• Published 11th Feb 2017
  • 1,544 Views, 67 Comments

Sea of Misfits - M48 Patton

Princess Twilight and her friends are sent to deal with some pirates. What they find is a ship from another dimension crewed by an unexpected cast.

  • ...

Chapter 17

Pain. Silent Hooves's world consisted of pain. As he screamed out at the receding shape of the Bloodhound, he felt himself begin to sink. His broken wings were becoming waterlogged and weighing him down, and his two front legs flopped about useless, their only purpose was to inflict more pain than he had ever felt.

He screamed out again, sea water filling his mouth. Spitting out the water, he screamed again. It wasn't so much out of pain but anguish.

Hooves felt cheated in a cruel so of way. As a pirate, he knew that the end may come at any time, but he had always figured it would be with his shipmates, fighting a desperate battle. Instead, he had been ambushed in the night and thrown overboard by a maniac.

The thought saddened him, that he was not going to be remembered as the brave and bold pirate but the broken and pitiful ragdoll. Dolls, Hooves had wanted to get his daughter a doll before he left, but never did.

That hurt the most, the knowledge he was never going to meet his own daughter. With one last desperate scream, Hooves began to flail helplessly in the sea, trying to use his back legs to propel himself back towards Bugganville.

Where was Bugganville? He couldn't see it above the wave tops. The sun rose in the east, but what had the Bloodhound's course been?

Panic surged through him once again. Hooves was going to see his daughter if it killed him. The ocean mocked his efforts as another wave plunged down on his head.

Something brushed his leg. Sharks? Was this it? Was he going to be dragged under by the predators of the deep?

A splashed surfaced from directly behind him as something wrapped around his barrel. Hooves cried out as he struggled with all of his might as pain shot through his broken limbs.

“Mister Hooves! Calm down! It's me!”

Why did that voice sound so familiar? Silent Hooves ceased his thrashing as his mind raced.

“Four Eyes?” He hissed through gritted teeth.

“Aye!” The seapony affirmed. “I've been following the Bloodhound, but when I heard you screaming, I came as fast as I could.”

Hooves yelped in pain as his wings were pushed the wrong way.

“Sorry!” Four Eyes apologized. “Where are you hurt?”

“My wings, an' my legs. Longhorn broke them before throwin' me overboard.” Hooves said, blinking back his tears. Then a thought occurred to him.

“Hold on a tic, how can you see?” He asked.

Four Eyes slowly brought his head around to where Silent Hooves could see a strap holding the spectacles securely in place.

“Miss Rarity made this for me.” He explained. “So I wouldn't always lose my glasses.”

Hooves let out a short laugh before yelling at the feeling of his hoof going in a direction it was never meant to go.

Four Eyes instantly lifted him out of the water slightly so that the swell had less of an effect on the broken limbs.

“Don't worry Mister Hooves.” He said. “I'll get you back to the Marblehead soon. I just need you to hold on, and take a deep breath.”

The gentle thrum of four massive screws underneath Trade Breaker's hooves slowly erased the morning's events from his mind. Standing in the chartroom looking over the map, he plotted his next move as he analyzed Longhorn's strategy.

“Cap'n, we're roundin' the tip o' Bugganville now.” Storm informed him as she stepped through the door. “Do yew 'ave a headin'?”

“Aye, set a course fer Tortoise Island.” Trade Breaker said.

Storm Stalker relayed the instructions to Big Sail who was at the helm before joining her captain at the chart table.

“Yew figure Longhorn'll try tae hide there?” She asked.

“No, but he'll be 'round this area somewheres.” Breaker replied, pointing to the map.

“What makes yew say that?” Storm inquired.

“I've been considerin' what Longhorn's plans be, and what he's goin' to do next.” Breaker explained.

Storm thought about it for a while. “Ah suppose he'll try tae get in contact wit' Equestria tae ransom those mares off.”

Breaker shook his head. “Storm, ye're way off. Stop thinkin' like a pirate an' start thinkin' wit' a little bit o' strategy.”

“What do yew mean?”

Breaker continued staring at the charts. “Suppose Celestia had taken the Marblehead. Suppose that she foun' out there were no prisoners. Suppose we told her that Longhorn had taken them. What do ye think she'd do?”

Storm considered this for a second before offering her opinion. “Ah suppose she'd take after the Bloodhound.”

Bloodhound's last course was seen headin' fer Tortoise Island.” Breaker said. “So what can she assume?”

“Longhorn woul' be 'eadin' for Tortoise Island.” Storm said.

“Aye.” Breaker nodded. “An' so will she.”

Storm Stalker's eyes widened. “There's at least seventy ships in that harbor right now!”

“Aye, an' the minute that Equestrian fleet shows up, the pirates will scatter. Celestia will be forced to split her fleet in order to hunt those ships down.” Breaker said grimly. “Meanwhile, Longhorn waits in the shadows while these two forces destroy each other. Celestia will win, eventually, but imagine the cost to both sides.”

Storm shook her head. “But why?”

“Storm, what be more ideal huntin' conditions?” Breaker asked. “Wit' both the Equestrian Navy an' the pirates in shambles, Longhorn will have free reign o' the seas.”

The mare was startled at the revelation. “The Bloodhound t'woul' be the new Marblehead.”

Her captain nodded again. “Aye, an' he can still ransom off the Elements o' Harmony to a much weaker Equestrian empire.”

Storm growled as she slammed her hoof down on the table. “That low-down schemin' two-legged son-of-a-barnacle!”

Trade Breaker shrugged and turned to walk out of the chart room.

“Or maybe I'm over estimatin' Longhorn an' he'll jus' ransom those mares off a'fore anypony gets hurt.” He said as he walked through the door.

Storm frowned as she followed her captain. “Ah'm sorry tae say this Cap'n but wit' yew're luck, that won' be happenin'.”

Trade Breaker stiffened slightly and Storm instantly regretted opening her mouth, but the captain said nothing and merely continued on. The wheelhouse was occupied by Big Sail and Night Watch as they scanned the horizon for any sign of the Bloodhound.

“Don't bother lookin' fer Longhorn's ship.” Trade Breaker ordered as he entered. “He be ridin' out the storm in that thunderhead. If'n I'm correct in my guess work, he's already halfway to Tortoise Island.”

“You think Silent Hooves is still alive?” Big Sail asked.

Storm set her jaw for a moment before answering. “Not if'n Longhorn doesnae have a use fer him, no.”

Trade Breaker sighed as he looked out the windows.

“From what ye've told me of that minotaur, that sounds like a fair assessment.” He remarked. “Ye know him well, did ye ever meet?”

“Aye.” Storm Stalker nodded. “A long tim' ago. Ah was learnin' how tae defend mahself wit' only mah hooves, an' he challenged me tae a match. Ah might've whooped on him in fron' o' his fadder.”

Trade Breaker let out a small whistle. “I can see him holdin' a bit offa grudge.”

Storm nodded and was about to say something else when one of Storm's crew burst into the wheelhouse.

“Cap'n!” He yelled. “Four Eyes is back, an' he got Silent Hooves wit' him!”

The gray pegasus soaked to the bone and shivering uncontrollably as Sun Flowers looked after him. She was currently splinting his broken limbs when Storm Stalker and Trade Breaker arrived.

“Hooves!” Storm shouted. “Ah never been so glad tae see yewr sorry hide!”

Sun Flowers stopped Storm from getting any closer with her hoof.

“Don't touch him.” She ordered. “Both his forelegs are broken and so are his wings. I've mended them as best as possible, but they're still fragile and the slightest movement could cause even more damage. Although, after that trip through the ocean I don't think that they'll ever heal correctly.”

Storm nodded and held her distance, looking over at the pegasus.

“How do yew feel?” She asked.

“Better than ever, Ma'am.” Hooves gasped.

Storm nodded. “Yew do as Missus Flowers says an' rest, or else Ah'll have yew scrubbin' the deck.”

“Aye Ma'am.” He nodded, his eyes starting to close.

She turned away and walked back to where Trade Breaker and Four Eyes were talking.

“I'm not sure.” The seapony said. “They could have been heading for Tortoise Island, but there are a few other places you can get to by that route.”

Trade Breaker nodded. “Aye, but I need to know. Do ye think ye can catch 'em?”

Four Eyes nodded. “It will be tough, but I figure if I use the currents, I can get there as soon as they do.”

“Ye have to.” The captain said. “The lives of hundreds o' ponies depend on it.”

Four Eyes gulped, but nodded again. “Alright, I'll be there in seven hours.”

“Perfect.” Breaker said. “Once yer there, find out where the Bloodhound be bound and report back to us. I'll be waiting on the north west side of the island.”

Four Eyes saluted before flopping off to the side of the ship.

“An' be careful!” Breaker ordered as the seapony jumped over the side.

Storm watched him go before turning to the captain.

“Sir, Ah can unnerstan' yew havin' a bit o' worry fer those mares, but think o' the crew.” She said quietly. “We've naught but twenty fightin' ponies about us, while Longhorn holds at least fives times that. We cannae board that ship, an' if'n Longhorn goes tae land, we couldnae follow him.”

Trade Breaker looked at her. “So what do ye suggest? Ram the Bloodhound an' hope we don't run over the prisoners while we're at it?”

Storm frowned. “Cap'n, Ah'm sayin' we 'ave Silent Hooves back, an' we owe those mares nothin'. We shoul' jus' pick Four Eyes up an' go.”

Her captain simply turned around and walked off.

“Storm, if'n ye've known me a day, ye know one thing about me.” He called over his shoulder. “I maybe a fool, but only a fool would throw his life away fer the sake of another.”

Storm hung her head, gritting her teeth.

“Ah know!” She whispered. “But yew're my fool!”

Author's Note:

I need to go to bed. Feedback is always appreciated.