• Published 11th Feb 2017
  • 1,542 Views, 67 Comments

Sea of Misfits - M48 Patton

Princess Twilight and her friends are sent to deal with some pirates. What they find is a ship from another dimension crewed by an unexpected cast.

  • ...

Chapter 22

Trade Breaker awoke to feel the familiar rocking of the Marblehead underneath him as it plowed through the sea. Rolling off of his bed and onto the floor, he felt a sharp pain in his right wing and turned to find out what it was. The sight of the bandages wrapped around his wing startled him until he remembered the events of what lead up to that.

Stumbling to the door, he threw it open to reveal Storm Stalker waiting outside. She had more stitches in her than a wall tapestry and enough white bandages to make her look like an killer whale, but the moment that Trade Breaker opened the door, her face instantly brightened.

“Cap'n!” She gasped, rushing forwards and surprising him by throwing her legs around his neck.

“Don' yew evah do that agin!” The mare sobbed into his shoulder. “Ah thought Ah lost yew!”

“Storm, I-I-” Trade Breaker stuttered before collecting himself. “The crew. What of the crew?”

Storm slowly pushed herself off of him and rubbed her eyes. Looking him in the eyes, she gave him a tired but relieved smile.

“All present, Cap'n.” She said. “A few bumps an' bruises, bu' we're all here.”

Trade Breaker breathed a sigh of relief, but his eyes began to fill with sorrow as he looked over Storm Stalker.

“Storm, ye're hurt.” He said, examining the multiple lacerations and bandages.

“Tis not bu' a few scratches.” The mare shrugged. “Ah'm fine, just glad yew're still alive.”

Breaker looked back at his wing, then at the massive beating that Storm had been subjected to. His wound seemed so insignificant in comparison, yet here she was worried about him rather than resting from her own wounds.

“Storm, I'm sorry.” He pleaded, tears beginning to form. “I'm so, so sorry. I never should've sent ye on that island, I never should've let this happen in the first place.”

“Cap'n, yew did the righ' thing.” Storm said softly but forcefully. “An nopony here is goin' tae say anythin' different.”

Breaker blinked away his tears and tried to regain control of his emotions.

“Storm, say what ye will, but tis not but words.” He said bitterly. “Those wounds tell me a different tale.”

“Cap'n yew think Ah haven't been wounded a'fore? Ah've fought dragons wit' naught but me bare hooves!” Storm snapped. “An' it's not like yew didnae take yer fair share o' punishment!”

“Me wing?” Breaker said. “Ye call that a fair share compared ta what ye received?”

Storm nodded. “Aye Cap'n! Ah would call that more than yew're share, seein' as how yew shouldnae have been there in the firs' place!”

“Well I couldn't jus' stan' there while me crew was off fightin'!” Breaker yelled.

“Aye! An' tha's why yew didnae do anythin' wrong!” Storm said earnestly. “Cap'n, yew're terrible wit' a blade, Ah've never seen yew win a fight, bu' yew still tried tae protect us! Yew didnae care fer yewrself, yew just threw yerself in fer the crew, an' yew didnae see what happened after, bu' Ah did! Ah've never seen anythin' like it! The crew fought like hellhounds a'fore yew showed up, bu' when yew were hurt, even hellhounds wouldnae stan' a chance! Ah've never seen mah own crew fight like that, not even fer mah father! An' the others; Dead Fire was so angry tha' Ah could've sworn he was aboot tae breath flames! Drip cracked 'is shell three times tryin' tae keep yew safe! Cap'n, as far as the crew's concerned, yew matter tae them more than their own mothers!”

Trade Breaker sat down, crestfallen. “I don't deserve their loyalty. I've done nothin' to earn it.”

Storm stomped her hoof. “Cap'n! Stop puttin' yewrself down!”

“Ahem!” A voice sounded from down the passageway.

The two bickering pegasi turned to see Big Sail standing there respectfully.

The large unicorn shifted slightly before speaking. “Begging your pardon, but if I may say this: Captain, whether or not you think you've earned the crew's loyalty does not matter at this point. You've got it, and right now the crew needs to see their captain on his hooves and ready to take charge.”

Trade Breaker nodded and stood up. “Thank ye, Big Sail. Set a course to take us south o' Tortoise Island, I'm going to inspect me crew.”

Big Sail smiled. “Aye aye, Captain.”

Twilight and the rest of the Element Bearers had been busy all night helping Sun Flowers tend to the crew and treat various wounds, and although she was extremely worn out from the massive amount of healing magic she had expended, she was glad to see that her efforts had an immediate soothing effect on the injured band of pirates.

Pausing in the middle of the room, she looked around and took in the sight. Even though the pirates were injured and bedridden, they were laughing and joking with each other, throwing playful taunts to a pirate in the next cot over.

“Oy, Drip ya love bug, yer drippin' again.” One of the pirates called out to the changeling.

Said changeling was currently being nursed by both Water Rose and her mother. The little filly was seldom away from his bedside, and even Sun Flowers seemed to check up on him more often than was necessary, and Drip was loving every minute of it.

Apparently a little bit too much as venom was dripping off his fangs. He snapped out of his love drunk stupor and quickly used his long serpentine tongue to lick it away.

“Eheh, sorry.” The changeling chuckled in embarrassment.

Twilight sauntered over to the three and struck up a conversation.

“So, Drip, how are you feeling?” She asked.

Drip didn't reply at first, somewhat lost in Sun Flowers's eyes as she was taking his temperature.

“Mistah Drip? Are ya feelin' alright?” Water Rose asked somewhat worriedly.

“Huh?” Drip shook his head and looked around to find all the crew in the room staring at him. “Oh yeah! I'm fine!” He said hurriedly.

The majority of those in the room began laughing at the changeling with the exception of Sun Flowers, Water Rose and Twilight, although the alicorn herself was trying to hide a giggle. Drip hid his face behind an uninjured hoof and mumbled something about sticking the crew into gel pods.

Sun Flowers merely stared at the thermometer and ignored those around her.

“Well, as far as I can tell, you don't have a fever, and your wounds are healing abnormally fast. I guess changelings are just more resistant to wounds than ponies.” She shrugged.

Twilight bit her lip before speaking up. “Actually, my research on changelings has shown that their healing abilities, any abilities really, depends on how much positive emotional energy they have stored or can harvest from those around them. And seeing as how Drip was almost entirely drained by the battle last night, it's likely that his rapid recover is due to a large amount of love directed at him by a specific pony or two.”

Sun Flowers processed the information for a moment before it dawned on her the implications of what Twilight had just said.

“Love?” She asked hesitantly, her face gaining a bright red hue.

Twilight shrugged. “Oh, it doesn't have to be love specifically, although Drip's healing is nearly complete, and such an accomplishment would take massive amounts of the strongest emotion available to changelings. And, um, it's also pretty obvious by the way that Drip keeps looking at you that, well. . .”

Sun Flower's face grew as red as a tomato as she listened to Twilight. When the alicorn finished, the red faced mare turned to looked at Drip who was busy examining the holes in his hoof.

“Well?” One of the pirates called. “Ain't ya gonna kiss him?”

The poor mare's eyes nearly popped out of her head at the comment and her already flushed expression was quickly turning into a look of embarrassed horror. Twilight could see it in her eyes that she was almost in panic mode.

However, the flustered mother was saved by the intervention of Drip getting out of bed.

“Stop badgering her.” He snapped at the pirates. “She's a good honest mare, and I'm ashamed of you for not paying her the respect that she deserves. Without her, most of you would be in a lot worse shape, but she's taken the time to help patch up every single one of us.”

The changeling turned to look at her. “She's still a beautiful mare despite having been cast aside by the world, and one day she'll be with a stallion that is worthy of her, not a little monster like me.”

The room was dead silent save for the sound of the engines below. Finally, one of the pirates spoke up. “Ah Drip, ya know we was only teasin', we meant no harm.”

Before anybody could say another word, Drip found himself being yanked forward and embraced in a passionate kiss before Sun Flowers quickly released him and ran out the door. The occupants of the room were stunned for a moment before a massive cheer shook the whole ship. Drip stood frozen by the moment, unaware that his wounds had opened up again and he was now oozing green slime over the deck.

“Mistah Drip!” Water Rose shouted, putting her hoof on his leg. “You're bleedin'!”

Drip looked down at the filly before looking back over his wounds.

“Huh.” Was all he had to say before collapsing to the deck with a look of pure bliss on his face.

“Mistah Drip!” Rose all but screamed. “Are you alright? Do I need ta fetch me mum?”

Drip didn't bother responding as a pool of venom formed around his muzzle. Fortunately, Zabramn limped up to alleviate the filly's fears.

“Your mother can do nothing to heal this curse.” He quipped. “In fact, she is likely to make it worse.”

Rose's eyes widened. “Is she conta'geous?”

That earned a laugh from the pirates as Zabramn's smile grew even wider.

“No little one, your mother is fine. It is only Drip's life that is on the line.” The zebra snickered.

“Oh no!” Water Rose exclaimed. “Mistah Drip, you're not dyin' are ya?”

The changeling didn't bother to even raise himself off of the deck as he continued to stare at the doorway that Sun Flowers had run through.

“If I am, I will die a happy bug.” He mumbled.

The distressed filly jumped on top of Drip's head and hugged him with fear in her eyes.

“No!” She screamed. “I don't want ya to die! I like ya too much for you to die!”

Zabramn quickly stepped forward before Twilight had a chance to despite his injury and scooped Rose off of Drip's head.

“Now don't be alarmed, little Water Rose.” He said soothingly. “Drip will be fine, as long as he breathes through his nose. His condition is treatable and a good rest is all he needs. Now go get him a book, one that you used to read.”

“Yessah!” Water Rose jumped from the zebra's hooves and dashed off.

Zabramn turned to Twilight and smiled.

She smiled back and complimented his skills. “That was very nice of you, you seem to have a knack for caring for her.”

The zebra shook his head. “We have all been her fathers aboard this ship for a year, and each one of us will do the same, if only to stop her tears.”

He turned to the still prone Drip. “Now if you will help me get this stupid changeling to bed, I think he is drooling so much he will soon be dead.”

Twilight laughed and picked Drip up in her magic and placed him onto the cot, carefully using her magic to clean his wounds again and also remove any of the venom that had been pooling up on the floor. When she was finished, she sat down near the changeling and cleared her throat.

“So, Drip, are you feeling any better?” She asked.

The changeling nodded slowly. “Much.”

“So then, you mind if I ask you a few questions?”

“Go ahead.” Drip said, starting to shift a little and look around more.

Twilight once again berated herself for not having brought writing supplies with her on her journey, but her memory would do just fine for now.

“You were one of Trade Breaker's original crew aboard the Sea Treader?” She began.

“Yes.” Drip nodded. “I was an infiltrator in Baltimare, however when the Canterlot invasion occurred, the Royal Guard found me out by way of a changeling detection spell. I tried to return to the hive but I was hunted down in every part of Equestria, and only made it as far as Manehattan. It was there that I devised one final plan to get back home. If I could not go through Equestria, I would go around it. I inquired to several ships if they would take me on, but none of them would because I did not have the proper documentation regarding my citizenship.”

He sighed heavily. “I nearly gave up and was going to turn myself over to the Royal Guard when I met a drunken captain on his way to his ship.”

“Trade Breaker?” Twilight asked.

Drip smiled. “Yes, he signed me up on the spot.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “It seems he signed on most of his crew that night.”

The changeling shrugged. “You won't find me complaining.”

“So, when did everypony find out you were a changeling?”

Drip looked at the doorway again. “Most of them found out after we were wrecked, but the captain found out much sooner. You see, pretty much all of the crew were either running from something or simply going somewhere else. There was very little positive emotion to found onboard. In short, I was starving and my magic was almost gone. Eventually, it got to the point where I was spending all day down below, sick on the bed. Sun Flowers was there tending to me, but she was so sad and worried about the future that I couldn't even feed from her. Finally, about halfway through the voyage, I knew I was finished. So I called for Captain Trade Breaker and waited until we were alone. It was then that I shed my disguise. I was in a pretty sorry state, half dead and unable to get off the bed. I told him everything and ended with a single request. I asked that he dispose of my body secretly so that nobody knew of my deception.”

He paused for a moment, his small frown turning into a faint smile. “Instead, he simply placed a curtain in front of my bed and left. I thought that maybe he was going to get his sword, or perhaps Culinary to dispose of me, but he didn't. Instead, the next voice I heard was a small filly's voice, meek and afraid, but full of concern and emotion. She was reading me a children's story about the royal sisters. I was surprised to say the least, but I'll never forget what happened next.”

Drip small grin grew into a broad smile, his fangs gleaming in the light. “I tasted love. It wasn't much, but it was enough to keep me alive. Water Rose saved my life, she didn't know who I was or why I was sick, but when she was told I was dying, she did the only thing she could; she cared about me. I owe her my life, and. . .”

His grin grew slightly uncertain, but his voice was still strong. “I think, that I may love her, as a father would love his own child. I can't explain it, it's a feeling that I don't think I'll ever understand, but I know that I will always care for her, no matter what happens.”

Twilight sat entranced by his tale, her eyes locked onto his. She heard a slight sniffle from behind her and turned to see one of the pirates rubbing his eyes.

“That's so beautiful.” The big pirate said through tears.

"Get's me every time." Another said from across the room.

The sound of small hooves clattered through the doorway as an overly eager Water Rose tried to jump over the small lip in the door with a book held in her mouth. She failed and clipped her hoof on the door, landing spectacularly with the book flying out of her mouth. However, she was on her hooves in an instant and chasing after the book, grabbing it in her mouth off the deck and running up to Drip's bed.

“I got ya a book, Mistah Drip!” She said excitedly.

Drip smiled at the ball of energy and nodded at the book. “Would you like to read it for me?”

Water Rose jumped up and down in affirmation and spread the book out on the deck, but before she could begin, she and the book were enveloped in lavender magic and lifted into Twilight's lap. Holding the book in her magic, Twilight held the filly close and let her begin.

Water Rose cleared her throat and then began to read out loud. “Once upon a time, there were two sisters.”

Author's Note:

So, funny story. I apparently was running too much on my computer at one time and accidentally overloaded it. When I finally go it to turn back on, all of my files were gone. So, yeah, that's been fun.
Anyways, I hope the chapter turned out alright, I'm pretty bad at any type of romance, so please tell me what I did wrong with it. As always, feedback is always appreciated.