• Published 11th Feb 2017
  • 1,546 Views, 67 Comments

Sea of Misfits - M48 Patton

Princess Twilight and her friends are sent to deal with some pirates. What they find is a ship from another dimension crewed by an unexpected cast.

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Chapter 26

It was nothing less than the most powerful armada ever assembled in the Eastern Sea. On the outer edge of the fleet lay eighty-nine royal cutters, just inside their protective ring were twenty-one of the newest frigates to ply the seas, even further in sat fifteen of the giant ships of the line, and lastly in the very center was the Equestrian Royal Dreadnought. One-hundred and twenty-six of the finest warships gathered into one place for the sole purpose of the capture and destruction of one ship, and yet the outcome still lay in doubt.

“Princess, what do you mean the outcome is in doubt?” Admiral Big Shot demanded. “We have the combined firepower of both the Northern and Central fleets as well as elements of the Southern fleet at our disposal! Our current naval strength rivals that of the Germanian, Griffonian and Prench navies combined! I can guarantee that whatever ship awaits us in that harbor, they will be crushed instantly!”

“Admiral Shot, you have no idea what this ship is capable of.” Admiral Iron Keel sighed tiredly. “My ships had it corned in one of Bugganville's shallow bays and yet it not only escaped but also incapacitated one of my cutters and sunk another without even trying. Princess Celestia herself was unable to stop it.”

“Perhaps, Admiral Keel, had you not been so cowardly as to bring the dreadnought closer to the pirates, your new cannons might have been put to use!” Big Shot sneered.

Iron Keel ground his teeth. “As I said before, this ship can outrun a royal cutter with ease, my dreadnought was nowhere near enough to open fire!”

“Enough!” Celestia ordered, instantly silencing the two stallions. “Admiral Big Shot, the advantages of the dreadnought's cannons in battle are strictly psychological. Our current magically enhanced ballistas are just as powerful as any cannon, yet the armor of the pirate ship bounced all attacks, magical and physical. On the other hoof, the pirates are in possession of cannons that make ours look like toys and were used to permanently disable the Baltimare Pride in battle.”

“Of course, your highness.” Big Shot bowed his head. “My apologies. However, if conventional weapons cannot stop this ship, then what do you propose we do?”

Princess Celestia beckoned the two to follow her out onto the top deck. With her hoof, she pointed to four giant ballistas perched on the bow of the dreadnought.

“As you can see, I've made some improvements to the weaponry.” Celestia explained. “I sacrificed some of the ship's armor and created four siege ballistas.”

Iron Keel, having seen their construction himself, was quite proud of the recent addition to his flagship. However Big Shot was still skeptical.

“Pardon me for being so blunt, your highness, but these weapons are highly impractical for a naval battle.” The admiral said mockingly. “They may be powerful, but aiming such large and unwieldy contraptions is a monumental feat by itself, much less accomplishing it while onboard a rolling ship while trying to hit a moving target. There is a reason we have set standard for weaponry onboard our ships, and I'm afraid that unless the pirates are going to kindly wait five minutes for you to aim these monstrosities at them, then your idea is going to fail miserably.”

Celestia maintained her small smile and waited until Big Shot had finished his rant before turning to Iron Keel.

“Admiral, what is your opinion of having siege weapons aboard your warship?” She asked calmly.

Iron Keel threw a glare at Big Shot before answering. “While Admiral Big Shot presents several valid points, and ordinarily I would not have weapons of such size and strength aboard my vessel, our enemy's capabilities for receiving and dealing damage far outmatch any of our ships. In order to deal with the pirate vessel which has taken the Elements hostage, in my opinion, these siege ballistas are exactly what we need, and I am confident in the abilities of my crew to operate such weapons effectively.”

Celestia's smile twitched upwards for a moment, however that small movement sent Iron Keel's heart skyrocketing with pride. The alicorn nodded in affirmation of Iron Keel's explanation and turned back to Big Shot.

“I am in agreement with Admiral Iron Keel. The siege ballistas are the only weapon in the fleet that stand a chance of damaging the pirate ship. Admiral Big Shot, you are to gather the Northern Fleet and make ready to lead the assault on the harbor of Tortoise Island. Central Fleet under the command of Admiral Iron Keel will follow in behind. The ships from Southern Fleet that have joined us will remain under the command of Captain Strong Winds and act as a net to catch any pirate ships that managed to make it past our assault force. Princess Twilight and the rest of the Bearers may have been moved and I do not want a single ship to escape that harbor, understand?”

Iron Keel and Big Shot both saluted.

“Yes, your majesty.” They said simultaneously.

“Very well. Admiral Big Shot, you will return to your ship, we will begin the attack one hour before sun down is scheduled.” Celestia ordered.

“I will convey your orders to my captains, and we will be ready at the appointed time.” Big Shot bowed and then turned to Iron Keel. “Do try to keep up when we take the harbor. I would hate to capture the port by myself.” He sneered.

Iron Keel merely smirked. “When the Marblehead runs over your flagship, shall I stop to pick you up or leave you to tread water as I continue the chase?”

Big Shot silently fumed at Iron Keel's comment but obediently moved to the stairs in order to depart the dreadnought.

“Smoke off the starboard!” Came the call. “There's a ship burning in the distance!”

Big Shot rolled his eyes. They were in pirate waters, what was the lookout expecting?

However, the lookout's tone changed from confident to panicked in a single moment. “Marblehead sighted!” She screamed. “She's coming straight for us!”

In an instant, the ships from Central Fleet were swarming with sail ponies preparing for combat. Sails were lowered and pegasi began to stir the wind, ballistas were being loaded and spell casters began to line the rails of the ships.

“Admiral!” Celestia stomped up behind him. “Get to your ship and have Northern Fleet get underway, intercept that ship!”

Big Shot was flabbergasted. All this for one ship? He had been expecting to finally rid the world of the pirates on Tortoise Island, not chase down one single ship, but he knew better to argue when Celestia gave him an order and saluted her.

“Yes, your highness.” He said before turning away and racing towards his personal longboat. Perhaps if he was able to take down the Marblehead quickly enough, Celestia allow him to still conduct the raid on Tortoise Island. Big Shot grinned, he would show them how a real admiral handled pirates.

Twilight steeled herself, ready for anything. The coming battle would be tough, but Storm Stalker had said Twilight was the only who could handle it. Twilight wasn't sure though, she didn't like how badly the odds were against her.

Still, she had promised Storm to help, and without wasting another second she knocked on the door to the captain's cabin.

“Go'way.” Came the sullen reply.

“Captain Trade Breaker, it's me; Twilight Sparkle.” She called out. “May I come in?”

When no answer was forthcoming, Twilight slowly opened the door. Trade Breaker was sitting at the desk, his hat lying on the bed. He was holding something with his forelegs, but with his back turned to her, Twilight wasn't sure what it was.

“Captain Trade Breaker, I was wondering if I could talk to you?” Twilight asked cautiously.

Still no reply.

Slowly, Twilight put a hoof on his shoulder. “Captain?”

“I'm not a captain.” Trade Breaker said quietly. “Never was, never will be.”

Twilight let out a small sigh. “If you aren't the captain, then who's been leading the crew this whole time?”

“Storm, most likely.” He said slowly. “She's always been the one who should be in charge, she just let me play at bein' captain fer while.”

“You know that isn't true.” Twilight said firmly. “The crew has been following your orders from the beginning, not Storm Stalker's, or Big Sail, or any other pony aboard this ship.”

Trade Breaker let out a bitter chuckle. “Ye saw what they just did, gathered themselves up fer a mutiny an' told me what to do.”

“If that was a mutiny, then I'm Princess Celestia.” Twilight said. “Captain, this crew respects you more than you realize! They want you to be their captain! For Celestia's sake, they just sunk their only chance of leaving you!”

Trade Breaker was silent, his head down low. Finally, he turned towards her, a compass held in his hoof, it's dial spinning wildly.

“This was me father's compass.” He said. “It kep' his course steady for fifty years, and fer any other captain, it would keep their course steady as well. Take it.”

“What?” Twilight asked as Trade Breaker held the compass out to her.

“Take it from me hoof.” He ordered.

Twilight hesitantly took the compass and looked at it. Trade Breaker stared at it for a few moments before he turned around and faced his desk. As soon as his eyes left the compass, the needle stopped spinning wildly and settled on true north.

“Bad fortune follows me like me own shadow, not always visible, but ready to trip me up at a moment's notice.” Trade Breaker said, his voice betraying the sorrow he tried to hide. “I need to get the crew away from me a'fore I hurt them even more. . . A'fore I hurt. . . Storm.”

Twilight looked down at the compass, then back at Trade Breaker. Setting her jaw, she slammed the compass onto the desk, careful not to use her alicorn strength when doing so.

“You've already hurt her.” She said. “Her and the entire crew, did you ever stop to consider what you mean to them? They're your crew, and you're their captain! They think that you're trying to abandon them, and frankly so do I! So what if you have a curse? You don't have a crew, Captain Trade Breaker, you have friends; strong and loyal friends who are willing to help you through any hardship and trial put before you, but only if you let them! The crew needs you, all of us do! So stop trying to push us away!”

Twilight turned and walked out, slamming the door behind her. As soon as the she made sure it had latched, the lavender alicorn leaned against the wall and let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding.

“How'd I do?” She asked the large unicorn standing in front of her.

Big Sail smiled at her. “Couldn't have said it better myself.”

“You don't think I was too harsh?” Twilight said nervously.

“No, sometimes all of us need a bit of tough love every now and then.” Big Sail shrugged. “If it didn't set him straight, it at least turned him a bit more in the right direction.”

The sound of the horn blaring from several decks above startled Twilight.

“What was that?” She asked.

“Trouble.” Big Sail answered.

Celestia watched as the armada spread out, the Northern Fleet on one to the north and the Central Fleet to the south, in the middle steamed the dreadnought. Like a pincer, the ends of both fleets rushed ahead, cutting off the Marblehead's escape while the dreadnought would close in for the kill. Below on the bow, several ponies struggled to load the giant ballistas, with a dozen earth ponies loading the explosive-tipped bolts into the tray while ten unicorns used their magic to draw the three ropes back per ballista.

Hundreds of pegasi filled the sky, circling the fleet, diving in between ships, and sometimes carrying messages to and from the outer ships to the flagships. Each ship glowed as unicorn casters readied their spells while earth ponies loaded the anti-ship ballistas. The power of the fleet seemed to dim the very air.

And the Marblehead approached, unafraid.

Celestia took a deep breath to steady her nerves. The ship was just a ship, and if she could incapacitate the crew, she could rescue Twilight and her friends. It was simply a matter of piercing the ship's hull, and then it would be over.

The sun vanished behind a cloud.

Twilight stood with her five friends in the wheelhouse as they watched the oncoming fleet spread out to entrap the Marblehead.

“That's a lot of ships.” Rainbow Dash remarked.

“Should we do something?” Rarity asked.

Storm Stalker's expression was blank as she stared out the windows, but she spoke with a cold tone. “We hol' position. Big Sail, Ah wan' Zabramn on the guns, tell 'im that if'n one o' those ships even looks a' us funny tae open fire.”

“Belay those orders!” A familiar voice demanded.

Trade Breaker stepped into the wheelhouse, his captain's hat seated firmly on his head. He stepped past the crew and up next to Storm Stalker, his eyes trained on the fleet out in front of the ship.

“Cap'n.” Storm acknowledged, her tone unchanged.

“Storm.” Trade Breaker said just as coldly.

“Orders?” She asked.

“Slow to one half an' run up a white flag.” He said.

There was a pause as all those in the room waited breathlessly.

“Well?” Storm barked, turning on the crew. “Yew 'eard 'im! Run up the white flag!”

“Aye ma'am!” Came the reply as several of her crew hurriedly exited the wheelhouse in an effort to find a white flag.

“Miss Twilight.” Trade Breaker said above the noise. “I would be obliged if'n ye would make yerselves known to the fleet an' step out on deck.”

“Yes, of course!” Twilight said, ushering the rest of her friends out the door.

Rarity looked over her shoulder at the two pegasi by the windows.

“Twilight, is there something going on between those two?” She asked once Twilight had closed the door behind them.

“Storm Stalker confessed her love to Trade Breaker and he still tried to send them away.” Twilight explained. “I think she feels a little jilted.”

“EEEH!” Rarity gasped in delight. “How romantic! The first mate falling for the captain only for his sense of duty to get in the way! I'm going to have to write this down in my journal!”

“Rarity, that's not really—wait, did you say you have your journal with you?” Twilight asked.

Pinkie Pie pulled a jewel covered book out of her mane. “Silly Twilight! I have it! Rarity's been taking the time to record the entire trip!”

Twilight's grin nearly went all the way to her ears. “So you've been taking down notes on all the crew's stories and keeping a record of all of our activities?”

“Um. . .” Rarity grimaced. “You could say that.”

“She's been designing a new line of clothes inspired by our trip.” Applejack said.

Twilight's grin faded. “That's it? That's all you've been doing the entire time we were here?”

“Well, in my defense-” Rarity sputtered.

“You know Twilight, if needed something to write with, you could've just asked me!” Pinkie said, happily bouncing down the corridor. “I've got loads of writing materials on hoof!”

Twilight's eye twitched.

“Are you guys coming or not!” Rainbow Dash yelled from the doorway at the end of the hall.

“On our way!” Rarity called, happy to get away from a very grumpy Twilight.

Slowly, Twilight followed her friends, muttering about how useless friends were the entire time.

“Range, fifteen-thousand and closing fast!” The sailpony yelled to the ballista crews as they trained their weapons on the incoming ship.

Celestia stood with Iron Keel on the top deck of the dreadnought observing everything.

“Inform your crews to aim for the forward superstructure.” She ordered. “I believe that's where the ship's controls will be.”

“Aye-aye, Princess.” Iron Keel said before relaying the instructions to the crew down below.

As he did this, Celestia raised her spyglass to her eye and looked over the metal ship as it impudently sailed right into the middle of the fleet. Suddenly something caught her eye and she gasped in surprise. Emerging from one of the doors was Twilight and the Element Bearers. Iron Keel saw it too.

“Is that Princess Twilight?” He asked.

Celestia strained her eyes as she studied every minute detail of the six ponies in her telescope.

“Twilight?” She breathed silently before her excitement caught up to her. “She's free!”

“Admiral Big Shot, our crews report that the strange ship is in range!” The captain of Big Shot's flagship announced.

“Excellent! Let's show these pirates who the true rulers of the seas are!” Big Shot said. “Fire!”

“But Admiral-” The captain said. “We haven't received orders to!”

“You just got them!” Big Shot snapped in anger. “Fire immediately!”

“Aye sir!”

Author's Note:

I can’t help but feel as though this final confrontation was inevitable. Feedback is always appreciated.