• Published 17th Apr 2016
  • 26,747 Views, 753 Comments

The Dragon Lord's Consort - Little_Draco

Lord Ember comes to Equestria with news that my surpirse Twilight and especially Spike, something that might change everything.

  • ...

A Lunch with a Lord

Big shout out to my co-writers/editors Nexus Dragon and The fallout Pony!!!

The Dragon Lord's Consort

A Lunch with a Lord

After having to wake up for the second time that day, Spike quickly though a bit shakily began to work on lunch meanwhile Twilight had created a letter to sent out to multiple pony to meet for tomorrow.
A simple salad would be prepared for Twilight, while for himself and the other dragons… a more difficult lunch.

Two things that made dragons difficult to feed was two of the most ideal and unique ways to acquire them; Gems and meat which are versatile and complicated to get especially in a town like this.

Spike was not touching meat, though Fluttershy had given him a fish or two when she heard the dragons coming, hoping to keep them at bay while she had gone to quickly board up her house. The fish wasn't much but if it kept the dragons satisfied until they left for tomorrow it would have to do. He would also blend in pony food to give it flavor.

Ember most likely would try it to see how pony food would taste like, Amethyst would most likely eat anything at this point and Garble… he might eat the gems and just spit or eat around the pony food. It would be a waste but still, as Twilight had always taught him, be gracious with your hosts. Even if they are snotty, or mean, or like that arrogant Blue-

“Spike, you sure you know what to make for us?” asked Ember, interrupting his train of thought. She watched as Spike moved around the kitchen, boiling this or mixing that. Spike, while chopping lettuce and other ingredients, gave her a smile and responded.

“Well, I never cooked or made anything for dragons, not including myself but it can't be that hard. I mean, I'll just make what I make for myself just for three dragons, right?”

Ember didn't respond to that, not sure how or what he eats, rather, she walked around the kitchen and began to observe, studying and looking at all the odd things that occupied the area.

The kitchen was large, easily for her to walk around, even if her wings were spread. All the little items that adored it made her curious and touch everything. From the simple pots to the big shiny metallic fridge that occupied the wall. The stove was on, a metal pot was placed over it with water boiling in.

“I know that dragons… not me,” began Spike. “Eat meat. Unfortunately, ponies don't eat meat and if you find any place that does serve it… well it won't be here in Ponyville. I just managed to get fish, I hope that is fine?”

“I am aware of pony customs of not eating meat, Spike, though the fish is fine. I am curious as to what else they do eat other than grass, seeing that some are grazing every now and then but what else?”

“Oh there is plenty to eat!” He put all the cut vegetables in a bowl and walked over to the pot, dumping them in. “You have fruits, vegetables, hay, flowers...”

“So basically anything grown from the ground?” she asked, touching and observing a cutting knife. “That inquires that they can eat mostly anything raised from the ground.”

“Well… not 'anything'...” he tried to answer.

“Mushrooms, leaves, plants, grass...” she continued. She ran the knife across her scales, a screeching sound was heard before she saw that her scales were left unharmed but the knife became somewhat jagged as pieces of metal were scraped off. Putting the knife down, she looked towards Spike. “That is what they eat. My question to is that, you a dragon in a pony society, eat what?”

The question left Spike a bit confused.

“I uh… kinda eat what they eat. Not the whole plants and all that but yea, hayburgers, fries, and candy. Though I mostly eat gems too.”

She gave him a look before shaking her head.

“No wonder you haven't grown.” she said softly. She gave him a small pity look. This caused him to furrow his brows.

“What do you mean I haven't grown? Of course I have grown! I mean, I am no longer a baby that came out of the egg. I am older than most of the fillies I know!”

“Spike… the differences between you and me are very little. From what I have gathered, we are close in age proximity and that you were raised by ponies while I was by dragons, you grew up on the wrong end of the claw.”

Spike twinged a bit at hearing that. Ember was still unfamiliar with emotions so she gave no indication to Spike's reaction. However Spike quickly shook his head and continued with the meal preparations. Ember continued her speech.

“I am still unaware of the emotions one's share so forgive me for what I am saying, nonetheless, you should heed my words.”

He gave her a small glance before returning to the other food. Having already finished Twilight's salad, he began to work on the foods for the others.

“I am listening Ember, but at this point, it doesn’t matter. I am already grown enough to be my own dragon. I mean, I am smarter than most ponies… even some dragons.” He said offhandedly.

“While that is true,” commented Ember. “The fact is that when we return to the Dragonlands...”

“Yeah… uh Ember I have been meaning to bring that up as well. I know well… I know I already said I might join you in the Dragonlands as your… consort, but I just wish to know, how long would I be staying there?”

Ember gave him a look. Was he serious? Oh gods he was serious.

“Spike...” she tried to speak carefully so he could understand. “Once you return with me to the Dragonlands, you can not leave.”

“What!” he all but yelled. “But… I thought… I mean you… and Twilight and I...”

She quickly silenced him by quickly lowering herself to his level and eyed him.

“You cannot leave, at least, not right away. First, we have to bring you to my father to see if he approves of this consort. Despite the fact dragons can be with whomever they wish, Dragon Lords must have a worthy mate.”

“But that makes no sense!” he said loudly causing Ember to flinch. “First you tell me you choose me, then you say that the only reason you choose me is because I was the first dragon to grab the Bloodstone, if not you have to choose the mate or get forced into one and now I have to be worthy for your father? Your father who is like the biggest dragon in all of dragon history?!”

“Second biggest.” she murmured to herself before quickly getting back to the topic. “And yes… the rules are somewhat difficult to follow and makes little sense...”

Spike snorted, a small plume of smoke escaping him.

“Well no duh. I mean, the rules are dumb and out of place and… whoever made it must have been dumber than Garble or was as drunk as Rainbow Dash on Hard Apple Cider.”

“I apologize Spike but as is, you must go and meet my father's approval. Despite me being a lord, I still have an obligation to show to the dragons that I am indeed worth the Scepter and that my mate is worthy ruling next to me.”

“And… if I fail to meet your father's approval?” he asked her in a somewhat bitter tone.

She hesitated. She looked away from him, thinking to herself for a bit before focusing back on him.

“I… my father would create a trial for you to pass...”

“Great.” He paused. “Does your father even know you were thinking of choosing me?” She didn't answer right away.


Spike all but threw his hands in the air. “Fantastic! Another trial I have to pass!” Fumes of smoke left his nostrils and just for a second, Ember saw greed and anger flash in his eyes. Something that instantly triggers rapid growth… She didn't want that from him, nor did she want him to lose who he was.

Placing her claw on his shoulder, Ember spoke softly.

“Spike… what I ask for you is high. If… if you do not wish to do this, I won't blame you for no longer wanting to be my consort. I know that this is difficult on you especially since this is your home. I won't tear it away from you nor will I ask you to endure another trial for my sake. I will… seek another dragon to be my consort.”

Spike looked up and from what he saw, his anger and greed quickly subsided. The look of sadness and sincerity was all over her face. She looked torn, knowing what laid ahead for Spike if he went with her, at the same time, the fact that she will go home and have to find another dragon or be forced into one, that being Garble, her days would end in misery no less.

With a heavy sigh, he shook his head.

“I'll… still go with you Ember...”

“What? No Spike I don't wish for you to endure this for my--”

“I am going because that is what friends do, Ember.” he looked up at her with confident and meaningful look. “I know it will be tough for me… maybe even you but I don't want you to be stuck with a dragon against your will, that aint right. I care too much about you to let you live the rest of your life with a dragon you have no relations with. At least with me, you know I will treat you right.”

Ember was left agape as Spike spoke those words. Never has she heard such passion or care from a dragon, let alone one she has only met once. He was willing to give up his life here, where he has family and friends to be with her, so she didn't have to deal with a random dragon who only wanted her for the throne or as a 'Brood mate'. She felt her heart flurrying about and it was difficult to find the right words to him.

“Spike… I don't know what to say. Are you sure about this?”

He gave a hesitated nod.

“I know I'll miss my friends and I know I might be gone for awhile but… I think they will understand why I am doing this. Besides, at least this way I may be able to learn more about what it means to be a dragon and how to be a better one. I want to learn more about what I am, maybe try to start a path of showing dragons that not all things begin with greed. Maybe I can teach others how to be like. Make more friendlier dragons in the world.”

His confidence spoke higher volume than her father's voice could ever and despite Spike being as small as an ant compared to her father, his heart was anything but small. Leaning in and getting to his level, she brought out her claws to his and held them.

“I promise you, Spike, that no matter what happens, I will do everything in my power as a Dragon Lord or not, to get you home as early as possible. Should you pass my father's approval, and his trial, right after I will bring you back to visit them.”

Spike gave her a satisfied smile.

“That is all I ask of you.” Leaning in, he wrapped her arms around her, managing to hug her around her chest. This time, she wasn't unprepared or shy about, she allowed him to do so and she returned the hug back.

The hug ended and when the two separated, Twilight came in with scrolls, papers and lots of quills and ink. Her hips were almost Pinkie Pie like and her glee was that of a foal in a candy store.

“Okay Ember!” she all but skipped in and had a huge grin on her face.
“I am ready for our lesson!”

Ember gave her an amused look before turning to Spike whom gave a shrug.

“Good luck. She'll ask a lot of questions so just be patient with her.” He then gathered Twilight's salad bowl, giving it to her.

“Thanks Spike!” Giving her a thumbs up, he turned to Ember.

“I'll stop by in a little bit to drop off yours before giving it to the others.”

“Thank you Spike.” She gave a genuine smile to him, then turning to Twilight. “Lead the way, Princess Twilight.”

“Oh… please just call me Twilight. No need for formalities here.”

“Ah… well then I ask you do the same with me.”

Twilight quickly nodded and lead her away to another room as Spike continued on to work on lunch.

In The other room….

Garble couldn't be any more annoyed than he already was now. The fact that he was still in a crystally house by a namby pony princess, the fact that he was waiting for punishment back at the dragon lands, or that this was the second time a Dragon Lord has humiliated him.

His gaze kept turning to Amethyst who would in turn catch him, give him a smirk before returning to whatever boggled or interested her in the castle. Whether it being a book, a nick nack or some oddity that she couldn't comprehend that made her want to learn more. Though she stopped picking up cylinder objects that had pictures of roses.(She accidentally sprayed herself with an aerosol can directly into her nose.) Garble crackled for nearly 10 minutes straight as she sneezed non-stop, also with the can containing some flammable agent in it, had her sneezing fire every time she let loose. That was still the only highlight of the day. But it didn't stop his earlier irritation from returning.

“So… you really would be with Ember if she asked?” He questioned for the umpteenth time in a row.

Amethyst sighed again, smoke leaving her nostrils as she did.

“For that last time, we were trying to get you to shut up! You make it sound like I will actually be with her instead of the little runt.”

Garble snorted.

“You still haven't answered my question.”

She gave him look over.

“What? You wouldn't think any dragon would? She is the freckin Dragon Lord! Any Drake, and I mean Any Drake, would give up their hoard, dragon or dragoness to be with her. If it meant that you could have a bigger hoard or get to rule other dragons then, yeah, I would but as of now, she has eyes set on the little pipsqueak of a dragon.”

“And what do you think of that?”

“What the pipsqueak?”

A quick incline of his head.

She shrugged.

“Don't much care for him. But then again, he outsmarted most of the dragons for the Bloodstone. Yeah, he worked with Ember but for a little drake, he is smart.”

Garble gave another snort.

“Smart my tail. If he was truly smart then he would have chosen to follow his greed and be our height by now.”

She cocked her head to side, giving a moment before responding.

“Maybe that is why is smart. He clearly didn't follow his greed but that allowed him to outthink most of us.”

“Including you?” he snarked.

“Including all of us!” she snarked back. “Don't forget that he maybe smaller but he uses that as his advantage. Think about it, he could have left the trials and no Drake would have cared. He could have passed most of the obstacles and come out unscathed and for the part, he did save your life.” She grew a grin. “I at least admit my weaknesses, how bout you?”

Garble wanted to growl or retort but… in the blue moons that come and go, he kept his mouth shut as she was right. Still, he hated knowing that the excuse of a dragon did manage to get through the challenge and did outsmart him on a few occasions, very few that he will admit.

“All in all,” continued Amethyst. “Can't say that the little drake is worth a consort for Ember but, I can see the appeal. Other than having some smarts, the appeal of a new hatchling and a decent stench that is not fully pony, Ember choose him because he would have probably treated her better for it.”

“Treated better?” he asked.

“What, you think all dragonesses like it rough and unruly?”

“You don't?”

She snorted.

“I don't mind rough, I don't mind dirty, I don't mind setting things on fire!” A small burst of flame leaving her maw as she spoke. “But… every now and then, a little smooth and soft doesn’t help. Calms down the boiling fire and the Heart. Sometimes, it's nice to be treated nice, especially when it comes to other dragons.”

“Pfft, weak.” he commented.

Amethyst gave a shrug.

“Like I said, not all dragonesses like it that way. Maybe that is why you have trouble finding a mate. You treat them all like garbage.”

“What do you know? I'd have plenty of 'Necess' looking and begging me to be with me!” He said loudly. “I choose not to have any right now because they would either get in my way or ask me to find them food every 20 seconds. They always whine about something I can't stand...”

“Hence the real reason you are single!” she spoke a harshly. “I have been around the lands as long as you have and not once have you been mated to a female. Yeah, some do come but when it comes down to it, they won't stick around for long! Even Frizzle's got more game then you and he is the most feminine looking dragon out there!”

“Frizzle isn't even into dragonesses!” he tried to counter.

“Goes to show you even notice. That drake actually hangs out with you to try and stay with the males but when you and the others aren’t around, he actually treats the rest of with respect. Something you know nothing of.”

Garble gave a hard snort.

“Respect is earned when you show every drake who is boss!” He growled to her. She was unfazed.

“But you aren't the boss! You are not even a boss. You are not even close to a leader. You truly want to earn respect, maybe you show others that by showing your not just some hard headed hatchling thinking they can take whatever they want and get away with it! Maybe prove unto others that you can lead, not by…. What?”

Garble was giving her a stare. A questionable one at that and it quickly became odd as he was no longer angry but confused and somewhat impressed.

“What?” she half growled.

“… You sound like you honestly care and sorta like my mother...”

She gazed back at him, a small blush appearing before her. She quickly shook it off and glared him, though the blush remained.

“I don't care! Just… trying to get you to understand that...” she sighed, tiredly. “Whatever, I don't care. Do what you want. It’s not like you'll listen.” With that she turned and started to head towards the door that lead out to the room.

“Where you going?”

“To look around.” she said unevenly. “Just being around you is making it difficult to be with.” She turned to him. “Just stay here and don't break anything, or even leave here for that matter. Not unless you wanna piss of Ember even more.” With that she left, almost slamming the door on the way out.

Once again left somewhat mute because another female has decided to do something unpredictable, Garble was left alone to ponder his thoughts, though it quickly didn't last as Spike had come in and brought lunch.

“Hey guys lunch is ready and...” he paused. He had carried a tray with two bowls of mixed gems, soup of some kind that smelled oddly of fish and vegetables. “Uh… where did Amethyst go?”

Knowing that he had to acknowledge the drake in the room, despite his high hatred for him, Garble went back to staring at the wall in boredom.

“Went to go walk around, probably blow off some steam. What do you care?”

Trying his best not to get easily discouraged by his attitude, Spike spoke with an even voice.

“Well, I brought you lunch so you guys can eat.”

“Not touching any of that pony food, pipsqueak.”

Spike withheld a groan.

“It is not all pony food, Garble.” he said with small venom towards his name. “It is just fish soap, with crushed gems and vegetables.”

“… What you expect a 'Thank you' from me?” Garble snarked.

“Coming from you is like asking if Dragon Lord… Former Dragon Lord Torch to keep his voice down for five minutes and we know that ain't gonna happen in this century.”

At this Garble couldn't help but smirk.

“Yeah, that would be the day, though I think that by the time the century hits, you and I are still gonna be enemies.”

Spike sighed as he walked over to a counter where he placed the plates down.

“I never wanted to be your enemy Garble. I know you and I were raised differently but I never wanted you to by my enemy or to hate me. Whether or not it was before or after the Phoenix incident or even the trial for the Bloodstone, I still don't want it.” Not waiting for a remark or comment, he quickly left the food on the counter and walked out. Before closing the door, he quickly spoke.

“The other bowl is for Amethyst. Not sure if you care or not but at least consider that before you decide to eat it for yourself.” He then closed the door.

For the third time today, he was stumped, more so that it was a trend and it was starting to get annoying!

The library…

“… in which case, causes a dragon the ability to breathe fire.”

“Fascinating!” Twilight spoke as she scribbled down more notes. It has only been 20 minutes but from that short amount of time, Twilight has quickly learned more about dragons and ponies have in centuries!

Ember held the hot soup, which Spike had delivered a few minutes ago, in her palm. She drank from it directly, inhaling the aroma of cooked fished, along with the gems and vegetables mixed in before slowly drinking it in, along with a few chunks of fish.

She exhaled at the satisfying tasted.

“This is wonderful!” she commented.

Twilight looked up from her notes, seeing a grand smile on Ember as she drank from the bowl. Despite the smell of cooked meat, Twilight was happy that Ember was enjoying a home cooked meal.

“Spike is a master chef!” she commented. “He can make anything taste wonderful.”

Ember gave a nod and drank once more before exhaling, a little bit of steam leaving her nostrils.

“And to think, we dragons eat fish straight from the rivers and the sea. Who knew cooking it would make it taste so much better?”

“Oh… so is your fish your secondary source of diet or primary?” asked Twilight.

“It is our secondary along with gems but meat is our primary source of diet which we get from...” she paused and looked at Twilight who was looking at her. Her quill held in the air over the book. Her face held some worry and a bit of fear, though the curiousness remained.

“Uh… sorry, I don't wish to make you uncomfortable about it.”

Twilight gave a sad smile.

“I uh… I kinda knew already just wanted to… well not hear about it but you know, hear the truth from the source.”

“...” Ember tried to speak but couldn't think of a way to start, rather she turned away, tried to think about it before slowly responding.

“I won't say what we eat but I will say that… it is true, though they are mostly not intellectual or ponies in case you are wondering.”

Twilight scribbled a few notes down and stopped.

“Have you ever...”

“...my first hunt… near the plains...” she paused and lowered her head. “I am sorry.”

“Don't be!” quickly spoke Twilight. “I know what you must do. It's in your nature and all that. We ponies aren't just… used to it. It's an almost alien and sometimes taboo topic.”

Ember shook her head.

“I know Twilight but I had wished for you to learn about us and not the dark… part of us at least.”

“We ponies aren't perfect, either Ember. We have our history, our pasts that would make us look evil too. Don't forget, one of our princesses had once wanted to cause Eternal Night! Imagine that Eternal Night would most likely would be the end of everything! Compared to what you do naturally, we, I mean as ponies, are no strangers to monsters, we just like to believe a lot times that we are better than them.

“The scariest monster you see isn't the one that always lurks in the dark,” quoted Ember. “It's the one that…

“...Stares back in the reflection...” finished Twilight. “Our demons can be our scariest monsters, more so than the ones in nature.”

Ember gave a nod.

“Still, I don’t wish to speak of it. If the dark history comes through, you’ll wish not to hear of it. For now, just stick to the naturalism of dragons.”

Twilight nodded in understanding.

“Okay so, what about a dragon’s flame? Does is always correspond or match the colors of their scales?”

“Most of the time it is, sometimes it’s the dietary we eat, if we are young, old, our greed, our strengths and so on.” Demonstrating, she gave a small blow from her muzzle, generating a gentle blue and light purple flame. She then caught the small fire onto her hand. “Like mine,” she spoke. “It has a bit purple, though that is from my mom side. Though it also be because I love purple gems compared to others. There are many factors to consider.”

“Wow!” Excited, Twilight leaned in as the fire danced upon Ember palm. “Do all dragons have pyro-manipulation?”

The flame died out. “Very few know hold to hold it and even fewer can master it. It took me my entire hatchling hood to hold that much. My father taught it to me early on so, it is difficult to master, let alone hold it.”

Twilight scribbled down more notes.

“And a dragon that could master total Pyrokinetics? How long would it take them?”

“LIke i said, it took me all my life to control that flame for a few seconds. Total control would take centuries.” She paused. “Your unicorns can control fire correct?”

Twilight gave a small shake of her head.

“Just like your kind, we also spend years trying to control it, though we often don't because its dangerous. I only know of one other who had control of fire but even then she could only do so much. We have just as much of a chance to burn ourselves as we do at everything else.”

Ember nodded in understanding.

“So,” continued Twilight. “When do dragon’s begin blowing fire?”

“As soon as they are born.”

“Should have figured that.” Twilight said off-hoofed. “Spike blew fire in my face a few months after i hatched him.”

“Hatched him?” asked Ember. “How?” She sounded a bit disbelief at the comment.

“To make a long story short, i was in an entrance exam to get into a school. I had to take a test which was to try and hatch a dragon egg. It was supposed to be impossible however, the goal was to use a variety ways to get it to open. A magical explosion happened and i was overwhelmed with magic, i managed to get the egg open but at the same time, i also made Spike into a hundred foot tall dragon before Celestia calmed me down enough to control myself. Thus, i was the one who hatched spike’s egg.”

“And how was the egg acquired?” asked Ember. There was a certain tone in her voice, which made Twilight a bit hesitant to answer.

“I am not sure, Ember. It was given as a test and when I tried to ask where it came from, I was told it was found. After this, it was that the reason Spike went to the Dragon Lands the first time around.”

Ember had gone silent and there was some deep concentration written all over her face.

“Are you sure it was discovered, not stolen?” asked Ember a bit of anger in her voice.

Twilight recoiled at the sudden change of mood.

“Uh… like I said, I was told it was found. Though i don't understand why a pony would steal a dragon egg for. First stealing is wrong, second stealing from a dragon would be wrong…”

“And unwise.” Hissed Ember. Her arms had crossed and she looked a bit more angered now. “To steal an egg from a mother, is beyond worse than stealing their gems or hoard. It's like stealing their hearts, a part of them.”

A bit cautious of her next words, Twilight spoke.

“Like i said Ember, i don’t think a pony would steal a dragon egg…”

They have before!” Nearly boomed Ember. Twilight recoiled, a bit more frightened now at Ember’s anger. Ember vented a bit, heavily before taking a deep, heavy breath and releasing it. “Forgive me Twilight, I… shouldn’t have gone off that way.”

Gaining back some of her lost composure, Twilight gave a sympathetic nod.

“I understand Ember, losing ones egg, especially if stolen by another is terrible.”

Ember shook her head.

“Not just that. Imagine that your egg is missing or taken, something that is so precious to you that it breaks your heart. Now imagine that the thing that is missing is sold around, because something as precious as an egg is worth Lords know how much in a pony market.”

“Did you…”

“My Grand Dam,” she said softly. “My mother’s lost sibling. She would tell me how much her mother grieved, how she cried, how my Grand Sire would roar for days on end in anger, shaking the ground, destroying any and anything pony related. He spent the better part of half a century looking for his egg. He threatened to even destroy multiple pony villages if the egg was not found. It was almost never found and the last traces of it had been around the Badlands with broken eggshells. After that, my Grand Sire and Grand Dam settled with my mother, their only child.” she paused. She didn’t cry but the deep inhale showed that she held it in well.
“I don’t blame you or all of your kind for stealing the egg. Yeah we know ponies have weird fascinations or are as greedy as any dragon but its still…”
“Horrible. Unforgivable.” she answered softly. “I am sorry Ember. I really am.” She paused. “Though there is no way that Spike’s egg was taken. If it was worth something, it wouldn’t be put as an entrance exam test.”
“Maybe your princess had found and decide to see if a pony could hatch it. Or maybe she took it from those who stole it.”
Twilight gave a shrug.
“I am not sure. Though… how long do dragon eggs last?”
“A dragon egg is as tough as a rock, but certain things can make it hatch. Surrounded by food, like gems, near volcano heat or their mother’s heat, or magic. Just like you did. Otherwise, they will last for centuries, in which case the egg does become a rock permanently with the hatchling inside forever trapped.”
“So Spike’s egg was not around for that long then.”
“Meaning that when the egg was… found, the mother had either died or it was removed from the nest. No Dragoness abandons her eggs unless the shell is rotten and the hatchling has no way of surviving after being laid or she no longer wishes to care for them. In which case, there is a rule that if any dragoness wants to give up their eggs, they may to another dragoness and be their foster family.”
“Wait…” interrupted Twilight. “So, if the mother doesn't want to care for them, she can have another watch over them or give them to another to take care of them?”
Ember nodded. Twilight then continued.
“So, what the dragoness, the mother of Spike, didn’t want his egg and left him?”
Ember gave a small huff of flame.
“A Dragoness abandoning her egg without another dragon taking care of them or knowing of it dosen’t deserve to be a mother again, let alone be around our kind. To leave your egg is just leave your heart behind. To be cold blooded if not be a monster.”
Twilight knew Ember was getting angry again, though she knew that it might take her mind off ease if she could guess how Spike’s egg came to be.
“What if… what if Spike’s mother tried to find some other dragon to take care of the egg and couldn’t? What if she went to leave for a bit, only to never come back for them? Something could have happen to her.”
At this, Ember relaxed a bit more though she slumped a bit at thinking of something so sad.
“That is… a possibility. A saddening one at that. Poor Spike, never knowing who his mother was.”
Twilight quickly leaned in.
“Yes it is sad. But think of it this way, if his egg was never found, I never would have hatched it and he wouldn’t have made you the way you are now. If not for me, the Princess and all of us, Spike would have never changed you, you might not even have been dragon lord.”
Ember took some comfort in knowing that, while he might not know of his origin, he was still raised in a foster family and that he had a good life.
Feeling a bit more cheerful, Ember knew that maybe, it was for the best, though she put it in the back of her mind to do anything and everything in her power to find Spike’s family. She owed him everything if not more. For giving her the Bloodstone, to becoming her consort, to being her friend. He was her guidance, her savior and her hope and now, she will be his.

The afternoon would carry on as the two would continue on their conversations of dragons and the ever approaching day where Spike would be leaving home soon.

Author's Note:

Thanks to Fallout Pony and NexusDragon for Edit and Co-writing!
Sorry it took so long but with the events of this had me contemplating how to work with this and my other Dragon story. Also, had to redo this chapter about a few times over so for now, this was it.

Dragon Lord's Consort Ch 2 is up on Youtube!

Thank you all for the hundreds of likes and for the followers who are sticking by. I cannot have inspiration to continue on without you all! Thank you!