• Published 11th Feb 2017
  • 1,544 Views, 67 Comments

Sea of Misfits - M48 Patton

Princess Twilight and her friends are sent to deal with some pirates. What they find is a ship from another dimension crewed by an unexpected cast.

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Chapter 27

Twilight stepped out onto the deck, breathing in the fresh air.

“Woowhee!” Applejack gave a low whistle. “There's even more ships than Ah thought was out here!”

“Oh my.” Fluttershy could be heard mumbling. “I wish they weren't all here to fight.”

“Don't worry Fluttershy.” Twilight smiled. “As soon as Celestia sees that white flag and that we're all safe, there will be nothing to-”

“LOOK OUT!” A pink blur yelled as it tackled Twilight to the deck.

With a splintering crack, the wooden bolt from a ballista smashed into the cannon box, very nearly taking Pinkie's tail with it.

“What the-” Applejack started before Rainbow Dash threw her to the deck just in time to avoid a magical beam that bounced off the structure behind them.

“INCOMING!” Pinkie Pie yelled as the entire northern half of the fleet suddenly lit up with magical attacks. Rarity reacted quickly and raised a shield over her friends, but it failed after the first three magic bolts struck it. However, the brief pause had given Twilight time to recover from the deck and she raised a more powerful shield that withered the first barrage with ease.

Even Twilight had her limit though, and she felt her shield failing within seconds as hundreds of magical attacks slammed into it. Cracks began to make their way across the barrier, but help arrived in the form of the cannon box on the bow. With a squeak, the large structure turned to offer cover from the majority of the fleet's attack and let Twilight rest.

“GETTINSIDE!” Screamed Storm Stalker from the upper deck.

Twilight and her friends wasted no time in following her orders and made a mad dash to the still open doorway. A stray fire orb shot past Rainbow Dash's head as she entered and bounced off several walls before sputtering out. Applejack slammed the door shut before any more attacks could get inside.

“Twi, we got to do somethin'!” The farm pony yelled above the din of ballistas and unicorn magic.

Twilight lit her horn and poured power into the spell she conjured, but it fizzled out.

“Ugh!” Twilight frowned. “The ship is blocking my spell! I can't contact Celestia!”

“I can't make it out of here with my wing in a cast, otherwise I'd fly right up to the flagship!” Rainbow Dash said angrily.

“You'd never make it past the unicorns!” Twilight countered. “From the way they took down my shield, they're adept at combat magic. We have to trust that Captain Trade Breaker will figure a way out to stop the fighting.”

As she finished, the sound of the ship's horn blared above the noise of the battle and the deck tilted beneath their hooves.

“I hope he figures something out soon.” Rarity said nervously.

“Bring 'er about!” Trade Breaker ordered.

Big Sail sounded the horn while Storm Stalker threw the wheel hard to port. The ship responded smartly, slicing the waves and bringing the bow towards the northern section of the Equestrian fleet.

“They're trying to cut us off.” Big Sail warned.

A royal frigate had broken away from the battle line and was tacking into the wind to try and stop the Marblehead from running away.

“Storm, take 'er stern an' steer fer the gap!” The captain barked.

“Aye sir!” Storm yelled, her hooves gripping the wheel and her smile matching the fury of the attacking fleet.

Big Shot watched in amazement as the strange ship absorbed every attack thrown at it. With a thundering crash, a powerful magic bolt slammed into the bow of his flagship followed by another tearing the main mast apart like a matchstick.

More magical ricochets from the ship smashed into the pride of the fleet, setting the sails on fire and sending part of the deck flying into the night.

“Admiral!” The captain called in a panic. “Their ship is tearing us apart! We need to retreat!”

“Belay that cowardly drivel!” Big Shot yelled. “We have them trapped!”

The captain looked to see the strange ship turn its bow towards the Northern Fleet.

“They're not the ones that are trapped.” He said fearfully.

Celestia had been about to fly to the metal ship when the first shots had been fired, ricocheting off the pirate ship and back into the fleet. Before she could order a cease fire, the rest of Northern Fleet had erupted with magic and ballista attacks. When Northern fleet opened up, Central Fleet was quick to join in and within moments, the space in between the two fleets was filled with enough magic to move the sun with a forest of ballista bolts immediately following.

Only Celestia's quick reflexes saved the dreadnought from being overwhelmed by the magic that bounced off the pirate ship, her golden shield placed protectively in front.

“CEASE FIRE!” Celestia bellowed for the third time, her voice shaking the ship down to its keel. She was sorely tempted to drop the shield and start sinking her own ships if they didn't stop soon.

A pair of sail ponies began to raise the signal flags ordering the fleet to cease fire while another tried to use a flashing lamp. Iron Keel ignored both and rushed to the after part of the deck where a set of mortar tubes sat facing the sky. Opening a chest near the mortars, he selected three flares and dropped them into the tubes.

Three red fireworks burst into the evening sky; the order for all ships to immediately cease fire and pull back. Moments later, almost all of Central Fleet stopped firing and their ships heeled to one side as their course changed. However, Northern Fleet had either missed the signal or ignored it as they continued their futile efforts to sink the pirate ship.

When Central Fleet ceased its attack, Celestia felt the magic ricochets hammering on her shield peter out. She dropped the shield and took to the sky, rocketing past the majority of the fleet. Stopping in the very middle of the attack formation, the alicorn summoned her power and directed into her throat.

“ALL SHIPS ARE TO CEASE FIRE IMMEDIATELY AND RETIRE!” Her voice caused a shockwave to ripple outwards.

Northern Fleet followed orders this time, the magic attacks and ballista bolts stopping and the ships turning around.

“IRON KEEL! REPORT TO ME NOW!” Celestia ordered once she saw that there were no more ships pursuing the pirate vessel.

“Princess Celestia!” A familiar voice called, filling Celestia with joy.

She turned and saw Twilight flying towards her, a mere purple dot in the night. Twilight had no time to react as Celestia virtually disappeared and reappeared in front of her, the only telltale movement being the trail of white, cyan, magenta and sky blue trying to catch up with her.

Celestia wrapped her former student in a tight hug, not too tight as to crush her, but tight enough to ensure that Twilight could only move if Celestia let her.

“Twilight, thank the maker you're safe!” Celestia sighed in relief.

The little alicorn return the hug. “I'm so glad to see you again! I have so much to tell you!”

Celestia let out a small chuckle. “And I can't wait for your power point presentation of the story.”

Twilight poked her former teacher. “Just for that, I'm including a quiz at the end.”

Celestia released Twilight and performed a cursory scan. She had a few strained muscles and her magical reserves were quite low, but nothing else was wrong. Satisfied, Celestia looked down at the pirate ship which was turning back around to face the fleet.

“I assume that you made a few friends along the journey?” She asked.

Twilight's grin grew. “Lots of them! Come on! I'll introduce you!”

Together, the two alicorns flew down to the ship and alighted on the very bow. Celestia noted with some concern that the large box like structure with two cannon barrels out the front of it had turned to point at her when she landed. Twilight wasn't bothered by it though, the lavender alicorn just sauntered past the cannons and stopped just in front of the large superstructure.

Celestia followed, observing the cannon wielding box carefully as she passed it. As soon as she was near Twilight, she heard the box moving again and spied it pointing at the back of her head. Further observations of the offending cannons were cut short as the door in front of them opened up and the five Element Bearers stepped out. Using a scanning spell, Celestia found that Rainbow Dash had a broken wing and Rarity had a sprained leg, but apart from that they were perfectly healthy.

“Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash. I cannot tell you how happy I am to see you all well. May I ask how you received your wounds?” Celestia asked.

Rainbow Dash looked at her wing with a frown. “Some slimeball stuck us in a cage and then dropped us off a cliff.”

Celestia breathed in sharply. “Who did this?” She asked, fury lacing her tone.

“Some minotaur named Longhorn.” Applejack said, adjusting her stetson. “If Trade Breaker hadn't come for us, we'd still be there and you'd be trying to take Tortoise Island looking for us.”

Twilight nodded. “I'm afraid it's true, a pirate named Longhorn tried to trick you into wiping out his competition.”

Celestia's expression was neutral, but on the inside she was devising several new torture weapons designed for minotaurs.

“It appears that once again, you have saved not only the lives of Equestrians, but also the lives of the pirates of Tortoise Island.” Celestia said, bowing to the six ponies.

“Don't thank us, your majesty.” Applejack interjected. “The real heroes are-”

With a loud Clang the door slammed open and a blue pegasus mare stepped out followed by a large unicorn stallion.

“Pardon the in'neruption, yewr royal, bu' can we get a move on?” The pegasus mare said with a heavy accent. She looked past the seven mares. “Zabramn! Poin' those blasted cannons somewhere'else!”

The cannons mercifully turned away from Celestia's head.

“Cap'n Storm Stalker, at'yewr service.” The blue mare said while offering her hoof to Celestia.

Celestia took her hoof, looking down at the crossbow strapped across it.

“Have me met?” She asked.

“Aye!” Storm Stalker said. “Yew were tryin' tae sink us, so Ah shot yew full o' poison. Mah apologies, bu' we were innae bit o' a rush.”

Celestia smiled. “Apology accepted.”

Storm Stalker winced as Celestia withdrew her hoof. The pegasus mare gingerly set her hoof back down on the deck, careful to not aggravate the swelling.

“That crossbow bolt you shot me with, was it-” Celestia started.

“Aye, apart o' the ship.” Storm finished. “Magic proof, ev'ry inch o' it.”

Celestia looked over what she could see of the ship and lit a small spell. Her magic formed over one of the chain railings, but slipped through it without even moving a single link.

“In my thousand year reign, I have been exposed to every type of metal and alloy available.” She stated. “There have been elements that have been magic resistant, even some that were said to be magic proof. I was able to overpower all of them. Captain Storm Stalker, what in my name is this ship made of?”

Storm shrugged. “Ah'd tell yew if'n we knew.”

Celestia frowned. “You're kidding me right?”

Storm's expression told Celestia she wasn't kidding.

“Son of a-”


Twilight jumped when the Marblehead's horn sounded, but she saw why it had been blown when the masts of the Equestrian dreadnought pulled up alongside the pirate ship. A grapple flew up on deck followed by four sailponies. They fanned out aggressively before a stallion wearing an ornate admiral's jacket climbed aboard. He looked around in awe but immediately stepped forward and bowed to Celestia.

“Princess Celestia-” He started.

“Ah don' remember given yew permission tae boar' mah ship!” Storm Stalker said angrily.

The stallion looked to Celestia in confusion, but she just motioned with her head to follow Storm's instructions.

“Um, permission to come aboard?” He asked hesitantly.

Storm eyed him coldly. “Yew maye, but get those worthless sacks o' fur off mah deck!” She pointed at the four sailponies who were right behind the admiral.

He looked back and nodded at the crew who took the hint and climbed back over the railing and on to the dreadnought below.

“Admiral Iron Keel, who opened fire without my permission?” Celestia demanded.

“Admiral Big Shot gave the orders.” Iron Keel answered.

“And where is he now?” She asked coldly.

The admiral chuckled. “He's aboard the dreadnought. We picked him up on our way here. His flagship was blown out from under him by friendly fire.”

Celestia allowed herself a small smile. “And the fleet?”

Iron Keel frowned. “Twelve ships sunk to friendly fire, seventeen more are so heavily damaged they may as well be sunk, all ships received light damage. We have several wounded, but none dead.”

Celestia thanked him and turned back to Storm Stalker. “I've heard that you saved Twilight and her friends from a pirate named Longhorn. What became of him?”

“Aye, he be trapped innae volcano west o' here. Yewr gonna need an army tae take 'is crew down.” Storm said.

Celestia smiled. “Admiral, dispatch Northern Fleet under the command of Captain Strong Winds to the volcano when we are finished here.”

“Yes, your highness.”

Twilight kept one ear on the conversation between Celestia and Storm, but sidled up to Big Sail and whispered to him.

“Where's Trade Breaker?” She asked.

“Miss Storm felt it best that she be the one to address the princess. She wanted to make sure that the Marblehead stays a pirate ship and also keep Trade Breaker's identity a secret.” Big Sail explained in a hushed whisper.

“That makes sense.” Twilight nodded. “Trade Breaker agreed?”

“He didn't have a choice. Miss Storm knocked him in the head as soon as his back was turned.” Big Sail grimaced. “I think she's still mad at him.”

Twilight shuddered. “She scares me.”

“Aye, me too.”

Twilight turned her attention back to the main conversation.

“I will not hold you responsible for the destruction of the ships, but I must ask that you cease any and all attacks against merchants.” Celestia said.

“Aye, Ah can agree tae those terms on won condition.” Storm answered.

“And that is?”

Storm took a deep breath as if she was steeling herself for a battle. “Won o' me crew was severely injured. Ah woul' be indebted tae yew if'n yew'd take him tae 'Questria an' treat 'im there.”

Celestia nodded. “I will give him the finest medical treatment available.”

Storm smiled, a small genuine smile of gratitude. “Thank yew, yewr highness. Be there anythin' else yew be wantin' tae conversate?”

Celestia looked over the ship. “Yes, however I have a feeling you probably don't know the answers to my questions.”

Storm laughed. “Aye, yew're right there. Well, wit' yewr permission, Ah'll fetch me injured mate an' transfer 'im o'er tae yer ship, then we be on our way.”

The Princess of Equestria bowed her head slightly and offered her hoof. “Very well, I trust you will honor the terms of our agreement?”

Storm looked at the hoof. “Yew be fergivin me fer not taken yer hoof, bu' Ah'd rather keep me bones in one piece.”

Celestia rolled her eyes. “I promise no harm will come to you.”

The pegasus took the hoof and lightly shook it. “Farewell Princess, may yewr sails be filled wit' wind an' yer rudder true.”

“And may your journey be peaceful as well.” Celestia answered.

“Now,” Storm said turning to Twilight, “get off mah ship!”

Twilight smiled and moved towards her, a hoof outstretched. “Storm, I'm going to miss-”

The first mate shot into the air and disappeared into the wheelhouse. The horn blared its obnoxious tone and the ship began to rumble, signaling the engines were starting.

“I suggest getting to your ship, Storm's liable to take off with you still on board.” Big Sail said.

As the others moved to the side of the ship to disembark, Twilight hugged the large unicorn and pecked him on the cheek.

“Tell everypony that I'll never forget them and to visit me some time.” She said before running to the railing and jumping off, gliding down to the ship below.

Big Sail stood for a moment, his cheeks growing red. Slowly, he touched a hoof to where Twilight had kissed him.

“Bye.” He said with a small smile.

Silent Hooves watched from the deck of the dreadnought as his home pulled away into the night. Celestia stood beside him, her mane and tail flowing in the wind.

“Your injuries are severe, but rest assured that I will have the best medical staff attending to you when we reach Equestria.” She said.

“Thank ye, yer majesty.” Silent Hooves said quietly. He reached into the satchel on the ground by his medical cot.

“By the way, a pair of the crew said this was fer ye.” Hooves said, pulling out a silver tiara with a crescent moon on it.

Celestia looked at it, her eyes widening. “Those two little-”

HNNNNK! The Marblehead sounded one last goodbye before vanishing into the darkness.

Author's Note:

Feedback is always appreciated.