• Published 24th Jan 2017
  • 7,685 Views, 342 Comments

A Little Monster - Shadowmane PX-41

When Twilight unleashed the magic, she turned into a magical demon baby. Guess how screwed Sunset and her friends are...

  • ...

Lemon's Plan and Twilight's Intervention

"That's the stupidest idea that I've ever heard!" Sugarcoat was the first one to break out of the huddle once Lemon's plan swirled around in her mind.

"Oh, c'mon, Sugarcoat. Learn to look on the bright side of things." Lemon tipped her hand with a giddy smile plastered on her face. "It's a foolproof way to cheer Sunset up!"

"But even if Twilight were to go along with this, what's the betting she wouldn't be able to fix it all afterwards?" Sunny Flare lifted a finger. "Twilight's magic only fades away when she goes to sleep, and the way you want us all to play with her might make her so excited that she won't ever want to have a nap!"

"Not to mention that Twilight's just a baby, Lemon Zest." Sunset held Twilight close to her chest and listened to her spout off some baby gibberish and mouth farts. "Her mind's a bit of a wacky place, y'know. And her magic might do something completely different to what you have planned. Believe me—I know."

"Still, it's the best way what we can cheer you up, Sunset." Lemon Zest patted Twilight's back, watching her let off a tiny burp. "You've been a bit of a debbie downer ever since you got back from Camp Everfree, and you did kinda sound like you were upset over Timber's trial against Filthy Rich. And besides, it's fun to play with babies, isn't it?"

"Again, I must add logic to this and say that Sunset is right." Sugarcoat almost tripped over her baby duplicate as she laid a hand on Twilight. "Baby minds are the most uncontrolled of all. While children have great imaginations and can think about things, a baby can do nothing but imagine. Hence why parents have to do everything for them when it comes to food, drink, and changes."

"And given that Twilight's got all of that magic inside of her, her imagination might be a little more out there..." Sour Sweet tugged at her collar. "Heck, I'd say this little squirt's mind is like a whole other world in itself. I'm a little tempted to dissect her right now and see what's in that little magic-soaked brain of hers."

"AND, moving swiftly on..." Sunset yanked Twilight away from Sour, glaring at her before turning to the others. "Look. I appreciate the situation, Lemon Zest, but what you're asking is almost impossible. I'm all for anything that'll make me happy, but I think you could've thought of something much better than this."

"C'mon, Sunset! Lay offa Lemon a bit." Indigo Zap stood in front Lemon and held her arms out to the sides. "It's a good idea. Plus, you don't need to worry about it. If you want Twilight to go to sleep, then we can help her go to sleep. It's not that hard."

"Will you two just listen to yourselves?" Sunny Flare tilted her head. "You're saying that we should play with magic, even after the Friendship Games ended. I thought we'd learned our lesson from following the beat of Cinch's drum."

"For the record, it would be the funnest thing we'd ever done since the Friendship Games." Lemon squeaked. "You never know until you try, y'know..."

"And what if we don't want to know?" Sour Sweet lifted a brow, rolling up the sleeves on her shirt. "What if we just make Sunset happier through just playing with the babies as normal? Then how silly would you feel?"

"Girls, girls, girls! There's no reason to start an argument like this." Sunset let Twilight fly onto her shoulders. Then, she pushed both sides away from each other. "Look. Let's just drop this whole thing and go back to what we were doing before Cadence came in, alright?"

But it was too late, both sides were bickering and fighting over their differing opinions. Any input Sunset would've had was quickly lost within a hailstorm of howling Shadowbolts as they both tried to prove that their way was the right way. Feeling like she would be unable to help them calm down, she simply hung her head and looked over at Twilight.

"It's such a shame, Twilight." She sighed and rocked her gently. "They want to help me out, but they're letting the silliest of things get to them. It's just like what happened back at the Battle of the Bands." She watched as Twilight drooled and stared back at her innocently. "If only we could get them to calm down and see things from a new perspective..." And she sat down on her haunches.

Twilight looked all over the room for something that she could use to make herself feel happy. Toys, blocks, and the other baby clones of the Shadowbolts caught her eyes, but it still wasn't enough to spark something within her. She was just about to give up when the little baby Lemon Zest tossed a book in her general direction. Twilight flipped through the pages and eventually stopped on a picture showing a tiny naked human with antenna poking out of the top of their heads, with large transparent butterfly wings poking out of their backs. Small twinkling stars were dotted around the mythical creature, as if to represent that they were magical. Her eyes lit up, and Twilight couldn't help but giggle as she lit up her horn once again and charged up a spell.

"Twilight?" Sunset watched Twilight gather up her magic. "Oh no! No! No! No!" Sunset tried to grab Twilight's horn to stop the spell, but it was too late, as light blue lightning shot out of Twilight and collided with all five of the grown-up Shadowbolts, making them writhe and contort as if they were being exorcised by a holy priest. "Twilight! I didn't want any more magic tod—" Before she could finish, however, Twilight looked up at Sunset and caused a loose bolt to strike Sunset directly in the face, causing her to scream as well "—aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAGGGH!"

The six teenagers could only let the pain envelop their bodies as Twilight's magic worked on them, beginning to transform them. They grew a few inches shorter before a series of magical orbs consumed all of the girls and detonated with a series of magnificent blasts of bright rainbow-coloured light, which illuminated the room and caused all of the babies to shield their eyes.

Sunset Shimmer was the first one to wake up once the spell came to its' conclusion. She struggled to get onto her feet, but she could already feel that many things about her had changed. She couldn't feel any of her clothes and she felt much lighter overall. A pair of glistening wings poked out of her back, reflecting every colour of the rainbow beneath them. A bright yellow aura pervaded her and she could feel a horn on her forehead.

"Wh-what happened?" Sunset got onto her feet and tried to look around. "Wait. What am I?!" She hastily tapped her body and felt her bare flesh jiggle with each tap. "And where's my clothes?!" She saw that her black leather jacket and her blue and yellow skirt were strewn about on the floor, and she thought that they looked at least twenty times bigger than usual.

Before she could walk on, she saw Twilight, but now she was the size of a giant. She looked at the magical demon baby and felt fear gripping at her for the first time since she'd seen her. Her body grew cold and she couldn't help but hold her jaw wide open as she stared at the massive infant that she once used to care for.

"Twilight! What's going on?" It was only now that Sunset had noticed that her voice sounded much higher and squeakier, as if she had inhaled some helium. "And why am I so tiny? What did you do to us?"

Twilight picked up the book and pointed to Sunset, holding up the picture of the magical creature she had been examining earlier. She tapped the picture and babbled excitedly, wiggling her arms and legs while laughing at what she had done to the teenagers.

"A pixie?" Sunset looked at the picture closely and wiggled her backside. Surely enough, she felt the wings shake with her movements, and patted them with the backs of her hands. "Did you turn us all into pixies, Twilight?" She tiptoed forward, trying to cover up her nether regions.

Twilight nodded and grabbed Sunset, crumpling her wings at the same time. She gave her tiny mother a big goopy kiss on the head before playing around with her wings, straightening them out again. She turned towards the rest of the nursery and gently tried to flip Sunset off, cooing something to her as she urged her to look around.

"Twilight! I'm not a bird!" Sunset pouted and held her fists to her hips, puffing out her face at her. She heard the baby giggle once more as she turned back and began to flap her wings. "Laugh now, Twilight, but once we turn back to normal, we're gonna have to start introducing time-outs and a bad baby corner..." Sunset indignantly flew off.

As Sunset floated over the colossal nursery, she saw the other babies were still playing with toys, too distracted to see the magical flying creature above them. Sunset was now no bigger than a finger, so she would have to take extra care. All of the objects in the room now looked intimidating and unnerving, as any one of them at any time could crush her, and then Twilight would be without her mama forever.

"Indigo? Lemon? Sugarcoat? Are any of you there?" Sunset's tinny voice called out as she combed the area. Despite how well she knew Twilight's room and the toys in it, trying to find the Shadowbolts now was like trying to find needles in a haystack. "C'mon, girls! You should stick out like sore thumbs!"

Eventually, Sunset found a naked Lemon Zest, lifting up a block over her head. She heard the tiny green-haired teen-turned-pixie let out a small cheer before she carried the building block over to her baby counterpart, who picked it up and put it in her mouth.

"Lemon Zest! Thank Celestia you're alright!" Sunset swooped down to both Lemon Zests and waved to the pixified one. "I thought the babies would've played with you too much for sure..."

"Sunset! You're super cute!" Lemon tackled Sunset and gave her a massive hug, her voice more high-pitched than ever. "And my voice! I'm super cute as well! This is much better than what I had planned! Ooh! Ooh! What about the other Shadowbolts? Are they super-tiny and cute now too?"

"I don't know." Sunset shook her head. "So far, you're the only one I could find."

"Then let's go look for the others together!" Lemon bounced on the spot and fluttered her wings. "Wheeeeee! I feel like a little kid again!"

"Don't get too used to it..." Sunset said under her breath as she took to the air and flew behind Lemon Zest. "Once Twilight has naptime, we'll turn back to normal, and the baby Shadowbolts will all disappear."

Lemon and Sunset looked towards Sour Sweet and Sugarcoat's baby clones, only to see that they were suckling and drooling all over two more pixies, who flailed and kicked their tiny legs as they both grabbed onto the lips of the babies and pulled themselves out, coated in drool as they fell to the ground and spread the spit all over the floor as they tried to get up.

"EWW! GROSS!" Indigo cried out as she tried to shake off the drool. "I've never been this dirty before!"

"Oh, shut it, Indigo. At least you don't sound like you've turned into some sappy saturday morning cartoon character!" Sour Sweet squeaked, feeling the goop on her body squelch as she tried to clean herself up too. "Of all the places I've been, I never wanna go back inside a baby's mouth like that..."

"Sour Sweet! Indy!" Lemon Zest waved her arms and shot down towards the two spit-clad pixies. "You're alright! We thought for sure that those babies would've eaten you alive..." She looked up at the two massive babies and watched as they crawled off towards pacifiers and put them in their mouths, sucking on them rhythmically.

"Lemon?" Indigo Zap tried to get back on her feet, but slipped and slid over the drool. "Wh-whoa!" She exclaimed as she fell onto her back, burying her back in the spit again.

"Thank goddess. We never thought you'd come and help us out." Sour Sweet shook herself down like a dog to get rid of all of the spit, splashing some in the faces of the other three pixified teens. "Wait. Where's Sugarcoat and Sunny?"

"There they are!" Lemon pointed them out, and they were both in the mouths of baby Sunny and Indigo, but the babies sucking on them crawled over towards the playpen and tried to climb it, only to lose their grip and fall onto their diapered rumps. "And it looks like they're in trouble! I'll go and save them!" She darted off and pulled both of the other Shadowbolts out of the other babies' mouths, hanging them down so that the drool would just slide off of their bodies and drizzle all over the ground. "Oh gross! They're so sticky when they're like this! Eww! Yuck!" She felt both of them slip out of her grasp and fall, but they were both over Twilight's crib, so both Sugarcoat and Sunny Flare landed on a giant pink pillow, festooning it with saliva.

"Lemon?" Indigo flew up with the others towards Sunny and Sugarcoat on the pillow. "Why did you just drop 'em like that?! They could've gotten hurt!"

"I'm sorry, Indy..." Lemon blushed and crossed her legs. "It's just that they were so icky because of that baby goop and I couldn't hold on to them because they were super-slippery. It was like they'd just turned into fish!"

"You're really lucky that we landed on a pillow, Indigo." Sunny Flare clutched the pillow's fibers to support herself. She shook her right hand once she stood upright and cleaned off the goo quickly. "If that were on something solid, we would've been done for."

"Hold on, Sunny." Sugarcoat held her hand up at Sunny's mouth. "What are we?" She patted her tiny body and felt the wings on her back. "And why are we so small? We're even smaller than the babies now."

"No shit, sherlock..." Sour muttered under her breath.

"It's because we're super-duper itty-bitty cutesy-wutesy pixies now!" Lemon flitted into the air and performed some front flips in mid-air. "Wheeeeeeeee! I don't wanna turn back now!"

"Pixies, huh?" Indigo looked over at the massive wings and gave them a quick pet with her hands. "Well, it isn't the weirdest thing that's happened since the Friendship Games. Plus, I kinda like these wings. I always wanted to fly on my own as a kid, but I never got the chance."

"Well, Indigo, you and Lemon Zest might be happy, but the rest of us are still miserable about being like this." Sunny Flare put her hands over her mouth. "I... uh mean that you might be smiling now, but... no, wait, hang on a second. This is all fun and..." She slapped herself and let her cheeks fall. "Oh, you've gotta be joking me. Even our voices sound tiny too? How am I supposed to hand out sophisticated insults if I sound like I inhale balloon gas on a daily basis?"

"Not to worry, Sunny. If what Sunset said is true, then we should be back to normal once Twilight has a nap." Sugarcoat came up to Sunny and wrapped an arm around her. "All we can do now is try and stay alive until Twilight sleeps. Speaking of which, Sunset? When is naptime for Twilight, usually?"

"Well, I haven't really thought of tha—"

"Hold on, Sunset." Lemon Zest covered Sunset's mouth and looked at Sugarcoat. "Can you talk again?"

"Lemon? What's the point of thi—"

Lemon Zest laughed as loud as she could, falling onto her back and waving her arms. "You sound so funny when you've got a squeaky voice, Sugarcoat!" She guffawed and wiped some tears from her eyes.

"Funny? Do you think this is a joke to you?!" Sugarcoat tightened her hands into fists.

"It's hilarious!" Lemon squealed and rolled on her bare tummy, punching Twilight's crib bedding as she did so.

"Just ignore her. She's having way too much fun with this." Sour Sweet took Sugarcoat's hand and walked her away from the hysterical Lemon Zest. "Now, what were you going to say, Sunset?"

"Well, I was gonna say that Twilight doesn't have any real naptime." Sunset walked towards the bars of the crib and looked out at Twilight and the other babies, all playing without anyone to look after them. "She just goes to bed whenever she feels tired. And usually, I have to give her a helping hand to settle down, as she can get a bit easily distracted with the thought of more playtime."

"So... basically, you have to go out there into a world of giant babies and speak to one super-baby with magical powers to go to sleep? And you don't have any real naptime schedule?" Sour Sweet cocked a brow. "Forgive me for saying this, but that's really stupid, Sunset."

"Sour!" Sugarcoat grabbed Sour Sweet's arm and twisted it around.

"Gah! Let go! Let go!" Sour cried, trying to free herself from Sugarcoat's grab but with no avail.

"One of my secret talents is that I've taken up martial arts." Sugarcoat might've been without her glasses in her tiny form, but she could still see Sour Sweet clear as day. "You might be one of the biggest hotheads at Crystal Prep Academy, but that doesn't mean that I won't be kicking your butt into next year, Sour Sweet. Do. Not. Make. Me. Angry. Or. Unnerve. Our. Friends. Understand?"

Sour gave a meek nod and collapsed onto her rear end as Sugarcoat let her go.

"I apologize for Sour's outburst, Sunset." She turned towards Sunset and stood on the edge of the crib. "Despite Cinch being fired, let's just say that her attitude still needs a bit of a rework."

"I forgive her. She can't help being who she is." Sunset looked back at Sour Sweet as she went over to Sunny Flare and Indigo Zap. "If her name's Sour Sweet, then we expect her to be nice and cruel at the same time. It's not her being bipolar or anything like that."

"Well, I'm glad that you think that way, Sunset." Sugarcoat gave her a small smile. "It's not fair to be born with a personality that makes it hard for you to make friends. We're all doing what we can to help Sour Sweet overcome it, but every day has its' fair share of challenges—" she looked back at the other bolts "—for her and for us."

"Hmm... I hope that she manages to overcome it." Sunset looked back at Sour Sweet, who hung her head and let a small tear drip down her cheeks. "But let's not think too much about that. Now, we need to figure out how to make Twilight go to sleep."

"Yes, Sunset. The question now, though, is how?" Sugarcoat sat down and hung her legs over the edges of the bedding. "Because these babies do get excited very easily, and now that we're pixies, they'll probably want to chase us and play with us, shaking us around, trying to eat us, or whatever else babies do with their toys."

Both of the girls looked out into the distance as the other Shadowbolts calmed down and joined them. Even Lemon Zest, who had finally broken out of her fit of laughter, had caught her breath and now sat with the others on Twilight's crib. But no matter what they came up with, all six of them knew that they would have to leap from their cradle and get Twilight to sleep, one way or another.

Author's Note:

In case you're wondering, the idea of the Shadowbolts being turned into pixies is kinda my way of saying that this is what the Breezies would look like in the human world if Twilight's baby magic made them into Breezies. I am a bit half-tempted to have them make one more trip to Equestria so that they can see that they really are Breezies, but Autum Breeze was right. The Equestria arc in the LOE arc was hollow, and I feel that going back would just waste time and lose readers, so I'll not be doing that.

Other than that, I hope that you all have a nice day and that you make sure to share this story with all of your friends and followers. Maybe with 200 upvotes, we can get this story back into the featured box again after so long...