• Published 24th Jan 2017
  • 7,685 Views, 342 Comments

A Little Monster - Shadowmane PX-41

When Twilight unleashed the magic, she turned into a magical demon baby. Guess how screwed Sunset and her friends are...

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Playdates and Paradoxes

"Now, Twilight, before you do anything rash, I can explain everything." Sunset Shimmer trotted up to Pony Twilight as she balanced Baby Twilight on her back. She took a brief look around the giant room and thought about how she was going to be able to explain the rest of the castle to the group of equines. "Okay. Maybe not everything, but most of it. That's good enough, right?"

"My first question, Sunset, is how you were able to get back here without any of us noticing." Celestia walked past Twilight and her friends and knelt down before her, brushing her furry cheeks. "And, allow me to go a little bit off-topic here, but you look incredible. You haven't aged a day since you ran off for that other world."

"Well... I have been growing up a little in the human world." Sunset blushed and gently rubbed the floor with the tips of her hooves.

"Uh, yeah, that's great and all, but I think we still need to get to the point here." Rainboom Rainbow Dash fluttered her wings and flew up to Sunset and Celestia. "First of all, why are there two of us? Who does this imposter think she is anyway?" She glared at Pony Rainbow Dash.

"Me the imposter?!" Pony Rainbow spluttered and flew towards Rainboom Rainbow, almost bringing her hoof towards her doppelganger's chest. "You're one to talk, Changeling! Did Chrysalis send you after being upset about the wedding to spy on us? To make sure that we were weak and unprepared for her revenge?"

"What are you talking about?!" Rainboom Rainbow shook her head vigorously as she stared down her pony counterpart. "Changelings? Queen Chrysalis? I'm a human girl living in a human world, attending Canterlot High and captaining all the major sports teams! There aren't any queens and kings where I'm from! Only presidents!"

The two Rainbow Dashes snarled at each other, their eyebrows lowering every passing second as their internal fires burned hotter and hotter. Their muscles tightened as they wound up their hooves for a fight, and they both flew back and charged at each other. But just as they were about to strike, two magic auras held both of them back and sat them down. One coming from Celestia, and the other coming from Sunset.

"Rainbow Dash! Stop!" They both said to them. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Trying to put this jerk in her place!" Both Rainbows whined and dropped their forelegs slightly. "Now c'mon, me! Let's go!"

The glow from Celestia's horn brightened as two golden webs appeared around both Rainbow Dashes, ensnaring them completely. Once they were scooped up in the magic netting, they were thrown to the ground and shackled down with another spell that prevented them from so much as thrashing in their confinement.

"Twilight? Now is about as good a time as any to recap what you've learned." Celestia turned back to her former pupil and looked her in the eyes. "Do you remember when Sunset Shimmer first stole your crown and disappeared to the other world?"

"Yes. I was told to go in alone to retrieve it." Twilight nodded and focused her gaze entirely on Celestia. "But I don't see why you would want to bring this up now."

"Do you remember why you were told to go alone?" Celestia raised a brow at the humans-turned-ponies that got up and examined their new bodies.

"You said that the balance would be altered if me and my friends went with me, creating havoc on a level that not even we could be able to control," said Twilight. "But they're here now. I don't suppose that the whole thing works the other way around?"

"Twilight. Sunset. this is very important, so come here." Celestia walked out towards the edge of the ball pit and sat down, beckoning her former students to approach her. She watched both Pony Twilight and Sunset Shimmer follow her and sit down on their haunches. "There is a reason why there are doubles of you and your friends in the other world. A reason that could very well re-shape the fabric of both worlds as we know it."

"Believe it or not, you two, but I too made a small voyage to this other world when we first discovered the portal." Celestia let the events of the past play back in her mind. "And much like the both of you, I had trouble trying to come to terms with standing on two legs, acting like those creatures do, and learning how to act normal. I suppose that it's common with ponies who make their first trip to that new world, but I did discover something else on my travels.

"When I went into this building, this Canterlot High School as it were, I saw many people there all learning, socialising, and having the same level of friendliness as the ponies of this world do. I simply shrugged it off for the while as I didn't want to be a bother or say or do anything that could upset their peaceful natures. So, most of my time, I spent exploring.

"But then I came to an office in this school and saw my copy. Principal Celestia. A bit of a step down from the title of princess, but one that still commanded a high level of authority and leadership in a place such as that." Princess Celestia smiled as she thought back to the first time she encountered her own counterpart. Suddenly, that smile withered down into a small frown. "However, it wasn't all sunshine and happiness for me after that."

"What do you mean, Princess Celestia?" Pony Pinkie Pie burst out of the ball pit and rubbed Celestia's shoulders. "No-one, not even you should have to feel like everything's gloomy and miserable. That'd be just terrible!"

"When I touched my human self, I caused a rip in the fabric of existence. Giant spacial cracks opened up in this world that began to rip everything apart." Celestia shivered as the sounds of screaming teenagers began to echo inside of her. "I can still remember them fleeing the building and running for help, all because I simply touched my duplicate. It was then that I decided that the balance of the worlds shouldn't be tipped—despite our curiosities." She opened her eyes and patted Pony Twilight on the face. "That's why I sent you alone back then. I didn't want you to meet your human self and cause the same chaos that I did."

"Whoa..." Twilight Sparkle watched as Celestia got up and hung her head as the story came to its' climax. She would never have guessed just how big of an issue that it would be if she had taken her friends back when Sunset first stole the crown. "I... I'm sorry for everything that happened, Princess Celestia."

"It's alright, Twilight. There's nothing for you to feel sorry for." Celestia trotted past her and Sunset. "The blame was mine to bear alone. I touched my other self. I caused them harm. I should be the one to feel sorry, not you." She mainly looked at Gloriosa and Timber as she walked over to the others. "Now then, knowing that this world already has the Spirits of Harmony, we cannot allow any of you to touch your clones. Otherwise, we end up ripping the fabric of existence like I did before. Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack. Can I trust you to keep your hooves to yourself and not touch your Equestria doubles?"

"You can count on us!" Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack nodded.

"Tch. I guess." Pony Rainbow grunted as the web around her and the human world copy was removed.

"Hey! What about us?" Diamond Tiara spoke up, breaking through the legs of the rest of the crowd.

"Diamond Tiara. There is a pony version of you in this world, so just like the rest of your entourage, I would advise that you don't come into contact with her if you want to keep this world safe. Understood?"

"Is the other me just as much of a pint-size as I am?" Diamond asked, shaking her legs around. "Because I'm clearly seventeen years old, not seven."

"Why does it matter if the other you is seven, Diamond Tiara?" Gloriosa shrugged.

"It very clearly matters, Gloriosa. I don't want to be represented by some little ball of fluff straight out of kindergarten!" Diamond turned towards Gloriosa and tried to turn her body, but ended up tripping over her own legs and fell onto the inflatable surface. "Look. The sooner we get out of here, the sooner we can save your camp from my daddy and forget this ever happened, OK?"

"Well, I'm sure that we won't be seeing your double any time soon, Diamond Tiara." Pony Twilight trotted over towards Gloriosa, Timber, and Diamond. "As for your two friends, I don't think that I've ever seen them before. My name is Twilight Sparkle. Princess of Ponyville in this world, and—" She leaned in close to the three of them "—apparently, a magical demon baby thanks to a human version of Abacus Cinch..."

"My name is Timber Spruce." He held out his hoof and shook Twilight's. "And this gi—uh, pony" —his cheeks flushed red— "next to me is Gloriosa Daisy." He swallowed some air and took a deep breath. "We both run Camp Everfree in the Everfree Forest. Not that there is one in this world, but it's just good to know, I guess."

"Well, it's nice to meet you both, even if I don't really belong in your world anymore." Twilight glided the tip of her hoof on the floor as she looked up at Gloriosa and Timber. "I'm sure that, on a less weird circumstance, we could've become friends."

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure that we could've..." Gloriosa saw Baby Twilight fussing around on Sunset's back, looking around at all of the stuff. The more and more that she stared at her—more precisely, at her horn and the rattle in her hands—the more a small smirk formed on her mouth. Well, at the very least, if we can't make the money to save the camp, we at least have a fail-safe for when Filthy Rich decides to rear his ugly head in Camp Everfree again...

"Is something wrong, Gloriosa?" Twilight covered her vision of the baby. "You seem a bit spaced out."

"Huh?" Gloriosa immediately snapped out of her train of thought and had trouble putting a straight face back on. "Oh! Oh, no, Twilight. I'm fine. No need to worry about me. Totally not planning any kind of plan at all." She gave a weak chuckle as she took a few paces back. "But I am very interested in that little baby you sitting on Sunset's back."

"Oh, human me?" Twilight turned back and saw her copy just sitting there babbling incoherently as she tried to think of something to do, wiggling around as she got comfortable on her big sister's back. "Yeah, I'm just as interested as you are, Gloriosa. How does consuming Equestrian magic like that turn you into a baby with magical powers? I mean, when Sunset used it, she became a horrific demon-creature too, but at least she was full-grown. But when Crystal Prep pushed her against the wall, it turned her into a baby demon instead of a teenage one. How curious..."

When Baby Twilight saw her pony equivalent, she opened her mouth and let out a long coo. She reached her arms out and tried to grab her, crawling over towards the edge of Sunset's rump as she inched closer and closer towards her. She let out a whine as the pony evaded her grasp once again.

"Twilight? What is it?" Sunset picked Baby Twilight up and rocked her gently.

"Pway..." Twilight reached out for the pony copy of herself again. "Wanna pway wid pwetty auntie." She struggled out of Sunset's grasp and opened her wings as she flew. As she got closer and closer, her big smile grew wider and wider. "Pwaytime!"

"TWILIGHT! NO!" Sunset ran after Baby Twilight as fast as she could on the bouncy inflatable floor. She made a diving leap to try and stop the two Twilights from touching, but as she got inches away from her, the baby wrapped her hands around Princess Twilight's chest, causing her to jump erratically from her spot.

The world around the group of ponies rumbled as the two Twilights had their bodies pressed together. The intense vibrations caused everyone to tumble onto their stomachs once again. Baby Twilight herself flapped her wings away just in time to avoid being crushed by the weight of her bigger self.

"Oh no!" Celestia's eyes and jaw opened widely as she saw the events unfold before her eyes. "The two Twilights touched! The balance is broken! Our world is about to become wracked with paradoxes!"

As if to confirm Celestia's cue, massive purple cracks began to open up in the walls and air around the ponies. Black and blue lightning spat out of the ruptures, transforming everything that they touched. Building blocks and plastic balls rapidly changed from one thing to another as bolt after bolt of lightning struck. While they did eventually revert back to normal, the rips were still open and firing unpredictable blasts in all directions.

Baby Twilight looked around at everything that was going on around her. She could see all of the rips opening up and turning her peaceful world into one that kept constantly changing. The joyful and pleasant atmosphere began to fade as her toys began to disappear and get replaced with other objects. She whimpered and toddled around, watching everything fall apart around her before she fell onto her butt. Tears welled up in her eyes and she eventually started to wail loudly.

"Twilight!" Sunset heard her baby sister's tears and got back up to her feet, evading the paradox energy that was spilling out of the cracks as she galloped over and picked up the infant in her magic and rocked her gently. "Don't worry. I'm here. I'm here... Mama's going to protect you..."

"Mama! Scawy magic!" Baby Twilight pointed to the cracks that launched out more and more black and blue lightning. "Make it go away!" She cried and hugged Sunset as tightly as she could, burying her eyes in her soft yellow fur.

"No need to cry, Twilight. I'm right here. Mama's here. No need to cry." She patted Twilight on the back and rubbed her gently as she got back up to her feet and lifted the tearful baby onto her back. "Celestia! How do we break the paradoxes?"

"There's only one way we can fix this, Sunset." Celestia began to sweat as she climbed back onto her hooves and struggled to keep her balance on the inflatable floor while also dealing with the many bolts of lightning that were being fired out of the cracks. "We need to get human Twilight back to her own world! Only then will everything go back to normal!"

"Then we'd better get going! And fast!" Sunset walked back over to Celestia and fought against the wind as the magic in the room began to spiral out of control. "C'mon, everyone! Let's get us home!"

Without another word, the ponies began to file out of the paradox-filled room and climb back up the slide that Sunset and Baby Twilight had slid down in the first place. One after another, they squeezed through the door and ran as fast as their hooves would carry them on the rubber floor, with both Rainbow Dashes and Fluttershies flying as fast as their wings would take them.

Gloriosa was the last to leave the room, but a single bolt of lightning struck the necklace with her seven geodes on it and sent electricity coursing through her body. She jittered in place for a few seconds before her mane and tail stood up once the shock died down.

"Gloriosa!" Sunset turned back and saw her get struck by the paradox. "Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." Gloriosa struggled to get back onto her hooves and had to hold on to Sunset in order to get back up again. "Let's just get moving. I don't wanna be hit by that kinda stuff again."

"Hear hear." Sunset helped Gloriosa stand upright again before her and the rest of the group took off up the wobbly slide and made their way towards the higher floors.

As Gloriosa ran, her crystals began to glow slightly as she followed after the rest of her friends. One by one, they all lit up and twinkled briefly as small magical glows appeared around them. The magic trickled out and around Gloriosa's body, gradually getting sucked into it without her noticing. Then, the glowing stopped, and the gems went back to being normal pieces of rock dangling precariously around her neck.