• Published 17th Apr 2016
  • 26,806 Views, 753 Comments

The Dragon Lord's Consort - Little_Draco

Lord Ember comes to Equestria with news that my surpirse Twilight and especially Spike, something that might change everything.

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The Trial of the Consort Pt. 4

(Quick Authors note, this is only chapter where humor and joy will not be found. Read at risk)

The Dragon Lord’s Consort
Trial of the Consort
Pt. 4

Spike screamed out as a blend of red and pink fire engulfed him. He was sent flying just by the force of the blast itself. Ember turned to horror as Spike was engulfed. She immediately tried to intervene, but Torch was the one that immediately caught her with his large palm. She screamed out to her father to let her out. Sadly, he did not at watched as Zynthia continued her attack.

The attack itself was a surprise but that seemed to be what the dragons in the valley were waiting for, as they all roared in cheer at seeing some action for the first time. The teenagers especially saw the little drake get blown away.

Zynthia stopped her flames, leaving a scorched earth all around the field. About a hundred feet away, laid the baby dragon, whom was covered in red hot scales and pain expression. The former Successor approached the small drake, like a predator stalking his prey.

Spike managed to finally become aware of his surroundings and saw the approaching dragoness. With fear, he scrambled back to his feet. Not taking a chance for him to hide, she took a mighty leap, and landed right in front of him. He cried out in fear seeing her approach and jumped out of the way, just as she landed and caused a quake that sent him tumbling.

Once more, the masses roared in joy as the young drake narrowly avoided getting crushed and cried out as she reached to try and swipe at him, missing him by the scale off his head.

“The trial here, young Spike!” she spoke in rough voice, taking on a pounce like stance. “Is to know your enemy! Whether they are a bigger, smaller or the same species, you must know how they function, how they work, and whether or not you can deal with them!” Another jump at him caused him to immediately cry out before he managed to fall and roll just as her foot landed… well a foot away from him. The ground cracked around her landing and his ears echoed with the shockwave.

Ember managed to peek through her father’s large fingers and tried to escape.

“Father let me go!” she roared. “He is being attacked!”

“No Ember. He is in a trial right now.” He said calmly.

“What trial has my consort being attacked!?” she yelled, trying her best to break free from her father’s grip.

“The trial of Survival.” This caused her to stop struggling.


Her father nodded and brought his palm closer to his gigantic face.

“Darian and I had provided Will and Intellectual challenges but now he must endure the Survival.”

“She’ll kill him!” She roared at him, watching as Spike wayne and dodged the ever pressing attacks of the taller dragon.

“Not if he knows his instincts well. She is trying to show him that even the largest of enemies could be brought down by one even as small as him.

Spike was starting to tire out. His breath was falling short and his legs were starting to cramp up. His scales were already getting scorch marks and bruising. Meanwhile Zynthia was just getting started.

“Come on whelp! Retaliate or retreat! Know your areas quickly! Find cover and make sure your enemies cannot find you! Rawr!” she once more lashed at him with her paw. Spike jumped out of the way, however Zynthia reacted faster and using her whole body, spun with the momentum and used her tail. Spike never saw it coming and she sent the hatchling flying.

Spike felt like a mountain had hit his small body. He was sent flying across hundreds of feets away until he crashed some distance away from the area. He skidded to a halt where the land around him was earth raised in ridges and jagged with time.

Ember was in histeria as she roared or yelled at her father to let her go. Torch however remained unrelented, though he was starting to think this was going overboard.

Spike groaned, sitting up from his recent launch. He felt and heard the distant sound of the large dragoness approaching. Each stomp from her giant feet had him bouncing on the floor. Regaining some of this senses, he saw her approaching and quickly looked around him, trying to find some cover. He quickly threw himself off the near edge of the small jagged landscape and disappeared from Zynthia’s view.

A growl of approval left her.

“Well done whelp, but now, you must be aware that your enemies have heightened senses!” She appeared over the edge where he had fallen, seeing nothing there. She then scanned around, trying to find any traces he left. She saw rubble and small scratches from his claws left an impression on the floor where he had moved towards the lower end of openings in a small mesa. Small, jagged openings were seen, to big for a normal or even a teenage dragon could fit in, but he on the other claw could. A grin appeared on her muzzle. “Excellent!” she yelled out, using her neck to look into each hole she could see. “Using your size to take advantage of your enemy! If you are smart, you wait out your enemy until they leave or…” She paused over a particular hole. “Until they snuff you out!” She inhaled and quickly released a powerful flame into the hole in the cliff.

Fire spewed from multiple exits, creating almost a no escape scenario. However as one didn’t expect, the hatchling did not come out flying with flames on him.

The crowd of dragons had moved from their original post and took on hovering over the area or moved closer. The cheering continued as Zynthia moved to each hole, trying to sniff out the little dragon.

Meanwhile, Spike had successfully hid from her in a large crack off to the side of the cliff. His heart beat heavily against his chest. His bones groaned at the numbing feeling that began to take hold. Tears formed at his eyes and he half wondered where all this was leading too.

“Fight or flight!” She echoed all around the rocks. “I want you to understand that! If you do not have wings, then you must stand your ground. I have experience! I have strength! Do not let those intimate you.” Her footsteps rumbled all around him, shaking the crack he was in. “Your size gives you advantages to hide. Your experiences with your family and friends have taught you to handle catastrophic events! Your intelligence for one young as you gives you strength! Use them!”

Spike paused at that. How many times had he and the others been in life threatening situations that put Equestria in danger? How many times did he have to deal with threats bigger than himself. Discord? Rogue Dragons? Sombra? When will there be a day when Twilight and the others are not there to help or stop them?

He had always wanted to be a superhero just like the Power Ponies in the comics he would read. To be the one where everypony and everycreature would look up to him in awe and joy. Yet here, it was something different. He had no friends to help him out. Ember was held back and he had nothing to use against her. But her words echoed around him, over and over in speedy images. Size to hide, experiences prior to coming here and intelligence that matched most pony adults and even surpassed dragon adults.
Physically, he couldn’t wear her out. She was big, she was strong and she could move faster in open spaces than he could. However, he was small, could fit in spaces she couldn’t and evade her. Experience wise, she had years in fighting dragons, which might explain the scars that ran across her body, however she never thought she would have to try and fight a baby dragon, so she wouldn’t be putting all of her strength into this. Lastly, his intelligence. He already proved he was smart, good with memory and will, but he also had books installed in his mind. He might not have the photographic memory like Twilight but he knew enough that he could use it to his advantages.
Memories like the weakness of creatures. ‘How to avoid and Survive Dangerous creatures in the Wild’. One of the chapters explained how every creature has a weakness, even ones as big as hydras, manticores and dragons. Though it wasn’t full of complete information, the book explained how dragon hunters of old targeted weak points of a dragon. The belly, the arm pits, the eyes and if chance happens, inside the beast itself. But how could he use anything on her?

He didn’t have time to answer, for the next second, claws dug into the ground and crushed the earth around him. He yelled as it held him in place before it all being scooped around him and was sent flying into the air.
Zynthia roared as she threw the whelp out, where dragons cheered at her find.
“Beware!” she taunted, making her way over him in a feral walk. “Your enemies will have senses that could detect you! I smelled your fear and your body. They will too and you will sooner or later face them!”
Spike quickly moved back to his feet, seeing her approach. He turned to the entry ways of the ridged small openings under the mesa. He quickly ran into the holes, disappearing from her view once more.

“Don’t use the same tactic before!” She snorted, stomping her way to the holes. She knew that these were all dug out by ancient giant bugs and in part, erosion. They all criss-crossed one another in some way or another. Inhaling deeply, she fired once more deep into the holes.
Spike wasn’t fully prepared by the blast crying out as the blast nealy carried him out. However, before he could fully come out the cave, he was crashed into a small stalagmite inside and held on while the fire blew past him. He held on until it stopped and fell to the floor.

“Impressive!” she stated into the caves. “I still smell your in there but I will reach you!” Her claw then shot into the cave, trying to reach near him. He moved out, quickly jumping out of her claw reaches. The stalagmite began to jiggle with her wrecking and disturbing the cave’s structure. He moved more out of the way until her claws reached for the hanging rock. “Got you!” However, when she felt it, she growled and ripped if off and then dropping it off there and then.
He panted, trying to recover his breath. “Eventually I will crush the caves around you, leaving you no choice but to come out eventually!” What she said was true and he had no hope. Already she began breaking certain parts of structures around him, he could feel the network of caves and tunnels begin to fall around him. He had to find some way to slow her down at least.
He looked around to find anything to use. His eyes then looked at the broken piece of rock. It was sharp, a little bigger than his body but thin enough to where he could break it in two. He heard her growling, trying to look in the caves for him. That would be his advantage. She kept taunting him to get him to deal with his enemy. Looks like she gave him an opening. Grabbing the stalagmite, he pushed his foot hard into the middle to break it in half. With a grunt, he pushed, pulling back with both of his arms. Hearing the cracking rock, finally growled and jammed his foot hard in the middle. The crack was instant and he shuffled back onto his feet, holding to pointed piece of rock.
He held onto the bigger piece but readied the small piece into his claw. Holding it tightly, he cautiously made his way towards the entrance.
The caves were becoming unstable and he had to hurry. Something finally snapped in him and he felt anger and rise within him.
“Hey big red!” She stopped and looked towards the sound. Moving her head towards the entrance, she growled.
“Fatal move, hatchling! Revealing your location to your… AAH!!!! Spike threw the pointed end of the stalagmite at her head like a lance. The piece of large rock flew in the air and hit her straight into her right eye. She roared in pain and quickly moved away from the entrance, trying to coax her eye.
This got a unique reaction from the outside crowd, with every dragon finding disbelief at the attack towards the Successor. She staggered and twisted her head in pain, roaring loudly and moaning as she tried to rub her eye out. Ember, Torch and the other two Elders were also into shock at the surprised retaliation on Zynthia. Eliyinsa was the one whom actually seemed worried on Zynthia, yet she remained in place.

Spike smiled in triumphant as the dragoness retreated and began to try and clear her eye out. The stalagmite might not have seriously hurt her, a poke in the eye at best, but that was enough to really throw her off of him for a bit. She continued to moan out in pain, hissing and trying to rub out her eye. However, it was temporary at best, but now he needed a new plan. He knew that it wouldn’t hold her down for long.
A different thought did come to mind. Something that was dangerous and stupid, but mostly… well yeah stupid. But he wasn’t sure if it would kill him or it would hurt him badly and might make Ember mad at him, but if it would get him to stop the trials, then he really had no choice.
Much to his chagrin, Zynthia already recovered. A smile of admiration passed over her while her right eye remained shut entirely.
“Very, very impressive Spike!” She hissed a little as the pain distracted her. “Never has one, such as young as you, physically hurt me, nor tricked me for that matter. Truly your wit matches your intelligence. I for one am truly impressed.”
He knew it was a long shot but from the deep echoes of the cave, he called out to her.
“Uh, impressive enough to finish this trial?” he hoped.

A snort of amusement and a chuckle left her.
“Enough to know that I mustn't hold back!” With that she roared and began to destroy the cave systems, with much more ferocity. Spike gasped as the ground around him rumbled and cracked, creating large openings for the sky to be visible. Spike tried to retreat deeper into the cave, while Zynthia’s taunts became more personal.
“Truly impressive, Spike! It makes me wonder if your pony friends are the ones that have taught you how to survive? Or were they the ones to hold you back!” She continued to destroy the cave systems, though she then stopped and moved away from this system. She huffed, letting smoke leave her nose. She then began to pace the front of the destroyed mesa.
“What will be your plan Spike?” she taunted. “What will you do next? You have clearly caught me off guard but only temporarily. I know to stay away from the entrances and keep my guard up. But now, I will find a new way to draw you out and you must find a new way to stop me.”

With that, she swung her body and using her tail, struck the mesa once more. Spike cried out as the floors before him collapsed and she sent tons of flying rocks out. He felt the caves around him falling on top of him, creating a giant pile over him. He squirmed to move out.
“You surviving this is my hope, but I also want you to be aware that the danger can and will be real. Find a solution quickly! Your goal is to take me down!”
Spike managed to use his claws to begin digging his way out, finding a passage to go through. He saw light but in it, the red scales of the dragoness came into view. He shrunk back in and tried to think of a new way. His previous plan was the only plan he had. However, from the crack view he had, part of her leg had been scraped and a small cut formed. A small amount of trickle of blood leaked from it. Not enough to weaken her but enough to cause her to hesitate on her front left leg. He saw an advantage. He reached down, trying to feel for the large stalagmite he still had.
Grasping it, he shuffled the loose earth around him and began pushing away towards the clearing. As the large dragoness continued to destroy the mesa, he noticed how she used her tail to do the thrashing, not keen on getting too close for another attack. Nor would she fall for the same tactic. Instead, he had to get close to her without her noticing.
Everytime she spun to swing her tail, her head was momentarily turned and her vision was away. That gave her a blind spot and an opening. Mental calculations and half guesses, Spike decided it was do… or die. The worst part of that, he wasn’t sure if ‘die’ was literal in this sense. Embracing himself for the next impact, the remaining part of the cave system collapsed, himself with it.

It was a short fall but the crumbled ground below him cussioned him and with a small struggle, managed to loosen himself. Her tail was towards him and with that, he made a mad dash towards her. With his strength, he made it underneath her, just as she turned to look at her work.

The mesa was all but smashed and any remaining cave systems were gone. Worriness slowly covered her features.
“Spike?” she called out, trying to see if she saw the whelpling in the collapsed land. Spike stayed silent, slowly making his way towards her front, cut palm. Ember, her father and the others watch in awe, as the Spike was underneath her without her notice. A few dragons watching tried to call out to her to watch that hatchling. Then, she felt a small weight on her right palm. Looking down, she had no time to react as Spike, who held a piece of pointed stalagmite in claws, brought the sharp pointed tip, directly onto her open wound.
The reaction was instant and the howl of pain echoed loudly enough to cause some ears to hurt. She fell to her side, Spike almost launching in the process but jumped off as her body collapsed to the side. She howled loudly with pain, though again, with her size and prior wounds, it was a meer sharp prick than anything. But it was a prick that hit an open wound and that's where it mattered.
Spike was exhausted and he felt like he would collapse at any second, but he knew that this wouldn’t hold for long. With his remaining energy, he charged with the rock in claws to her neck, while she was down and trying to nurse her wound. Once more, her reaction was slow and she moved just enough, only to stop where she felt the rock tip pushed into her neck and was held at bay.
It was no ordinary part of the neck. It was a small, patch of scales where it exposed flesh underneath and where the jugular would be at. In this case, Spike knew where it was at on the anatomy of the dragon and exposed it. If she didn’t yield or if she moved, it would be able to stop her… permanently.
A eerie silence followed and dragons of all were jaw slacked or in shock, including the Elders and Ember, as Spike literally took down a dragon, many times his size… and had her life in his claws. So quiet that when he spoke, it almost echoed to the whole valley and every ear heard it.
Yield.” was his simple command. A dark look came upon him and his heart was racing. He was exhausted, downright tired and he never felt so horrible for doing this, but something in him snapped and it was there to stay. She was trying to take him away from Ember. She was trying to take him away from his family. He didn’t want to lose them, he didn’t want to die for a stupid trial. He only wanted to rest and be with Ember, yet here was a dragoness trying to stop that.
A angry growl left him and he pushed harder with the point pressing between the folds of the partted scales. Zynthia gasped and swallowed at feeling the rock nearly pushing her breaking point.
Yield!” He yelled. This time, everyone heard it and it was frightening that the young dragon could be loud enough to be heard throughout the valley.
“She yields!” Cried out Eliyinsa, worriedly for the other dragon. Ember was shocked to see Spike this way, never expecting a dragon like him doing something so… dark.
“I-I-I y-yield!” she stammered, careful not to move so much at that the rock would break through. He slowly retreated it but still had it close. Feeling it still there, she spoke louder so everydragon could hear. “I yield!”
For a moment silence rang, as Spike retreated away from her... than the roaring began. Dragons all around roared in cheer and amazement as the little whelp had won his third trial. The valley echoed with cheerful roars and stomps upon the floors as the whelp from a pony raised background, beat one of the toughest dragons all around.
Spike threw the pointed rock down and Zynthia slowly, but painfully rose to her paws. She limped a bit with her front right palm still in pain. She then looked down at the whelpling before her and slowly lowered her head to meet his.
Spike looked up at her, taking a cautionary stance.
With a small breath, she spoke to him.
“Truly impressive.” she spoke, her tone that of a proud parent. “I have never been beaten by one young as you, nor as intelligent.” His posture relax and his mood lightened. “I will never forget this challenge.” She looked at her wounded palm and gave a small smile. “Another scar to heal, another story to tell.” She then met his eyes and bristled with merith. “You truly are one of a kind.” She bowed her head in respect before raising it up high and speaking loudly to all the dragons. “The trial is over! Spike had successfully passed!”
The draconic cheering doubled in roars and applause.

Spike collapsed onto his hind legs with a soft grunt and an irritated sigh.

“I just wish to rest now.” The comment had Zynthia looking down at the whelp with some pity. He went through three trials and was reaching his physical and probably mental end. Knowing that he was exhausted, she used her injured palm and allowed Spike to be lifted. He looked up at the offered paw and with no complaints, climbed on, albeit hesitating on her injury.

She walked on three legs towards the other Elders. Ember was hovering, her father letting her go once Spike had won. As soon as they got close, she immediately dived towards Spike, where she scooped him up from Zynthia’s palm

“You won!” she happily exclaimed, hugging him tightly. He felt a nice sense of warmth spread across his body as she hugged. Something that felt so welcoming and relaxing. It was if her very physical and close essence rejuvenated his energy. His heart beat strongly in his chest and the meer heat radiating from his body would make him continue 1000 more trials if it meant that she would be there for him.

But something else came from this. A deep, urge from his subconscious mind. It was something that went ignored and something so primal, he wondered if that is where he got the strength to finally beat Zynthia. It was feral… and he heard it speaking.

However, it was pushed aside as Ember had been speaking to him. His focus came into view as she held him, looking deep into his emerald eyes with her bright orange eyes.

“...the way you thought of something so insane!” she exclaimed. Her giddy attitude and bright smile, something that touched him more than anything else. “I would have thought she wouldn’t have gone so far.”

Spike gave a small, casual shrug, as if no big deal. “Eh, when you face world-ending villains and scenarios every time, this is cake walk.”

“Then the final trial should be just as easy than.” Stated the final Elder. Ember and Spike turned to the smaller of the four, whom looked a bit strict and had a gleam in her eyes.

Ember looked up at the larger dragoness, her features morphing into a scowl. “He needs to rest! He has been at this nonstop!” She then pointed a claw at Zynthia. “She almost killed him!”

Zynthia wanted to speak but Eliyinsa cut her off before she could speak. “Spike was well within her safety, merely enduring the strength of the trial.” she said evenly.
Ember was about to retort but Spike brushed her chest to ease her down and look up to the charcoal Elder. “Why must I continue right away?” A bit of a whine left him. “I have completed three of four trials. Is it necessary to really continue on after another?”
Eliyinsa gave a small pity look at the whelp, feeling her heart strings plucked at seeming him battered and exhausted from his last trial. Yet, she knew that the dragons around the valley would not wait and it was already harsh enough that they come in inspecting to see the whelp fall. Dusk was about to approach in a few hours and the trials had to be completed.

“For this trial,” she began, “it will not be physical.”

“Regardless of what it is,” yelled Ember. “Spike needs to rest and recover!”

“Lord Ember! Seize your prattling over your consort!” Eliyinsa said sharply. “The sooner we begin, the sooner the trails can end! If you truly want them to end for him, he will complete this final one. There will be no more after this!” she paused then lowered her voice. “You end this here, he maybe a Successor or Elder, but his future can be far more grand if he were to finish them all. Don’t let your emotions ruin his legacy here.”
Ember all but growled at this but once more, Spike just rubbed her head against his, easing her. She then saw that he held a determined look. “It’s okay, Ember. If it’s one more trial, than I can handle it.”
Ember wasn’t so sure and she gave him a worried look. “You need to rest Spike! You been at this most of the day.”
Spike untangled himself from her but stayed close. “And like I’ve said before, I’ve done some pretty intense stuff for Equestria. I’m sure I can handle what’s next.”

His eyes held determination and hope that she would support him. She knew that this was it, that this would be the final trial, but something was nagging at her to stop it. She wanted to stop this before he got hurt. She already saw him go through Will over Greed, to Intelligence and Memory, to Surviving and Enduring direct conflict. Who knew what the next trial held. But… she didn’t want to interfere with his chance to make a name of his own.
“Let the whelp continue!” Roared out a dragon from the crowd. Instantly, all the other dragons began cheering on to let Spike continue the final trial. Ember tried to pinpoint who shouted that outloud. The voice was familiar and she already eyes on them.
However, Spike gave a small kindle across her face, instantly claiming her nerves and she felt warmth flood her features. Spike gave her a smile and moved away. “Gotta please the crowds!” He said confidently. His bravado still made her feel uneased. The cheering was background noise to her and her mind was solely focused on Spike. Her heart was racing and she wasn’t sure what it was but she needed to be prepared. She quickly took wing, as she saw Spike walking towards Eliyinsa and prepare the next trial. She then took off towards her cave where the Bloodstone Scepter was currently at. Torch notice his daughter’s take off but didn’t comment out loud.

His focus than turned to Spike, where he was looking up at the black dragoness. The Advisor looked down at the whelpling before her and leaned her large head down.
“Are you ready Spike? Are you ready for the final trial?”
He was exhausted, felt some bruising in areas over his body. His mind was a bit of a mess, his heart was beating miles a minute and he looked like might just collapse. But… he felt his will could go on. His mind was trying to stay sharp and he was keeping his head cool to stop him from doing anything rash or quickly. What he needed now was something that would beat the next challenge. He had his consort to back him up and he had a family to make proud of. With a tired and short nod, he looked up at the dragoness. “Ready.”
With a nod on her own, she then addressed the crowd of dragons. “The final trial begins!” The crowd roared with approval and cheers of all kinds deafened the area. Raising her claw, the cheering died and Eliyinsa regard him with a single sentence. “The next trial is Heart and Soul Lock.”
Most, if not every dragon seemed to flinch, which almost killed the entirety of the cheerfulness a moment ago. Spike felt a shiver run up and down his spine as the words tickled his ear drums. Something about the way she said it, made this feel like the final trial, would be his hardest.

“Is that wise?” asked a concerned Torch. “It might be too much for him,”
“And dangerous.” bristled Dereain with uncertainty.

She briefly regarded her fellow dragons before looking back down at Spike.
“One thing that truly puzzles me on you, my little whelp, is of your past.”
Spike blinked in confusion. “I-I told you that I was raised by…”
“Ponies, yes, yes!” she finished dismissively. “But, even if your egg was discovered by them, you have their influence implanted in your mind and heart. The next trial here, is to unlock what lies beneath you. What lies deep within your mind, heart and soul.”
He seemed to understand that, thinking it like a spiritual awakening and such. “How does the trial work? Do you ask questions and I just… tell you?”

“No,” she chided. “But this trial is not like the others. Here and now, you will understand nothing but memories, your will expose your soul to us! What lies within your psyche, what your mind is capable of and what happens when your future is put at risk!” Her eyes then locked onto his and they began to glow a bright violet. The metallic brace around her leg also glowed with ruins or symbols casted into it, brightly glowing. Spike’s world suddenly faded and the last thing he heard were the screams from Ember, with darkness surrounding him.

Perpetual darkness, with a light hovering high over him with no source. His eyes couldn’t pierce the darkness, nor could he move. His heart began to race and his blood began to freeze as he looked around his surroundings.
Then, from deep within the shadows, Eliyinsa slowly made her way. Her black coated scales and bright glowing eyes pierced the darkness and her voice echoed with a chilled, but soft demeanor.
“This is where the trial will begin.” she spoke, her voice vibrating the area around him, echoing lightly and sending ripples across the air.
Spike tried to move, but his eyes only moved in his head.
“Where are we?” He questioned, still unsure of his situation.
“This is the link between you and me. A nexus point between two beings of power.” He blinked, unsure of what she meant. “Huh?”
A steady growl left her, not of anger or intimidation but of deep breathing. “My trial is to understand what your past may hold for your future. What your heart, may bring for you and the dragons. Where your mind, can help or guide our kin.” She slowly approached him and to a point, lowered her head to meet his. He was no longer intimidated by her approach. Her eyes, now carried something within them, a look of puzzlement, yet curiosity. “Here, our link is only between me and you. In this nexus point, time is much faster here than the outside world. As it is, you and I will explore your history and where we can find where your future may exist.”
The darkness was than blinded with flashes and windows of Spike’s life. He blinked, trying to adjust to the sudden light. He then saw a displays of his life being played through. Almost like the movies, he saw through his own eyes the events of everything he had been through.
His adventures with his new friends in Ponyville. His life growing under the tutelage of Twilight and his adopted mother, Celestia. The first time he encountered his own kind here and what he learned from it. Then, his images of a certain white coat mare that he had developed feelings for.
“Interesting,” muttered Eliyinsa. She continued to watch his life play before her.
Something tickled the back of his mind with a sudden prick in his spine. He shrugged it off but he did voice himself to her.
“What are you looking for? This is kind of getting personal.”
She made no reply, instead hummed to herself as she continued to study his memories. The prick on his spine returned, though this time is was more physically strong. He grunted and tried to scratch his back. Movement came to his arm and he reached towards his spine, rubbing the area but feeling nothing. He hadn’t noticed that his spines had grown an inch.
“Your feelings for your pony friends and family, are truly queer. Peculiar in that they treat you in certain areas as family, while in others…” she turned her head towards him. “... as a background character.”
The sharp prick came back with a vengeance and this time, he really voiced his discomfort. “Ow,” he rubbed his back again, once more not feeling his spines growing, nor the sharpness in claws. “What are you talking about? My friends and family never treated me like that.” His voice got rougher with a scratchy tone.

Eliyinsa made note of this, but remained stoic in her speech.
“You do not see it?” she asked in a genuine tone. She flickered one of his memories. “Your friends left you behind when your… ‘sister’ held her celebration somewhere else.” she paused and looked down at him, seeing something dark pass over his features but ignoring it. “You believe they still thought of you?” Not allowing him to answer, she continued on. “The other times, I see that they ignored your feelings or injuries to carry on their own deeds.”
A few memories showed where Spike had been injured and left ignored by Twilight and the others. When Twilight got her wings and came crashing into the library, she teleported without him and he ended up crashing straight into the library.
When Rarity asks him to help with luggage, even though she had magic, refused to help. He volunteered for sure, but yet she ignored to help him in anyway. Even his own adopted mother had dropped him once or twice to deal with a nobel, ignoring his short plumet and thinking nothing more of it, when he was a hatchling.
Feelings of anger began to swell within him. More memories of negativity began to play in front of her as he began to regress his life. His form began to grow at a rapid pace.
“Tell me… what is the benefit of bringing you in dangerous scenarios that nearly cost your ‘family’ their lives.”
“T-They cared!”
Her head cocked to the side. “Did they?”
“Yes!” His claws grew and his voice changed, yet he remained strong. “They might at times have forgotten me, but they have never truly abandoned me. I w-will not abandon them!”

Meanwhile in the outside, Ember had returned with the Bloodstone Scepter in paw, just as she and the others began to see the changes in Spike. Ember watched in horror as his body began to spasm, growth in spines and claws showed.
“Spike!” she yelled out. Eliyinsa’s eyes stopped glowing, as did Spike’s. However, that didn’t stop the reactions.

Her vision slowly returning, she looked down at the whelping before her and the approaching Ember. “Steer clear of him, Lord Ember.”
“What did you do to him?!” she half asked, half roared, seeing pain etched across Spike. His body began to shake as muscles tore and began to form mass. Bones cracked and broke, only to be mended together back bigger and stronger.
“He is experiencing his memories of how he was treated with his family.” She then gave a soft look towards her. “Not all of it has been as we were told, nor expected.” Ember looked up at the Advisor, not sure if she heard her right.
Eliyinsa clarified. “There have been many, many instances where he was regarded nothing more as something of a nuisance. Other times, his pain or injuries meant little to the ones that took care of him.”

Ember knew all ponies weren’t sunshine and rainbows, but she also knew that their kindness was what made him who he is. “But they have raised him to be who he is now! To only show the negative is to blame the ponies for only the bad. Are we any different?”
The large dragoness nodded in understanding. “I’m aware of our own in how we are raising them, but I would never believe parents would purposely harm their hatchlings, let alone put them in danger!”

Her focus returned to Spike, who finally stopped growing but remained standing while panting and groaning in pain. He had grown a bit, matching Ember’s height now. His snout had sprouted out, his arms had grown in length and his spines sharper.
Leaning down, she caught his emerald eyes and he hers.
“That part of the past is now done,” she stated. “Now we move onto what lies within your heart.”
“Stop this!” yelled out Ember, she gripped her scepter tightly in her claws, ready to use if needed. “He can’t take this anymore!”
“He will endure what is needed!” harshly stated Eliyinsa. “If he is to become something more, he must go through the whole trial. Leave it here and it do nothing good for him.” With that she continued.

“Your love for your family is touching. You say that they are your everything. Friends, family, romantic interests and more.” A slow growl vibrated in her throat. “What happens to them when they are in danger?”
Once more, her eyes glowed brightly, with Spike’s own eyes glowing. The world faded away once again, however instead of blackness, he was in the middle of Ponyville. However, the current Ponyville was in chaos.
Buildings were being destroyed or on fire. Horror and fear etched into the faces of ponies as they ran in the streets. Spike watched wide eyed as foes of the past were tormenting the ponies. Changelings filled the skies in the thousands, with some chasing or tormenting fellow friends he knew of.
Chrysalis herself was high in the sky, laughing evilly as her swarm invaded the once peaceful town. But it wasn’t just her tormenting the town. A hydra was exiting the forest, along with other horrors like bugbears, timberwolves and demons of Tarturas began to attack the ponies.
From his vantage, he saw Canterlot castle also under attack. Yellow and Blue beams of magic could be seen as Celestia and Luna were fighting off Discord.
All of this was happening right in front of him and he was unsure of what to do. He began to shed tears as he heard screams from ponies being tormented. Apple Acres was being trampled by the hydra while his friends… he saw the girls, all of then, trying to fight back the changelings. But they were not winning. Swarm after swarm began to go after them, until the disappeared beneath the black bodies of the bugs. He dropped to his knees, closing his eyes and shaking his while he screamed. ‘No! No! NO!

A voice struck through the chaos.
“What are you going to do?”
He opened his eyes. All around him, time slowed to a snail’s pace. The chaos was there but he could see it all in details.
“What are you going to do?” the voice repeated.
Sniffing, he rubbed his eyes.
“W-What can I d-do?”
“You are a dragon! You are the beast that other beast fear!”
“I’m just a small dragon! W-What can i do?”

“I-I can’t attack! What if I hurt somepony I know!”
“If your love is to them, if you care for them, despite all they have done to you, you will attack… Attack them by protecting them.”
Spike didn’t move and he continued to sob, but the voice continued.
“Attack them.” It whispered. Then the voice grew stronger. “Attack them.” The voice grew louder. “Attack them! Attack them! ATTACK THEM! ATTACK THEM!!!!”

Anger flashed through his eyes and in an almost impossible feet coming from his own voice, he roared loudly.

Time resumed its normal pace, but the creatures that were causing havoc, stopped and turned to the roar. Spike, standing in the center of the village, growled with the ferocity of a full grown dragon.
“Do you care for them?” the voice asked.

“Yes!” he responded, as his body began to grow.

“Do you wish to defend them?” the voice asked.

“Yes!” He yelled, his body already reaching heights of that of two story buildings.
“Despite how they treated you, are you going to protect them?”
“Yes!!” he roared as his body towered over buildings. The creatures that once were attacking the ponies, began to run away. Even the largest hydra, began to slowly retreat as the dragon before them grew.
“With your life?” the voice repeated.
“YES!!!” With that, he let out a mighty roar and released a gigantic burst of flames.

Ember took cautionary steps as Spike had overgrown her height and was now half the size of Eliyinsa. Spike was growing rapidly and forcefully. The other elders began to take cautionary and defensive stances, especially Zynthia. Eliyinsa eyes stopped glowing as did Spike’s.

She saw the young whelp had grown quite a bit. His love for his family was its own greed. A greed that was good to have for any dragon. However, she was not aware that he would grow this rapidly. His shift into greed growth was almost unheard of. He met her breast and was slowing his growth. Dragons from around the area also began to take cautionary steps away.
“Interesting,” she muttered. Spike didn’t respond as his breathing was laboured. She began to circle him, watching the changes that inhabited his anatomy. His spines were strong and pointed, pertuting from his back like typical dragons. His snout had elongated to the point where it matched her own, upper jaw fangs just peeking over his lower jaw. His claws matched pure emeralds, yet sharper than anything. Lastly, while his eyes were unfocused, he held no greed in them. But they did hold a curious shine.
She allowed him to recover, his breathing easing out and finally settling a normal breath. His eyes finally focused on the ground below him. Eliyinsa watched as he began to roam over his features. She cleared her throat and instantly, his eyes were focused on her.
Something happened between the both of them and neither were sure what it was. Eliyinsa suddenly saw a bond form between them. It was brief, it was quick but something inside her finally saw him as what he was. A Dragon. Not a whelp. Not a hatchling. Not even a teenager. He was a dragon. Held back by his upbringing from his pony family. But there was something else, something more. A connection that she had never felt before, something old and lost.

A twinkle came to her eyes. “Do you know who you are?” she asked.
Spike blinked, not sure how to answer.

“I-I’m Spik-”

“No… do you know who you are?” She leaned down towards him, their heads merely a few feet from each other. Ember was silently fuming at the closeness to her consort… and the fact that in this form, she was enjoying what he looked like. “Do you know where you come from? You must have some memory, some… inkling to your past. Let me see it.” Her eyes glowed gently but didn’t fully immerse him. Spike fell silent, his eyes looked vacant as he searched his memories. She began to speak to him, a gentle, almost motherly voice he felt. Her eyes were soft, the way she looked down at him like a mother to their child. He felt his heart fill with warmth as something in his memories began to resurface.

Open spaces. The warmth of his egg surrounding him along with the warmth of a body. Hazy but bright colors filled his surroundings and mind. The shadows of something always around him. Nothing evil or dark, but safety and care. It was her… it was his mother. He was but an egg but he could feel her, see her… hear her. Her voice breaching his protective egg walls. Soothing, like heated silk that tickled the ears, slowed the heartbeat and filled the soul with beautiful warmth.
“...My special emerald…”

Then… cold and darkness surrounded him. Muffled voices, disorienting roars and yells. His egg fell, not too hard but hard enough to jolt him. Panic filled his undeveloped mind. Coldness, stronger than before…

“Mother?” he suddenly said out loud. Eliyinsa jerked her head back as if struck, her eyes stopped their glow.

“What?” The reaction got a laugh from the teenagers as Spike’s hysteria had him call an ‘elder’ his mother. Ember saw something in Spike and it wasn’t good.

“Moth… Mo…” he tried to speak but then, a large roar of pain burned into his memories, caused him to scream. “No!” He shook his head side to side, as the roar echoed in his mind, repeating. Eliyinsa took a few steps back with the others coming to quickly help her.
“I think that is enough, Eliyinsa.” stated Torch. “Release him from whatever you have him under.”
“I-I don’t have him under anything,” she assured them. “This is his own memories!”
The four elders watched, in pity and in caution as Spike began to trash and whine in fear.

“What did you show him?” questioned Zynthia, trying to remain protective of the smaller dragoness. “He’s deranged!”
“Do something!” yelled Ember, taking a hovering stance. Other dragons began to retreat away, as Spike’s tantrums grew, along with his size. His height was reaching that of the elders, with his claws sharpening and his mouth growing. Whines of sadness or pain left him, he began to rant out loudly.
“No! Gone! Cold! Return!” At this point he began to scratch his own head with his grown claws. They cut through his scales with trails of broken scales and red starting to seep through.
Though fearing danger, Ember quickly flew directly to Spike’s face, trying to calm him down.
“Spike!” she cried out. “Spike! Listen to me! It’s me, Ember! Tell me what is wrong!”
His eyes, which were held tightly shut, opened sharply and his vision was filled with the blue dragoness. His mind was in disarray and he was having a breakdown. His nose was filled with something familiar to her, but it wasn’t what he wanted. Roaring out, he began to trash more.
“Not you! Not her!”
Ember felt her heart break. She wasn’t sure what he meant by that. Whatever Eliyinsa did to him, made him relieve a bad memory. “Whatever it is,” she tried to reason with him, “we can fix is together! You told me that! You told me that whatever comes up, we can deal with it together!”
That seemed to do the trick as he stopped shaking, his head spinning but trying to remain focus on that voice. His eyes slowly focused on Ember, hovering in front of him with the scepter in claw. Her face betrayed the sadness and fear for her consort. Her amber eyes held moisture as she tried to quell his pain.
“P-Please Spike,” she sniffed. “Let me help you!” She stretched out her palm to his snout. “I can help you, but you have to calm down.”
Spike listened to her voice. It was soft, it was caring and it sought to ease his pain…

But it was not Her voice. It was not Her warmth! It was not Her pain he was hearing! She wasn’t Her!! Without warning, Spike struck Ember with his large palm and sent her to the ground.

The reaction was instant. As soon as he caused her pain, his own body shot pain back. The feedback from separating himself from Ember. But that was just the beginning.
His blood felt like it was being poisoned. His mind burned with unimaginable pain and what was left was agony no one could see. It was as if something inside was being ripped out and burning him from within. But the physical pain came when Torch, the largest of the dragons roared in anger at his daughter’s assault and charged at the equal sized Spike.
Spike was in his own turmoil and had no quick reaction as Torch along with Derain and Zynthia tackled him. Spike easily was brought hard to the ground, causing the ground to crack below him and create a crater. This was the signal for most if not all the dragons to take flight.
A frenzy of dragons took the skies and away as the commotion between the elders and Spike began. Eliyinsa had quickly scooped up Ember and brought her away from the others.

Spike finally gained some sense through his pain, heard the angry roars and growls at him.
“You dare strike my daughter!” roared Torch. He held Spike’s head with his massive arms, while Derain pinned his chest and Zynthia with her lower body. “She trusted you! She cared for you!” Spike only roared in pain and anger, trying to trash himself away from them. Torch held on tightly to his head, all but squeezing it.

Meanwhile, Ember had recovered from the hit. She found herself on the palm of Eliyinsa, who looked over worriedly.
“Lord Ember are you alright?” Ember shook her head, dazed but left intact. “I’m-...” she paused then she hissed before a scream tore through her core and heart, as her blood boiled and mind pulled and twisted. Eliyinsa saw this and horror showed across her face. “Oh Wistala… no!” Ember screamed and the Bloodstone Scepter glowed brightly before dying and leaving it almost hollow. Ember collapsed on the elder’s palm, her vision all but hazed and her energy all but gone.
Spike in the meantime, heard the roar, and just like his memories before, that got a reaction out of him. Fusing internal pain, mental anguish and fear of losing the voice again, he roared with all his might, pushed his body beyond the physical limitations and shoved against the elders.

The three large dragons roared in disapproval but tried their best to hold him down. He didn’t grow anymore, but the pain and anger pushed past his body’s limits and with a roar to match the three dragons, he threw them off.
The repulse was enough to have them sent tumbling down. It wasn’t hard falls or far, but the sheer fact that a single dragon like him managed to knock them off was a shock value. The few dragons that lingered or hovered around, saw this as a fearful attack and all but flew off. If he could do that to three elders, what could he do to smaller, weaker dragons.
Spike angrily growled, slowly rising to his feet, despite the large protest of agony his body was producing. His eyes searched hazily around him. He saw the three dragons were slow but rising back to their feet. Then he saw the black dragoness, holding the blue small dragon in her palm.

Eliyinsa and Spike’s met. His emerald eyes met her violet eyes. For a moment, their was another bond, something that was there briefly but strong. However, it broke an instant as he saw the blue dragoness, slowly and weakly rise.
As he saw her rise, something in him was breaking, like his heart. Yet, his mind was feral and gone. Something deep lingered inside but it was covered by pain, sadness and loss. Just like Eliyinsa, Ember’s eyes met his. Tears were on her face and pain just like his, was burned into her features. Despite all the physical pain, the heart truly hurt the most.
The elders got back onto their feet and with it, the connection broke. Spike took on a defensive stance, roaring out in defiance. They got back onto their legs and began to circle him. Seeing this, he released a powerful flame in front of them. Torch and Zynthia shielded themselves with their wings while Derain slowly push through the flame. His flames having no effect, Spike stopped, roared once more at them, than ran the opposite direction.
His body propelled him as fast he could, creating craters and quakes as he ran north. The others were about to give chase, but Ember’s scream halted them.
“Father!” Torch stopped as did the others. Eliyinsa made her way to them, where Torch eagerly moved to his daughter.
“Ember, my teardrop!” he exclaimed with worry. “Are you alright?”
The normal response would be ‘yes’ but she couldn’t lie, nor did she have the energy to do so.
“The feedback from the Separation hit them both.” stated Eliyinsa. A small whine of pity came for the dragoness. “She is losing her will.”
A growl left Torch. “That whelpling caused it.”
“No he didn’t,” clarified Eliyinsa, she shook her head. “I did.” Each elder looked at her. Zynthia looked at the younger dragoness with hurt eyes.
“Eliyinsa…” began Zynthia.
“No, you were all right. The Trial was to dangerous and painful for him. I triggered a memory about his past that made him lose control. For that, its my fault.”

Ember wanted to agree but her eyes focused on the direction of where Spike ran off too. Tears streamed down her face, the Bloodstone Scepter lied dormant and useless by her side.
“W-What will h-happen t-to Spike?” she asked weakly.
Torch wasn’t sure how to answer that though Zynthia did.
“His body is burning up the energy quickly. He will shrink back to his normal size in hours. After that, his mind will… regress to madness.”

A choking sob left her and Ember cried to herself, while the other elders held pity. Moving away from Ember, the three moved in unison and away from Ember’s ears.
“We must send a search party for him.” stated Derain.
“No dragon would wish to be around him,” retorted Zynthia. “You saw what he did to us. Imagine if others try to get near him.”
“Find, not approach or subdue.” affirmed Torch. “Find, report and then we will go after him. His size is shrinking. By tonight he will be that much easier to catch.”
“But he will be that much harder to catch.” Zynthia sighed with sadness and the other males looked dejected. Meanwhile the current Dragon Lord all but weeped in sadness and pain. The loss of Spike was much worse than the feedback from the Scepter.
The sun was starting to set and the trials had come to an end.
There was no cheers for victory, only silence for loss.

Author's Note:

Thanks to my wonderful editors!!!! Badwolf231 and RomedoDKat for the quick, last minute help!

This was the longest, most grueling chapter I have ever worked on and believe it or not, I worked on the epilogues before finishing this chapter. An astounding 35 pages with over 9000 words starting right after Pt. 3. A month and a half just to get it were it is!

So now... the epilogues are done as well! 2 to be in fact! They will be released tomorrow(12-21-18) and the day after (12-22-18). Their final editing is fully being embraced and then we are done!!!!!!!!!! :pinkiehappy:

Quick update! Featured(12-20-18) since 2016!! :yay: