• Published 11th Feb 2017
  • 1,544 Views, 67 Comments

Sea of Misfits - M48 Patton

Princess Twilight and her friends are sent to deal with some pirates. What they find is a ship from another dimension crewed by an unexpected cast.

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Chapter 7

The storm came up violently, ripping through the ocean like a bull trying to run down a flower. Ships tossed about like corks in a tub, sails ripped as though they were made of paper, harbors flooded and piers turned into matchsticks.

Battling through the very eye of the storm, a metal behemoth crashed through wave after wave, climbing the mountainous seas and cresting each top with a shudder before falling into the valleys in between. The bow slammed into the water, disappearing to those standing in the wheelhouse before rising out again in defiance of the sea. Rain pelted the decks with an unforgiving fury while lightning found purchase on the tall mast multiple times.

Safely below decks, Twilight strained at her inhibitor ring. The smoldering piece of metal refused to give up its grasp on her horn, holding tight with a stubbornness that rivaled Twilight's. Her shield spell pushed against the ring, blocking the electrical charge that threatened to fry her horn.

Finally, she felt it give little by little, and slowly the ring began it's meltdown until finally it fell from her horn. In an instant, Twilight felt power flowing through her veins, her magic was back in full force. She gave a triumphant laugh that attracted the attention of her friends.

“Twi!” Applejack quietly called. “Did you get it?”

“Yes!” She exclaimed. “I got it! Stand back girls, I'm going to rip us out of here!”

Her horn glowed with power and she focused on the bars of her cell. Nothing.

“What?” She said, stunned.

“Twilight!” Rarity whispered. “They said the ship was magic proof!”

“I know, but I thought they were bluffing!” Twilight explained. She sat down, contemplating her next move. Idly, she began to play with the now ruined inhibitor ring with her magic. With a start, she paused to look at the ring while a smile grew on her face.

“Rarity! Take cover!” She called, the ring beginning to orbit her.

Rarity took one look at what Twilight was doing and dove to the far side of the cell, hiding behind the cot. The ring circled around Twilight until it became a blur, then Twilight released it right at the lock of the door. It crashed through the box that contained the tumblers and out the other side, hitting the far wall with a clang. The door to Twilight's cell eased open.

The door at the end of the passageway flew open and the burly unicorn stepped in.

“What's going on here?” He yelled before spying the open cell.

The stallion yelped and turned to try to run, but he was suddenly caught up in Twilight's magic.

“Prisoners escapin'!” He hollered before Twilight's magic closed around his muzzle.

There was a clatter of trays from the passageway beyond the door and another pirate began screaming out the news. Twilight worked quickly, breaking open each of her friends' cell before tossing the unicorn inside one of them, his legs bound by Applejack's bed sheets.

“Come on!” She said, hurrying out of the doorway.

The ship was rocking violently, making even walking a chore of its own. One moment, the deck was slanted to one side and pitching down and the next it was thrown to the other side and the girls were climbing. The doors were all resistant to Twilight and Rarity's magic and had to be opened by hoof instead, and Twilight tried to teleport out of the ship but all she managed to do was smack her head on the ceiling.

The inside of the ship was practically a maze of corridors, rooms and pipes, and all of it reflected magic. It was close quarters, perfect for an ambush. Twilight decided that their best chance of escape would be on the deck of the ship where Twilight and Rarity could use their magic freely while Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash could take to the air.

Climbing a ladder that was all but impossible for a normal pony to make their way up, Twilight unscrewed the hatch and pushed it open. Rain poured down on her from above while sea water splashed into the hatch. Still, she climbed out of it and onto the deck.

The sight of the mountainous seas took her breath away, and she was stunned to see that the ship was actually climbing one of the giant waves. Lightning flashed all around her, illuminating the ship's features. Two metal structures, one forward and one aft of her seemed to tower above the ship, while four large cylinders stood imposingly to her left. Several tubes poked out the sides of the ship, suggesting that the ship held cannons.

However, the most frightening scene of all was the thirty or so pirates lining the railings of the metal structure forward of her position. There were a lot of the standard pirates, large unicorns, earth ponies bristling with muscle, and pegasi whose sleek forms were rendered useless in the rain, but what surprised Twilight the most was standing next to them were the forms of a griffon, a couple of thestrals, a hooded figure, a pony-sized dragon, and a changeling.

Standing in front of them was Storm Stalker. Her dark blue coat and black mane was completely soaked and her hat sat at a crooked angle, but this only made her look scarier than before. Her crossbow was pointing directly at Twilight, the metal bolt glinting in the light of the storm.

Twilight felt her friends take position beside her, and she slowly advanced. Several large pirates jumped down to the deck to stand with Storm Stalker.

“That's far enough, Sparkles!” She shouted above the storm.

Twilight charged her horn. “Tell your crew to stand down, or I will force them to!”

Storm didn't even flinch. “Than do it! Yew might be an alicorn, but yew still bleed!”

The ship dove into another wave, yet everypony managed to stay upright.

“I don't want to hurt anypony!” Twilight screamed over the sound of the waves. “I'm offering you a chance to surrender!”

“NEVER!” Storm Stalker screamed back and she leapt at Twilight, using the downward motion of the ship as it crested another wave to aid her momentum. Twilight's horn flashed and a shield spell materialized in front of her and her friends. Storm bounced off and slid backwards, catching herself. With a growl she raised her crossbow. Twilight kept the shield spell up to block the bolt, but it never came.

One moment Storm was facing her with more rage and hate than Twilight had ever seen in a pony, the next a pegasus stallion was by Storm's side, gently pushing the crossbow to the deck. Storm stared at the newcomer, pain and sadness in her eyes. Twilight couldn't hear what was being said, but it sounded as if Storm was almost pleading the stallion.

Lightning lit up the ship like a camera flash and Twilight recognized the stallion's dirty yellow coat and slightly darker mane underneath the battered tricorn hat. A gleaming sword was held in the hoof that had forced Storm to lower her crossbow.

The pirate captain turned to Twilight, his eyes hidden by the hat. Water poured over the captain from another wave, and he slowly approached the Elements of Harmony. Stopping only a few paces in front of them, he raised the brim of his hat so that he could look Twilight directly in her eyes.

“We'll not be surrendering today.” He said loudly to make himself heard over the crash of the waves. “I tried, Princess. I wanted not but to send ye on yer way. One week an' ye'd have been free as a bird. But ye had to push me.”

Twilight set her jaw and took a step forward. “We can't let you free! You broke the law! You're criminals!”

Anger flashed in the captain's eyes. “AYE!” He yelled with fury. “EACH AN' EV'RY ONE OF US!”

He pointed with his sword at the griffon. “Culinary Beak! Cast out from his home by the griffons fer bein' part pony! Shunned by ponies fer bein' part griffon!”

Then the captain pointed at the dragon. “Dead Fire! Thrown out by the dragons fer not bein' able to breath fire!”

The sword changed to point at the changeling. “Drip! Chased and starved halfway 'cross Equestria, all 'cause he was born a changeling!”


He raised his sword and threw it on the deck were it slid to a stop in front of Twilight.


Twilight stumbled back, tripping over her own hooves, her eyes wide with fear and confusion.

“I-I didn't-” She stuttered.

“DIDN'T WHAT?” The captain bellowed. “Didn't know that we've been kicked by ev'ry last one of our own? Didn't know that our only option fer survival lay in this ship? Or maybe you just didn't care?”

“No! I just want to help-” Twilight began.


The ship crashed through another wave, showering them in spray. Water dripped down from Twilight's face, but she saw tears raining from the stallion who stood in front of her. She stared at him as his breathing slowed and his voice became calm.

“So, what'll it be, Princess?” He asked. “Are we to be subjected to the laws of the lands that broke our very backs once again?”

Twilight stood frozen, her brain telling her to say something, anything, but nothing came out of her mouth. The captain turned around and walked off, stopping by the Storm Stalker. From her expression, she was as stunned as Twilight by the outburst.

She nodded once at the captain and slowly stepped towards Twilight and her friends. She stopped a safe distance away, her posture tense and her tone cautious.

“Cap'n says that he want's yew bunkin' in his room.” She said. “An' that he'll talk later when the storm is over.”

Twilight nodded dumbly. Storm Stalker turned and motioned for the six ponies to follow her, but Rainbow Dash came up beside Twilight, her eyes full of suspicion.

“Twilight!” She said. “He's lying, there's no way that all that happened!”

“No.” Applejack said as she stepped up alongside Rainbow. “He didn't lie.”

Slowly, the group made its way across the rocking deck. The pirates stood to one side as they passed. Twilight looked at the pirates and what she saw drove her down even further.

The anger and malice she had been expecting to see was replaced by sadness and fear. Did she really do that to them? Was she really that scary to them as to inspire such mournful expressions?

For the first time since this strange adventure began, Twilight questioned who really was the bad guy on this ship.

Far across the sea, safely hidden away from the prying eyes of the Equestrian Royal Navy lay a small speck of land known as Tortoise Island. Although not large enough to hold it's own economy, the island was a booming center for taverns and brothels of all types due to the fact that it was a safe haven for pirates.

The dock front was crowded with hastily erected buildings packed to bursting with drunken pirates, happily drinking their easily earned plunder away. There were beings of all types; ponies, gryphons, zebras, minotaurs, even a few threstrals scattered amongst the various crews. It didn't matter what you were, on Tortoise Island, you were welcomed as long as you had the bits to spend.

Located somewhat farther from the docks sat a lone tavern, isolated from the loud and brawling crews. The drinks here were more expensive, the flagons of a finer style, and the mood more somber. This was the captain's tavern, an exclusive club that a normal sailspony could be hung in the streets should they dare to enter without a captain's express permission.

Such was the case with Information Booth as he slowly and quietly opened the door. Almost immediately, two gryphons were at his throat, their sharpened talons threatening to draw blood.

“State yer business pony.” The first one silently hissed.

“Or face the consequence.” The second one finished.

“I'm here to see Captain Longhorn!” Booth wheezed. “He's expecting me.”

The first gryphon noiselessly left, leaving Booth and the second gryphon for an uncomfortably long time. Finally he returned and nodded, signaling the first gryphon to release the shivering unicorn. They silently escorted him to a table where a hulking minotaur sat, slowing drinking ale while studying a large map.

His black hide was a crisscross of scars and his left horn had been broken off about halfway up. Golden hoops hung from his ears and silvery armor glinted in the firelight while a small pair of spectacles sat comically on his nose, although nopony had ever told him that and lived. He looked at Information Booth and waved the two gryphons off. They left without a word.

“So, I take it the Devil Dog made it to port safely.” The minotaur said huskily.

Booth nodded as he took a seat near the captain. “Aye, aye. A few close calls, but nothing that could not be avoided.”

The minotaur snorted. “Maybe if Captain Rusty Barbs was not so cowardly, he could bring in a profit one of these days.”

The unicorn faithfully nodded. “Aye, but Captain Longhorn, something's up.”

“Speak yer piece.”

The unicorn glanced around as if he expected somepony to be listening before leaning in close and speaking as quietly as possible. “There's been rumors, about the Marblehead.”

Longhorn retrieved a dagger and stabbed the table with such anger and force that Booth jumped back in fear, however most of the tavern's patrons ignored him.

With a low and menacing growl, Longhorn spoke. “Speak not of that cursed iron ship lest she be at the bottom of the sea or tossed upon the rocks.”

Booth nodded quickly. “Of course of course!” He tried to sooth Longhorn's temperament. “It's just, um, I think you need to hear this.”

When Longhorn didn't say anything, he continued. “My contacts in the Equestrian chain of command have given me some interesting information. Apparently, the Elements of Harmony were seen traveling to Manehattan and conversing with a shipping company. Shortly afterwards, six ponies matching their descriptions were seen boarding a coastal tramp that left later that day. Interestingly enough, that was the only ship to leave the harbor without a Navy escort. A week later, the ship shows up in port with the six ponies in question missing!”

Longhorn eyed him skeptically. “And this has to do with the Marblehead how?”

Booth swallowed before continuing. “Well, apparently, that ship was attacked by the Marblehead! And the Elements were taken captive!”

Longhorn snorted. “Hah! You've been taken fer a fool! Even that ship couldn't stand up to an alicorn!”

Booth bobbed his head in agreement, but continued to speak. “Yes, yes, I was disbelieving at first, but then I saw the fleets.”

Longhorn raised an eyebrow. “Fleets?”

“The entire Equestrian Navy has been mobilized!” Booth said hurriedly. “Not a single ship is left in port! Every last dreadnought, frigate and cutter has been put to sea! Reports say that Princess Celestia herself is on board the flagship!”

Longhorn's arm shot out and he pulled Booth in. “If you're lyin' to me. . .”

“No!” Booth managed a strangled gasp. “I swear it!”

Longhorn let him go and Booth began to breathe again. “There's one more thing.”


“I saw the Marblehead.” Booth said. “I was on the Devil Dog on my way here when the Marblehead was spotted astern of us. She was in an awful hurry, overtook us in minutes! Captain Barbs was afraid that they were trying to board us, but she passed by not a hundred yards distant, didn't even slow down. I've never seen a ship move that fast in my life.”

“I've seen the Marblehead in action!” Longhorn cut him off angrily. “Which way was she headed?”

“Southwest of us.” Booth said while pointing to a spot on the map. “We were about here when it happened. From what I figure, they were either heading for Bugganville or Mare's Point. That's all that's out there.”

Longhorn studied the two islands for a minute, adjusting the small spectacles. Finally, he looked at a small spot in between the two. “No.” He growled. “They didn't head for either.”

“But—but—” Booth sputtered.

“How could I have been so blind?” Longhorn said quietly. “It's the perfect spot.”

Finally, Booth found his voice. “But that's impossible! No ship can navigate Ghost Island!”

“Impossible to us yes!” Longhorn said as he pulled his knife from the table and stabbed it into the map, right on top of the island. “But for a ship that doesn't rely on the fickle winds that surround that place, for a ship that can travel against those treacherous currents as if they were but ripples in the water, it be perfect! Aye, for the Marblehead, it be perfect!”

Booth stared dumbly at the map before Longhorn's sinister chuckling brought him out of his stupor.

“Booth.” Longhorn said in a dangerous tone.

“Y-yes sir?” Booth stuttered.

“I'm going to need you back in Equestria. I'm going to need you to send a message.”

“A-A message?” He gulped. “To who?”

“Who else?” Longhorn said, leaning into towards the map and studying the island in question carefully. “The Equestrian Royal Navy.”

Author's Note:

I wanted to make sure that the visual imagery was on point in this chapter. I hope that I succeeded. Feedback is always appreciated.