• Published 17th Apr 2016
  • 26,745 Views, 753 Comments

The Dragon Lord's Consort - Little_Draco

Lord Ember comes to Equestria with news that my surpirse Twilight and especially Spike, something that might change everything.

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The Trial of the Consort Pt. 1

The Dragon Lord’s Consort

The Trial of the Consort

It’s so unfair when fate calls us at the time we least suspect it. It rarely comes at the moment we want or seek it. The strings are tugged and pulled, but yielding to different, unknown directions that make us change everything around us or changing ourselves. What we can only do is embrace the change, mold what we can to our will and pray for the best outcome.

When we, as a species, come to terms that we can evolve into something more. Something grand than what we had always been lead to believe, I think that it will start soon. This generation, my… generation will be the last. I can foresee it. You may not know this now, nor may you remember the details vividly, but I know that deep in my heart, my hearts of heart, that you will experience change unlike anything we have endured in our history.

You will find the one… the one to hold your heart when you least suspect it. They will lift you up when you fall. When you believe they are weak, they will show you how strong they really are. When they see much greatness in you, they will give up so much, just for you. And when the time comes and you see their hearts, their care, their love for you and all that you are, you will see they are… your…

Well, I think that when it happens, you will know the name yourself. Oh… my little ‘Ember’, my teardrop of joy and love. Made by the hearts of your sire and dam, forged in the fires of our souls and blessed by Wistala. When I see you, I hope it is not to late when your hatchlings take their first breath. When you’re the size of myself and at the strength of your father. Maybe you will be something grand, I hope you are. Your mate… mates if you choose, I hope they are as kind and loving as your father, maybe more. They may even change you to something different, something you do not expect but it might be for the better.

When I awaken next, I pray that eternity has not passed nor your lifetime. When the sunrises next, I will be there to watch, as you take your step out into the world and make it small, make it so that you are as powerful as you need to be. Be more than just a little ember. Be a raging fire or a volcano, with the strength and power as one. Leave an impact and make sure that it will set a brighter future.

I love you so much, but I must sleep. But know that if you wish to speak to me, I may not respond, but I will always listen. I will always be there and if you need a body to be next to, I will be there, as well as your father. Take to kind, my little Ember, for your future is bright!

The words echoed loudly in her head and with it, her eyes opened. As sharp as they were, haze filled her vision and so did her mind. The brief and sharp inhale of air, filled her mind with the oxygen it needed and after an exhale, she inhaled deeply and managed to rouse herself.

Was it morning? Was it still night? She was not entirely sure but… if the cool, mucky air that flowed from the top and entrance of the cave was to indicate anything, it was that it was the early morning hours.

All of the nights previous exploits came rushing in and suddenly, she has never felt so full of mixed emotions and thoughts in her life then now. Feeling a bit of weight on her chest, she cocked her head down to see Spike, her consort, her mate… her something that meant more to her than anything else now. The little drake had surely changed her life, all within a few days. And… he changed too now that she noticed it.

He was… heavier. His head alone was a bit thinner, less hatchling fat on it but deeper features. She saw that his spines had grown a bit, his body more toned and defined. He had grown in height, not too much but she could see that he was a good few inches taller now. His head, judging by his sprawled out form, was closer to her breast area with his feet almost the length of hers.

It was… alarming to see it now and she didn’t know if it was greed growth or not. Dragons grow naturally even with greed but at much controlled action through their sires and dams. Spike had ponies and family but had no real lessons on anything else. The fact that their… pleasantries… no actual mating or courting had taken place, with Spike only growing a few inches to near her height. One thing is for sure… their bond was truly thight now. She could almost feel their connected energy. His gentle heartbeat; both that she felt against her body and the thumbing beat that seemed to hover around his aura. She could somewhat see a physical flame within him, green with purple that burned through his heart, and his hearts of hearts.

How much more would she see before they become eternally bonded like other dragons? Would that even work for them both? She didn’t keep her hopes up too much. The trials were among them and soon Spike would have to prove himself. Not just to her and her father, but amongst elders, advisors, and… in front of all of dragon kind.

Would he be made a fool? Would they disapprove him? Even with her as commanding and current Dragon Lord, she could not prevent from others treating him horribly or even the elders or advisors from branding their own mistrust. He was still young, still had a future ahead of him, but if he was ostracized from his own kin, how would that affect him in the future?

She dared not imagine it, nor would she condemn him to a false sense of hope. Ember knew that if the trials were to happen, he would have her support one way or another. The trials didn’t allow her to interfere unless… she condemn him to being teased or treated harmfully by his peers for the rest of his days. At that point, he would have no reason to stay with her, nor would he want to be anywhere near other dragons if they see him.

‘Oh mother, please let me keep the one I love,’ she silently prayed. ‘You once told me I would find the one that would change me and now… here he is. Not strong, not powerful, not even my size yet, but he is amazing. He is smart and he is…’

Spike snorted in his sleep, disturbing her train of thought. He began to rouse himself awake and Ember couldn’t help but feel a bit bashful at watching him rise awake. It was… adorable… so to speak.

Blinking heavily, his vision was still a blur, but he could make out the details of sky blue and he felt the warmth and beating heart of…

“Ember?” he asked. He rubbed his eyes, trying to rouse himself awake. “Good morning.”

Ember gave him a smile before leaning in and licking his face, causing him to pause as her tongue brushed over him. That seemed to instantly wake him up.

“And good morning to you, Spike.”

Vision clearing, he saw… happiness staring at him. No, not just happiness. He saw beauty, care, friend, consort… and more. He wanted to find the word for it, but he couldn’t right now.

“What happened…. What happened to my voice?” It was not as different as one might expect but to him, it felt like it had changed a lot. It was not… high pitched but neither did it say he was older. Instead, it kicked out that little bit of ‘hatchling’ that was left and pushed him to… ‘drake out on his own’, hood. Was that even a right saying?

Spike pushed himself from her, looking down at her before looking down at himself. “Wow. Am I taller?”

Ember gave a nod. “Just a tad bit. A little sharper too.”

His eyes became wide.

“Oh no! Am I going into a ‘Greed Growth?’ How!” His voice instantly filled with panic, but Ember placed a palm on him.

“It is… but not what you expect. As for how; well maybe last night’s activities have something to do with it.”

A cocked eyebrow with a sided grin and a look of total smug, Ember was the very definition of someone who had done something bad.

Staring at her, his mind flashed back to all of last night’s activities. Instantly, he turned a bright shade of red and he never looked more bashful then before. He wanted to find some words, anything to say but his mind was still recovering as flashes and vivid images of last night played in his mind like a movie. Only it really happened, and he enjoyed himself. It was a new and so unique experience.

Staring at her, he saw that she was now looking at him, trying to see any fault or negativity towards their sessions. His expressions were varied but she saw that there was nothing to show discomfort. Spike seemed to settle on… astonishment but with a small blissful overcast on his features.

“So… last night we…”

She shook her head.

“We didn’t properly mate, but we did learn to understand one another just a bit better. We are still young on learning what to do and that is fine but maybe when we mature or grow, we can learn how to properly express ourselves. For now, I think that this is as far as we can and should go. I would rather not ruin something so…

“Wonderful?” he asked.

A smile touched her muzzle and she leaned in, brushing snout against his.

“I was going to say, precious,” she almost hissed the word to him, triggering a tingle sensor on his spine. “But I like that too.” A small wisp of violet flame left her, brushing against his snout. This time, he was not startled, nor was he concerned. Instead, his heart beat harder, his eyes became distant and the warmth of the kindle he had just received made him feel more at ease than ever. Despite the brief draconic kiss, he never had felt more intoned and more heart-filled than with Ember.

Rarity never touched his face like her, despite her generosity. Twilight never caressed him outside of being a sister and friend. Even Celestia, despite her being his mother, all the kisses and hugs were different than what he felt with Ember. It was more than just a friend, it was more than just a mutual other. It was something stronger, stronger than he had ever had with anypony or anyone before.

It was lov-


It was lovely… for a moment.

Both parties separated and crawled out of the pillows, unto the cave floor. Just in time to see the former Dragon Lord’s giant head pop into the side entrance of the cave.

“Yes father?” Ember responded in an even tone.

Torch eyed the both of them.

“Today is the day! Are you and…” His giant eyes focused on Spike, whom despite his small growth, still felt small to the giant dragon. Seeing Spike had grown, he huffed, letting out a small steam escape from his nose. “What happened to you, whelp? Allowed yourself to grow greedy?” He paused, his giant nose taking in big whiffs of the cave air and instantly smelling the lingering orders, not just from the pillows but from the two smaller dragons below him.

His normal stoic expression went to a full grin. Ember saw it and instantly groaned at seeing her father’s expression.

“Father, don’t!”

Torch didn’t hear or didn’t care, but he did… He gave a grin and gave a sharp laugh. “HA!” The cave echoed and shook with his expressive action. “So the two of you had went and mated with one another!” Spike instantly blushed and Ember too, but she was trying to yell at her father.

“Father we did not mate at all!” Her father didn’t let her have it.

“Oh, you cannot deceive me, my little Ember! This cave reeks of your and his essences alone! Any dragon worth half their hoard can smell that you two had a good rutting last night!” His jest had filled the cave with his laughter, but the two younger dragons were left in embarrassment. “What's more,” he roused with a giant chuckle. “is that you not only rutted but Spiked there-

“Its uh… Spike, sir.” Spike said out loud but was over shouted by the larger dragon.

“-gained a bit of growth thanks to your rutting!”

“Father!” Boomed Ember, taking a hovering stance, ticked by her father’s embarrassing antics. “For the final time! WE! DID! NOT! MATE! We barely did anything more than just mark each other and play but we did not mate!”

Torch stopped his humorous rant but kept his grin.

“Oh, having trouble in trying to rouse the female, Spikes?”

Once more, Spike looked to correct him but hesitated to do so as Ember continued to berate her father.

“Father!” She finally snapped. “What did you come here for! Are you here for the trials?”

That snapped her father out of his merriment and returned to a somewhat normal tone.

“Ah, yes the trials. I have come for that. However, I ask that you two bathe yourselves and clean each other,” a small grin formed on his giant muzzle. “Unless you don’t mind allowing the rest of the dragons of the lands to smell of your… pleasantries!”

Ember groaned with a slap of her hand to her face. Spike couldn’t help but imagine in horror, at the thought of walking outside of the confines of the cave, only to have every dragon laugh, or treat him or Ember with disrespect. He couldn’t have that… nor would he allow it. His thoughts lead to him giving a small growl. The thought of others trying to tease or even hurt his mate, oh they would find fury on their heads if he got near them. The two dragons noticed his growl and saw his greed kicking in.

Fearing an incident or even trouble prior to the trials Ember immediately placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned near him.

“Spike… its okay. Whatever it is your thinking of, just relax. I am right here with you.”

It worked almost instantly, and Spike’s mood seized with him releasing a deep exhale. Torch saw the display and for once, he was stumped. The former Dragon Lord has seen a lot in a millennium of ruling and even more in an almost two thousand-years of living.

He has seen time passed him in a breeze, quick but something to be a behold. Not just from the dragon lands but throughout the world. He, being one of the smartest of his kind, had actually left the lands to find meaning to the world and himself. From a teenager, filled with a sense of exploration, rather than greed, he looked to find something more.

He saw civilizations being built in a blink. He saw dangerous areas become tame and inhabited by the strong. Empires and legacies of evil and unjust being toppled by masses of hope and love. Tyrant kings, evil spirits, mad centaurs, oddity mindless forms and chaos gods… all meeting their ends in some way or some form. From its chaotic beginnings, the world has changed vastly in a short of a matter of time and it will continue to change, with or without him there to see it. The last years alone, Eternal Night was just but a season ago where life would have ended slowly into a dark, freezing death. The chaos chimera that was re-released destroyed a great nation, was defeated in less than a day, yet not too long after, magically reformed into an ally of the ponies.

Changelings, disgusting insect crawling out of their little anthills to cause mayhem, only to be squashed like the bugs they are. The magic draining centaur escaping his eternal prison and nearly destroyed the world and rid it of magic, only to be stopped by a single pony. More and more news reached him of their exploits and accomplishments; their unbound and limitless roles in saving not just their homes but the world itself continues to come in hoard fills.

So when he saw Spike, not a full twelve hours be a mere hatchling that could fit in crack of his teeth filler, grow rapidly but not be consumed by greed, he was astonished. Even now as his daughter coaxed him, he saw the greed leave him quickly and with no trace of its presence. Triggered greed was difficult to control. Even more, it was only amplified when the thoughts alone would consume the dragon in a small level. If the dragon feels threat towards their mate or hoard, they would instantly go through greed growth to compensate against said threat.

It was almost an instinctual thing that would be inherited by any dragon. Yet, Spike before him held onto control like no other, even his own. Very little have grown smart enough to control their greed. The current Advisor, Elder and former Lords are but the few that could do so. But those were years of training and under great strain, did they not use their title or roles to gain more power than needed. Here, he was but a hatchling, raised by ponies that, if given much training and much more knowledge about his inner heart of hearts, he could change his size and his power at will, without the need of greed. Pure, raw emotion didn’t always feature strength but great control, could allow for power and flow to a dragon’s soul.

Maybe… that is what would have set him apart. As his giant eyes saw that Spike remained calm and spoke to Ember, even apologizing, Torch saw something in the drake he never saw in other dragons. Love, care, hope, restraint and even power that rivals that of his own. The ponies have given him power… something unheard of and because that, that the grin on his giant head remained.

Spike will surely pass the trials. He knew it. He wanted him to succeed. Not just for his daughter’s sake but for the sake of all others.

Clearing his throat, he got the attention of the two dragons.

“While you too… clean up,” He shot his daughter a knowing grin, which she responded with a snort. “I’ll go and start preparing the trials. The ‘Advisor, Elder, and others should be here soon.”

Just as he was about to leave, Spike called out to him.

“Um… Torch, sir?” he asked.

The larger dragon gave a huff of amusement.

“I told you, Spud… err Spike,” he quickly corrected himself. “You do not have to call me ‘sir’, I am not one of your ponies.”

Spike gave a cocked eyebrow.

“I was raised to respect others whom are either male or female, not species, to be called that. I’m sorry if I offended you in anyway but it’s an old habit.”

The larger dragon hummed to himself in thought.

He will pass the trials, he thought to himself. I will bet half my hoard of he does.

“What is it?”

Twiddling with his claws, he spoke out.

“When I do these trials, is there anything I have to worry about? Anything I should learn or pay attention too? I know you said that each trial varies per dragon, but… I just want to make sure that if I do them, would I be exiled or cast out or something if I fail?”

His questions were solid, and Torch knew what he was asking. However, it was up to the others and himself to decide how each trial was supposed to go. For certain dragons, the trials could be three to ten in total. Various tasks could be based on speed, strength, agility, intelligence, will and so on. He already had a few in mind, but the others would throw in their own input. Torch had already keyed them in on Spike’s situation… and upbringing but they also knew that he shouldn’t be spared the difficulty of the challenges because of them. Other dragons would view him as weak and unreliable should he win a title.

Still, he had to make sure that Spike would be confident enough to do it all.

“I know what trial I have for you,” he said in steady tone, careful to hide any knowledge of the trials he has in mind. “But as for the others, they are decided upon by the current Elder, Advisor, and the successor prior to me. You will meet them first, before you begin your trials.”

Spike gave a small nod before looking down at his somewhat grown form. He might have gained a few inches but he still was the smallest dragon to date. He then looked back up at Torch.

“I’m… not much to look at.” He responded, unsure himself. “I don’t even have wings.”

Torch gave a nod, as best he could with the cave holding his head in.

“That you aren’t,” he said, causing Spike to give a dejected sigh, but Torch quickly responded. “But looks aren’t everything, young drake. What happens out there is not on looks, its how the other dragons will see you. To answer your questions, what you have worry about, is not about passing or failing, nor trying to prove to us, or what you are capable of. The trials are to prove… what will your worth give to not only your mate as your Dragon Lord, but to us as a species, as a race on this great world of ours and how we will see you in the future. You have a distinct advantage that no other consort of a lord has had before and that is knowledge.

“Knowledge from a race, once regarded as weak and pathetic before, now seen as a powerful species, with powerful lessons. From what my daughter has told me and what you have shown me in the little time you have been here, is that the ponies have taught you more in your so few years in your life, than the Elders, Advisor, or former Dragon Lords in history. Your lessons in Friendship, kindness, devotion and loyalty have been proven enough just by you being here alone.” Something close to appraisal came from Torch and both Spike and Ember saw that he had a difficult time trying to phrase it.

“The fact that you came to my daughter’s rescue… shows how much you can care for something much more than just yourself. Not only that, but leaving behind your friends, your family so that my daughter can live, despite the lie we have given to you, your heart is bigger than even mine.” He paused and gave a grin. “Figuratively.”

This caused Spike a large smile, as well as Ember. Pulling close to him, Spike felt the warmth truly come from the two, more than ever.

“Understand, that even if you fail the trials, but you put your all of your best, all of your brain, pouring in your soul and hearts into the trials, I as well as the others, will still see of you as a great dragon. You will not be exiled, nor would other dragons dare call you weak. I already have great faith that you will not fail these trials… in fact, I know you will succeed in them.” That sparked a huge boost in confidence in Spike, hearing that the great Torch, would know he would pass. “However, know that they will be difficult. I do not want you to get cocky and think they are easy. Far from it, these trials are created for the purpose of dragons of all kinds, perhaps even other species, to understand that we are a strong and powerful race. But you however, may do something far surpass even that.”

Spike looked up at him, in question.

“In what way?”

The larger dragon gave a small shake of his.

“That is not here nor now. You will know of it soon.” He paused and gave a small grunt. “The time is near, my young. I ask that you quickly bathe yourselves and be ready. Come high noon, the trials will start.” Without another word, the giant dragon left, leaving a silence to follow.

Sparing no more time, the two dragons made their way towards the center where the lava pits and fountain were at. Spike at once went for the water while Ember made her way towards the lava.

She curiously saw as her consort began to make his way inside.

“Is that how you would bathe before?” she asked.

He hadn’t made a move over the fountain wall before stopping and turning to her.

“Uh yea… Ponies… me included, we would take showers.”

Ember cocked her head.

“Isn’t that a waste of water?”

He gave a small shrug.

“In some ways yes, but Ponies really have no other ways of cleaning themselves.”

“But you’re not a pony, you’re a dragon. You no longer have to do it their way anymore.”

Something struck Spike and he wondered, that after everything he had learned in the time here, would he try to adapt to the new dragon living as quickly as possible, or struggle with the change that once was his life? In truth, he never realized that, if he were to live over here now, with his consort, then he may have to introduce her to his own style of life, and his own way of how he lived. Perhaps after the trials, he could prove to her that having both could be better.

A smile formed on his muzzle. “I think that, I will have to get used to things not being done the pony way anymore, but I also think that maybe, I could teach you the pony way could be beneficial too!”

The left her a questionable gaze but relented with a nod.

The two quickly cleaned themselves, though after Spike bathed himself in clean water, he made his way towards the lava pit where he allowed the water that lingered on body to quickly turned to steam and for the lava to clean anything that the water could cleanse through.

What Spike liked knowing is that the lava pit was a lot better than the steamy hot showers he took back at home. He didn’t have to worry about using up all the hot water or, if he took a bath, wouldn’t worry about it cooling down in little time. Another thing was that the lava was thicker, so he had to struggle a bit to move in and out but that was nothing compared to the fact that being in a lava bath, meant not having to worry about being surrounded by your filth or that he had to clean up after. Truly, heated liquid fire was the best way to bathe.

Not long after, the two set on eating gems, though from Ember’s view, Spike needed to eat a lot. Who knew how long the trials would be and if he would even be allowed to rest or eat for that matter. The silence was actually welcoming between them, for they held each other close, only allowing a few words to pass between the two. Their relationship was now at a different level but where it was going, it was a mystery.

Each hour that did pass, Spike continued to worry more and more, despite Ember’s reassurances. He has never had to deal with something like this before. Sure he may have saved the Crystal Empire twice before and maybe even go on near-life-ending journeys and scenarios, but to go up in front of an entire race to prove not just to them but to others whom will see or hear of this, what kind of dragon is worth being the consort of the Dragon Lord, has him in nerves. More so, he was going to be judged, tested and examined by dragons, whom from what he has read and been told, be thousands of years old.

Then came the trials. Torch had a few in mind for him, however the others might be different. Physical attributes could be in play which Spike surely lacked. Intellectual wits could prove a challenge if he was asked about dragon history or just in general. The only ones he truly felt confident about is if any of the trials worked around pony or pony history, which he severely doubts that would be true. The last would be anything that may have to do with why he chooses to be with Ember. That one was easy enough… right?

But what comes next… he wasn’t sure.

Checking himself over in the pool, he gazed upon his reflection. What he saw still astounded him, the features of his body slowly washing over him as he saw the last of his chubby hatchling fat almost gone. Taller spikes roamed across his head to his tail. His mouth was a bit larger, almost pointed where even his teeth looked like mini white daggers. Claws grew sharper, almost to the point where just brushing them lightly across any surface will leave scratches. Lastly, his eyes were more slit than oval-ish prior. The fact that he is maybe another inch or two taller was a small enhancement he enjoyed.

Still, he wasn’t sure if he truly looked any different to himself, or if he were to return back home to his family. He rubbed his claws across his face, once more seeing the features had smoothed a bit, trimming his fat and giving a firm jaw line.

“Who are you going to be?” he asked himself out loud. Though he was not sure if Ember heard. “Are you going to be the Advisor? The one other’s seek to when they need help? When they ask for guidance or assistance in their daily life? Would helping a dragon figure themselves out be a good role I am fit for?”

Ember slowly made her way towards him, listening to his monologue.

“Are you going to be the Elder? A dragon where people seek knowledge of the world, past or future? Thousands of years from now, will I be telling stories to… hatchlings… ponies… other species whom want to know history?”

She steadied her breath, making sure she didn’t disturb him.

“Will I be… a co-ruler, filling in for my…” She held her breath, waiting for the name. “…my consort if she fell ill and I must succeed in her name? Would they remember me because I succeeded where she didn’t or would I be remembered because I am a good co-ruler’ and am worth listening to?”

There was a pause and he sighed, sounding somber and mellow.

“Or would I just be… just your mate? Nothing worth to prove, nothing worth to any dragon else or anyone else?” Looking past his reflection, he saw Ember standing behind him. “If I were to lose the trials,”

“You won’t.” Ember affirmed. Pressing herself against his back, she wrapped her arms against his shoulders to his chest and leaned her head down near to his. “I and my father have much faith that you will pass.”

“I know you do… but I am not sure of myself.”

“That is something I cannot help you with. Only you can assure yourself of a victory. I will only be there to support you, every step, every challenge along the way. My heart will be there by your side, my father’s knowledge will lead you straight, and your friends, your friends, they too will be there… if you keep in mind whom has your back.”

Silence followed and he felt so small, so tiny.

Looking up from the fountain, he casted his gaze towards the cave where he could feel the rising sun and the warmth coming in, feeling the cave with its heat. He didn’t feel warm, nor did it felt like a morning. To him, it was just another time when he was called into question, what his role is to be today and what it will be, tomorrow.

He released a monotone voice

“I am not ready…”

Author's Note:

Once more, thanks to my editor RomeoDkat for helping out.
This story was originally done a few ago but with the ;Commission story of Death likes me rough, it kinda of got kicked into the side. Not to mention that i forgot to submit it in to my editor.
Finally, i had to wait to see how the latest Spike episode my change my views on dragons and surprising, it was a lot of what i imagined and even got things right on my own! :yay:
The greed growth and the natural growth are to different things, the change is either quick or painful(Spikes rashes and itching could be considered painful), this changing in voice and as well as smell....... as somewhat demonstrated in the NSFW work of this series!! :twilightblush:
Lastly, i wont follow the show directly with it when we hit up Spike's growth so don't expect it line by line but i will take points from it and use em in the story. For now, i suggest sticking with what i do in my own stories and not worry to much on the show. I will do my thing and hopefully it will be a bit better on its own!

Thanks also for 1111 LIKES on this story! 1111 years likes that Celestia would be proud of!