• Published 24th Jan 2017
  • 7,685 Views, 342 Comments

A Little Monster - Shadowmane PX-41

When Twilight unleashed the magic, she turned into a magical demon baby. Guess how screwed Sunset and her friends are...

  • ...

Playtime with Midnight

"Wh-what did you call me?" Sunset tumbled onto her back once Twilight had whispered into her ears. Despite her jerky movement, she managed to keep Twilight from falling off and hurting herself.

"Mama! Mama!" Twilight babbled and crawled over to Sunset's face. She slapped her hands on Sunset's cheeks and wiggled them around as she laughed loudly.

"No, Twilight. I'm not your mama." Sunset picked Twilight up and got back up onto her feet, bending her legs as she stood upright and rubbed her back. "Your mama and dada are downstairs. I'm just their caretaker. If anything, I'm more like a nana than a mama."

Twilight shook her head and reached out for Sunset. "Mama," she whined again.

"Twilight, let's just focus on you playing for now." Sunset began to carry Twilight over to another part of the room and stopped at a small bookcase. "Look, Twilight. Books! Don't you like reading these?" She reached in and pulled out a small book with bright baby-appealing colours on it and showed it off to Twilight. "Do you want to read this one?"

Twilight tilted her head at the book and put her hand in her mouth as Sunset showed the book to her. Her mind was still only developing, so many of her abilities of speech and cognative thought had vanished into thin air. Sucking tenderly on her hand, she used her other one to reach out for the book and take it out of Sunset's hands.

"Alright then. I take that as a yes on the books." Sunset sat Twilight down on the padded floor and opened the book up for her. "Heck, if you want, I could even read it out for you."

Twilight's eyes scrolled over the first page of the book. There were pictures of coloured shapes inside ranging from triangles, to circles and a few squares. She brought her hand out of her mouth and laid both of them on the ground as she flopped onto her stomach. Another chuckle escaped her mouth as she looked at the beguiling shapes and colours inside.

Man. Even as a baby, Twilight sure does love reading... Sunset thought to herself as she watched Twilight independently flip the page over once she got bored of the first lot of pictures. I wonder just how many books she would be able to read once she grows back up.

Twilight cooed as her attention was well and truly captured on the book. She dragged her right index finger across the sides of the shape and poked the middle, not even noticing that she was bringing her left thumb back into her mouth. Her lips pursed around her finger and she once more found herself sucking on it as she turned the page once again.

Then, Twilight illuminated her horn and fired a single bolt down on the book. The magic hit the pages and caused them to ripple. She reached into the pages and pulled out a shape that was identical to the ones she had been examining in the book. She clapped her hands and fished out more shapes, until she had picked out each and every one of them.

I still don't know how her parents are gonna be able to handle her when I'm not here... Sunset simply stood by and observed Twilight playing with her new plastic shapes. She saw her bash them together and levitate them into the air, her smile never fading as she manipulated her toys. I mean, sure, she hasn't done anything really bad, but who's to say that that'll change when I go back to Canterlot High?

Before Sunset could continue, Twilight dropped her toys and flapped her wings. The baby flew into the air and illuminated her hands and horn once again. She put them altogether, causing a small magical orb to appear in front of her and grow in size.

"Uh, Twilight?" Sunset poked her head around from the orb and saw Twilight feed it magic as it flied off of her body. "What are you doing?"

Twilight only smiled and made the orb as big as her body. The magic streamed off of her body and bore itself into the core of the ball of light. Once it took in enough magic, it exploded in a small burst of light and blinded both Twilight and Sunset.

Once the light died down, Twilight fell to the ground and bounced on her diapered butt. She crawled forward and saw a small purple rattle with a pink star on it appear in front of her. The new toy glowed and shimmered faintly as it floated a few inches off of the ground. She reached out for the rattle and picked it up, giving it a tiny shake.

"What was all that about?" Sunset pulled her arm from her face and readjusted her eyes again. When she could see normally again, she saw Twilight lightly shaking the rattle in her hand. "All of that magic for just a rattle? Why? Why would she charge up a powerful spell just to get a rattle out of it?"

As if to answer Sunset's question, Twilight shook the rattle more vigorously and spun it around in a circle. Magic gathered and coiled around the top half as her horn glistened. With a loud cheer, Twilight flicked her wrist and swung her rattle down, shooting another magical beam at the wall.

Once the beam struck the wall, it caused a small purple portal to appear in place of it. On the other side of the portal, it showed a gateway towards a large room with crystalline pillars and six equally shiny thrones. Each one of the thrones showed the Cutie Marks of Twilight Sparkle and her five friends.

"What the heck?" Sunset slowly stepped towards the portal, leaning in to get a better view of the room. "Is that... Equestria? But, it doesn't look like any place I've ever seen before."

Just as Sunset was beginning to take the throne room in, Twilight shook her rattle again, causing the portal to close. Sunset almost had her head chopped off as she pulled it out of the vanishing portal. She turned back and watched Twilight shaking the toy lighter this time.

"Hmm. So that rattle can make portals to Equestria?" Sunset walked closer to Twilight and reached out for the rattle. She watched Twilight crawl off to another toy in the room before she could touch the rattle. "I'd better make sure to tell her parents before I go. I don't want them to have to deal with a magic baby that can also open portals to another world."

Suddenly, a knocking noise came from the door and Sunset went off to open it. She pulled down the handle and saw Dean Cadence standing on the other side, dressed up in a simple pink t-shirt with a pair of navy blue jeans.

"Oh. Hello there." Sunset opened the door and let her walk inside. "You must be Shining's, uh..."

"I'm his wife. My full name is Mi Amore Cadenza, but you can just call me Cadence if you want." She said, tousling Sunset's hair as she walked into the room. "I know that you come from Canterlot High, Sunset. Am I right?"

"Y-yeah..." Sunset was hesitant to say as she watched Cadence walk over towards Twilight. "Why did you want to know that?"

"Because I was always told that Canterlot High students were nothing more than loud, obnoxious, and disruptive according to Cinch." Cadence knelt down and saw Twilight stacking blocks into a tower. "Now that she's in prison, I want to see if she was wrong all this time. So far, you've been very supportive and helpful when it came to this whole magic crisis, so that is a good start."

"Well, first of all, I want to say that everything Cinch thinks of Canterlot High and its' students is one-hundred percent wrong." Sunset crossed her arms and looked out the window. "She's nothing more than a witch who was afraid of losing, was boastful in her victories, and had absolutely nothing good inside of her. She deserved everything she got back at the Friendship Games. All that was missing was a broomstick, her green-wart covered face, a magic wand, and an oversized cauldron."

Cadence chuckled at Sunset's joke and sat down beside Twilight, crossing her legs. "You know, Sunset, I have to commend you for your maturity and kind heart. Normally, a teenager would be reluctant when it comes to taking care of a kid. Whether it was some kind of early pre-twenties pregnancy, doing it for money, or if they were doing a favour for one of their friends. But for you to take care of Twilight, who's not only a baby, but a magic-infested baby who could potentially re-shape the world if her powers got unleashed, now that is some real devotion." She gave Twilight a pat on the back, hearing her let out a tiny burp. "The students of Crystal Prep could learn a lot from you and your friends."

"Yeah. There were five in particular who stood up against Cinch when Twilight turned into a baby at the Games." Sunset nodded and walked over to Cadence. "Indigo Zap, Sugarcoat, Sunny Flare, Sour Sweet, and Lemon Zest, I think."

"Oh! I know those five." Cadence's face lit up when she heard the names. "They've got the highest marks in their classes. The other Crystal Prep students are having trouble just keeping up with them. Especially Sugarcoat. She spends all of her free periods in the library, so she's very well educated."

"I'd say she's more hyper-educated, if that means anything." Sunset nodded. "She seems to be just as smart as Twilight, only, much more monotone. She doesn't have a problem with her emotions, does she?"

"No, no. She's part of CPA's drama club, so she's very capable of showing some emotion." Cadence carried Twilight over towards the toy chest and pulled out a teddy bear. "But we're not here to talk about the Crystal Prep girls now, are we?"

"Yeah. We're here to care for Twilight. Make sure her magic doesn't get too out of hand." Sunset sat down by Twilight and closed her eyes. "And to do that, we've gotta make her... Smite!" She stuck out her tongue and scrunched her cheeks together, making a silly face.

Twilight squealed and reached out for Sunset as she pulled the corners of her mouth out and continued to contort and flex her face in various different ways, all of which pleased the baby even more. All of her laughter made Twilight's horn light up and cover Sunset in a magical aura.

"Uh oh..." Was all that Sunset could say as Twilight began to shake her around the room, waving her arms around and kicking her little legs.

"Twilight! What are you doing?" Cadence snapped her head at the baby, who was undeterred by the grown-up's words. "Put Sunset down right now! We were having a lovely conversation before all of this."

"Try to calm her down!" Sunset instructed as she was dunked into the toy chest and then pulled straight out. "And do it fast! I don't think I can last like this!"

"Alright!" Cadence nodded and began to rub Twilight's belly in a circular motion, pulling up the clothes around it so she could reach her arm inside and reach the flesh. As she rubbed, she did hear Twilight's guffaws whittle down into giggles. "There, there, Twilight. You've worked yourself so hard today. Now it's time for some rest..." Cadence reached down and found a pacifier, popping it into Twilight's mouth. She watched her begin to suck on it and stop moving.

Sunset's aura vanished and she fell to the floor, crumpled up like a ragdoll. She groaned and winced at all of the pain she had accrued from Twilight's magic and snapped the bones in her back into place as she stood back up. She came back over to Twilight and saw her calmly sucking on her pacifier. "Talk about a live wire. That was crazy."

"Are you alright?" Cadence came up to Sunset and checked out her bruises. "You look pretty bad. Should I get a first-aid kit?"

"No, no. It's fine." Sunset looked down at the black marks on her skin where Twilight's toys had dug into the most. "Compared to the stuff I've seen at Canterlot High, this is nothing. I'm more concerned about Twilight's energetic behaviour."

"I see you've still got a lot to learn about babies, huh, Sunset?" Cadence immediately felt Twilight begin to wet her diaper, so she carried her over towards the changing table.

"I'm meant to be taking Principal Celestia's Sex Ed class once I get back to Canterlot High, seeing as how I'm Twilight's caretaker." Sunset stood next to Cadence so she could get a better vantage point on how to change a diaper. "Hopefully, it should help me with how to look after her."

"Well, the thing with babies is that it's complicated to know just what's going to happen." Cadence powdered Twilight's bare butt and slid a new diaper beneath her, disposing of the old one straight away. "Because their minds are just developing, it's physically impossible for them to keep a single thought for long. Ergo, they jump from so many different things that it's almost like playing a game of leapfrog with them sometimes."

"How much experience do you have with kids?" Sunset asked as she watched Cadence wrap the diaper around Twilight's waist and secure it properly with the adhesive strap and pin.

"Oh, I've had a lot." Cadence picked Twilight up and laid her down in the crib. She pulled the blankets over Twilight and gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead. "Before I worked at Crystal Prep, I took up a job as a part-time babysitter. First, it was for the money, but over time, I learned just how wonderful kids can be, so I decided to look after them for the memories too."

"Do you have any kids of your own?" Sunset looked up at Cadence once Twilight had been laid to bed.

"Well, recently, I took a pregnancy test and it came out positive." She nodded and walked back over towards the teddy bear. She picked it up and gave it back to Twilight, who wrapped it around her arms. "As soon as it comes, I leave my job as dean of Crystal Prep so I can take care of my new son or daughter."

"Speaking of which, we've still gotta put Twilight to bed." Sunset gave Twilight a rub on the forehead and saw her eyelids flutter. She let out a yawn and stretched her arms up into the air before giving her bear another cuddle. "Aw. Aren't you just an adorable little monster?"

Twilight lightly smacked her lips together as she snuggled up into the bed. Her face mask and horn vanished as she began to snore, and the rattle that she had been using earlier disappeared as well, along with all of the shapes that she had taken out of the book. Tiny snores found their way out of her mouth this time as she fell deeper and deeper into a state of slumber.

And when she sleeps, all of her toys disappear too? Sunset turned her head to see the things Twilight had made vanish completely. But then, why does the room still stay baby-like? Shouldn't that turn back into her normal bedroom as well? I really need to figure out just what little Twilight can do...

"Isn't it a wonder to see a sleeping baby?" Cadence asked, looking down at the sleeping Twilight. "It just makes you wonder what sort of fun-filled adventures they're having in their dreams, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, I guess so." Sunset shrugged but couldn't take her eyes off of Twilight. "Well, it's been great and all, but it's getting late now and I've gotta get home." She walked over towards the door. "I'm sure that you don't want me to overstay my welcome, so I'll just be on my way.

"Well, actually, since you're a caretaker and all, I wouldn't mind it if you stayed in our house until she's grown-up." Cadence followed after Sunset and quietly turned off the lights, shutting the door behind her as she followed after Sunset. "Do you live somewhere, Sunset?"

"Well, yeah, I do. But I have to pay rent every month or the landlord kicks me out." Sunset looked back at Cadence as she followed her down the stairs. "And as kind as your offer sounds, I don't want to seem like too much of a burden..."

"Not at all. We'd love to have you around." Cadence nodded and clasped her hands together. "Twilight's a baby now, and her father has a job. Not to mention Shining Armor being on the force and me working as Crystal Prep's dean. I'm sure that you'd be a great choice to keep her happy, healthy, and safe while we're gone."

"But I've also got my own work at Canterlot High to attend to as well." Sunset tipped her hand. "I might be your caretaker, but I've also gotta make sure that my grades don't fall behind either. I can't take Twilight into school with me, either, as handling an infant and schoolwork at the same time is physically impossible."

"You don't have to worry a thing about that, Sunset." Twilight Velvet had been listening to the conversation from the living room and now joined both her and Cadence. "I'll be sure to take care of Twilight on your school days, then when you stay here, you can help me out."

"Well, thanks for the offer, but I'm not really sure that I'd be much help, really." Sunset shook her head and turned away from Twilight. "I appreciate the offer, but I'd just be another mouth to feed. I don't want you to deal with that and all of the stuff you've got already. That'd be too much—even for all of you."

"Sunset, I'm not going to force it on you, but the offer's still there if you choose to stay with all of us." She watched Sunset gather her stuff and open the front door. "And besides, the landlord you've got is already eating a large chunk of your money each and every month. With us, there wouldn't be any of that. You'd get a nice home, a great family, and you'd be able to look after Twilight as well. It's a great offer. What would be the point of turning it down other than a harder life and constant payment, when that money could be going towards stuff that you really like?"

As Sunset looked back at the Sparkle family, she felt a weird sensation writhing in the pit of her stomach. She wanted to say no to them all, but something inside of her was telling her to accept the opportunity. She then thought about her real mother and father. Considering that she hadn't seen her real family since she ran away from Equestria, she began to feel a pang of loneliness well up inside of her.

Eventually, tears began to fall from her eyes as she dropped the bag, took off her coat, turned around, and threw herself into Twilight Velvet, giving her a massive hug. "Thank you. Thank you so much for this. I promise that I won't be a hassle."

"I'm sure that you won't be." Twilight Velvet hugged Sunset back and looked her in the eyes, wiping away the rest of the tears. "Welcome to the family, Sunset Sparkle."

Author's Note:

You know, I was considering whether or not to make Sunset Shimmer stay over at the Sparkles' household and have them take her in when making this chapter. I had a little bit of a battle with myself as I jumped from the two options. In the end, I decided to make it so, and voila! Sunset is now Sunset Sparkle.

As for the Rainbooms and Shadowbolts, they are going to be in the next chapters, so don't you worry if you think I've made them character tags for nothing. They're going to get to know each other better and become better friends as time goes on, as well as show just how much things are going to change between the two schools.

And, as for Pony Twilight, I'm sure that I can find some way to weave her into this little story of mine as well...

Have a great day, everyone!