• Published 24th Jan 2017
  • 7,670 Views, 342 Comments

A Little Monster - Shadowmane PX-41

When Twilight unleashed the magic, she turned into a magical demon baby. Guess how screwed Sunset and her friends are...

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Midnight's Magic

The Rainbooms and Shadowbolts were tending to Twilight in the park with Spike sitting right by her side. As the humans all made sure that she was happy and clean, she simply babbled and pulled Spike into a tight hug, pressing him against her belly.

"Man, this kid gets excited pretty easily." Indigo smiled as she gave Twilight a little tickle on the belly. "I know that I'm not really a fan of kids, but I gotta make an exception here."

"Yeah. You could say that..." Spike began to choke for breath in Twilight's hug and began to shake and thrash about. He felt her grip loosening and he climbed off of her and took a few steps to the side. "I mean, I still don't get how she turned into a magical demon baby, but she's still pretty cute."

"Uh-huh! She's the cutesiest little thing I've ever seen!" Pinkie Pie wiggled her butt as she clasped her hands together and fluttered her eyebrows. She dropped down onto her knees and came up close to Twilight. "Boo goo ga liwa, Twilight? Boo goo ga liwa?"

Twilight sat back up and pointed over towards the clouds, lighting up her horn for a spell. As she reached out and tried to touch them, she unintentionally launched magic from her fingertips, ensnaring the cloud within a cage of blue energy. When Twilight clenched her fingers again, the cloud disappeared from the sky and then reappeared around the entire group and a decently large portion of the park.

"I guess she wants to play with the clouds." Pinkie Pie got back up onto her feet and drove her arms into the cloud mass around her. "Y'know, despite the fact that we all have magic, I've never really touched one of these things before. Are they really as plushy and cuddly as my preschool teacher used to say they were? I must have these answers!" And before anyone else could say or do anything, Pinkie hurled herself into the white mist and almost vanished from sight instantly.

"Alright. Now if I could be the one to say the proper response, WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!" Sour Sweet shouted through the clouds and felt the white fluff slip into her lips.

"Well, Pinkie Pie did say that Twilight's magic was erratic and unpredictable." Sugarcoat tried to find her way through the clouds but saw nothing but white. She constantly had to keep taking her glasses off and de-mist them with her shirt. "But I do have to agree with you, on that, Sour Sweet. This is bizarre. It's like nothing I've ever seen before..."

"I think it's safe to say that the Friendship Games were just the beginning." Sunset Shimmer nodded and brushed the clouds away to regroup with Sugarcoat. "Twilight's gonna have to grow up. And a girl like her concealing all of that magic? It's not going to be easy for her to fit in."

"Even so, we should try to learn more about her magic while she's still young," Sunny Flare's voice cut through the air. "She's a baby, so her magic might still be developing in her current state. If we can identify and learn more about it before she grows up, we could have a better grasp on how we can control and regulate it once she becomes a toddler, an elementary school kid, and then when she gets back to our age again."

"What's there to learn?" Pinkie Pie burst out of the air and tapped Sunset's back, causing her to jump. "I've been learning pretty fine from the kid herself. She doesn't know what she can do but she's still just as much a baby as little Pound and Pumpkin back at Mrs. Cake's place. And if I've learned something from the eight months I've worked as a part-time babysitter, it's that when kids have fun, it's almost impossible to control them—Kinda like me!"

All of a sudden, Twilight's giggles were audible through the cloud-ridden air. The girls heard the shakes of a rattle and the sounds of roaring winds. They turned to face the baby and saw that a portal had appeared in front of her, sucking the clouds into it. They watched her shake the rattle some more, opening more portals all around her with various different landscapes in the centre of the purple vortexes.

"Whoa! What the heck?!" Indigo Zap recoiled at the sight of the portals. "What's going on here?"

"I saw this before." Sunset walked up to Twilight, who still shook the rattle as she picked her up. "Twilight's magical power also includes the ability to open portals to Equestria. While I'm not really sure how she does it, I do know that these portals don't last long. Just make sure that no-one falls into them in the meantime."

"I remember seeing these too. But last time, they just came out of nowhere whenever Twilight sucked the magic out of your friends." Spike walked forward, looking at all of the different portals to Equestria. He saw deserts, forests, snow-capped mountains, and the sea before another portal appeared by his feet. He put his paw down just as the vortex was opening and nearly fell into it. "Whoa, whoa, help!"

"Hang on, Spike! I got this!" Rainbow Dash flapped her wings and shot over towards Spike, scooping him up just as his other feet left the ground. She gently patted his head and held him close. "There. Next time, don't step towards a portal, alright?"

"In my defence, I didn't know that Twilight was gonna open a portal there." Spike looked up towards Rainbow Dash.

"Goo wah wah ba, Twilight?" Pinkie Pie spoke in baby to Twilight once again. "Apa boo woo gah gi lu wa?"

Twilight responded with some infant gibberish of her own and showed the rattle off to Pinkie, pointing at her Cutie Mark emblazoned onto it. She gave Pinkie Pie a demonstration, firing a portal onto a tree.

"Well, what's she saying, Pinkie?" Sunset asked, leaning in close to Pinkie's lips.

"This is a magic rattle that only Twilight can play with." Pinkie Pie pointed towards it and let Sunset get a better look at it. "Twilight says she can do all kinds of wonderful things with it, but so far, all she's ever got out of it is portals to Equestria."

"And you got all of that out of a baby's mouth, speaking her language like you've studied it your whole life," Sugarcoat deadpanned. "Why do I get the feeling that if the government saw you with that baby Twilight, they'd take you away for examination and not her?"

"Silly, Sugarcoat, I'm Pinkie Pie." She pinched Sugarcoat's cheeks and scooped up some leftover remnants of the cloud and turned it into a little platform for her to float around on. She laid down on it and gently kicked her legs. "I know lots of things. Not the meaning of life, mind you, but I've had plenty of weird and kooky experiences in the past."

"That still doesn't explain how your random gibberish infantile prattle can be used to communicate with Twilight." Sugarcoat looked her firmly in the eyes. "What's your secret?"

"There's no secret, Sugarcoat. You've just gotta spend a lot of time with these babies." Pinkie drifted over to Twilight and blew a raspberry into the baby's stomach. "Once you listen to them enough, their language is a snap. It's not just the classic goos and gahs like you're probably thinking of. It's much bigger than that!" She threw out her arms to emphasise her point.

"Sugarcoat, it's best not to question Pinks." Lemon Zest walked up to Pinkie and wrapped her arm around her neck. She gave the CHS girl a noogie before letting her go. "She's a fun kid. Kinda like me but without the rockin' beats. And it's like she said. When kids have fun, it's hard to control 'em."

"Well, whatever she does, as long as we have a way ta talk with Twilight, ah couldn't care less about the details." Applejack crossed her arms and gave Pinkie a smile as she walked up to her and Twilight. "Speaking of which, Pinkie, do ya think ya could get some extra info on that there magic she's got?"

"Of course, Applejack." Pinkie nodded at Applejack and turned back towards Twilight. "Ga, Twilight. Boo bah gah hi ooboo wah mawa la ba fa goo, appo loo wa gi ra poowada?"

Twilight responded to Pinkie's gibberish with even more baby talk. She crawled over towards the edge of Sunset's arms and climbed onto Pinkie's shoulders, gently pulling her ear open as she gave the girl her answer. Once she was done, she simply dropped her arms and drooled as her smile returned to her face.

"Alright." Pinkie took a deep breath and arched her arms. "Twilight's magic is like a freaky-deaky combination of all of our magic. While it's unstable in her super-cute baby form, she thinks that it'll develop over time. But knowing that she's a baby, I think it's safe to say that that topic's still up for debate," she said. "Right now, she just uses whatever comes to her mind. Kid's show? She'll make it into a reality. Shapes and colours? Soon gonna be in her hands. Heck, if she wants to turn any of us into babies, she could do it with the clap of her hands!"

"That... sounds worrying." Sunset picked Twilight back up and gently rocked her. After hearing Pinkie's explanation, she wanted to put Twilight to sleep as fast as possible so that she wasn't tempted to do anything major. "Is there any way to control this?"

"Twilight said that her magic goes away whenever she sleeps." Pinkie continued, giving Twilight a rub on the head as she did so. "So if she got some new toys, turned any of us into super-duper cute diaper-pooping babies, or even opened some of those weird glowy portals, they'll all disappear once she falls asleep."

"Interesting." Sunny Flare walked up to Twilight and placed her fingers on her rattle, feeling that it was warm to the touch and lighter than she had expected it to be. "I mean, the whole magic business at the Friendship Games was strange enough, but here, I feel like we've only just scratched the surface of what your magic is, Rainbooms."

"I have to agree with Sunny on that." Rarity came up to Sunny and placed her hand on her shoulder. "I mean, we could Pony-Up out of the blue during the Friendship Games, but we've yet to learn what all of that magic can do in someone who hasn't used magic before." She turned to face Twilight, who was now beginning to droop her eyelids. "Who knows what little Twilight could do when she grows up?"

"Well, I don't think we should concern ourselves with the future just yet." Fluttershy reached into Pinkie's basket and pulled out a pink pacifier. She walked over to Twilight and placed the amber teat of the soother into her mouth, watching her suck on it rhythmically. "Right now, we just have to make sure that Twilight's safe and sound. We'll work out the magic part later."

"Speaking of which, I need to get her home." Sunset gently brushed Twilight's hair as she turned away from the girls. "It was nice to talk with you all, but I think that Twilight needs to get home. A sweet little girl like her needs her naps, but she also needs them in the luxury of her little crib back home."

"Alright. Catch ya later, Sunset!" Indigo waved Sunset off. "If ya need anything else, just give us a call!"

"I will, Indigo." Sunset waved back at the group of friends. "And tell your other friends at Crystal Prep that I wish them all well for the future!"

"Sure thing!" Indigo called back as Sunset began to walk off towards the road.

"Hey, Sunset! Next time we see each other, why don't I teach you how to speak baby?" Pinkie ran over to Sunset and followed her as she left the others behind. "I'm sure you're gonna need it for dealing with that super-cute bundle of joy there."

"Y'know... Why not, Pinkie?" Sunset smiled at Pinkie and gave her a gentle nod. "You seem to be quiet fluent in the language so I'm sure that I could learn a thing or two from you."

"Okie-dokie-lokie!" Pinkie cartwheeled up to Twilight and gave her a gentle wave goodbye. "Gah-goo, Twilight!"

Twilight gave Pinkie a wave of her own before she fell asleep. The horn and mask around her face vanished as she began to snore lightly in Sunset's arms, sucking on the pacifier as she curled up to Sunset's breasts.

Sunset gave the girls one more wave as she finally left the park and arrived at a crossing. She pushed the button and waited for the lights to turn green. Once the cars stopped, she walked across the road and began to travel down the street towards Twilight's house.

Twilight, your magic never ceases to surprise me. Sunset grinned at the slumbering Twilight and rubbed her belly with the tip of her finger. She pulled up the dress around her chest and made circular motions across Twilight's body, making her suck on the pacifier at a slower rate. Once you grow up, I'm going to have to teach you how to control your magic a bit more. But until then, I'm here for you, twenty-four-seven, three-hundred and sixty-five.

Twilight took the pacifier out of her mouth and whispered, "Mama..." before putting it back in and placing her hands on Sunset's chest.

"You said it, little sis." Sunset leaned down to Twilight and gave her a gentle kiss. "Mama or big sister, I'll always keep you out of harm's way..."