• Published 24th Jan 2017
  • 7,670 Views, 342 Comments

A Little Monster - Shadowmane PX-41

When Twilight unleashed the magic, she turned into a magical demon baby. Guess how screwed Sunset and her friends are...

  • ...

A Magical Reunion

The Rainbooms and Shadowbolts all walked towards the park, with Sunset holding Twilight gently in her arms as they stepped across the rock-strewn path. They all saw luscious green grass shimmering in the sunlight, with the leaves on the trees rustling gently in the afternoon wind.

There was a fountain just up ahead, with many benches surrounding it. Most of them were already occupied by other people talking to each other about many different topics. Many of them paid no mind to the eleven girls as they walked around the fountain and made their way towards the grassy knolls.

"I'm still not sure how you were able to do that back there, Pinkie." Sunset turned her head towards Pinkie Pie as she bobbed Twilight in her arms. "How did you know to pack extra diapers in case Twilight used hers?"

"Well, after being Pound and Pumpkin's caretaker for many long and stressful months, I've learned to be extra-careful when it comes to dealing with babies in the outside world." She flashed a grin at Sunset as she gently swung the basket in her hand. "Heck, if I can, I end up changing anyone's diapers when I'm not working. Save the parents the trouble, if you know what I mean."

"Is she always prepared like that?" Indigo Zap asked, whispering in Sunset's ears.

"She's Pinkie Pie. It's best not to question it." Sunset gave Indigo a gentle grin.

When Twilight laid her eyes on the grass, she babbled and pointed it out, waving her arms and tugging at Sunset's chest as she tried to grab her attention.

"What is it, Twilight?" Sunset bent her neck down and stared at her. She watched her point towards the grass again and looked out towards it. "Do you wanna be put down here?" She walked over towards the grass and slowly lowered her arms, placing Twilight down on the grass before sitting down herself. "Now, don't run off. Your aunties still want to spend some time with you."

"Yeah, kid. We've still gotta play with you more." Indigo Zap sat down with Twilight and rubbed her tiny belly, making her giggle loudly. "Aw, aren't you just a little bundle of joy?"

"Hey, Indy. Stop hogging all the fun!" Lemon Zest jumped down and landed on her butt next towards Indigo. She flopped onto her stomach and gave a goofy smile to the kid, sticking her tongue out at her. "Such a cute little girl like Twily doesn't need the love of one auntie. She needs all of 'em!"

"Ooh! I wanna play with Twily too!" Pinkie landed on her chest as well and bent her legs so that her toes were pointing skyward. She picked the laughing baby up and tickled her. "Who's a good super-baby? You are! Yes you are. Coochie-coochie-coo!"

"Don't give her too much stimulation, girls." Sugarcoat walked over towards the girls and squatted down on the tips of her toes. "An over-excited baby usually pees themselves very quickly. And I'm sure that despite Pinkie Pie's smart thinking and resourcefulness, not even she can keep up with Twilight if you give her too much fun."

"Sugarcoat, for a baby, when is it EVER too much fun?" Sour Sweet raised a brow and tipped a hand towards her.

"Hey! At least one of us has to be responsible, right?" Sugarcoat eyed up Sour Sweet as she stood back up again.

As they all clamoured around Twilight, they sat down or got onto their knees as they formed another circle around the baby. They all looked down on her with harmless wide eyes as they watched her try to stand up but wobble and fall onto her diapered butt repeatedly. All of them grinned and a few shared laughs as they watched her try to stand up again and again.

After a few minutes more, the girls all watched Midnight begin to flap her wings, gradually getting faster and faster. Soon, they were flapping just fast enough to lift her off of the ground and almost up to the heads of her mother and aunts. She chuckled again and brought her hands to her chest as she flapped around the girls.

"Y'know, it's weird how she can fly properly, but she can't stand up or walk." Rainbow Dash's eyes were glued to Twilight's circular motions as she finally landed in Rainbow's laps. She began to blush as she scooped her up and brought her to her face. "Gotta say, though, I do find it a little cute."

"Looks like someone's becoming smitten, aren't you, Rainbow Dash?" Rarity teased and let a small chuckle escape.

"Wh-what?! No I'm not!" Rainbow jumped at Rarity's words and almost dropped Twilight as she fumbled around with her. "I'm just... proud of her is all."

"Admit it, Rainbow. You did blush as you picked Twilight up." Applejack grinned and crossed her legs and snickered under her breath.

"Girls!" Rainbow whined as she watched the other girls begin to share a laugh with each other. "I'm not good with kids, you know that!"

"I dunno, Rainbow. You look pretty good with Twilight." Sunset couldn't help but suppress her own laughter as well. "Maybe I should invite you to my house as a babysitter when I can't take care of Twilight."

"Sunset! You too?" Rainbow's eyes shot open at the sight of Sunset joining in with the rest of the group's merriment. "It's not funny! Stop it!"

As if to answer Rainbow Dash's prayers, Twilight lit up her horn and began to channel magic around it. As she giggled, her hands began to light up as well. She toddled into the middle of the circle and sat down just as her horn crackled. With a last little giggle, lightning shot out onto the chests of all eleven of the girls, turning their laughter into cries and groans as the energy struck them in their chests.

The magic seeped into all of their bodies and auras of light appeared around them. All of a sudden, they grew pony ears on the tops of their heads and hair extensions that streaked out of the backs. Tails grew out of their butts and stuck out like sore thumbs. Finally, some of them grew wings while others grew horns. As they tried to stay awake, the energy made them feel heavy, and they all collapsed onto their chests as the spell finally came to an end.

"Ugh... Did someone catch the number of that truck?" Indigo Zap came too and felt something make her fingers wet. The moisture knocked her awake instantly and she yanked them out of Twilight's mouth. "Ew! Baby spit!"

"What happened?" Fluttershy came to next and looked around, not noticing her new pair of wings that flapped idly in the wind. "Did Twilight do something?"

"I'm not sure what happened, Fluttershy, but I feel incredibly light-headed..." Sunset rubbed her forehead and felt the horn that had grown out of her forehead. She immediately noticed and stumbled backwards, squashing her new tail underneath her weight. "Whoa! When did I Pony-Up?"

"Pony-Up?" Rainbow Dash threw herself forward and checked her back by giving it a few taps. Surely enough, she felt the blue feathers sprouting out of her shoulder blades and pumped her fist into the air. "Yes! I can fly again!" She shot up into the sky, doing a forward roll before landing back down by the others. "Woohoo!"

"Pony-Up? Is that what you did back at the Friendship Games?" Sugarcoat got up to her feet and looked at all of the Rainbooms. She examined all of their new body parts and came up to them, not even noticing the horn popping out of her own head. "How is this even possible? Didn't you say that Twilight drained you of this sort of magic?"

"Yeah. But from the looks of it, she decided to give it back." Pinkie Pie was brushing her new hair gently with the tips of her fingers. "And from the looks of things, she decided to give some magic to you girls too! You all look great!"

"Share it? What are you on abou—" Lemon stopped once she felt the wings on her back. She turned her head to get a better look at them and gave them a test shake "—whoa. That. Is. So. AWESOME!"

"Magic?" Sour Sweet took a good look at her back and saw her own wings grow out of them. "No! I can't look like a circus freak! I'm too good to be a monster! Although, I guess that on the plus side, at least I've still got my looks..." Her face softened the more she touched and poked at the feathers.

"So, Indigo and Sour get wings? What do I get?" Sunny Flare began to feel around herself and eventually felt the tip of her brand new horn. She turned her eyes up and looked at the horn. "A unicorn horn? Interesting. What does it do?"

"Wait, since when did we get horns in a Pony-Up?" Sunset gave her horn a few gentle knocks with the back of her finger. "I don't remember that..."

Twilight simply spoke incoherent gibberish as she crawled up to Sunset and pulled at her legs. She was trying to say something to the girls but didn't have the teeth necessary to properly convey her message.

"Huh? What's up, Twi?" Rainbow Dash asked, picking the baby up and handing her back to Sunset. "What're you trying to say?"

"She's saying that she wanted to play with us some more, and so she gave us all a bit of her magic so we could make it even more fun." Pinkie Pie bounced over and stretched her arm, showing Twilight off to the group.

"More fun? I don't see how—" Indigo stopped herself when she realised what Pinkie had said "—wait. You speak baby, Pinkie?"

"Yep. After babysitting Pound and Pumpkin back at Mrs. Cake's place, I know enough to get by." Pinkie raised her finger and turned back towards Twilight and bent her knees. "Ga. Goo-goo, bah, a pabawa appa Pinkie Pie. Ga goo wah ba boo woo wah?"

Twilight giggled at Pinkie's baby-esque language and spoke some more, leaning in close so that she could heard everything that she was saying. Once she got out what she needed to say, she put her back against Sunset's chest again and gave an innocent smile to the group.

"She says that her magic's very unstable as a baby and she doesn't even know how to control it properly," Pinkie said as she walked back up to Twilight and heard her whisper some more. "In fact, Twilight just uses whatever magic comes to her at random. She could make us big, small, open portals to other worlds, do a weird role-reversal spell on families to switch their ages around, all kinds of weird and wacky things."

"How did you get all of that from random baby nonsense?" Sugarcoat tilted her head and stared at Pinkie with her jaw wide open.

"She's Pinkie Pie." The Rainbooms all spoke in perfect sync at Sugarcoat. "Don't question it."

Twilight cooed and babbled some more to Pinkie, who did the same in an attempt to make a proper communication. For the first time since she had unleashed the magic and transformed into the magical infant she was today, she had never had someone who understood her language and knew what she was saying. She was lost in her conversation with Pinkie, who's grin was just as wide and silly as hers was.

"Y'know, now that I think about it, I wouldn't mind playing with that kid with my new pair of wings." Indigo flexed her wings and prepared to take flight. "Plus, I'd like to see just what you and the others can do with those horns, Sunset."

"Well... it has been a long time since I've actually used my horn." Sunset looked up and began to gather some magic into it. "Sure. Why not? Let's see if I can still remember some of my old tricks."

"Twilight! Where are you?!"

The girls stopped what they were doing and saw Spike approach them, looking around while calling out for his old friend. His muscles were twitching and his tail swung back and forth rapidly.

"Spike?" Sunset walked towards the dog and tapped his back, causing him to yelp and turn on the balls of his paws. "Whoa, there. Easy, boy. We're not gonna hurt you."

"Spike!" Twilight squealed and used her magic to pull him into the air. She gave him a big hug, squeezing him as tightly as she could as she began to nuzzle his neck.

"Twilight? Is that you?" Spike wiped his eyes with his paws and saw an infant version of Twilight sitting before him. They shot wide open as he leaned in closer to her. "What happened to you? How did you get so young?"

"I think the better question to ask is where were you, Spike?" Sunset asked as she picked the dog up and set him back down on the ground. "And why aren't you with the other Twilight back in Equestria? Doesn't she need you to clean the castle?"

"Castle? I'm sorry. I don't really follow." Spike scratched the back of his ears, scraping out a nit as he did so. "Who are you, anyway? I remember you from the Friendship Games, but I never really got your name before."

"It's Sunset. Sunset Sparkle." She put her hand on her chest and sat down, letting Twilight crawl off towards Spike. "So, I take it that you're this Twilight's Spike, right?"

"I'm not sure what you mean by this Twilight, but my name's definitely Spike." He nodded, prancing up to Sunset. "We never got our questions answered, though. What's Twilight doing looking like a baby? And why does she have that weird horn and glowing mask?"

"You mean you don't remember, Spike?" Sunset cocked a brow. "The Friendship Games? Cinch pushed Twilight against the wall, right?"

"Oh, I remember that, but that large white burst was so powerful that it knocked me against the wall of Canterlot High." Spike rubbed his head, wincing as he felt the pain he had accrued. "I was unconscious for a while and the next thing I knew, it was nighttime. Everyone had gone home and the Friendship Games were over." He sat down and curled his tail. "I spent the whole morning looking for Twilight. But I didn't think that she'd be back home with her family—or with someone just as kind."

"You've been out for a while, little doggie, weren't you?" Lemon Zest roosted down by Spike's side. "Let me fill you in. Twilight got turned into a magical baby with kooky powers. Cinch got real mad and we had to forfeit the Games to Canterlot High. Cinch lashed out and got arrested, and Sunset here became Twilight's new big sister and caretaker thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Sparkle." She pinched his cheeks. "I wish I could explain it in more detail, but you are just so adorable! I just wanna eat you right up, Spikey-wikey!"

"I... guess?" Spike felt uncomfortable around Lemon Zest and went back to looking at Sunset. "Anyway, It's good that Cinch got what she deserved in the end, but at the same time, I feel bad for Twilight. She didn't deserve to go through this; not when she was so close to going to Everton."

"Well, it's good to have you back, Spike." Sunset gave him a gentle rub on the top of his head, sifting her hands through his fur as she did so. "Twilight could always use some new friends to play with. Plus, I'd like to see you round the house some more myself."

"Also, I think we deserve to say sorry to you, Spike." Sunny Flare walked up to Spike with the other Shadowbolts behind her. "We were so focused on winning that we didn't take anyone else's feelings into account on that whole magic situation. I just hope you can forgive us for our actions back at the Games."

"Hey, if Cinch got thrown in jail for what she did, I'd say that you're all forgiven in my books." Spike pushed his paw off of his chest and grinned at the Shadowbolts. "Plus, I think it's better to get to know who you're up against better than just having to beat them without thinking about it."

"Yeah. It's been much better getting to know they Canterlot High Wondercolts than it ever was to play against them." Indigo crossed her arms and nodded, looking back at Sunset's friends. "They're great pals outside of Canterlot High and I'm really gonna enjoy our new friendship with them."

"Me too." Sour Sweet walked up to Indigo. "Sure, they're just runts from Canterlot High, but they're much better than those other weaklings there. Plus, some of them are actually pretty nice once you get to know them."

"With some proper guidance from a level-headed and sophisticated Crystal Prep student such as myself, I'm sure that these six girls will leave their school feeling much more successful." Sugarcoat pushed her glasses closer to her face as she looked back at the Rainbooms. "Further, now that the bad blood between both of the schools has been metaphorically washed out, there's much more opportunities opening up for the students of our two schools to bond better."

"Plus, that Pinkie Pie girl is actually pretty funny." Lemon Zest pointed over to Pinkie. "I mean, she's bubbly like me, she's got some real funny moments of herself, and just a few moments ago, she spoke fluent baby to Twilight and had a real conversation with her. How cool is that?"

"Huh." Spike stared at Pinkie, who shook her arm violently at him. "And they say kids today haven't got any skills."

"Anyway, Spike, we're so glad to have you back." Sunset walked Spike over to the Rainbooms. "Let me introduce you to the rest of my friends. I'm sure they'll all be happy to see you."

"Sure thing, Sunset." Spike followed behind Sunset, with the Shadowbolts all following behind him in turn. "Anyone who's a friend of Twilight is a friend of mine. Even if they almost ended up destroying the world in the process of trying to win the Games."

Sunset came back to the Rainbooms and showed Spike off to them. She watched them all gathering around the small and shake his paw, almost forgetting entirely about Twilight as they all focused on him. As the girls began exchanging pleasantries with the small dog, Sunset simply stood back and smiled.

Spike took all of the affection as he turned back and saw Twilight gently bouncing in Sunset's arms. After being separated from her at the Friendship Games, he was finally back with her. Even though she was now a baby imbued with the Magic of Friendship, he was still going to try his hardest to stay by her side and make sure that she didn't have to feel lonely anymore.

Author's Note: