• Published 24th Jan 2017
  • 7,684 Views, 342 Comments

A Little Monster - Shadowmane PX-41

When Twilight unleashed the magic, she turned into a magical demon baby. Guess how screwed Sunset and her friends are...

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The Wrong Everfree Forest

Sunset and Twilight fell through a vortex above the Everfree forest and tumbled through the leaves and branches. As their bodies collided with the hardened natural mass, they finally ended up landing hard on the ground in a dense thicket with barely any light to lead them, with Twilight bouncing off of Sunset's belly to cushion the fall.

"Ow..." Sunset shakily stood up and blinked as she began to look around the forest. She could see all of the leaves hanging from the branches perfectly fine as well as some more foliage further on into the darkness. "Did someone catch the number of that truck?" She said to herself as she tried to shake off a stinging sensation that pounded away at her brain. "Well, at least you're safe, right, Twilight?"

As Sunset waited to hear Twilight's voice, all that she heard was the silence of the forest as she turned around. Twilight had vanished into the forest and was now nowhere to be seen. A few giggles could be heard, but other than that, there was absolutely nothing else.

"Twilight? C'mon, girl. Not again..." Sunset groaned as she listened out for the infant's cooing. Pricking up her now-ponified ears, she slowly trotted towards the noise of Twilight's laughter and moved on from there. "At least we didn't get far. We're still in the Everfree Forest, so I can just grab you and get back to camp. No problem at all..." She pushed some of the bushes and plants away as she pursued her little sister.

As she broke through the thresholds of plantlife and trees, she eventually caught a brief glimmer of Twilight's body. She saw her flapping her tiny wings and began to run after them, almost tripping over roots as she tried to keep up with her. Just as she skidded on the tips of her hooves to try and catch her, she dropped her jaw to find that Twilight was further ahead of her than she had originally thought.

"Twilight! Wait up!" Sunset galloped after Twilight, not even realising that she was a pony once again. All that she cared about was the well-being of the human world's Twilight Sparkle. Even with all of the magic that she had taken in at the Friendship Games, she was still a baby both mental and physical. And such a form also inherited the weaknesses and lack of mental power as an ordinary infant, so she believed that without her, she would be completely vulnerable to everyone and everything around her. "Don't go too far! Mama won't be able to protect you if you don't!"

But Twilight was still laughing as she floated through the air. She too had seen her arms and legs transformed into horse legs and felt that her nose was now a tiny foal's muzzle. Her wings, face mask, and horn still remained the same, though, and she was now poised on exploring the new world that she found herself in.

"Twilight! If you keep going, you're going to end up being attacked by something!" Sunset began to sweat as her breathing became heavy. Despite her new equine body in place of her frail human one, she still had the same handicap of being unable to run for long distances without getting fatigued. "Just come back to Mama and we can go see your aunties at Camp Everfree again!"

All of a sudden, a muffled snarl echoed through the bushes around both Sunset and Twilight. Figures jumped and darted through the darkness as they passed Sunset and focused on Twilight. Glowing green dots for eyes burst from the leaves as sharp fangs made out of wood were bared from each of the silhouettes' mouths. One pounced out of the leaves and looked ready to rip the baby limb from limb.

"TWILIGHT! LOOK OUT!" Sunset reached out in desperation as she watched the monster shoot out of the forest and drive its' claws through the air, getting closer to Twilight with every millisecond.

As the beast tried to bite down on Twilight, she simply fluttered her wings a small amount and barely avoided being bit or scratched. The sudden gust of wind had thrown her off, though, and she had trouble controlling herself as she somersaulted through the air and flew over Sunset's head.

"Twilight!" Sunset stopped running and immediately turned back, trying to catch Twilight as she rolled and inched closer towards the ground. "Easy. Easy... Come to mama..." She tried to guess where Twilight would land as she tumbled out of control and broke past the line of leaves above her. She bit her lip and made a diving leap, catching Twilight just as she was about to hit the ground. "Gotcha!"

Twilight landed daintly in the cup of Sunset's hoof and watched as the monster that had attacked her was now joined by two identical beasts. All made out of tree branches and leaves, they all snarled as their fierce gazes locked with that of hers and Sunset's. Twilight's lips quivered as she stared at the beasts and she raised her hands close to her face as she watched them slowly stomp up towards her.

"Timberwolves? What are they doing here?" Sunset's eyes widened as she too examined the aggressive beasts that had tried to kill her and Twilight. "But wait... That can only mean that I'm back in Equestria!" She looked down at her hooves and saw that her claims were validated. With a small tap on the horn that poked out of her head, it merely served to prove her point. "Twilight must've brought us here with that toy of hers."

Twilight however began to tear up as the monsters moved closer and closer to her. In her infantile state, she had no idea what to make of the creatures, but the unbridled terror in her eyes was purely visible when the Timberwolves snarled and got close enough to where they could eat her in one bite. With nothing else left to do, Twilight cried as loud as she could, lighting up her horn and hands as she pushed the creatures away.

As the Timberwolves jumped high into the air and tried to eat both Twilight and Sunset, the magic-pumped baby screamed loudly and fired a strong aqua pillar of light from her three illuminated appendages, blasting all three of the wolves into the air and out of the forest, disintegrating into ashes as they hit the clouds.

"Twilight!" Sunset looked up and watched Twilight crying, albeit a little bit softer than earlier. She pried her from her hoof and lifted her up with her magic, rocking her gently by her furry chest. "There, there. No need to cry. I'm here now and I'll make sure that you don't get into any more trouble."

Twilight's tears streamed down her face and dropped onto the ground. The soft and gentle swings through the air did give her a sense of comfort as she looked up into Sunset's eyes. Her wails were now reduced to simple whispers as she frantically reached out for Sunset and hugged her neck, babbling something into the pony's ears as she pushed her cheeks against hers. "Mama..." she cooed.

"Don't worry, Twilight. Mama's here." Sunset stood up and walked deeper into the forest, gently holding Twilight close to her with her magic. "Now, don't run off, or you'll lose me again, alright?" She watched Twilight nod her head before planting her tear-ridden face onto Sunset's again. "Good. Now let's see if we can find some way out of this place and get back to the human world."

As Twilight peaked out into the darkness, she wrapped her wings around her tiny body and huddled up against Sunset, shaking and shuddering as she braced herself for another attack. Her horn lit up in response to her actions and a small purple pacifier appeared around her mouth that she immediately began to suck on. The rubber bulb that now plugged up her mouth soothed her lightly, and the more that she bobbed it in and out, the more relaxed that she became. She still held tightly onto Sunset and climbed onto her back, but her eyelids began to droop as she fell into her caretaker's fur.

Meanwhile, back in the human world, the Rainbooms were all gathered around the totem pole as they watched Gloriosa and Timber handling everyone else's activities. From rock climbing, to sailing, and even to baking, they saw a variety of different things to do in the forest. However, that wasn't what had captured their interest.

"Hey, girls? Has anyone seen Sunset and Twilight?" Applejack asked as she began to scan the campers for any sign of their missing friends. "Ever since that whole deal with Gloriosa and Filthy Rich, the two of 'em have just up 'n' vanished into thin air!"

"I'm not sure, Applejack." Rainbow Dash's eyes shot from student to student as she tried to find Sunset and Twilight. "They can't have gotten that far, right? I mean, c'mon! Camp Everfree's not gonna let anyone go missing like that!"

"I dunno, Dashie. I've told some pretty spooky campfire stories the last few times I was here." Pinkie Pie tipped her hand as she pulled her shirt down by her waist. "Something in the forest might've snatched them up and is probably cooking them in a pot to serve with a side of salad while topping them with salt and pepper!"

"Pinkie Pie! Don't be ridiculous!" Rarity spluttered and almost lost her balance as she pushed her hand off of the pole. "Sunset Shimmer would never deliberately get lost in a place like this. The forest isn't too expansive, and Timber and Gloriosa would've known if they had wandered out of the camp's boundaries."

"But Rarity, don't forget that Twilight has that magic rattle on her." Fluttershy slowly raised her finger and looked into Rarity's eyes. "We don't know what Twilight can do now that she's a baby, so it could be possible that she accidentally pulled herself and Sunset into Equestria. And if that's the case, then I don't know how she's going to get back here in time."

"Fluttershy, if Twilight and Sunset went missing, then Gloriosa and Timber would've raised the alerts by now." Rarity tipped her hand in front of Fluttershy's face. "Don't worry about it, girl. Sunset's going to be alright. She saved the world from three evil sirens, so I'm sure that she and Twilight are fine wherever they are."

"Yeah, but I'm still not entirely comfortable with the idea of Sunset and a powerful demon baby all alone with no-one to help 'em." Applejack turned towards Fluttershy and Rarity and cocked brows at both of them. "What if you were in that scenario? How unsafe would you feel trying to juggle the needs of a magical baby with weird powers and nobody would be able to help?"

"Well, when you put it like that, I suppose that I would feel quite unsettled." Rarity's body grew cold as she envisioned the scenario that Sunset was in, only with her instead. "Gosh. I sure hope that the poor dear's alright, lost like that without any food, water, or spas within a mile radius! We've gotta do something!"

"But what can we do?" Applejack turned towards the lake and looked out to the trees on the other side. "We don't have the power to keep up with Twilight. She's a baby using all of our magic. We're just ordinary teenage girls again without her."

"Well, I guess the only thing that we can do now is pray." Fluttershy knelt down and put her hands together. She closed her eyes and looked into the afternoon sky, watching as the clouds covered up the sun. "If we all put our hearts into seeing Sunset get back safely, then I know that we can—"

"Attention, campers!" Gloriosa's voice rang out on the camp's speakers. "We're about to begin opening workshops for anyone who wants to do something while they're here! We have cooking, crafts, and even animal care on the roster! So come on down!"

"COOKING?!" Pinkie bounced into the air as high as she could, stretching out her legs before landing with a massive smile on her face. "Count me in!" Without any other responses, she dashed off to the cooking workshop, leaving nothing but a trail of dust behind her.

"Fluttershy, I appreciate the gesture, but we can't just sit around and pray for Twilight and Sunset to come back the whole time that we're here." She squatted down and helped Fluttershy back onto her feet. As she did, she noticed that some hair had dropped down into Fluttershy's eyes as she began to frown. "Oh, dear, I know that you're concerned about them, but we can't mope all the time. We came to Camp Everfree for a fun little getaway, right? Shouldn't we balance our worries with the fun stuff we can do here?"

"Yeah. Besides, you don't wanna remember Camp Everfree as the place where Twilight and Sunset got lost." Applejack gently stroked Fluttershy's back as the group walked off. "We can pray at night before we go to bed if they don't show up by then, but I don't think they'll be lost for that long. Just trust us on that."

"Well... alright then." Fluttershy resigned and walked with them, letting off a small sigh as she brushed the hair out of her eyes. "I just hope that they get back soon. There's all kinds of scary things in the woods like thorns, cliffs, and mean predators. Oh, what if they get hurt? I don't want to see little Twilight covered in cuts and scratches!"

"Fluttershy. Chillax." Rainbow Dash began to massage Fluttershy's shoulders. "Sunset'll come back faster than you know it. She's a strong girl. Now c'mon! We've gotta have fun while we still can!"

"OK." Fluttershy dropped her hands and gave a small grin as she looked into Rainbow Dash's confidence-filled eyes. Oh, Twilight, Sunset, where are you? Please don't get lost in the Everfree Forest! We all miss you already! Despite what her face was saying, her mind was the complete polar opposite; she just chose not to show it as she continued down the path with the rest of the Rainbooms.