• Published 11th Feb 2017
  • 1,542 Views, 67 Comments

Sea of Misfits - M48 Patton

Princess Twilight and her friends are sent to deal with some pirates. What they find is a ship from another dimension crewed by an unexpected cast.

  • ...

Chapter 12

“Ghost Island, dead ahead!” The lookout called.

Storm Stalker rushed forward amid the pouring rain, straining her eyes. Sure enough, that familiar speck of land poked above the waves that crashed over the bow. She had never been so relieved to see that island as she was now.

“Stalker! Get yer tail to the wheelhouse!” The captain's voice yelled.

Whipping about, Storm jumped up and flapped her wings in defiance of the pelting rain. She hovered in place, climbing through the air as the ship passed under her before dropping onto the wheelhouse deck as it raced by.

“Aye Cap'n.” She said, walking past the thoroughly soaked Trade Breaker and into the wheelhouse.

Silent Hooves was there, carefully easing the wheel back and forth to compensate for the waves motion. Storm relieved him and placed both her hooves on the wheel, standing on her hind legs to see out of the windows that provided a panoramic view of the ocean.

“Rea'y when yew are, Cap'n.” She announced.

Through the glass, Storm could see Big Sail making his way onto the very tip of the bow. Another one of her crew stood by the forward cannon box to relay Big Sail's calls to another crewmember on the stairway who would send the message to Trade Breaker. He would then tell his first mate the proper course changes.

Silent Hooves slowly backed the speed levers to a quarter speed, sending the signals down to the engine rooms for Poisoned Beaker to see. The engines responded accordingly and the ship's careening speed was checked by the giant propellers.

The island appeared closer as the ship crested the next wave, it's dark, rocky spires reaching towards the sky. As the Marblehead crashed through the next wave, the bones of several ships could be seen strewn about the rocks that surrounded the entire island.

However, there was one break in the rocks at the southern end of the island just large enough for the Marblehead to pass through, and with Storm's steady hooves on the wheel and Big Sail's constant instructions guiding her movements, the ship slipped in between certain destruction and into the harbor that offered shelter from the storm. One of the spires rose up and over the harbor, shielding the ship from the wind and rain.

Twilight stepped out onto the deck and looked around in awe, her mind racing. Her friends stepped out behind her, taking in the sights.

“Well Princess, welcome to Ghost Island.” Big Sail said as he used a spell to dry himself off.

“Incredible, the storm's magical signature is similar to that of that surround the Crystal Empire, except for a few variances to account for the differing types of weather.” Twilight explained.

“That's nice.” Big Sail rolled his eyes. “There's soup in the galley and I'll get you some raincoats after you've eaten. We have a full day ahead of us, so I suggest you get plenty to eat.”

Twilight would have like to stay on deck in order to continue analyzing the strange storm, but under the combined efforts of Big Sail and her friends she was herded to the galley for food. There they met a good portion of the rest of the crew including Storm Stalker and Trade Breaker.

The changeling was absent as well as Henry, who Twilight had failed to make contact with, and the two thestrals left as soon as the Element Bearers arrived. However, Twilight found good company with Poisoned Beaker.

The unicorn had shut down the engines and was now taking a well deserved rest. At first she was rather hesitant to talk about anything, but Twilight's nerd related questions soon opened a path with which both mares were happy to discuss.

“I never got to see the gear room, but I have a lot of questions about it.” Twilight said, her face a mask of delight.

“I would imagine.” Beaker said after swallowing a bit of soup. “I'll try to lay it out simply, the main steam lines take the superheated steam to the main turbines, there the steam turns what are called turbines. The turbines are spinning too fast for any screw to turn, so it has to go through the gear reduction box that turns all of that speed into torque. That's why the screws are able to move the ship so fast, they have so much power behind them.”

Twilight was mentally taking everything that Beaker said down so that she could experiment later on. Beaker noticed the distracted look on the alicorn's face and sighed.

“Don't try testing it at home, Twilight.” Beaker warned. “It already cost two of the most infamous alchemists their lives.”

“What?” Twilight asked, curious to know more.

Beaker moved her soup bowl to one side and set her chin down on the table, studying the far wall.

“My parents were unicorns, skilled at what they did. They sought to create the very engine that powers this ship.” She said. “Unfortunately, while they were able to perfect the transformation of iron into steel and create a basic design that at first proved to be a success, they took it to far and blew their laboratory sky high.”

Twilight was stunned. “I'm sorry, I didn't realize-”

“Don't be.” Beaker spat. “The only reason I'm alive is because those two never wanted me around. I wasn't interested in their stupid engines, or they're revolutionary new metals, and so they kicked me out of the lab. It's a cruel twist of irony that I ended up here, where they failed so spectacularly. I wasn't allowed in the lab, so I had to turn my own room into a makeshift workshop for my own tests. Only one of which was successful.”

Her eyes turned to look at the mess of tree branches and vines that was sitting next to a brown earth pony. “Still, the test result was better than I ever could have imagined.”

Twilight followed Beaker's gaze and looked at the timberwolf. “You got Woody to talk using a potion? I thought it would've been a spell.”

“Wrong on both accounts.” Beaker said with a small smirk. “I created Woody, I wanted to find out why timberwolves were exclusive to the Everfree Forest. With some stream water, a few secret ingredients, and a tree, Woody was born.”

Twilight gawked at the mare. “You made a timberwolf? How? Why does he talk? What keeps him alive?”

Beaker only smiled. “It's not magic, and that's all you're going to get out of me.”

The resulting thud of Twilight's forehead against the metal table was enough to pause the rest of the conversations in the room. Storm Stalker grinned broadly at Poisoned Beaker as Twilight repeated the action several times.

“Yew got that one a bit angry.” She said.

“She'll live.” Beaker laughed. “Barely.”

Trade Breaker led the expedition onshore with the intent of attaching the cable from the Marblehead's crane to his father's ship, the Sea Treader. Twilight and the rest of the unicorns had the undesirable job of lifting the ship itself as the crane pulled it free of the rocks.

Fortunately, Twilight was no stranger to lifting heavy objects, her adventure with Cadence and Discord had given her a chance to prove that.

Twilight was awestruck at how high up the ship actually was, perched between two rocks at least fifty feet in the air. The hull itself was cracked in some places, but the keel was still intact and it looked as if the ship could be salvaged.

“There she is, the Sea Treader. Finest freighter to ever ply the seas.” Trade Breaker announced.

“Or practice at bein' a pegasus.” One of the thestrals, the stallion, called from up above.

He held the cable, and together with his sister, attached it to the anchor capstan.

“Alright, stan' by to lift!” The captain hollered, hovering close to the ship.

Magic gripped the ship, encompassing the entire hull as eight unicorns and one alicorn lit their horns. The ship creaked and groaned in protest, but slowly lifted from the rocks. The cable pulled tight and began to move the ship towards the water.

It wasn't necessary for the Marblehead to pull the Sea Treader, Twilight and the unicorns could have moved the ship themselves, but Trade Breaker would rather they simply focus on keeping the ship in the air and let the others guide the ship to its destination.

Surprisingly, the operation went smoothly, and the Sea Treader was soon bobbing in the harbor next to the larger and imposing Marblehead. Almost immediately, several of Storm Stalker's crew were on the ship, patching the sails and fixing the leaks.

“Well, looks as thought we be sendin' ye on yer way in the morn.” Trade Breaker smiled at the six mares. “Take care o' me father's ship, an' she'll take ye all the way to Equestria.”

Twilight and her friends smiled back.

“Thank you, Captain, for everything.” Twilight said. “This means a lot to us, and I'll be sure to explain things to Celestia. I'm sure that's she's worried.”

The table promptly cracked in half as Celestia's golden clad hoof smashed through it.


Iron Keel nervous backed away from the raging alicorn, silently sending out a prayer. Ironically, it was sent to the very being standing in front of him.

“Your highness, please.” He begged. “I've got every ship in the fleet looking for them. But they seem to have disappeared.”

Celestia's mane was beginning to scorch the top of the cabin. “IT'S BEEN FIVE DAYS ADMIRAL! FIVE DAYS!”

“Princess, these things take time.” Iron Keel pleaded.


Iron Keel's rump hit the cabin door, and he turned to open it and escape from the enraged alicorn that towered over him. The door was covered in a golden aura and refused to open. Iron Keel's blood drained from his face, and he prepared for what he believed was the end.

“I'm sorry.” A quiet voice said behind him.

He slowly turned around and was stunned to see that Celestia was no longer the raging inferno she had been moments before, but instead her head hung low and her anger abated.

“I promised myself that I would never let anything happen to Twilight, and now she has been taken captive.” She whispered. “Admiral, please, find that ship. I beg of you.”

Iron Keel, though still terrified for his life, smoothed his uniform and bowed respectfully to his leader.

“It will be done, Princess.” He said before turning to the door and leaving.

Once outside, he shakily sat down and took several deep breaths. Never again did he want to see an alicorn angry, especially at him.

“Admiral!” The captain of the dreadnought called, running up to him.

“Yes?” Iron Keel asked, instantly a perfect picture of the cool and collected admiral he was supposed to be.

The captain saluted. “Our picket ships just sent a message by dragon fire, they say that a pirate has surrendered himself and claims to know where the mysterious pirate ship has gone!”

Iron Keel's eyes narrowed. “Bring him to me.”

Author's Note:

Feedback is always appreciated.