• Published 17th Apr 2016
  • 26,807 Views, 753 Comments

The Dragon Lord's Consort - Little_Draco

Lord Ember comes to Equestria with news that my surpirse Twilight and especially Spike, something that might change everything.

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A Night with a Lord

(Sorry for delay! Explained at the bottom! Also no edit ><)

The Dragon Lord's Consort

Nights with a Lord

Lunch was over and soon the evening was fast approaching. The two Royalty had talked through the hours, going from talking about dragons to talking about Pony life, to other nonsense.

Amethyst had been mindlessly wondering around the castle, finding some new room with something intriguing or something utterly confusing that didn't stop her curiosity. She did however end up lost in the castle(not sure how since the castle looked a lot smaller on the outside) and ended up walking to an empty room or had weird pony stuff land on her head. Wooden poles, a silver bucket and a pole with some kind of wool at the end. Still, everything was intriguing in some odd way or another and it helped ease her mind off a certain dragon.

Speaking of said dragon, she knew that he was off causing more trouble or something. He couldn't last long in that room by himself, especially the way he is.

Garble was in fact still in the room, though he had gotten so bored that he had dozed off in the couch, which was comfortable enough for him to lie on. The dragon was snoring loudly and he had already finished his meal that was prepared for him, leaving Amethyst's for her. Spike in the mean time was clearing up we could in the kitchen, humming a gentle tune as he worked around to organizing everything.

With the night approaching so fast, every minute tugged and pulled at Ember's heart as her father's words echoed. The dreading of having to bring Spike back home to save her live and his.

'Lie to him if you have to, make a story up or telling him something about why he must return to be your consort or mate but, you must do it soon. For both of your sakes.'

Oh, why did she have to be so stupid! Why couldn't she have told Spike the truth? Would he have said no? Would his family and friends tried to have stop her from doing so? Even if his life was on the line or knowing that his life was on the line, would they allow it? No, they wouldn't and she knew it too because if they would come help him on the dragon quest then they surely would accompany him here too. Yet, she knew that no ponies have stepped past the borderlines for almost a millennium. The princesses themselves, from what her father had told her, was that as long as they honored their agreement; The dragons can fly past Equestria to their home during the Migration and the Princesses would not allow any dragon hunting or ponies interrupting the flight, then they could be at peace.

Now, she wasn't sure what they will do.

Twilight had left to go take care of some 'Princess duties' outside the castle, leaving her guards and Spike with the castle. She hoped that whatever they were doing, it didn't involve trouble.

It didn't take long however to find both guards. One was dead asleep(Thank Draco!) and the other…. Was somewhat disturbed that she was found so quickly when she couldn't find her way around.

“… and so I found this odd weirdly shaped white bowl, near the floor. Odd little thing for a place to drink water out of. So small I could barely fit my muzzle. I mean, how do ponies even drink from that? Let alone… why would they need something like that low to the ground?”

Ember just gave a shrug.

“I am new to this pony culture as you are. But from the sounds of it, they may have customs that are foreign to us. Either way, we won't be here long enough to study them… though you may ask if you can take some stuff home.”

The thought of it got Amethyst excited. Ember took note that despite being raised by Dragons and their ways, Amethyst was the only dragon she knew of, besides herself, that had some interests in Pony Culture. Maybe Spike was right. Some decent exposure to them had better impacts on her Kin. Maybe it might have a better impact for the future.

Twilight had assigned the three of them their own rooms where they could lie down and sleep for the night. The beds were all small for her guards, albeit that they some how fell asleep as soon as they landed on them. Garble couldn't help but be annoyed that these beds were a lot softer than any rock he has slept on or any pillow or pile he owns. Amethyst was ecstatic about the fully bed. She lied her head down for a few moments… before falling asleep seconds later because of the comfortably cushions.

Ember had waited for them to go to sleep before she headed off to her space. Indeed, Twilight had many rooms, but some where better than others. Ember' room was the same as the others but features a small balcony in which she can stand out of. What made it more wonderful was the fact that she had the overview of Ponyville at night. There was a lot less activity at night, so from the view, she only made out the few Night Lights that occupied the ways and a stray of pony here and there. From here, she also see the castle in the distance, high in the mountains where despite the distance, had a gentle glow of lights.

A knock on her door quickly brought her out of the view.

“Yes?” she called out.

The door opened to reveal the small form of Spike.

“Uh… Hi Ember.”

“Oh, Good Evening Spike. What brings you here?”

He twiddled with his claws.

“Uh, I just wanted to see if everything is alright here?” he paused. “Can I come in?”

Ember cocked her head to the side.

“I see why not? This is your home.”

“Yeah but uh… a door usually means privacy and you always knock to enter someones room.”

The concept was sound yet, she she still wouldn't have cared.

She shrugged.

“As I said this is your home however, I understand your kindness, Spike. Yes, you may come in.”

He eagerly walked in, gently closing the door before approaching her at the balcony. She then turned her head back to the outside, seeing the moon high set over the lands.

“Its a nice night, isn't?” Spike asked, coming to her side and enjoying the view with her.

“It is.” she said softly. “The Dragon Lands have no wonders like this for near miles on end. Just a wasteland and mountains.”

Spike nodded.

“Yeah, you don't get a view much like this anywhere really. Can't say that the Dragon Lands have a view like this anywhere...” Ember turned her head to him. He quickly responded with a nervous smile. “T-That is to say that the Dragon Lands aren't all bad! Hehe!” If he could sweat, he would be sweating bullets by now.

Ember looked at her fellow dragon before agreeing with him.

“Indeed Spike, its not all bad… but it could be better. I wish it was.” She refocused back towards the land. “The food we hunt for is far, in places like this but the closer to the Dragon Lands we are, the less we see of this. That is why fish and small mammals are only available but gems are plentiful.”

“And you already have experiences with our kin.”

Spike nodded but didn't speak. He looked up at her and for the first time since he has met her, she was a different pon… err dragon. He could even say she looks different. Something in his mind tugged to say that she was 'beautiful', 'stunning' even. His crush over Rarity has faded and albeit he may never get another chance for it to come across it, the moon and night did cast a wonderful light over her. Her scales seemed to shine in the pale moonlight, the light seeming to bring out her eyes, the colors of living flame and more.

She caught his gaze in the corner of her eyes and realized the affection that was radiating off him. It begged the question, was this his true intent or was this part of the Bloodstone? It could give command over Dragons, it could wield great power if used correctly or destroy if not properly handled. Her father's words echoing over and over in her mind.

'We are bonded, the moment we held the scepter. We must remain together or the power will consume us.' She repeated it over and over again, yet it still made no sense. Because they were bonded, did he care for her on his own or was it the power within? No… it couldn't be, he cared for her before she and he held the Scepter. But was its power suddenly giving him more an affection towards her?

“Spike?” she spoke, turning towards him. He blinked, almost breaking away from his trance.

“Uh yeah?”

She paused, inhaling softly before looking her eyes to his.

“Why did you choose me over your family? When I asked of you to come, you did seem hesitant yet, right after you easily wanted to come after. Surely you wouldn't have difficulty leaving your family, your most cherished items here, your life! Here, for me?”

Spike didn't know where she was getting at. Sure, he would be leaving all that but, he would come back… someday?

“Well… I know you said I won't come back soon, but I know I'll come back... right?”

'When the power lets us, yes. When I have successfully established my rule with you by my side, yes. When…. When you stop hating me… for the pain that may come… I hope so.'

“I don't wish to keep you from your family forever,” she spoke truthfully. “I just want to… make sure that you know what your in for when you come with me. I honestly want to know… if I am worth all this to you?” She paused then quickly responded before he did. “Before the mid day of tomorrow, I ask that you truly think what you are doing. I am a stranger to you, a friend perhaps, but still a stranger. I asked you to do this because I knew you not very long nor did I knew how much of a life you had here. When Twilight spoke of your upbringing, I had a revelation that you had been raised by ponies, not just as a pony or a friend but as a family member. Twilight sees you as a brother while others see it as a great friend.

I cannot say I fully understand pony culture but I can see that your life here has meaning. What you may not realize or fully understand is that despite what you saw in the dragon lands, family means everything. My father, the odd and sometimes idiotic brute that he is, is one of the most caring dragons around. Hence why he didn't want me to participate in the challenge.” she paused, as a flash of memory came. “My mother was just a bit more kinder than my father, if not, one of the most kind dragoness in the lands. Most mothers are but my mother… she tended to be softer than others. She in fact would give some gems from our large piles to new born hatchlings. It irked my father to no end but in the end, he would always tell me that is why he loved her. Her heart was always bigger than any dragon could hold.”

“Was?” he asked.

She paused.

“My mother is in the the 'Great Sleep'. She has been for the near decade. My father has her resting in another mountain where she could be at rest. I haven't see her since a little after I hatched from my egg.”

“Oh.” He didn't know if a deep sleep was great but from what he could gather from his past, was the dragons tended to have long sleeps. Anywhere between a year to a thousand years! Ember's mother probably won't wake anytime soon. “Do all dragons go through that?”

Ember shook her head.

“My father has not taken a 'Great Sleep' for he is… was Dragon Lord for a millennium. Others do not because they have found something in their life to keep them from sleeping or they are afraid to sleep forever.”

“Will he?”

Ember shrugged.

“Most likely. Though he might do so and lie with mother next to her since I am Dragon Lord now.”

“And is it because of your mother, that you are not as cruel or… you know, like Garble?”

A rare smile touched her muzzle and she looked towards the landscape.

“I would like to think that if my mother where awake now, I would very much be like her. Still as brash as my father but… maybe a bit more loving.” she turned her attention back towards him. “I think she would have liked you. Your kind nature might have warmed up her heart. I know it did mine.”

She hadn't realized what she said until it was to late yet, nonetheless, it was already spoken. Spike was blushing because she had something so praising on what he meant to her and she was blushing because she admitted how much Spike had really changed her.

An awkward silence had passed before Spike broke it with a sheepish response.

“I uh… your welcome Ember. I never knew I uh… warmed up your heart so much.”

Oh gods… that was too much, even for her! She couldn't blush any harder if she tried but Spike was bringing a true warmth to her heart this second. Any more from him and…

“I just hope I am a good enough consort for you so that you stay this way. I uh, really… really like you like this Ember.”

The fire in her chest was hot, her heart of hearts was beating miles a minute and the fact that it was coming from a single drake, let alone one whom was raised as a pony! She was giving her a genuine feeling of affection that is so rare amongst their kind that it she wasn't sure how to properly respond. So, she responded improperly…

She quickly leaned down, gently grabbing Spikes head with her claws and blew a quick blue flame at him that almost cascaded quickly over his snout.

Spike jumped back at the sudden action, both in surprise and shock. The action was quick and lasted less than a second yet it wasn't threatening. In fact, when Ember pulled back she looked more embarrassed and scarred then menacing.

“What was that?” he asked, a bit astounded. He rubbed his snout where the flame had passed.

“Sorry! Sorry!” She quickly apologized turning away from him. “I didn't know that I would do that! I was just… unprepared by your words and you just made me so...”

“Ember!” he called out to her, quickly placing his claws on her arms. “I'm not mad or anything. I just… do not understand. Why did you blow fire in my face?”

Calming her self a bit, she inhaled and exhaled to slow her breathing.

“Forgive me Spike. I quickly forget that you still don't understand all the Dragon customs yet. For what I did though, it was something personal and only dragons that have affections for one another do.” She paused. “Surely ponies have something like that?”

“Well uh yeah… they do. It's called a 'kiss'.” he paused. “Though I guess since dragons don't really have lips, blowing fire onto ones face is close to a kiss then.”

“I am not sure I understand this 'kiss' of which you speak of but, as I said, those whom show affection for one another, they blow a gentle flame across another's muzzle. 'Kindle Touch' is what we call it or just 'Kindling'.”

Unlike a normal flame to the face, Spike actually felt the warmth on it. Not like the actual flame warmth but like a warmth that you would give someone a hug to or a gentle touch of their hoof or claw on your face. It sent a nice gentle shiver or feeling down your body, knowing you were receiving it. He remembered when he was younger, Twilight or Celestia or even Rarity would kiss him on the head 'Good Night' and that was always something he deeply enjoyed. Despite not being to fully feel the 'kiss' because of scales, he did like the feeling that warmth which came with it.

The flame on his face was was he felt right now with Ember. He felt that wonderful gentle warmth that one gets from someone they care for and that 'Kindle Touch' from Ember truly meant something.

“I kinda like it.” he said, still a bit shyly though he kept his gaze on her. “I am glad you uh… like me that much, Ember.”

She gave a sheepish smile.

“I didn't know I was going to do that Spike. It was spontaneous… but I don't regret it fully.”

Both still a bit embarrassed by the situation, Spike stuttered out. “Can...can I have another one?”

Ember looked a him, clearly not used to the idea of 'Kindle Touch' but he did seem to like it. And she liked him a lot. She nodded and gently leaned back down. Her eyes met his and parting her snout a bit, she gently blew a gentle stream of blue flame towards his face. Unlike regular fire, the fire moved almost like a gentle breeze blowing away at a dandelion. It flew at his snout before flowing over and around it, passing the warmth around his head. He closed his eyes embracing the warmth, letting that wonderful feeling pass over him. A tingling feeling ran down his spines, bristling as she continued her gentle 'Kindling' before she stopped at the flames disappeared.

He reopened his eyes and gazed back at her. Never have her features looked more defining then up close.

“Wow…' Was all that left his mouth.

Ember grew a smile and stood upright once more.

“Did you enjoy that?”

He nodded but didn't say anything. He was too… into it that he didn't know what to say.

“Well as did I Spike. Maybe one day, we both may...” she paused.

He broke out of his trance when she stopped speaking.

“Both may what?”

She shook her head.

“I don't wish to rush you Spike, I truly do not wish to. Whether you agree to be my 'Consort' remains to be seen but I don't wish for you to feel obligated to return the feelings. I know I care for you and you clearly care for me, but I am not sure how far we are willing to go for one another. We may be together but I am not sure we would share a lover's affection for one another. After all this brought upon you, I didn't know you would retain something for me.”

Spike could hear the doubt and worry in her voice but most of all, he could 'feel' the sadness coming from her. He reached over his claw with hers, gently grasping it.

“Ember, I know we don't know each other for very long but you are my friend and I want to be able to help you with whatever it is I need to do. Maybe I won't be able to return your feelings but I know that I will try to be there for you as much as I can. I mean, I am still considered a baby dragon but I can do things for myself like any adult can do. We can still give it a try later and see how it might work out after this. But for right now, I do want to be with you. Maybe not in the sense you want me to be but I do care for you Ember.”

His words filled her heart with joy but her mind ravished with the lingering thought that maybe the Scepter was at play here. Maybe his feelings were true, maybe not but so far, her heart flourished with the thought that she might finally meet some drake worth her heart. That he maybe worth her heart of hearts and her soul, that she was going to be a happy dragoness in the end. She dared to hope that this would be the case… but she felt that might never be true. For when they return to the Dragon Lands, the truth would be revealed and she would not only loose him but die a lonely death.

Doing her best not to show her true emotions, she couldn't find anything to say, so she grabbed him for a hug instead. Something he showed her as being affectionate. Maybe she didn't want to 'Kindle' him again for it was to much of an affection but this was just as good for her. Spike returned the hug, noting that the warmth returned to his face.

Time seemed endless for them at the moment and in truth, neither wanted to separate, but a soft yawn left Spike's mouth. He pulled away, rubbing his eyes as he did.

“Sorry Ember, I guess it has been a long day.”

She nodded in understanding.

“That it has. Tomorrow… maybe even more so. I wish you to rest well, to sleep tight and to be ready for it.”

He nodded sleepily.

“Thank you Ember.”

She shook her head.

“Thank you Spike. For inviting me in your home, for listening to my quest… to doing this for our… my sake.” She nearly let it slip. Spike was to tired to catch it on and nodded his head.

“Of course Ember, your my friend. Maybe next time we come back to Ponyville we can return as something else.” He waddled out of the room, closing the door behind him, leaving a shaky Ember. She inhaled, hearing his foot steps moving away from her door before she let out a hash exhale. She dropped to her knees, claws balled into fists and tears threatening to come from her eyes.

“Please Gods!” she whispered to herself. “Don't hate me! Please don't hate me!” she begged. Looking up at the stars, she begged to the skies, to any gods watching over her. To her mother, if she was watching over her. “Please! Don't let him hate me! Mother! I beg if you watch over me that he will stay! He has to!” Tears did come from her eyes and she sobbed softly. Exhaustion finally hit her as she made her way to bed, with her final words echoing out into the night.

“I don't want to die alone. I don't want to die afraid.”

Author's Note:

I apologize for this taking forever!!!!!!!!!!
First and foremost, i have gone from hell and back with life and surprisingly, my new job has kept me busy but yet, i have so much free time so its stress less and the best job in the world! I have my own schedule, my own rules, my own money and my freetime in near limitless.
With that being said, because i choose most of my free time to work, i also have tried to work on my stories, Now, my work has me moving everywhere in my area(SoCal) and i travel alot and see new places that i get inspirational ideas! However, because of all these inspirations and all that going on at once, i completely forgot to continue on with this one !!! :pinkiegasp:
I am currently writing 10 stories.... 3 here, 3 on Sofurry, 2 on Archive of our own, and 2 more on commissions. Exhausting! :ajsleepy: Not only that, it is difficult for me to work on the stories since 1. i have no laptop(yet). 2. My tablet does not hold the same amount of typing necessities as a laptop, so its difficult to use and 3. I tried bringing a notebook to write down my work but sometimes it gets lost or mixed in with a bunch of other work so thats out.

Along with that, 2/3 of this story was already done way back, but the ending was rushed so sorry about it feeling... off. Its also shorter than the last stories.

Lastly, since i have this freetime, i do try to work on the commissions first. Since i didn't have this amazing Job until near the end of July, the last months i have been on commission paid. So i really apologize for the these delays. But hopefully, when i get my laptop, sometime in December, i will be submitting my stories in quicker.
Lastly, Lastly, here is an update on Four Villanesses Vs Dusk Shine Here
So from me, Thanks for hanging in there, and ill try my best to get the other stories out.