• Published 17th Apr 2016
  • 26,807 Views, 753 Comments

The Dragon Lord's Consort - Little_Draco

Lord Ember comes to Equestria with news that my surpirse Twilight and especially Spike, something that might change everything.

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The Betrayal of the Consort

The Dragon Lord's Consort

The Betrayal of the Consort

It was so unusual to see a dragon as young as Spike bury his snout into the scroll before him. The scrolls that he could translate which he said was proper 'Equish', Ember said it was simply known as the 'Ancient Common', something he was attested to with his first encounter with the night princess. Still it made an interesting read for him as he translated most of the scrolls in seconds.

Vast histories of dragons and dragon civilization expanded thousands of years before ponydom started. The first council of dragons, the first Lords, the first written words that predate any known sources in pony kind. It wasn't the full history of dragons, for those were the scrolls he could not translate but gave him something to look forward to sharing with Twilight in his return.

Ember meanwhile was more impressed at the young drake, seeing him absorb knowledge or read in such a way most dragons take years to learn. Young dragons don't like to read nor learn about boring stuff that had nothing to do with them until they are at a certain age. The dragons that read these scrolls are dragons that are preparing to be Dragon Lords, Elders, Historians or just dragons seeking to become smarter than your average drake. That was a rare thing to see around here since most dragons are somewhat distained against any dragon that tries to be smarter then the regular dragons. Most dragons think that knowledge is a waste of one's time to do rather then pillaging villages, gaining hoards, seeking a mate or mates or even just finding a new home outside of the dragon lands. Those that do seek knowledge often leave the lands to seek more knowledge where they wont be shunned or neglected. She often wondered where those intellectual dragons wind up.

One thing he asked, was how were the scrolls still intact after millenniums of use with very little wear and tear from the ages.

"Some dragons have bendable hide or scales that once are shed off, that could be smoothed out or enhanced with dragon flame to be used as scroll," He was immediately disturbed by the fact that he was holding dead dragon scales but Ember quickly assured him. "Yes, it is that but its because of our scales that they can be used to hold information. Some of these scrolls are literally just scales and skins that hold each dragon's unique chemistry. Despite them being dead scales, they could still last for centuries in which point have to be re-enhanced with dragon fire or through other magical means. Also how they can resist most if not magical means." He nodded in understanding before focusing back on his scrolls. He did send a few words and parts of dragon lore to Twilight via 'via instant messaging', he could practically hear the squeals through the 'Thank you!!!' notes she would reply with.

Spike sighed as he finished the last scroll before rolling it up and setting it aside. That was the last one and despite the deep and colorful meanings to Dragon History, it still was daunting to know that there was way more to it then just these few scrolls. Ember had shown him a whole wall full of these scroll and he only just touched the few that he could grab. Who knows how much ancient history of dragon lore waited to be told or read. He knew that if he were to show Twilight these, she would bouncing with glee at the thought of being the first non-dragon to read these since Pony Civilization began.

"Well, that is the last one and I feel like that really wasnt enough to satisfy me in all of dragon lore." He sounded a bit dejected at that and Ember couldn't blame him.

"I know that learning another language may take time but you have plenty of that since you are a dragon after all. Whether it takes you a hundred years or a thousand, you can learn as much are you want."

That did get a nod out of him, though the thought of living for thousands of years seem almost incomprehensible. To see many lives pass and go was a saddening thought and he knew it would take time to adjust to that but it somewhat intrigued him what the future would hold as he saw the time fly by him in a way where he could live through history and maybe get a chance to write it. One day, a hundred years from now, he could end up seeing dragons, ponies and all sorts of creatures live together in harmony, playing, laughing, existing together in a glorious future that seemed all to grand. Just like he promised his friends and family, that when he would return, he would try to help and unite ponies and dragons into a better future and world.

After the scrolls where set back into place or in their proper holdings, Ember showed him a bit more around the area. The hoard was just where he could have his lunch or snack whenever he needed. Ember allowed as much as he wanted from the hoard, so long as he did not over do it and allow his greed to consume him. He made sure he would only take one or two.

Next Ember showed him the fountain where at the center, a small nozzle turned and expelled fresh river water. As much as he was comforted by the life of ponies, he was no stranger to doing a few things here and there old school. It would pull into a large tub where either he could drink from, or in this case, he could bathe in. However, that is where Ember showed him the true bathing area and that was the pool of lava that was near the center of the room. It wasn't massive but he felt like he could swim around in it and gain some joy out of it.

Just being near it filled his nose with sulfur and brimstone, though a hint of chard rocks also lingered. He noticed however that the stones or the tub holding the lava was onyx black but not of a stone he was familiar with. Lastly came the highlight of the room and that was Ember's giant mountain of pillows.

It came to no surprise that they were either pony or gryphon made pillows and that automatically begged the question, "Where did the pillows come from? he asked outload.

Ember was a bit flushed but she decided to remain truthful to her consort at least for now. 'Those came from 'ponies or gryphons." He gave her a skeptical look and he was open to speak more but she quickly cut him off.

"They were my pillows before I was born so father had taken them long before you and I came to our mutual understanding." She finished off.

He didn't remark after that. He did however catch a unique scent coming from the area. It was so odd that as he approached the pillows, it became stronger. His head began to swim a bit, almost a nice comforting lightheadedness and he was filled with wonder to what it held. Much to Ember's horror, she quickly realized that Spike was approaching her pillows and she instantly knew that in Spike's hazy and staring state, that he was catching a whiff of her 'early sessions' this week with her pre-heat lingering scent of her fluids that were drenched into her pillows. She never cleaned them and have blended in with the pillows and stained with her essences. She quickly grabbed the drake, startling him out of his haze.

"Whaaa!" he cried out as he quickly was pulled away.

"Uh! We must start preparing you! she quickly said, pulling him away from the possible scents of her lingering fluids. "I'm pretty sure that with my arrival, their will soon be a call for my name..."

"Ember!!!: The mountain shook as the voice of Torch came through. Spike felt the whole mountain shake as the sound of possibly the largest dragon in all of Equestria began making his way to the mountain. Ember all but groaned inwardly and she knew that soon, the worst is to come with her fathers arrival.

From the largest entrance of the cave, in came the giant cave of Torch. His giant gaze quickly settled on Ember's before his red eyes followed to Spike.

His snort alone sent Spike into hiding behind Ember whom seemed already used to her father's giant size and usual demeanor. His voice came, still high in volume but a lot softer than his usual booming voice.

"So," He started, his giant head nodding back and forth. "this is the whelp you have chosen?"

Ember gave a nod, using her tail to gently comfort Spike.

"It is father." She then slowly pushed him forward and he came out, slowly and sheepishly giving a small wave to the former Dragon Lord. In truth Spike has never wanted so hard to soil himself with being up this close to Torch. He thought he was intimidating before but the fact that he was just a fraction of a fraction of an inch compared to him, it was honestly a wonder that he was ever the size of Ember, let alone have her the size she was now. Torch seemed way unimpressed and even though he listens to his daughter, he would regularly speak his disinterest in his daughters choices.

"And you are telling me that he helped you acquire the Bloodstone Scepter despite his size?" It wasn't a question much less, a statement that seemed disbelieving or condescending her father's inquire towards the little dragon before her. He was barely the dirt in his claw and yet, he was the one not only to save her from the trials but also managed to gain the Scepter with her help.

"Yes, father and it was his size that he used to his advantage to get through the environments and managed to retrieve it. Not only that but his stature and quick thinking allowed us, to get to the Scepter before other dragons."

"That include that bumbling dragon, Garble?"

Both tiny dragons gave each other a look before nodding though it was Spike whom spoke, albeit a bit meekly.
"Yes sir, though Garble kept trying to sabotage and even try to get rid of us, me and Ember fought him off, so he didn't get hold of the Scepter."

"You did?" He asked, more liked growled. Spike guessed that he didn't like Garble either. "That excuse of a dragon would have been the for front for an ideal Dragon Lord, if not his lack of proper intellectual understanding of ruling. Personally, I prayed that he was to never reach the stone."

"Then why did you allow him to participate in the Gauntlet of Fire?" Spike spoke before he realized that he just questioned the giant dragon. A 'meep' left his mouth, one that would have made Fluttershy approve, as the giant eyes focused on him.

"When a Dragon Lord's time has come to pass on the Scepter, he must allow any and all dragons to participate, regardless of personal feelings." He paused and looked at both and a satisfying grin appeared on his large head. "Still, I am pleased to know that at least that he didn't win." He paused, then seemed to brighten his mood a bit. "More so, that you," he said, using his large snout to point at Spike. "-went out of your way to make sure he didn't win and you saved my daughter more than one time. Something that other dragons would have not cared for nor slow down to help their fellow dragon."

He then bowed his giant head(most of it was touching the floor so he only decline a bit), closing his eyes.
"For that whelp, you have my ever gratitude for my daughter's continued existence."

Pride swelled in Spikes chest and he felt a bit better towards Torch, now that he knew he had a softer side. Ember looked just as pleased at her father's appraise towards her consort.

"Its Spike, father," She gave a hardy grin. "Spike is his name."

The former Dragon Lord opened both eyes and landed them on his daughter. He then got a large rumbling to shake part of the cave, which Spike saw that he was giggling.

"indeed, my dear daughter. Though a queer name he has."

"Hey!" He gave a small shout towards Torch. "It might not be something as great as Torch but its still my name. A name I carry with pride."

The large dragon gave him a look, but this time, Spike did not wilt nor shy towards the larger dragon. This seemed to bring a large smile towards him. "And he has spunk! Ha!" he bellowed, once more shaking the cave. This time, Spike did not get fearful of the large dragon and felt like he could deal with the larger dragon's 'humongous personality.' Ember seemed to be used to it. With the somewhat odd beginning they had started off, Spike felt more relaxed at Torch's attitude towards him. It still didnt ease him knowing that he would be judged by him and other dragons during the trials.

Speaking of...

"Uh, Mr. Torch, sir?"
The large dragon cocked his head.

"It's just Torch, Whel... Spike. No need for that pony formalities you been raised with. Speaking of, how did it take with your family? Friends? WIth your absence from them?" Sadness took over him and Ember gave a small glare to her father. However, it seemed that the larger dragon was more understanding with it than before.

"Never let it be told that friends and family make you weak, young Spike." The young dragon picked his head up, seeing the former Dragon Lord in a new light. The large dragon was speaking from experience and it was never before revealed to other dragons minus his own daughter. "You leaving them for my daughter, shows how committed you are to this. I wish the Scepter allowed Ember an extended time to leave in her absence but it must remain in the Burning Grounds and it must be within her grasp for a certain period of time."

Spike gave a small nod, though not fully understanding the reasoning.
"Of course. I wanted to help out Ember in this because she told me there was little choice. If not for me than it would have to be another dragon and I didn't want her to be miserable with some excuse of a drake not to treat her right."

He missed the quick glance from father to daughter. Mostly because his large eyes had a big view of them but the unease was passed between the two. Torch saw that Ember went with a lie to bring him here and Ember gave a look of uneasiness. Thankfully the large dragon went with it and actually seemed to like it.

"The fact that you went away from just to ensure my daughter's happiness means more to me than you know." Torch seemed more than pleased at this and it showed. Spike felt the appreciation that rolled off the tongue of the larger dragon. "Not many, if any dragons nowadays, take that initiate with their mates."

Spike blushed at that name and he twiddled with his claw digits.

"Uh, sorry Mr.--- I mean Torch, we are not mates... uh yet. For now Ember and I are just uh... consorts." This time, he saw the large eyes move towards Ember whom held a blush of her own but it was both embarrassment and somewhat shameful at not fully explaining it to her father.
However, Torch seemed still content with the answer. "Regardless of how you wish to proceed, the fact that you still want to help my daughter is more Generosity and Kindness than most dragons are known for."

Spike nodded and gave a warmth of a smile to Ember whom returned it.

"That is what I learned from my pony friends and family. Spread the Magic of Friendship through Generosity, Kindness, Honesty, Loyalty and Laughter. You bring it all together and makes it all complete, kinda like Magic."

The silence that followed echoed loudly and Spike didn't know if it was confusion in which was something he said that the larger dragon didnt understand or that he was contemplating on what he just shared with. He however did not expect this response.

"BWAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!” He laughed out loud, causing the whole mountain to vibrate with his body. It shook so wildly that both smaller dragons feared a cave in as pieces of rocks fell from the ceiling. The lava and water pools shook, the hoards and scrolls from the rooms fell and outside, other dragons watched as the former Dragon Lord flail his body to and fro, his body shaking with laughter.

Ember quickly picked up Spike and shoved him under her father's giant head to get away from the falling rocks that threaten to land them.

"Father!" Ember yelled out, "You're going to bring down the mountain on top of us!" The larger dragon managed to turn his boisterous laughter into somewhat controlled giggles; if giggles where still semi-quakes that rumbled and still threatened the foundations of the mountains. Once he managed to settle himself, both dragons came from underneath the dragon's larger jaw.

He took in a large inhale before releasing it, filling the gave a strong gust of wind and large smell of sulfur and ash.
Spike didn't know what was funny, but now his poor face carried the look of embarrassment and awkwardness. He was rubbing his tail, feeling that he just made himself look like a fool or an idiot and that Torch most likely feel disgraced towards his daughter's decisions. Ember was glaring at him, clearly peeved at her father's outburst of laughter and clearly making Spike feel stupid. However, before she could yell at her larger father he spoke in volume.

"Those ponies do have the funniest and most amusing lessons that I have ever heard" His voice was high but it carried a merrier attitude that seemed to confuse both dragons. Clearly, Torch's attitude towards Spike seemed to be spontaneous at each new information brought on before him. "They have taught you lessons that other dragons wouldn't care for nor bother to discover on their own. Yet, in your short lifetime, you have learned those lessons from them, in which case made you save my daughter, work along side her, stick with her until the end, even giving her unlimited power to dragon kind." His giant eyes that burned of a wild fire, cast their orbs back towards Spike. "I can truly not think of a kind hearted dragon to meet my expectations for a mate or consort for Ember in that matter, then a whelping raised by ponies. I have not met a dragon with a heart such as yours in a long while."

Ember was filled with emotional joy at her father's words and Spike seemed all the more pleased with the larger dragon's words.

"Well thank you Lord.. uh Torch." Spike said a bit proudly, his mood returning back to pleased. "I don't suppose though, now that you know what kind of dragon I am, that you might cancel the trials I have to pass?"

Torch gave a toothy grin and laughed.

"Aha if it were only that simple, whel... Spike. I believe that this only shows that you are willing to endure the trials even more!" Spike's mood dropped and he wilted a bit. Torch held his grin while Ember patted him. "Fear not, your heart is actually part of the test. I for one believe that you can successfully past this trial, if the Gauntlet was anything to show for it"

Looking up, he drew the question.

"What if I fail the trials?"

The larger dragon gave it a thought before his eyes settled into a gentle ease towards the small dragon.

"I believe that you won't, however if you do fail, I know my Ember will still keep you as her mat... consort, regardless of the circumstances. The true trials that are against you are more or less what makes you a dragon and how you fill the role next to Ember in the future as a Worthy Co-ruler, a Trustworthy Advisor, an Elder or just a general consort with no influence for Ember in the future."
Spike's head tilted at that, giving a questioning look to Ember. She gave a small shrug.
"Your are going to be seen as somedrake serious, trustworthy, leader wise or just somedrake whom just to be with me." Came her simple response. Though he nodded in understanding her words, he paused and turned to Torch.

"Future?" he asked. "What about the future?"

This got him to finally find the uneased glance between Father and Daughter, seeing the fear rush to Ember.

"What future?"he re-asked the question. "Are you talking about how long I will be Ember's consort or my role here?" Ember tried to speak but it was Torch or got out the words before her.

"Your future here, young Spike is of your own. You have a family that you love but you must also understand that as Embers consort, you may be here for awhile. A while in which, you must secure how the other dragons will see you."

"B-But Ember said that I-I would only be here for... he trailed off and looked towards Ember whom was looking away shamefully. "E-Ember?" his voice was full of worry and fear, not sure what was happening. "Is he right?"

"Tell him now, before its to late or risk losing it all"  Was the response from Torch. Spike didn't look at him, rather his focused on Ember whom was physically struggling with herself and holding herself from breaking down.

She managed to inhale a shaky breath before she responded.

"I-I lied to you, Spike." she paused, inhaling deeply, trying to steady herself before placing herself directly in front. Her eyes betrayed sadness and fear but worst of all, betrayal and self-hatred. "I-I lied to you about all of this! I told you what I needed to you to hear as to ease you into the truth later on."

A slow and breaking virtue began making its way into his emotions but fear and small bits of anger were a more visual aspect on his features.
"A-And what is the truth?" he dared asked, feeling slowly showing as his heart was beating at an accelerated rate.
She closed her eyes, feeling tears breaking through her lids before she opened them and stared at the dragon before her.

"You cannot go back later on... to your friends and family. You must remain at my side, until the Bloodstone Scepter has successfully bonded with you and me. Once that is done, we must stay together for the rest of our lives."

Author's Note:

So you will notice this chapter appearing before Fear for the Consort.
If you read that chapter, it will still be the same with few changes due to this one. Now, this one was supposed to appear in front of that one but as i had said in that note, i had suffered a car wreck the day i was supposed to submit this one it. After that, i forgot this one and began working on fear for the consort without realizing i had this one. My brain was somewhat gone when i got hit, so i apologize for the time jump in next chapter. Read the notes on that one when i have it sumbitted.