• Published 17th Apr 2016
  • 26,807 Views, 753 Comments

The Dragon Lord's Consort - Little_Draco

Lord Ember comes to Equestria with news that my surpirse Twilight and especially Spike, something that might change everything.

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The Trial of the Consort Pt. 3

Author's Note:

Thanks to RomeoDkat for the editing of the story. Also a big shout out to Badwolf231 for the idea and inspiration to the story!
Now I will say that this was a bit rough and it had almost no where to go hence why it took so long. One thing that bugged me badly was how to do the trials, how it will effect Spike and the future. It may seem pretty bland for right now, but I promise that the trials are a huge part in the story's future. With one more chapter before the epilogues come in, I am happy that after 2 1/2 years, this story is going to end! Thanks to everypony for supporting me on this wonderous journey and with it, the wonderful joy I got from releasing these stories
Now featured for the first time since 2016! 11/8/18!!

The Dragon Lord’s Consort
Trial of the Consort
Pt. 3

Torch, the giant dragon, a mountain of a dragon, the last Dragon prior to his daughter, was the first to start the trials. The other three larger dragons cleared the way as the former dragon lord cleared his way towards the center where all the dragons were able to see the center.

It was here that Spike and Ember stood, Ember holding her staff while Spike was shaking as hundreds of dragons cheered or roared at them.

“Wow, I have a lot of dragons to disappoint.” He said out loud without meaning to. Ember gave a small snort of disapproval.

“You have no one to disappoint, but you have every drake to impress. No matter the outcome, you will never disappoint me.”

“Only because I’m your consort?”

“Because I am your friend,” she answered. “Because I care for you and what your future holds is up to you.”

He regarded her with a small smile, not reassuring but enough to know that he wasn’t alone. Torch gave a roar, loud enough to shake the ground and cause all the dragons around to quiet.

With the silence followed, he cleared his throat.

“As the former Dragon Lord, I will be the first one to give young Spike here the first trial. After which he has completed it, the others will follow with theirs. I am aware of how previous trials were held through strength, speed, stamina and so on, however with the current age and size of our young dragons here, we will just minimal inducing tasks.”

Spike’s eyes went wide.

“Wait, dragons?” He turned to Ember. “You're going to participate in this too? I thought it was just me!?” he half yelled.

Ember shook her head.

“The trials are yours, but I will only be in part that whatever situation must require you to prove your devotion not just to dragons but to me as well. I am to be a reason for you other than just something as simple as a title or riches.”

Spike wanted to say more, but Torch spoke before them all.

“For the first trial, Spike must endure how strong his will is.” Torch’s giant eyes looked towards him before lowering his head down near towards his level. “You will go through the Isle of Fury, where the contest for the Bloodstone Scepter was held, and you must retrieve the Golden Diamond, upon the center of the island.”

Spike blinked at that and a small shaky laugh left him.

“That doesn’t sound so bad.” Fate jinx the fool who tempted it.

“It will be no simple task. Inside, you will be set towards the path where you must seek it. However, there you will be surrounded by hoards and other treasures that will be in your way. The trial, simple as you may think, will have you try to go through it all, and retrieve the Golden Diamond, without falling to temptation or greed to hoard it all for yourself. That is just for the piles itself, but the true trial lies at the end.”

Spike gulped. Surrounded? By other hoards and treasures? And not become greed-filled? He barely managed to deal with his greed-growth awhile back, how could he hope to do this?

“The path will be marked towards the Golden Diamond. Bring any treasure out or hoard that is not the Golden Diamond and you will fail this. Scouts will be watching you but will not interfere with your trial. It is your Will and Heart that you will try to push past it through and earn your goal. Are you ready?”

Spike twiddled with his claws before turning to Ember who gave him her best confident smile. That was all he needed with a small amount of hope being built into his chest. He then looked up at Torch and gave a nod.

“I’m ready.”

A nod was all he got before Torch lowered his giant lowered to the ground and lay before him.

“Climb and I will take you.”

He hesitated, with the giant claw hand before him. The nerves ran up and down his body and he couldn’t help but shake. Pushing past his anxiety, Spike moved over to the giant claw and jumped right on top. He shuffled towards the middle and sat down.

Torch gave a snort, before addressing the crowd.

“While I watch the young drake tackle the trial, the rest of the dragons will have their own will here until I return within the second hour.”

Gently closing his claw over Spike, Torch opened his giant wings and began flapping. His wings created a heavy gust of winds and dirt to spread wildly. He soon took a hovering stance where three other dragons of diverse sizes and colors quickly opened their wings, taking an easier time to meet up to Torch’s head. Once airborne, Torch took off with the scouts following.

Ember watched with lingering eyes of worry. She believed that Spike would succeed, and she knew that this was the easiest test to do. However, Spike has never dealt with this much tension. Despite the amazing deeds he has done with his pony family and friends, by saving Equestria and the Crystal Empire, those still wouldn’t come close to what might be the greatest choices in his life.

The Isle of Fury wasn’t far off from the main arena where the valley was at but then again, Torch was a giant dragon, so distance was no trouble. The fact he was so big and could still fly surprised Spike.

From the safety of the claws, Spike managed to peak through and see the island fast approaching. Memories of the Gauntlet of Fire resurfaced on how it was him and Ember that tackled this together. How every challenge that came at them, including Garble, was overcome by them working together. Here and now, he was alone. He was alone, and he had to do this by himself.

The former dragon lord approached the island and landed near a large ridge towards an opening into the island. Bringing his claw down, he opened it, allowing Spike to hop down and look towards the cave entrance. Unlike before, it was not full of activity and dragon struggling to get to the center where the Bloodstone Scepter lied. No, it was empty, quiet and only lit by torches placed along the wall.

“So,” he began, still a bit shaky at the cave. “Just go in, past all the hoards and treasures and retrieve the Golden Diamond?”

“You must retrieve and return it back to me. A trial of will and strength. My scouts will be watching you and see how you fair. They will alert me once you are close by.”

Torch waved a claw where the three scouts, all teenaged dragons, quickly flew into the cave in front of him and disappeared inside.

“They will not interfere nor aid you in any way during the trials. Outside of a life or death situation, they will stay out of your sight and watch until you complete the trial.” Spike had noticed that Torch never said, ‘if he failed or succeeded,’ which made him think that Torch knew the outcome.

“Any advice or hints you could give me before I go?”

Torch regarded him for a moment before lowering his giant head to Spike where he met the young drake up close. There, Spike and Torch made eye to eye contact, something he thought he would always be afraid of. Yet, Torch was not menacing nor angry nor scary. Torch was looking at Spike with admiration and hope.

In a voice soft enough to not be loud, he spoke to him.

“I too cannot assist you in any way for the trials.” Spike wilted at that. “However,” Spike looked up. “should you feel yourself falling for the temptation, remember everything else but the greed. Remember your friends, your family.” He paused and gave him a grin. “Remember Ember, for you are doing this for her. But most importantly, remember yourself and who you are. You are a born dragon, but you were raised to be better! You will overcome this, regardless of the difficulty and once you do, I guarantee that this will only strengthen your resolve to achieve your trials. Be strong in mind, be brave in spirit, and conquer any fear with the love of your heart.”

Spike felt awed by Torch’s words, never hearing such strong and powerful words directed at him before. A renewal and burst of emotion filled his spirit, as he felt and understood every word that Torch said. He took it all with vigor, giving him the boost, he needed to himself.

“Go now, quickly. You must complete the trial in two hours. The path is lit for you, so all you must do is walk the trail there.”

Spike nodded.

“Thank you… Torch. Thanks for believing in me.”

Torch gave a snort.

“You have the heart worth more than a lot of dragons. Now got prove it!”

With a final nod, Spike quickly took off into the giant gave where the first path was set with lit torches and quickly followed them inside.

Torch watched him go, watching him disappear inside before sighing out loud.

“May Draco guide you, Spike.”

Spike ran as fast as his little legs could. Despite the inch and a half of growth he gained since yesterday, he still waddled through his run but had a bit more length to his steps, so this might help him distance wise.

He sped ran through the first length, seeing red markers painted across the path and the side of the rocks. He followed every one that send him deeper into the cave system. The markers were red painted claw marks pointed towards the center, where lit torches followed.

It was after a few minutes of running did he finally stop to catch his breath. He had gotten a fair distance from the cave entrance and with his growth, he found himself with a better stamina and breathing control.

His eyes followed the markers along the floor until he found the first hoard not too far off. It was a small pile of gold coins and trinkets. His first instinct was to inspect it, but he quickly shook his head and ignored it.

‘For Ember, for me.’ He thought to himself.

He pushed past it and continued the path.

The path zigzagged through the cave, each one leading off to a different section where it was not lit or out of the set pathway. For each new turn, there was a hoard set. He noticed the further he traveled, the bigger the pile became. It was easy to ignore them, being single style items like gold or copper. Some even pony things like statues, bits, armor plates and so on that he dealt with daily that made him easily overlook the rest. He would have to ask where they got that later.

He pushed through the half hour mark where the first variety in the hoards has changed. They were now as large as a carriage and some spilled over with sapphires and rubies. He licked his maw as some of them glistened in the dark background with the torches giving them a flickering shine. He slowly approached a pile, practically hearing the ruby at the top of one calling his name.

A single step into the pile caused him to stop. Looking down, he saw his foot on top of loose bits. He looked down and saw the image of Celestia on one.

Celestia, his mother, the one who raised him to be a good little drake and to think of others. She raised him, alongside Twilight, that greed was never okay to allow to one's heart. He dealt with that the first time he went through his greed growth. It nearly cost him his family and friends. He couldn’t do that here, he couldn’t afford to them down again.

‘For my family, for my friends.’ He said to himself. He stepped off the pile and moved past it without another thought.

He heard wings flapping. Looking up, he saw high up in the cave system the silhouettes of the dragon scouts gliding overhead. They had been watching, waiting for his mistake to alert Torch. With no mistake, he would move on and so would they to watch him.

Moving on, he decided to really run now, passing each new and larger hoard that caught his gaze. He ran extra hard for each one that crossed his pass. He would run until a path held no hoard and would catch his breath there, as if not to tempt himself.

He had to do this, he had to push past them all.

‘For my friends, for my family… for Ember, for me.’
He repeated this to himself, over and over, every time a certain ruby or shiny jewel flashed in his eyes. Each pass, however, made him sick with hunger and frustration, knowing that they would never be touched by his claws. A sapphire the size of his head, a ruby that would fill his bed, or a hill of coins would buy out Ponyville, all were within his reach, but he pressed on.

For them, for Ember, for himself, I will go on. The shadow voices and smells of various hoards would echo in the back of his mind, tickling his instincts but his heart pushed on. With total absolution, he made his way past every hoard, seeking his true goal and for the trial to be over.

After a solid hour of sprinting to the center, Spike found himself where the first time he had found the Bloodstone Scepter. Ironically and too coincidental, it was right at the centerpiece where he had reached the Scepter. However, no one was there to try and take it from there. Instead, a diamond, the size of his head was held, where a radiant and bright golden glow gleamed loudly. It was brighter than most of the torches, yet he could see no energy or light pointing towards it to cast a light.

‘Come closer,’ whispered a voice.

“Huh?” He looked around, seeing no one around. “Hello?”

‘Come closer,’ the voice whispered once more. Spike realized the voice came from the Golden Diamond. The voice tickled his ears and he wondered if it was really a voice. Cautiously, he made his way towards the giant jewel.

The diamond seemed to grow brighter but what confused Spike was that he held no hunger for it. At least, initially.

‘A little closer, if you will,’
As Spike was staring right at it, a small silhouette appeared inside the diamond.

‘You did it! You passed the test!’ Said the voice. It sounded exciting and eerily like his own voice.

Spike felt relief and exhaustion set in as he heard that.

“I-I passed the trial?”

‘You did! You passed the trial. Now all you need to do is eat the Golden Diamond and your trial will be complete!’
Spike gave a quizzical look at the diamond.

“Eat it? Torch said that I had to retrieve and then bring it back to him if I found it.”

‘Of course, he wants you to bring it back! He is too lazy to get it himself!’ The silhouette began to take shape to match Spike. His eyes went wide as he stared at a carbon or in this case, golden copy of himself. ‘Torch is too large to get in and retrieve it himself. That is why he gave you the easiest trial!’

Spike stared at himself through the Golden Diamond and he wondered if it was true. He did ask him to bring it to him as soon as he found it. A sudden surge of anger grew in him. The large dragon couldn’t get a stupid jewel himself? Was this part of the trials? To see if he would listen around, like some mindless puppet?

‘Yeah,’ His reflection taunted. ‘Torch just sent you on an errand run. Kinda like how all our friends back home used to treat us. Like we were a slave! Like we were just a body back to throw around! You know, if we eat the diamond, we could become strong and tall like Torch! Imagine that! You wouldn’t need to do the trials anymore if you were his size. Any trial they throw at you, easily passed by your size!’
At this point, his golden reflection took on a darker tone, which Spike only found alarming. He felt his mind turn dark and flashes of his past greed filled his mind. He screamed out in pain, as his visions filled his mind and eyes, the past where he became a rogue dragon.

Big he was yes, strong and powerful that truly was grand but the fear in his friend's eyes was there. All of them looking at him like a giant monster, foals running away, ponies scattering out of his path. Others trying their best to fight or slow him down, but nothing worked. Torch and the other Lords were gone and the alicorns could do nothing to stop him. He was strong, he was big, and he needed nothing else! But then, his eyes had focused on Rarity. The outcome wasn’t like before no, it was worse, it was way worse as he held her screaming in his claws. His giant palms slowly crushing her, screams of agony left her as he brought her body towards his mouth waiting for him to…

“NO!!!” He roared out, which echoed loudly in the cave. He dropped to his knees, tears threatening to drip down his face, eyes closed tightly and shaking his head in defiance.

“No, no, no, I will not be like that! I will not be like that again!” He screamed out loud. His eyes opened, and he looked back toward the Golden Diamond, where he didn’t see his darker half. Instead, he saw himself, a teen drake crying like a newborn. It was then, that he realized this was the true test, the true face of the trial. A test of Will over Greed.

The hoards he passed where just the small temptations that he had to pass. The easy part of the trial, but the true test came at the end, where the center of the trial was. It was not just put there to coincide with the Bloodstone Scepter. It was in the exact center of the Isle, just like the center of one’s self. He was to retrieve this but not be tempted by the diamond’s influence. To have the ‘Will’ to overcome it and leave here without its corruption.

Sighing, Spike reached out and grabbed the giant diamond. He saw his reflection once more, a small sliver of his darker self had passed, but he ignored it. Holding it with one arm, he made his way out of the cave. He didn’t notice the cave get darker behind him and the diamond lost its shine.

Torch saw his three scouts fly out of the cave first. Watching them, he spoke.

“Well? What happened?”

They didn’t say a word for Spike came out of the cave, holding the giant Golden Diamond in one arm. No other jewel or piece of hoard companied him.

A large grin presented over Torch as Spike made his towards him. He brought the diamond from under his arm and presented it over his head with the Golden Diamond to Torch. The giant dragon leaned down, seeing that Spike had indeed held the diamond, but noticed its lack of shine. A small snort left him as he plucked the diamond from Spike.

“Not as easy as you thought?”

Spike shook his head.

“I didn’t realize what it truly meant until I…”

Torch nodded.

“The Golden Diamond is an oddity in that it falsely leads us into something we are not. The name itself should literally give it away.”

“How so?” Spike asked, exhausted from his trial.

“First off, there is no such thing as a diamond made of gold. Simple as that. It implies that something that sounds real but isn’t can’t be interpreted as real. Second, the diamond was a false jewel used to lead hoard stealers and wonders who get near it, to get mesmerized by its bright color. However, as they experience the wonderful color and light of it, its true nature is to trap you in it and compel you to take it for yourself. A non-dragon, they would fall into a greedy state, but their minds trapped in an eternal fear. For a dragon, if they hoarded it, they would be compelled to eat it and feel like they would become powerful or filled with a sense of strength, in truth leading to a dragon’s doom. When it says to give you power, it will instead make you so greed-filled that you become sick or lame to do anything but guard, even if another dragon stole your treasure around you.”

Spike realized that what he saw in his mind might have come true should he had taken the hoards in the cave. Torch saw his face and gently pushed the diamond at him.

“What you saw in it, was as false as the diamond itself. Its true colors will only be revealed, if you can keep your will strong and your heart filled with those you care for. Ignore what the outer layer of the shell holds and look towards the center.” As if hearing his words, the diamond began to lose its golden color, slowly becoming its shiny, almost glistening normal glass like color wherein the center a small silver light shined. Spike before the change saw his reflection of a darker him. After, he just saw himself in the reflection. The change that he saw before him now, was shifting and giving a clearer vision of himself.

His scales looked brighter, more color toned, and his scales ridged with overlapped pointed edges. The slit in his eyes was diamond tipped but he could clearly see the emerald pupil within, sharper with color. Looking at his face, his baby or hatchling fat has all but left, leaving him with a thinner jaw structure. His muzzle had spread out in front of his face, something lost to him apparently since he always looked forward. Brushing a claw against his face, he noticed his claws had grown too.

“Th-This is from the trial?” he asked, not sure of himself feeling any changes from the few hours there.

“In short,” answered Torch. “That is from the night you spent time with my daughter.” This caused a small snicker from the scouts. Torch silenced them with a cautionary glance and refocused back on Spike. “The trial itself just enhanced your details.”

“What do you mean?” Spike asked.

“Unfortunately, we no longer have time to discuss this, young Spike. We must get back to finish your trials.” Not arguing but still full of questions, Spike hopped onto the giant dragons palm where they all flew off, heading back towards the valley.

The dragons of the valley watched as Torch, his scouts and Spike all had arrived with Ember impatiently waiting for her consort to return. As her father took a heavy landing, causing massive gust winds that blew dust, she shielded herself and allowed for them to properly land. As her father landed, he immediately raised his palm into the air, where he opened his claws to reveal Spike, holding a large diamond.

“Behold!” He roared out to the valley, getting the attention of every dragon around. “Spike has finished the first trial! The trial of Will over Greed!” The dragons of the valley roared as Spike looked high from his vantage point, hearing the sounds of thousands of dragons roaring in at his trumpet victory. He wasn’t sure if the roars were positive, negative or just the sake of roaring. But he knew that with that roar, came expectations.

Once the roars seized, he was lowered to the ground where he was immediately approached by Ember. In a heart filled moment, she grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. He was caught off by the sudden interaction but he held her back with one arm. Though it was also in that second that he realize that he had grown a bit indeed. Now, he was close to Ember’s breast area and his arms could actually reach around he lithe frame.

Pulling away, she smiled at his victory.

“You made it!”

He gave a soft nod with a soft smile.

“I did, though it was thanks to your dad for giving a helping claw.”

“What's that?”

“To remember what and who I was doing it for.”

Her heartbeat raised and her cheeks bristled with warmth at his words.

“It is now time for the next part of the trials to commence!” Her father roared out. Spike looked back towards her.

“What comes next?” he asked.

She shrugged. “Whatever it is, you can do it. And just like before, do it with whatever made helped you in the first time.”

He knew that already, but it was good to be reassured of it. With a small smile, he turned next to her and were approached by the next lord, Elder Dereian. The dark green drake as giant as Torch, addressed the crowd.

“In a remarkable display of will over greed, the consort of Dragon Lord Ember, clearly states she has chosen a worthy consort. As of now, young Spike carries with him a grand ‘will’ that shows promise. A ‘will’ can help any dragon succeed in any task, so long as they understand their task and how much they must push into their will.”

“What the next trial he will face next, is how a dragon becomes an Elder. A dragon worthy of recording history and sharing it to his kin.” He became mobile and began to circle the area around Spike. “Elder’s must learn history, not just by living it, but by understanding the pasts of those before him. Elders must remember details and information that may one day help dragon kind.” As he was talking, Spike watched his foots leave deep imprints on the ground, along with his tail leaving a deep gash that created a large circle around him.

“Any and all knowledge, will be asked if need be. From the most mundane and unassuming dragon,” The gash that was created by his tail was deep with his footprints being large bits of dried earth crushed by his size. “To dragons seeking to be better and intellectual.” He was almost close to finishing the circle, though Spike was feeling a bit dreaded at being surrounded by this circle. “With hatchlings and young ones, wondering the values of life, hoards, scales and the world in general, we as Elders’ must burden and carry life’s work into our heads.”

He stopped just as his tail caught up to the circle point where he started and his footsteps began.

“But, in the time it takes for information to happen, it could be taken away.” He leaned down and with a gagging sound leaving his large throat, he allowed thick fluids of saliva drop from his mouth onto the floor. Spike almost gagged at the reflex and shuddered as the Elder allowed the fluid to fall from his mouth… into the deep trench circle he created.

Spike saw the trench fill with the Elder’s saliva. Once it was almost filled, the Dereian leaned up slightly, with his eyes focused on Spike.

“Life happens in an instant.” He scratched his lower jaw to his upper jaw, which caused a spark to fly out and directly into the liquid pit. The reaction was almost instant with the whole circle instantly up in flames. Spike gasped in surprise as he was surrounded with green and yellow fire. “And it is your job to record everything in your mind. From a single leaf that falls from a tree that may hold the secrets to the universe or from the air around you that warns you that change is coming.”

Seeing the flames surrounding him, he wondered what was the point of them. He was a dragon, which meant he was fireproof, so why surround him in flames?

“My flames differ from those of yours or others.” Dereian spoke, seemingly reading Spike. “While your flames are that of gas from your chamber and heat from your throat, mine acts differently. Mine is made of liquid tar that is flammable but lingers onto a dragon. While you maybe fireproof on your scales, the tar is mixing with the floor below you.” Indeed the fire surrounding Spike was slowly, almost gradually eating the floor around him at a snail's pace. “The floor is a rock-based flammable material, ponies call ‘Magnesium’. It easily ignites with simple fire and can be quick to burn, however my saliva is creating a slow burn.” Spike saw that the circle around him was slowly but surely shrinking.

“If it catches on your scales, it won’t burn right away but you will become irritated and your scales will begin to crack or break under the pressure. At which point, pain will slowly commence.” Spike’s eyes went wide and he wanted to explain his fear but was interrupted. “Your trial, young Spike is to use your knowledge, your history and your mind to give me answers I seek. Your short lifespan has been given more stories and adventures than most dragons have seen in their long life spans.” The heat was slowly starting to warm his scales and unlike lava or regular fire, Spike was fearing this. “At any point I have found that your answers are efficient, or that you have found a way to escape this, you will pass. If however you do not provide what I need, you may concede the test and fail the trials. If you take too long to answer, the fire will reach you.”

Spike felt a wave of nauseating fear fill his body. Never did he expect to deal with something as daunting as surviving fire, even if he was supposed to be fireproof. Yet, the trial demanded knowledge and history, something Spike might be able to give, but what if he asks for something he doesn't? “What if I don’t know the history or answer?”

“Which is why I am only to ask question only you are aware of. The history you’ve experienced is what I have learned from sources. How a pony hatched your egg, how you have been lead through harsh trials in life, saving or condemning those around you.”

The fire drew close and Spike started to feel the heat. With a gulp, he looked up in fear and confusion.

“C-Condem? Who have I…”

“Saving the Crystal Heart was a feat itself, but you in turn killed off a pony to do so. Do you deny the death of King Sombra?”

A voiceless ‘no’ left him and realized that in help restoring the Crystal Heart, Sombra was killed.

“Did you seek another solution?”

“I couldn’t!” He yelled, his legs shook with fear and anxiety, feeling this was a court trial than a dragon trial. “He was coming after us and wanted to enslave the Crystal Ponies! Twilight sent me to retrieve the heart before he could! There was no other way.”

“Then if that is the case, should a moment come once more where you must save the lives of the many, by sacrificing the few, would you do so?”

Spike’s mind flew a million miles a minute, overthinking the question. Save many, if it meant the death of few? Why did death have to be involved? Never in his life had he ever had to deal with a question as harsh as this nor experience what would the situation bring. The fire began to draw even closer, with less than four pony lengths away.

“Your short on time Spike. Just like with the Crystal Empire, you need to make your choice. There is no way around it.”

Spike continue to try and think of a way to compromise and… Wait. Compromise. No way around it... What was it Twilight had once told him an old riddle? An unstoppable force meets an immovable object? They compromise. The same could be here. Harmony may not always be the first answer, but living with the Elements of Harmony, he knew that in the end, it would prevail.

Looking up, he spoke out loud. “Compromise.” He paused, not sure if that was the right answer before speaking on. “You compromise with the few and many. Peace is not always the first solution but its always the one sought after in the end.”

Dereian remained quite, which unnerved Spike as the fires consumed the ground before him. Already the magnesium was itching close and wondered how long the next questions would be before he got to burning up.

“That is an acceptable response. What is sought in the end, should be peace not destruction, for any and all species.” He paused then motioned his head towards Ember, whom was hovering just a bit away towards the pit. “What gave you the idea that Ember was better at holding the Bloodstone Scepter than yourself? Why not keep it and rule here?”

Now that question was easier though it still required him to think radically. He looked up to Ember, who gave an encouraging smile and feeling his heart rise.

“Ember was just like any other dragon that I have met. I thought all dragons were going to be rude, cocky, mean and…” He stopped and shrunk a bit. “Uh… no offense.”

Either every dragon around him took offense and were silently debating on killing him, or they knew what he was saying was true but couldn’t comment on it. Either way, a few looks from dragons around were defentinetly sent towards him.

“Continue,” Daerian simply .

“And I don’t know, something in me said that she was different. Not because she was just another dragon. Not because she was the Dragon Lord’s daughter. I saw in her eyes… something that made me see that there could be a better way of dragons not being so… mean. When we went our separate ways during the trial, I thought it was all for not but she came back to help me.” He paused and decided whether or not to mention who caused problems. He made a mental note that as is, Garble was probably punished and he shouldn’t have to suffer any more. “When I held the Scepter, it felt… wrong It felt like it didn't belong to me.”

A whisper of shock or confusion raced through the area surrounding him as he let the words leave his mouth.

Even the four dragons who have trials set for him trials seemed taken aback by this. Dareian seemed to be conflicted by this response. The fire surrounding him inched closer. He felt that he would not be able to get the answer he sought in time from Spike. He brought his large paw up and slammed hard in front of him, causing a thunderous boom and a shockwave that Spike had no time to brace for.

The fires surrounding him instantly were blown away, leaving nothing but burnt earth. Spike surprisingly remained on foot, though his ears rang slightly from the shockwave. Shaking his head to clear the ringing, Spike saw that the flames had been dissipated and Dareian looking down upon him, looked at the young drake with intrigued virtue.

“Say that once more, Spike. Clearly, I must’ve misheard you.”

Spike hesitated and looked around to see every drake giving him looks, including Ember with a small smirk was on her mouth. He then looked back up toward the Elder.

“When I held it, I felt… it felt wrong. Like I shouldn’t have taken it. In my claws, I felt power, energy and more with it,” His face formed a smile as he spoke but then it dropped. “But I also felt feral, greedy and I could already visualize what I was willing to do with all that power. I knew that it wasn’t something I wouldn’t be able to control or use. I was raised by ponies, not dragons. My next instinct was to… share it with someone. But I didn’t want to share it, I wanted to give it to someone who wouldn’t abuse that power.” He then looked back towards Ember. The smile had returned. “I gave it to a friend.”

Ember’s heartbeat raced and warmth spread across her body as she heard his words. It had a profound effect that she hoped that this was the end of the trial to go and hold him. Regardless of who would see them.

“And tell me Spike, by you giving the Bloodstone Scepter to Ember, you believed that she would be better at ruling then yourself?”

“I already had a life back home with my friends and family. I didn’t want to leave all that just to be a Dragon Lord. Besides,” he gave a small smirk. “Could you imagine a baby dragon no bigger than your eye, ruling hundreds and thousands of dragons with the amount of love and affection given by ponies? I would make every dragon cuddle with one another.”

A ruffling of uncomfortableness visibly vibrated through the valley as some dragon looked almost appalled and at the same time blessed at Spike’s decision over handing the Scepter to Ember instead.

This seemed to please Darian and with a large nod to Spike, he spoke over to every drake.

“Clearly your history with the ponies has a lot to say about you.” With a loud voice, he spoke to the valley. “Spike has successfully passed the trial!”

A majority of the dragons had roared in approval, some even stopping their large paws on the ground to approve the succession. Spike felt complete relief at that and turned to Ember whom also shared in his relief but smiled brightly at him. As the roars continued, he did not see Zynthia move in while Darian moved away.

When he shadow casted over him, he looked up at towards the Scarlett dragoness. He saw something in her immediately that he did not like. “Uh… are we starting the next trial soon?” he asked out loud.

With a growl of approval, she inhaled deeply, taking in a large amounts of breath.

“We start the trial now!” With that, she release a gigantic blast of fire, engulfing Spike in flame.