• Published 24th Jan 2017
  • 7,670 Views, 342 Comments

A Little Monster - Shadowmane PX-41

When Twilight unleashed the magic, she turned into a magical demon baby. Guess how screwed Sunset and her friends are...

  • ...

The Aftermath

Sunlight streaked through the clouds as the Games came to an end. The students had all calmed down and taken down the bleachers and banners for their separate schools. The events of the last event had been completely forgotten about as two students retrieved the pennants and handed them back to Luna and Cadence, who took them and laid them down on the ground.

The Rainbooms and Shadowbolts were all huddled around Twilight Sparkle, who was now sitting and learning how to crawl. Everything that their former friend had used to be had now been washed away with the magic and now she was back at square one with this infantile stage. She slowly put her hand on the ground and did the same with the other, learning how to crawl.

"So, now what are we going to do with a baby Twilight?" Indigo was the first one to break the silence as Sunset picked Twilight back up. "She can't stay like this forever, right? We're still besties!"

"Well, I'm sorry to break it to you girls, but we can't fix her." Sunset Shimmer petted Twilight, combing her pillar of black, purple, and pink hair as she slid her fingers through and across it. "Whatever she—whatever Cinch did, there's no way we can turn her back without the Magic of Friendship."

"So? Then call it out or something and change her back!" Sour Sweet demanded. "This whole baby thing is going to make me die! Of fangirling, that is!" She pinched Twilight's cheeks. "She's soooo cute!"

Twilight giggled at Sour Sweet's actions and clapped her hands, reaching out for the Crystal Prep student and flailing around in Sunset's grasp as she did so.

"It doesn't really work like that." Sunset shook her head and handed Twilight over to Sour Sweet. "We used to have the Magic of Friendship before the Games began, but one by one Twilight sucked it out of us with that weird locket thing over there." She pointed her thumb over her shoulder towards the empty and powerless device. "Without it, we're just as normal as you five are. And all of that magic now lives in Twilight Sparkle."

"So... does that mean we can't fly anymore?" Rainbow Dash hobbled up to Sunset and looked into her eyes, putting her hands together.

"I'm sorry, Dash, but you'll never see those wings of yours ever again." Sunset put her hand on Rainbow's shoulders and began to wipe the tears from Rainbow's eyes. "Not unless a miracle happens and Twilight learns how to control and share the magic inside herself."

"Aww, man! That really sucks!" Rainbow Dash slumped down onto her butt and curled up into a ball. "And I was really enjoying flying in the sky like pony-me does..."

"I'm more interested to see what you girls are going to do now that Twilight Sparkle's been turned into a baby." Sugarcoat's eyes were locked with that of Twilight's who reached out and stole her glasses, rattling them in her hand. The teenage girl took them back and slipped them back onto her head. "The sensible thing is definitely to contact her parents, of course, but what you've said about magic could put them all at a potential risk. They might not be ready for the newfound power that their once-more infant daughter has."

"And with that magic in the hands of a baby, it could come up at any given time..." Rarity took Twilight and gently rocked her in her arms. "Even if we are able to keep her happy and healthy, something as small as a sneeze could unleash some truly horrible magical powers. She might look adorable, but she does have a lot of demonesque features about her."

"Rarity hit the nail on the head there." Sunny Flare spoke up and cast her gaze down on Twilight, who eagerly reached out to play with the hairclip on Sunny's hair. "Twilight's not only been age-regressed, but she's got all of the stolen magic that we all wanted to be released. Now, I'm no expert on the subject, but I'm definitely sure that with all of that magic, it's going to be very unpredictable what will happen when she uses it."

"So, what are we gonna do, then?" Lemon Zest leaned over Twilight's face and almost bumped into her. "If she's got those freaky-deaky magical powers, then we should leave her in the hands of someone who knows all about it, right?"

"Well, there isn't anyone here who knows about magic more than we do." Pinkie bounced over to Lemon Zest and took Twilight out of Rarity's arms. "Sure, the other CHS students have been told about it, but they're not really as smart as me, Sunset, and the others. Plus, Pound and Pumpkin could use a new playmate back home." She brought Twilight to her face and made silly faces, sticking out her tongue at the infant in the hopes of trying to amuse it. "Who's a cute demon baby? You are! Yes you are! Yes you are!"

Twilight laughed vigorously at Pinkie Pie's whimsy and grabbed onto her face. Her giggles illuminated her horn and hands and caused magic to spring up around them. Black and blue auras grabbed Pinkie and lifted her up into the air as Twilight's wings glided her down to the ground. As she shook her limbs around, Pinkie was shaken like a ragdoll for a few seconds before the baby put both of her hands to the ground, causing her teenage captive to smash into the ground and ingest some grass and dirt.

"Whoa. I did not see that one coming..." Indigo Zap took a few steps backward when Twilight's magic faded away.

"Hello, girls. Am I interrupting anything?" Luna walked up to the group of girls and looked down at Twilight. "I trust that Twilight Sparkle is doing alright?"

"Yeah. She's been doing pretty good," Sunset lied as the thought of an infant Twilight using magical power began to seep into her mind.

"So, what's gonna happen to her now that she's been turned into... this?" Fluttershy picked Twilight up and brought her to Luna. "She can't stay here forever and we don't know how to change her back without magic."

"Hmm..." Luna took a close look at Twilight, mainly raising interest at the sight of the wings sprouting out of her back, and the illuminated face mask and horn that shone a gentle shade of cyan. "I've already alerted her parents about the whole thing. They'll be coming to collect her shortly."

"Are you really sure that's a good idea, Luna?" Sunset tilted her head and eyed up the baby Twilight Sparkle. "We just saw her lift Pinkie Pie in the air like a toy and shake her around before throwing her down into the ground!"

"To be fair, though, the grass at Canterlot High is super yummy." Pinkie Pie plucked out a few more blades of grass and slipped them into her mouth like potato chips, swallowing after chewing them thoroughly.

"A baby with magic?" Luna's brow shot up as she touched the tip of Twilight's horn and began to rub it. The result of her actions caused her fingers to be afflicted with a burn as the light shone brighter. "Gah! Well, I can't entirely say she's an ordinary infant, that much is clear."

"So, what should we do about it, then?" Cadence walked up to the group of girls. "Twilight's parents are coming down any second now and we're dealing with some kind of weird super-baby with weird magical powers. How are Mr and Mrs. Sparkle going to be able to handle something like this?"

"If they were to be given that baby, a number of different outcomes could happen." Sugarcoat crossed her arms and looked at Cadence and Luna. "Twilight might end up killing them with her power, for one. That much magic in that tiny body could be catastrophic if not tamed. And without parents, Twilight would probably die of other means shortly after. Secondly, if her parents found out, they could call the authorities to take Twilight away and have her cut open and experimented on. And three, her parents and family might even abandon her once they hear the whole story." She took her glasses off and rubbed them on her tartan skirt. "In each of these possibilities, it's a lose-lose for Twilight. As much as it is cruelty, her parents are unfit to raise a demon-like magical baby."

"But then, what can we do?!" Applejack shouted as she swung her arms over to Twilight. "If Twi's parents give up on her, die, or have her taken away by the cops, then it's gonna be sad for all of them!"

"I don't think that there's anything we can do if Twilight goes off with her mom and dad!" Indigo shook her head. "Someone's gotta take care of that kid and it's gotta be someone who knows how to use magic!"

"But who? No-one in Canterlot High or Crystal Prep knows the slightest bit about this whole magic stuff!" Cadence's resolve shattered as she looked out at the girls warning cries of desperation. "Whoever's going to have that baby is in for a whole world of trouble and chaos! They might never lead a normal life ever again!"

Both the grown-ups and the teens slung words back and forth between each other as they discussed the best course of action on how to raise Twilight. Many of their words clashed with each other as they tried to get their views out and what should be done, but all in all, their words were getting them nowhere with their words.

Sunset looked back and forth between the two groups. Sugarcoat's points still stood proud and Twilight's parents would have a real hassle trying to deal with their magical daughter. But at the same time, she knew that the magic inside Twilight could still be tamed and controlled. She took a deep breath and gathered her thoughts before walking in between the two groups. She pushed both of her arms out and took Twilight away from Luna, silencing the bickering humans.

"I'll do it," she spoke confidently as she leaned Twilight's head back.

"Sunset? Are you perfectly state-of-mind right now?" Luna broke the momentary silence as she looked deeply into Sunset's eyes. "That little one might be the Twilight Sparkle of Crystal Prep, but she's still taken in a lot of magic since the Friendship Games."

"I know that. But you're all right." Sunset looked back and forth between the teenage girls and the principals and dean. "Twilight's new powers need to be controlled and tamed before any of this spirals out of hand. Her parents won't be able to learn how to do it, but I've dealt with this stuff before."

"Are you sure that you're up for this, Sunset?" Rarity inquired as she stepped forward. She was within range of both Twilight and Sunset and had to avoid being poked in the chest by Twilight's horn as the baby now looked to the ground below her. "This is a far cry from both your tantrum at the Fall Formal and the Battle of the Bands. Magic is being wielded by a newborn; a baby. Who knows what kind of madness might ensue from this?"

"I know the stakes, but we don't have a choice in the matter." Sunset brushed Rarity's chest and took a deep breath. "There's too much at stake here, and besides, we've already pointed out the risks of giving her back to her parents. If anything, I'd say that this is the best shot we have of being able to control Twilight and her new magic."

"I'm sure that I don't have to remind you, but you've never even considered the prospect of having children, Sunset Shimmer." Celestia pointed out and looked down at her student. "Raising them is a lot of hard work. And you don't even have the knowledge or education needed to take care of one, let alone the toys, furniture, and food that can feed her."

"That's why, with all due respect, Principal Celestia, I would like to enroll in your Sex Ed course as well and use Twilight for my test." Sunset rubbed Twilight's belly, hearing her blow a raspberry and slide a chuckle out of her tiny lips. "I'm fully aware that I'll also have to take her in every other day just to make sure that my grades aren't falling behind either."

"Not many teenage mothers are seen in this country in times like these, but if you're willing to take up responsibility for Twilight Sparkle and her well-being, I will make sure that you are not overwhelmed with other school work." Celestia smiled and tousled Sunset and Twilight's hair. "Only if you're willing to commit yourself to looking after her, though."

"I promise, Principal Celestia." Sunset nodded and gave the staff a grin of her own. "Twilight's in good hands."

Before anyone could say or do anything else, a purple sports car rolled up at the statue to Canterlot High. From inside, a man and a woman climbed out and walked over to Celestia and the group. The woman had white and purple hair with lavender skin, while the man had both dark blue hair and skin.

"Dean Cadence, we got a call that Twilight Sparkle had suffered from something terrible," said the man. "We've called her brother, Shining Armor as well. As soon as he's done with his job, he'll be coming here as well."

"Night Light. Twilight Velvet. I'm not sure that the two of you will understand me when I say this, but your daughter, Twilight Sparkle, has changed." Dean Cadence stepped aside, revealing the baby Twilight in Sunset's arms. "We are still unsure on what to do, but we do know that magic has overwhelmed your daughter and turned her back into a newborn."

"Twilight?" Both Night Light and Twilight Velvet chorused at the child and watched her flutter her eyelids as she looked at the two newcomers.

"The students also witnessed that even in this infantile state, your daughter has some immense magical powers that I fear could disrupt your family and cause harm to everyone around her." As Luna spoke, she didn't realise that Twilight's horn and hands lit up, causing tiny pieces of the ground around them to float into the air and dance around. "One of the students at Canterlot High, Sunset Shimmer, has agreed to take care of your daughter if you two are unwilling to look after her yourself."

"Unwilling? Why would you ever think we'd want to give Twilight up?" Night Light picked Twilight up and turned her towards him. "It's like you said. We wouldn't get it, but we're not about to just throw her away just because she's somehow turned into this... thing."

"We were all just worried that Twilight's power could become a bit too much of a problem to deal with." Celestia walked up to the parents and saw Twilight hurling the rocks out over to the houses on the other side of the road. They smashed into the glass and against the walls of the rooms that they had infiltrated. "As you can see, her magic is a bit unstable in this form."

"What are we going to do, honey?" Twilight Velvet's eyes flew over Twilight Sparkle's and linked with her husband's. "We can't take care of a magical baby."

"True, but I'm also not about to lose Twilight either!" Night Light brought Twilight close to her chest and hugged her. "Sure, she's our little shooting star again, but how do you think giving her up makes any of this OK?"

"If I may, I might have a solution that might please everybody." Sunset Shimmer raised her finger and came back up to Twilight and her family. "I've already said that I would take care of Twilight if you didn't want to, but if you feel that you'll both crack under the pressure of handling a baby with magic, then I'd gladly volunteer to be your personal caretaker."

"Caretaker?" Both of the parents parroted and exchanged glances before letting Sunset continue.

"What this means is, that as a caretaker, I would be able to stay at your house and help you raise Twilight back into a teenager again." Sunset tipped and tilted her hands as she addressed both Night Light and Twilight Velvet. "In addition to being an extra pair of hands to keep the house tidy and clean, I could also look after Twilight while you can't and help her to control her magical powers. Furthermore, I would eliminate the need for a babysitter in case the entire family needs to go out somewhere and leave her alone, so that's an extra benefit." She gently lifted Twilight up and patted her back, causing a little burp to escape from the infant's mouth. "Of course, you don't have to accept. It's just a suggestion."

Both of Twilight's parents were deep in thought after Sunset had posed the offer to them both. They were still having a lot of trouble being able to come to terms with the fact that their own daughter had been transformed into a baby with otherworldly powers that none of them had heard of before, but at the same time, they were also beginning to see just how Sunset's help would lessen the stress that they would potentially have.

"Well, as much as I'm scratching my head with this whole thing, I'd say you've got a deal." Night Light held out his hand and saw Sunset take it and shake it. "You can start right now, if you'd like."

"Thank you, sir. You won't regret this." Sunset smiled and let go of Night Light's hand, giving him back Twilight. "I promise that Twilight'll grow up just how you want her to."

As everyone watched the whole event, they just now saw that the buses from Crystal Prep were beginning to pick the students up and take them back to their school. Many of the uniformed students had already began making their way back towards the buses, leaving the Shadowbolts for last.

"Well, as much as this is a heartwarming scene, I'm afraid we must be going now." Sugarcoat walked towards the bus and gathered her personal belongings. "I'll be sure to stay in touch about little Twilight."

"Gotta go. This school hates us being late, Cinch or no Cinch." Sour Sweet followed after Sugarcoat and clambered up the steps.

"Catch ya on the flipside, Pinks and friends!" Lemon Zest slid on up to Twilight and rubbed her cheeks one last time. "And a super-special goodbye to you, Twi!" And with that, she ran back onto the bus, letting the sound of her headphones cut out the world around her.

"This is the beginning of a new Crystal Prep." Sunny Flare nodded as she too began to climb onto the bus. "Hopefully, things won't be so tense between our two schools. Have a good day, Rainbooms of Canterlot High. May our paths cross again soon."

"See ya!" Indigo Zap ran on board and sat herself on one of the seats on the front row, waving back at the girls as the vehicle closed its' doors and departed Canterlot High.

"I guess I'd better get going as well." Sunset Shimmer walked towards the car and climbed into the back, holding Twilight gently in her chest. "Her magic's gonna be wild if I'm not there to protect her."

"You're doing the right thing, Sunset." Applejack came up to Sunset and gave her a warm smile and a nod. "We'll be sure to help out however we can as well. Just give us a call if something comes up and we'll be raring to go!"

"Thanks, girls. You're the best." Sunset grinned back and closed the car door, buckling herself and Twilight into the seats as Night Light and Twilight Velvet walked up to Shining Armor.

"I came here as soon as I heard what had happened!" Shining had to catch his breath as he stopped at Twilight Velvet and Night Light's feet. "Where's Twilight? What happened to my little sister?!"

"We'll explain when we get home, Shining Armor." Twilight Velvet got in the car and rolled down the window. "But just so you know, Twily's safe. She's with us now."

"Just make sure to get home as soon as you can and we'll fill you in on the details." Night Light nodded as he ignited the car's engines and drove off down the road.

Shining Armor could only watch as his parents left him behind. He shook his head and took in some deep breaths as he looked up at Dean Cadence, Principal Celestia, and Vice-Principal Luna. "Do any of you know what happened?"

"Honey, as much as I can feel your concerns, I don't think you'll understand it without Sunset Shimmer's help." Dean Cadence slid the back of her hand across Shining Armor's face and looked into his eyes. "You see, Twilight Sparkle isn't really herself anymore..."

Author's Note:

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As always, have a very nice day and I'll be seeing you all soon!