• Published 24th Jan 2017
  • 7,684 Views, 342 Comments

A Little Monster - Shadowmane PX-41

When Twilight unleashed the magic, she turned into a magical demon baby. Guess how screwed Sunset and her friends are...

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A Castle for Midnight

Sunset and Twilight cut through the dense growth that plagued the Everfree Forest, using their magic to illuminate the way. And by they, it was really just Sunset Shimmer using her horn as a light while Twilight slept peacefully on her back, pacifier bobbing in and out of her mouth in a small rhythm.

"I just hope we can find a way back home soon..." Sunset looked back and saw Twilight wiggle her hooves in the air as she snuggled into her back, feeling the comfort of her clothes and diaper contorting around her. "Twilight's not meant to be here. It could cause a chain reaction of events if she met her pony self."

As Twilight Sparkle cooed and wriggled around in her slumber, a small white wisp flew out of her horn and danced around Sunset Shimmer like a firefly. For a few moments, the tiny ball of light attracted the undivided attention of the yellow unicorn before it shot off ahead, through some more branches and bushes.

"What the...?" Sunset slowly stepped forward and followed the wisp's light, completely unshaken by the fact that she had stepped into a small patch of mud. Her pace grew from a single trot to a canter, then to a gallop as she chased after the light, securing Twilight as she charged ahead. "What do you want to show me, little light?"

The light swirled around various trees, illuminating the forest in ways that Sunset had never imagined before. Areas that had been once blanketed by darkness were now fully visible and shone like diamonds in a jewellery shop. Flowers bloomed and small streams of water glistened when the small orb hovered over them. Even animals, both predator and prey alike were revealed by the shine of Twilight's little wisp, with the monsters all retreating when the light struck their eyes.

Sunset kept up the chase, sweat dripping from her forehead as she continued to follow the light through the Everfree Forest. Leaves and exotic fruits tumbled off of their branches as she darted past them. Roots beneath her feet posed no problem as she gracefully weaved her way over and around them in her pursuit. Her speed shook Twilight around lightly, but a light-blue aura protruding from her horn kept the infant from falling off. Whatever was going on, Sunset Shimmer wanted answers, and she wanted them immediately.

Eventually, both of the ponies burst from the forest and now came towards a small path leading out towards a rope bridge that—despite the amount of cracks in the wood and texture of the rope itself, looked sturdy enough to hold a pony and foal at the same time. The light that they had been chasing went over the bridge and spiralled around the ruins of an old castle, sprinkling twinkling specks of light down on it.

"Here? Is this where you want me to go?" Sunset asked the light and walked towards the start of the rickety rope bridge. Despite how aged the castle was, Sunset could still see that it hadn't fallen completely into disrepair and that there was a clear entrance to it. "Twily? Wakey-wakey. Mama's got something to show you..." She looked back and gave Twilight a small nudge with her hoof.

"Mama?" Twilight yawned and turned over onto her belly, holding onto Sunset's neck as she rubbed her eyes and smacked her lips, almost dropping her pacifier in the process. When she saw the dark and gloomy castle, her eyes went wide and she recoiled, whimpering as she began to shiver and shake. Cooing baby gibberish, her grip on Sunset tightened as she buried her face back into her caretaker's fur.

"Aww, c'mon, Twilight. It's not that scary." Sunset pulled Twilight off of her back and gave her a hug, patting her back as she looked into her little sister's eyes. "As long as Princess Sillyface is here to protect you, no monsters are gonna hurt you." And just like that, she stuck out her tongue and lifted the corners of her mouth, blowing a small raspberry into Twilight's stomach. She watched as the baby giggled and waved her hooves around with a goofy grin plastered onto her face, as if all of her previous fears had been washed away entirely. "See? It's not so bad, right? Now you stay with me, and everything'll be just fine." She put Twilight back onto her back and began to walk out towards the first rung of the rope bridge.

Slowly, Sunset placed her first hoof on the bridge, hearing the loud, ghoulish noises of the creaking wood ring in both her ears and Twilight's. She began to question how strong it was and whether or not it would be able to hold both of them. Taking a gulp, she put her other hooves on the bridge, hearing an entire chorus of wood under hoof as she bit her lips and anticipated the worst to happen. A few seconds passed, with each one seeming to drag on for an eternity as she awaited her fate. Much to her relief, the bridge managed to hold, and after taking a deep breath, she began to walk forward towards the ruins of the castle.

Twilight could only sit and look at the castle, her eyes focused on the crumbling towers and lack of a stable roof as Sunset walked her closer and closer to it. Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see a shingle fall from the top of the castle and smash against the ground, breaking into lots of miniature pieces. As all of those sights danced vividly from her spot, she held her hooves to her face, conjuring a bright pink bubble dome around her, shielding her vision from the outside world. Once the dark sights were replaced with the lighter, more peaceful ones from within her magic, her smile instantly returned as she began to try to touch everything she could see.

"Oh, Twilight. It's alright." Sunset rubbed the top of the dome spell as she made it to the end of the rope bridge and touched solid ground once again. Using a spell of her own, she plucked the foal from her back and proceeded to walk into the castle. "Being scared is a natural part of life—even for a baby like yourself. But that's why mama's here for you. She's going to protect you from all of these mean and nasty things until you grow up and learn to fight them yourself..."

As Twilight felt herself being lifted from her sister's backside, the spell around her dissipated, bringing her back to the castle and the derelict ruins of what it used to be. She could see stairs with faded red carpets, remnants of old tapestries hanging from the walls, and a pair of thrones sitting in pieces at the end of the room at the top of a barely-standing bunch of stairs. All she could do was coo and tip her head to the side as she drunk it all in, putting her hoof right on her lips as the pacified she had been sucking on vanished entirely.

"Twily. This is a castle. See? Castle." Sunset held Twilight out and showed her around the place. "Pretty princesses and powerful rulers would sit on these thrones and make important decisions that could change the fate of their kingdom. Princesses like you someday, my little monster." She gave Twilight a playful boop on her muzzle, seeing her squeal and grin once again. "Now, castles also have libraries with more books. They might not be as bright and playful as the ones you're used to, but I'm sure that they'll give us some answers if we just look around.

Twilight babbled as she looked around, reaching out for the rocks and rubble that littered the floor. As she reached out towards them, her horn fired a blue and black bolt that struck them, turning the wreckage into large building blocks with an array of colours, letters, numbers, and symbols planted on them.

Her magic's pretty strong, even in Equestria. Sunset watched Twilight zap more and more of the destroyed castle, making more baby toys and bright aesthetics that distracted her from her ride on the big pony's back. I don't know what's harder now: Looking after her as a baby, or when she's old enough to attend elementary school again... As she walked off into a corridor, she still heard Twilight laugh and fire off more magic bolts, which in turn made even more of the castle infant-friendly.

Sunset and Twilight crept through the cramped corridor before coming towards a library that was barely in a better state than the rest of the castle. Books were still sprawled everywhere with some of them organised in the wrong places, some had been burnt and charred to the point where everything had disappeared on them, and some were buried from the top to the spine in dust and spiderwebs. A large table could be seen in the middle of the room, which spread out to the length of the giant bookcases along the walls.

"Alright. Now one of these books should be the one that I need to get us back home." Sunset walked ahead and began to pull book after book from the walls, lining them up on the tables. "You stay right here and don't do anything funny, Twilight. Mama needs to concentrate in getting you back home to your aunties at Camp Everfree..." And with that, she blew all of the dust off of one of the books and opened it up, rapidly scrolling through page after page.

Twilight Sparkle watched as Sunset Shimmer skimmed the books rapidly in an attempt to find a transportation spell that could get them back home to the Human World. All of the words on every page made no sense to her and when she tried to read one of them out, she ended up heavily mispronouncing it or just speaking in baby talk entirely. Still, she watched as her caretaker took more of these books and proceeded to toss them away after failing to find the spell.

"I know that it's an ancient ruin of a castle, but surely there's gotta be a spell, incantation, or chant here that can get me and Twilight home before the campers begin to worry." Sunset took more books and opened them up wide, jumping her head from page to page as she desperately tried to find what she needed. "I've just gotta keep looking. Now, if I were a spell that could cause me to leave Equestria and go back to a world full of giant apes with clothes on, where would I be?"

Twilight reached out for one of the books with her horn glowing once again. As she tried to read out the notes and paragraphs, she ended up sucking all of the words off of the book before transforming it with a white flash of light. As if by magic, the tome from centuries ago had been morphed into a small, yet colourful book for babies like her. She was about to reach out for it, but something else had washed over her mind. She had the urge to play—not just with Sunset Shimmer, but with the castle itself. Looking around, she flapped her wings and floated above the table with her mind already beginning to run wild with ideas.

She reached her hooves out in a star formation as her horn began to shine like a spotlight and hum louder and louder. Just as she watched Sunset pull her head from the books, Midnight fired off bolts in all directions, lighting up the walls and floor of the castle elegantly and shooting off into the sky.

"Twilight! What are you doing?!" Sunset tried to fire magic bolts at her to try and stop the giggling baby, but nothing seemed to work as they were refracted by Twilight's own magic and were bent out towards the trees. You don't know what your magic's capable of! Twilight! Think before you do anything stupid!

Raising her hooves high into the air, Twilight's horn bathed the entire castle in a pillar of radiant white light. The collapsed area around the castle was slowly being filled up with magically-crafted landmass, burying anything that had been visible previously. The rope bridge that once served as the only access point to the castle disappeared in a puff of light blue smoke. As for the castle itself, it began to change colour and wobble like an inflatable toy in the light as Twilight's magic began to transform it. Doodles and child-friendly images appeared on the castle's walls as a roof and front door now appeared. With one last burst of light, the ruins had been fully changed by her magic.

Sunset's vision had been turned completely white and her hearing had been severed momentarily as she tried to re-adjust herself to the world after Twilight's powerful spell. She tried to stand up and look around, but the ground beneath her wiggled, as if she was standing on a floor made of jelly. Unable to stand up, she slipped and fell onto her back, bouncing up and down on the floor as she tumbled onto her haunches.

The room around Sunset had been entirely changed. Bright hues of yellow, pink, and blue flooded the walls as shapes, numbers, and letters were seen all over the walls. There were baby toys, blocks, and plush animals of all shapes and sizes littered around the place, with some of them pressing themselves against her body. Every book that was on the walls had been made into baby books, some telling nursery rhymes, others that were pop-up books, and some that showed more shapes and colours on each page. Small currents of magic drifted through the air as Twilight's laughter echoed throughout the room.

"Twilight..." Sunset's eyes twitched as she looked at the infantile room around her. "What in Equestria have you done?! And for that matter, where are you?!"

Twilight was by the end of the room, playing with a couple of small plush toys. Using her magic, she made them all stand up and give her a hug, with her responding in kind to them. Giggling and cooing peacefully, Twilight felt like she was in a state of pure wonder. Her imagination had finally come to life and was now on full display in her newly-transformed castle.

"Mama! Pway!" Twilight turned and saw Sunset approach her. Waving her hooves and wings, she flapped high into the air and flew off, ready to see just what else her mind had done to the old castle.

"Twilight..." Sunset watched the raven-winged baby fly off and tried to chase after her, but found herself unable to run on the inflatable floor that wobbled with every footstep. For now, she was only able to bounce-walk after the foal, making sure that she wasn't tripping on any of the toys. "What I wouldn't give for a life without magic now..." She groaned and walked out of the room, dreading what her little monster's magic had done to the rest of the castle.

Author's Note:

As of today, I now have Garry's Mod on my PC. It does work, just so you know. Everything's in ship-shape and all hunky-dory peachy clean. I just need to work out a few kinks and learn the ropes of how this sandbox game works and then I should be ready for fun times galore.

And also, I've downloaded all of the Equestria Girls packs, with many different character and player models for me to screw around with in the sandbox modes. And while that's all well and good, my favourite ones: the Crystal Prep Shadowbolts, are only character models for now. Until the player models come out, the best things I can do with them is make them have reproduce by pressing them against each other with my physics gun.

But soon, Lemon Zest and the others will be Player Models, and the world of Prop Hunt, Guess Who, Deathrun, and Hide and Seek will change forever...:trollestia:

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