• Published 11th Feb 2017
  • 1,542 Views, 67 Comments

Sea of Misfits - M48 Patton

Princess Twilight and her friends are sent to deal with some pirates. What they find is a ship from another dimension crewed by an unexpected cast.

  • ...

Chapter 13

Longhorn stepped out of the longboat, his hooves crunching into the sand. He turned around and looked with satisfaction as the majority of his crew either swam or flew to join him. The Bloodhound did not carry any boats save for the longboat reserved for Longhorn himself, a bit of extra motivation for the crew never to abandon ship.

Although the skies were covered by dark clouds that arced lightning and threatened rain, none fell. It was an odd occurrence that only could occur on the island of Bugganville. Only a mere twenty miles from the treacherous Ghost Island, the storm that eternally covered graveyard of ships also extended to cover the south eastern tip of Bugganville.

For years, Equestria had maintained a lighthouse that pierced the storm in an effort to guide ships away from the deadly rocks, but with Bugganville's move away from Equestrian sovereignty, the lighthouse had been abandoned. The effort, while valiant, had been entirely vain because any ship that was unfortunate enough to wander into the storm was already lost to the winds and waves that plagued the area.

It was on this lighthouse that Longhorn stood with a spy glass, trying to pierce the veil of the storm. A griffon flew up to perch beside him, landing silently before picking out his own spy glass from his satchel.

“Do you really think they're in there?” The griffon hissed.

“I know it.” Longhorn growled. “I can smell that ship from here.”

“So how do we take it down?” The griffon asked, eyeing his captain warily. “The Bloodhound stands no chance against that metal beast.”

“Fool.” Longhorn barked. “Are you blind, why do you think I have brought the crew ashore?”

He pointed at the shoreline below. “The crew will assemble on the shoreline and await the Marblehead to beach herself. Once she is stuck on the sands, we will overrun the ship and take the Elements of Harmony captive, and then leave the ship and survivors for the Equestrian Royal Navy to deal with.”

The griffon let out a slight hiss. “And why would the Marblehead simply run aground? And how are we to take the very Elements of Harmony prisoner?”

“You forget that the Elements are being held captive, are they not? It will be a simple matter of opening a door and pulling them out, and as for the Marblehead, you will be responsible for her grounding.” Longhorn explained.


Longhorn grinned menacingly. “You will lead my crew members that are gifted with flight onto that iron ship and take control of the tiller.”

“What?” The griffon hissed angrily. “But that ship is massive! Who knows how many souls are aboard!”

Longhorn snorted. “Was I incorrect in assuming that your skills as a fighter are unmatched? Have I not paid a fortune to have the best fighters sign aboard my ship?”

The griffon shut his beak, glaring angrily at the minotaur.

“There is but one pony that you should fear.” Longhorn continued. “Rumor has it that the pegasus Storm Stalker is aboard the Marblehead, and her masters all claim that her skill is second to none. Should you encounter her in combat by yourself, consider yourself already dead. Make sure to stay in a group.”

The griffon nodded, his mind racing.

“Oh, and one more thing.” Longhorn growled. “Either you come back on that ship, or you don't come back at all. Pass the word.”

The griffon spat over the railing, but did not protest the suicidal mission. With a graceful leap, he was gone, leaving Longhorn alone once again.

The sinewy minotaur smiled, eager for the coming events.

“I'm coming for you, Storm Stalker. You escaped me once, but now I will have my revenge.”

Twilight stood on the deck of the Sea Treader, examining the battered but defiant ship. Though most of the sails and rigging were destroyed, Storm Stalker's crew of pirates were good at their jobs, repairing a good amount of it. The leaks had all been patched and a tow rope had been placed around the Marblehead's rear cannon box and the Sea Treader's anchor capstan, with the promise that Captain Trade Breaker would tow Twilight and her friends clear of the storm and set them free.

The sound of bickering could be heard from the poop deck as Applejack and Rainbow Dash argued over who should be the captain of the ship. Twilight was about to go interrupt the argument when a familiar pegasus mare swooped over her head and landed lightly on the deck.

“We'll be shovin' off soon as the tide is goin' down, which'll be aboot sunset.” Storm Stalker said. “Ah suggest yew prepare fer the storm.”

Twilight nodded. “Thank you again. I know that you didn't have to do this for us, and I really appreciate it.”

Storm rolled her eyes. “Thank the cap'n. If'n Ah had a say, yew'd be marooned on Tortoise Island wit' naught but real pirates tae keep yew comp'ny.”

Twilight giggled. “All the same, thanks.”

Storm huffed in annoyance. “Yew're welcome. An' Ah'm sorry aboot nearly skewerin' yew wit' me crossbow.”

Twilight nodded. “Don't worry about it, I have a magical barrier around me at all times to intercept fast moving objects.”

Storm chuckled. “Alright, we'll leave it at that.”

Twilight was somewhat unnerved by Storm's reserved laugh, but she decided to follow the pegasus's advice and leave it alone.

Storm took to the air and was back aboard the Marblehead before Twilight had time to blink. Her attention was once again focused on the two mares fighting over control of the wheel and she promptly teleported in between them.

“I'll take the wheel.” She announced. “You two can help Rarity with the sails.”

Applejack grumbled while walking off while Rainbow Dash merely snorted and shot off the deck in a streak of rainbow. Twilight smiled and felt the wheel in her magic. It turned smoothly, and she could feel the ship shift slightly as the rudder responded.

A slight cough brought her attention to directly behind her where a dull gray pegasus stallion eyed her nervously.

“Sorry ta be botherin' ya, yer highness, but I heard you were from Poneville?” He asked quietly.

“Yes, my castle's there.” Twilight responded happily.

This only caused the stallion to grow slightly more nervous. “I-I was wonderin', if'n ya might do me a favor.”

Twilight nodded eagerly. “Of course, what can I help you with?”

“Well, um, my name is Silent Hooves.” He began. “And a long time ago, I took a fancy to a mare and had a daughter. I didn't want 'er ta grow ta be a pirate, like 'er no account fadder, and so I snuck 'er and 'er mudder inta Equestria. Las' I heard from 'er mum, she lives in Poneville.”

Twilight's eyes widened and she dropped her jaw. “Wait, you're Derpy's dad?”

Silent Hooves paused, pain spreading across his face. “I t'ought she was named Muffin.”

Twilight tried not to look Silent Hooves in his eyes as she explained. “Well, yeah, I guess. I've only heard ponies call her Derpy. She's a really nice mare though, everypony in town likes her.”

Silent Hooves looked down at the deck. “That's good. Fer a while I was worried she got 'er mudder's eye condition, but it sounds as though she' doin' fine.”

Twilight elected to stay silent.

“Well, anyways, I was wonderin' if'n ya would give this to 'er.” Silent Hooves said while holding out a letter.

Twilight nodded and tried to grab the letter in her magic. Silent Hooves grinned in embarrassment.

“Sorry. The paper's from the Marblehead.” He explained.

“Oh, okay.” Twilight said as she took the letter in her hoof. “I'd be happy to give this to her.”

“Thank you.” Silent Hooves said quietly.

“You know,” Twilight said as she looked down at the letter, “you could-”

She stopped when she looked back up. Silent Hooves was gone without a trace. He hadn't even made a sound when he left.

Silent Hooves carefully snuck back onto the Marblehead, his hooves never making a sound. However, no matter how silent and cautious he was, he had never once been able to sneak by Storm Stalker. That was evident as she surprised him in one of the ship's many passageways.

“Mistah Hooves.” Her voice sounded from behind him.

He whirled around in surprise to find her looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh, eheh, sorry Miss Stalker.” Silent Hooves chuckled, rubbing a hoof behind his head. “Didn't see you there.”

Storm lowered her neck slightly to be eye level with him. “Just like yew didnae see me when Ah saw yew talkin' wit' the princess.”

Hooves gulped. “Now look, I wasn't tellin' 'er anythin' about the ship. It was just a little conversation.”

“Oh Ah know what yew was talkin' aboot.” Storm cut him off. “Yew think Ah didnae know aboot yew're daughter.”

Silent Hooves paled. “Miss Stalker, I promise that will in no way affect my performance aboard this ship.”

Storm nodded. “Aye, it won't, 'cause yew won' be sailin' wit' us no more!”

“Miss Stalker, please-” He pleaded.

She held a hoof up to stop him. “Go home, Mistah Hooves.”


Storm leaned in close to him. “Yew have a daughter, an' here's yewr chance tae finally meet her. Don' waste this Silent, go find yewr little girl.”

Silent Hooves was silent for a moment. “But-”

“No buts.” Storm ordered. “There's a ship out there wit' six landlubbers aboot tae sail it. They'll be needin' a steady hoof at the wheel.”

Silent stared at her for a while before saluting with his hoof. “Aye ma'am. It's been a pleasure ta sail wit' ya.”

“Aye.” Storm said as she returned his salute. “It's been an honor tae have yew aboard. Now get goin'.”

The gray pegasus was gone in an instant, leaving Storm standing alone in the passageway. There was a slight sniff from the mare.

“Goodbye ol' friend. Good fortunes go wit' yew.”

As the sky began to darken, two ships slipped away from the deadly shores known as Ghost Island. Their course was for Equestria to the northeast, taking the two ships within five miles of the southern tip of Bugganville.

While this in itself was harmless, the fact that Longhorn had so carefully chosen this spot as his ambush point was.

The minotaur had not left the top of the lighthouse, constantly searching with his spyglass for any sign of the ship that was the bane of his existence. With a crack of lightning from the raging storm above, the sea was lit for brief moment. The sight of the Marblehead brought Longhorn's attention to one particular spot in the sea.

“There! There she is!” He yelled triumphantly.

The griffon who was with him before flew up beside him and retrieved his spy glass to find out whether or not the captain was merely seeing things. As he peered through the telescope, he found the iron ship that was to be his target, but also something else.

“Captain, there is another ship out there!” He hissed.

Longhorn strained his eye as he looked at the silhouette. Sure enough, riding the waves behind the Marblehead was an ordinary sailing ship.

“Where did that come from?” He said angrily.

“Captain!” The griffon hissed. “I saw something! It looked like a rainbow trail!”

Longhorn growled and he pulled the griffon down to his height. “What do you mean?”

The griffon gulped as he explained. “There's only one pegasus I know of creating a rainbow trail. One of the Elements of Harmony. If she flies fast enough, it will leave a rainbow behind. She's free!”

Longhorn roared and slammed his fist into the tower, causing the entire structure to vibrate. He breathed heavily for a moment, then looked at the griffon.

“Which ship did it come from?” He asked.

“The sailing ship!” The griffon said hurriedly.

The minotaur grabbed the griffon and pulled him close.

“Get the crew back to the ship, then find out which ship the Elements of Harmony are on.” He yelled directly into the griffon's face.

“Back to the ship?” The griffon wheezed. “But what about-”

“If the Elements are free, then we stand no chance in a direct fight!” Longhorn roared.

He looked out at where the ships had last been seen. “But, I have a feeling. And if I'm right, then we won't even need to beach the Marblehead.”

Turning back to the griffon, he threw the creature from the tower.

“Get to the ship!” He yelled to the various crewmembers on the ground. “Get to the ship and prepare for boarding action!”

Author's Note:

Feedback is always appreciated.