was not one to slack either though, having become a feared name in the underground racing circuit with what he often called his new bike and his new inspiration.

Lucas had taken Sophie to watch him race for two months before she had gotten up the courage to try herself. She had made certain to take notes of everything she saw Lucas do in his races so that she would know what to do in her own. Sophie turned out to be a natural at going fast no matter what world she was in.

It was at the end of today’s race that Sophie won 1st Place, having only narrowly edged out Lucas himself to win. Lucas wasn’t bitter over the loss. He was quite happy actually, glad that his student had now won her first race. Lucas still maintained the ideal that he would have won had he not run out of nitrox though.

Sophie and Lucas were now on their way back to their apartment, Sophie leading the way back. Within a few moments, they were both at the building and ready to chain their rides. Locking up their bikes took only a few moments now, Sophie having become as skilled at protecting her bike as Lucas was.

“Great race today Sophie. Can’t believe that you actually beat me.” Lucas spoke up as he held the door open for Sophie to come into the elevator.

“Thanks Lucas. If you hadn’t trained me so well though, I wouldn’t have been able to.” Sophie told Lucas, shaking her hair free from the terror of helmet style and entering the elevator.

“You’ve still got a ton of natural talent. I didn’t win my first race til I was six months into the circuit. I think this calls for a celebration of sorts.” Lucas added, seeing Sophie pick up instantly at the thought of a party.

“Sounds awesome. What should we do?” Sophie asked Lucas, this time holding the door for him to exit.

“I was thinking of just ordering in and enjoying the night. How’s that sound?” Lucas answered, worried his plans might be too lax for Sophie’s tastes as he unlocked the door to the apartment and let her in.

“Awesome. I’m all for that.” Sophie told Lucas, smiling as she took a seat on the couch.

“Winners choice. What do ya want for food?” Lucas asked, picking up the phone from the wall.

“Vegetarian pizza?” Sophie voiced to Lucas as he pulled a card off of the fridge.

“Can do. Just gimme a minute to order.” Lucas told Sophie, having already dialed the number to their favorite pizza place.

Lucas and Sophie simply spent the rest of the night eating, drinking, and discussing the race. Lucas had never been one for talking about his races with the guys, as he knew they’d get bored quickly with all the aspects, but talking to Sophie about it was like a whole new experience. Eventually, once the sun had fully sunk and risen again, they decided it was time to head to bed to rejuvenate.

As Sophie was about to head into her bedroom though, Lucas spoke up. A sudden impulse had come to him and Lucas wasn’t one to wait around for the perfect time to ask something.

“Hey Sophie?” Lucas piqued up, noticing Sophie turn her head towards him.

“Yeah Lucas?” Sophie responded, unsure of what Lucas wanted to say to her.

“Would you be opposed to doing this again? Except as like, you know, a date? I’m not one for going to 4 star restaurants or to shows, but I was really okay with what we did here tonight.” Lucas explained himself, worried that he might have weirded Sophie out.

“I feel ya. I’m not up that kinda stuff either. I’d love to do all this again, except as a date. Maybe we can talk more about it tomorrow. Night.” Sophie told Lucas, winking at him as she entered her room.

Lucas felt as though he just had the world’ greatest energy drink after what Sophie had just said. He felt like he could do anything right now. Lucas did decide that sleep would be a good idea in the long run, and curled up on the couch he had come to call his bed. Sleep would not come to Lucas for a while though. Why would one want to dream when reality is so much better?


The huge flash of light and sound in the middle of the living room was what had woken Lucas up. He had no idea what it could have been, having made sure to close all the windows and turn off all the lights before crashing on the couch.

Eventually, once he stopped seeing spots in his vision and his ears stopped popping, Lucas realized that somehow, someone was there in his apartment. He stood up immediately, worried one of his rivals might have finally tracked him down to this place. Lucas had always been prepared for a fight though.

“Lucas, I’m very sorry for waking you up, but I need to talk to Rainbow Dash right now.” Lucas heard a voice that he only barely recognized at first.

Once Lucas’ senses caught up with him, he realized that it was Meghan, who was really Twilight, who was there in his apartment. How she got there eluded him greatly, but what Meghan had just said worried him more.

“Sophie you mean? Why? What’s going on?” Lucas questioned Meghan, realizing just then what exactly Meghan had said before.

“I’m sorry, but no. Not Sophie. I’m here as Twilight, and I need to speak to her as Rainbow Dash.” Twilight said, making it very clear that this was Equestria business.

“What do ya need to talk to me about Twi?” Rainbow’s voice piqued up from the corner of the living room.

Lucas and Twilight both turned to look at her, having been unaware that she had shown up. Twilight went to stand in front of her as Lucas made to stand next to her.

“Rainbow. Equestria’s in mortal danger. The Elements showed me and are fully charged again. We need to go back now, or we may never be able to go back or save Equestria.” Twilight calmly explained, seeing realization dawn almost instantly on Rainbow’s face.

“What? Well then, let’s go. Lucas, grab our jackets and-“ Rainbow began, seeing Twilight shake her head solemnly at her and Lucas.

“I’m sorry Rainbow Dash. But Lucas can’t come with us. Like before, the portal to Equestria will open only to us. And the Elements never react the same way twice, meaning we can’t hope to turn him or any of the others into ponies again. I’m so very sorry. I went through this just now with Noah.” Twilight explained, her own tears flowing again as she remembered Noah.

“B-B-But…Then I won’t go! I can’t leave Lucas! I need him!” Rainbow screamed back at Twilight, frightening the already distraught Twilight.

Lucas looked between the two friends, knowing what must be said and done now. He also knew he might as well gouge his own heart out with a knife while he did it.

“You have to go Rainbow. Equestria needs you, and I’m not more important than the entirety of Equestria. You may think I am, but I’m not. I could never replace all your old memories, your old friends, your home itself.” Lucas began, seeing both Rainbow and Twilight look at him with horror on their face.

“But Lucas…” Rainbow began, having Lucas’ hand quickly placed over her mouth.

“You can’t argue this. I want you to, trust me on that. I would believe anything and everything you’d tell me. But that also means I’d never let you go either, and you need to go and save Equestria. It’s not what we want, but it's what Equestria needs.” Lucas finished, trying to keep up his emotionless façade for as long as he could.

Rainbow attempted to speak several more times, each time doing nothing more than stumble out a few nonsensical words or just a few noises. Eventually, she resigned herself to her fate. Rainbow looked to Twilight, not sure she could face Lucas full on again.

“Okay Twilight. I’ll go. What do I need to do?” Rainbow asked Twilight, hating herself more for every word she said.

Twilight set about explaining how Rainbow would need to feel herself again to return to Equestria. Rainbow didn’t seem to understand, but Lucas did. Rainbow would need to go fast. She would need to go very fast.

“Rainbow. Take the Cloud Duster. It’ll let you reach the speeds you used to fly at.” Lucas spoke up as Rainbow asked Twilight again how she was supposed to feel like she was flying without her wings.

“I can’t! I want you to have it to remember me!” Rainbow yelled at Lucas as he took to collecting the keys for the Cloud Duster.

“I’ll always remember everything about you. And here’s what I’ll do to make you feel better. The Rainbow Bolt is now the Rainbow Dash. That way, whenever I race, I’ll always have you by my side.” Lucas explained to Rainbow as he held open the door for her and Twilight.

Not another word was said until Rainbow was all set on the Cloud Duster and Twilight had gone off to tell Pinkie Pie next. Rainbow was preparing to put on her helmet, when she instead leapt up to embrace Lucas one last time.

Lucas did not object to the embrace. Lucas made mental notes to remember everything about it that he could, fulfilling his promise to never forget anything about Rainbow.

“The bike isn’t enough to remember me. Take this too.” Rainbow told Lucas, taking off one of her earrings and giving it to him. “I love you.” Rainbow finished, feeling herself begin to cry.

“I love you too Rainbow. Now go. Equestria needs its fastest flier.” Lucas told Rainbow, as she nodded and got on the Cloud Duster again.

This time, Rainbow did not hesitate to put on her helmet or start the bike. As Rainbow revved the Cloud Duster, a wind picked up behind Lucas and Rainbow. Both of them recognized it as the same wind that had changed them all into humans so many months ago.

Rainbow and Lucas also knew that this meant it was indeed the end of everything they had built together. Before she could hesitate or cry anymore, Rainbow kicked off from the curb, instantly picking up a huge amount of speed thanks to her training and the wind at her back. Within about 30 seconds, Rainbow Dash achieved an earthly Sonic Rainboom and was gone, along with the wind that had brought her into this world.

Lucas was unsure of what to do now. He decided he needed to ride to figure it all out. Just ride until the pain went away. Ride until even the world itself went away.

Lucas turned around to find a piece of glass or a reflective surface so that he could put in Rainbow’s earring first. It was the last physical piece of her existence in this world. Lucas was not going to lose or waste it. Once he was satisfied that it was set properly, Lucas went over to the bike he now called his Rainbow Dash.

Lucas deactivated his security features, the same as any other day. Once everything was done, Lucas started the bike, letting the noise rip through his heart and his soul. It wouldn’t make it him forget right away, but the noise might help eventually.

Lucas got on the road and never looked back. He would never again visit the apartment where he had lived for years, the apartment where he had dated Rainbow, and the apartment where he had told Rainbow he loved her. Lucas would become a ghost to the world for a while, becoming merely a presence on the road.

Lucas knew he had a big race coming up in a few days that he kept mental note of while he rode his bike away from the rest of the world. Lucas also knew that this race, one way or the other, would be his last.