• Published 17th Apr 2016
  • 26,806 Views, 753 Comments

The Dragon Lord's Consort - Little_Draco

Lord Ember comes to Equestria with news that my surpirse Twilight and especially Spike, something that might change everything.

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Home away, Not Far Away

The Dragon Lord's Consort

Home Away, Not Far Away

Flash Back: One Week Prior

"As Dragon Lord, you must adhere to your responsibilities, you must seek a mate or a consort. You must bring him here by week's end, in which case if he dosen't, the process would already begin with the power of the scepter, coursing through your body which will begin to corrode and consume you from within. You and your mate must share that power, to continue your rule. Should you not, the powers will kill you both before your century is out. This is a heavy burden, that I had not wish upon you, my dear Ember. However, fate had other plans and you both have touched its power, now your destiny is entwined with his."

"But father, how can I get him here? He lives with ponies and they are his family to him. I cannot! I could never force him away from them!"

"Yes," he grumbled. "Family is important but know that there is sacrifice with it. There is more to a Dragon Lord then ruling. Rules were created for a reason and those involve finding a mate to bind with and share your power. The power that has consumed our ancestors is what had killed many of the great Elders off. The Power of the Bloodstone Scepter is to great for a single dragon alone.

"Is that why you have decided to set the Gauntlet of Fire?"

"My time was coming soon, my daughter. With your mother in the Great Sleep, the power is slowly consuming me. If I held onto it any longer, my death would be much more sooner. Giving it up is what has saved me from that early grave. With you now as Dragon Lord, you must share its power. Find that dragon whom you have shared it with, bring him here and claim him as your mate or as a consort but he must be by your side."

"I just earned his friendship father! I just earned my only friend's trust. How can I tell him he must be with me forever?"

Lie to him if you must, my dear daughter. Make a story up, tell him why he needs to be here but you must do it soon.”

"I-I'll try-y father!

"Please do, Ember, for both of your sakes!"


That was the reason he was coming with her. That was the real reason he would be bringing Spike to the Dragon lands. Yes, she wanted him as a consort or even a mate. Yes, she needed to be bonded with him so she could rule. And yes, she wanted him for his care and support but that was all half truths, not the whole reason.

The bond between the Scepter and the Dragon was too strong for a single dragon to handle. Because, not only is the Scepter responsible for calling to all dragons across the lands. Its to call dragons across the world, dragons whom are as intelligent as ponies or whom were as dumb as the rocks they sleep on. Its to hold the power of past Dragon Lords of millenniums before her time. The Scepter was more than just a staff, it was link into the past, a power in which contains the blood of Draco.

Draco, the first dragon. The First Dragon Lord, The first Dragon who created all Dragons. His blood lied within the Bloodstone Scepter and it was his blood that controlled dragons from all around. Not only for dragons but it is said that its the Bloodstone that holds the key to powers beyond dragons. To turn dormant volcanoes into violent eruptions with a simple tap to the mountain. It could raise waves of fire from a single spark of a dragon's flame. It is all that power and more.

And it must be shared with another. Lifemates, consorts or even among others with relationships that involve 3 or more. What her father once called a Dragon's Living Hoard. There were other terms such as 'Packs' 'Cluster' 'Clutch'(if they were young aged dragons) and such but the word 'Hoard' had carried meaning. Whether it meant a dragon's collection of jewels, gems, inanimate objects and such or, a group of dragon living with one another as mates or consorts but they belonged to or where under the 'belt' of their Lord or Mistress.

Few of those remain in the valley. The dragons that do live like that often leave normal dragon society to take care of their own in distant lands so other dragons can't claim dragon's Hoard, both living and inanimate.

Yet, Ember has no need for multiple mates, nor giant hoards or living hoard, she just wants someone to care for her. As a friend, as a consort or maybe as even a mate. For the worth and trials she has endured no drake has ever tried to court her, nor had she developed a single… somewhat coherent string with another dragon. Either to afraid to approach the daughter of the current Dragon Lord, or that she was to high proper from other dragons or just that she was just another dragon among dragons. Either way, she had hoped that the dragon that was flying on her back was her hope for it all.

The dragons of four flew towards destination and near high speeds. Spike was enjoying himself, much to Garble's chagrin, Amethysts new love for the little guy and Ember's humor. Spike had no knowledge of free based flight. He was young but what picked Ember's interests on him was the lack of wings. Despite his young nature, he should have already sprouted wings. She could already assume he was younger than her but not by much. Give or take, a decade or less spanned between them.

'Probably the lack of greed in his life being surrounded by the ponies, he hadn't even hit his first growth spurt,' thought Ember. Her thoughts then mused to other issues Spike was currently facing. Not of to his knowledge however. Lack of wings, growth spurts and from what Twilight has told her about Spike's earlier uprising to now, lack of proper nutrients. Part of growing was eating properly and gems and jewels can only go so far. He needed something more, he needed something hardy, he needed...

"GAME!!!" came a loud roar from Garble. Ember was startled, nearly knocking Spike over. Crying out, he quickly grabbed onto Ember's waste under her wings. With a grunt, she steadied herself and gave a somewhat catious look to Spike but quickly focused a glare on Garble as he had dropped down below at high speeds.

She watched as he dived towards the ground, going an deer. The deer heard the dragon and made a dash to get away.

"What is he doing?" asked Spike, trying to regain some composure on Ember's back. His claws were on her waist and a small tingling feeling came to her. A bit flushed towards his mistake she quickly reassured him.

"He is going for a hunt, I supposed, though he shouldn't have yelled it out and said something!" she yelled out to the dragon, whom probably never heard her.

Spike watched as Garble began to chase a deer through the forest. It still unnerved him that dragons ate meat, never once trying it. Ember caught his worry and quickly flew down to a clearing. Jumping from her back, he twiddled his claws and began walking away from her. Ember turned to Amethyst, signaling for her to watch Garble. A quick nod and she took off after the troubling drake.

Ember meanwhile turned to Spike whom seemed worried about Garble or rather the hunt.

Does it disturb you that much?" she asked.

Spike knew that Ember's and his own viewpoints varied by the way they were raised. She was raised to be greedy, strong, almost ruthless to a point and now, must established that she is fit to be Dragon Lord.

Ember understood that as an Egg, Spike was given to Twilight for an exam to pass. She magically forced Spike's egg to hatch and for him to be born. It was then the their Princess entrusted her with taking care of the young baby dragon. From then until now, she raised Spike to be almost pony kin, with their habits, their food, their society and so on. He endured and never once, up until the time of his journey to the dragon lands twice, had he really explored his dragon heritage.

He sighed, giving a shrug in which he shook his head before turning to her.

"In my haste to do this for you," he began. "I forgot how much I have to adapt to become a dragon. More so."

A tight feeling wrangled in Ember's chest. She approached the young drake, getting close to him.

"Do you regret your decision?"

The quietness that followed was unnerving for both parties but Spike quickly shook his head.

"No, I don't Ember. But, I regret not knowing whom I am, where I come from and how much of a difference between you and I and every other dragon out there. If I am going to be your consort, I can't imagine what the trials I have to do or prove to other dragons gonna be like but I just hope that I won't embarrass you or make you regret your decision on me."

"Regardless of the circumstances of how these trials work or the outcome, my choice of you being my consort will never waver. Your heart is bigger than most dragons out here and because of how you were raised by your pony family, you are generally smarter as well"

"Not much else?" he asked a bit gloomily.

"Not much else is needed from you Spike. Your bravery has saved an Empire, your courage allowed you to push through the Gauntlet of Fire, your heart has allowed you to push the boundaries between ponies and dragon alike. Physically wise, you still have yet to reach your potential and maybe it may be soon where it kicks in."

She placed a clawed hand on him and she leaned down a bit.

"You're still young, just as I told you. You are younger than me and I am the youngest of most of the dragons in the valley. Short of what me and you are, we have done more than any dragon in history. We are the youngest dragons to go for the Scepter and accomplish it. My father didn't want me to go because of my age, however he still didn't want his only daughter to enter a challenge that could potentially kill her. You entered because when you realized that there was potential for the possible destruction for Pony society, you selflessly risked your life to do so."

She then gave a gentle ˜kindle kiss' across his cheek. That instantly did the trick as it lifted Spike from his mood and he stared at amazement at her. The wonderful smile that he saw on her, brought a smile to him and a elegant warm feeling up his spines. Just like the first time.

Oh, how he wanted to badly lean in and...
"Awwww! You both are so cute!" squeaked the voice to a familiar dragoness.

Both snapped out of their stupor and turned their heads towards Amethyst whom had the face of total adoration for the two dragons.

Ember stood back, seemed a bit angry at being bothered, though her cheeks still carried a hint of red while Spike was full on blushing but was still pleased that he had received the 'kindle' from Ember.

Ember turned to Amethyst.

"Is Garble still preoccupied or is he satisfied by our sudden divergence?" she half growled.
Out of the bushes, Garble came in with a piece of a deer still in his mouth while holding the leg of it, still being chewed on. Spike wretched a bit at seeing the gore.

"Imf heer!" he growled, still gnawing on the food in his mouth. He then swallowed. "Don't get your tail in a knot."

Ember growled at him and wanted to teach the dragon idiot a lesson, but it was Amethyst whom quickly chimed.

"I know you want to rip him apart for his sudden appetite here, Lord Ember but I think we kinda pressed for time."

As much as she hated to admit it, they are really pressed on time and it pained her not to smack Garble for it. She snorted and turned to Spike, motioning him to return to her. "The second we get back, we can deal with your... divergent course on suppressed time later!"

Garble took a final chunk of his meat from the leg, swallowing it whole before tossing the bone away. "Whatever". With a snort he took off with a single flap of his wings. Amethyst soon followed. Ember motioned for Spike to climb on her back however, she saw that his gaze was towards the area where Garble had discarded the bone and where as he had killed the deer.

His face carried fear but with that fear came a reeking sadness that echoed in his features and his voice. He then cast his gaze to Ember.

"If I turn like that would I ever be able to return home?"

Ember knew they were worlds apart, but she knew that he was so full of heart, so full passion and caring that it truly overwhelmed her emotions for him. She knew that his love for all life was grand, his love for his friends and family was pure and that he would never turn dark unless otherwise manipulated into it. Even then, she believed his heart was too big to corrupt.
Unexpectedly, she reached in and around him for a hug, something neither of them prepped for but it was welcomed.

"You will never turn like that. I won't let you."

With a sniff, he hugged her tightly.

"How can you be sure?"

A deep rumble came from her breast and he felt even more warmed than usual come from them both. It was almost magical, a transfer of energy.

"Because if you can teach me the value of friendship and even companionship, then I can teach you how to be a dragon. A dragon whom can remain strong, a dragon who can hold power and more, but can still care for the ones he cared for.” She then leaned out and gave him a warm smile. That is also a promise."

The warmth was overwhelming once more but neither of them complained.

Overhead, they heard the dragons circling around.

"Come on, we have to get going." With a nod, a stronger vigor than before and a joy he could not express he climbed onto her his consorts back. A few beats of her wings and both were airborne. The three dragons gained altitude near mountain peaks before heading east, where Spike's destiny and Ember';s future lied ahead.

Author's Note:

So first off, I would like to apologize for the lack of updates.
1. IU lost my internet a while back and since I only had an old school computer with not other way to do my work, there was no way to upload this work.
2. I had to plan out my future ahead a bit and have decided to go back to school, hopefully by Jan 2018. Hopefully with that in mind I can actually start to get my future ahead.
3. I have acquired a laptop so I can now start uploading my work coming the following days.
Again, sorry for the delay but this not dead. :yay:
Or edited :unsuresweetie: