• Published 11th Feb 2017
  • 1,542 Views, 67 Comments

Sea of Misfits - M48 Patton

Princess Twilight and her friends are sent to deal with some pirates. What they find is a ship from another dimension crewed by an unexpected cast.

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Chapter 19

Storm Stalker hated the waiting. She wanted to be doing something, whether it be piloting the ship or preparing for a battle, but instead all she could do was sit and wait as the Marblehead slowly slipped towards the inactive volcano.

“Miss Stalker, we're as close as we dare risk.” Big Sail said as he stepped up alongside her.

“Right.” Storm nodded. “Lower the longboat.”

“Aye ma'am.” Big Sail acknowledged.

Slowly, the wooden boat on the deck was lowered into the sea alongside the Marblehead and twenty bodies loaded themselves into it. Those that could fly leapt from the deck of the ship and flew towards the island. From the deck of the ship, something dove into the water with barely a ripple and almost instantly the longboat began to move, the rope attached to the bow straining under the effort.

Trade Breaker stood in the wheelhouse of the Marblehead, watching them go.

“Miss Flowers.” He said.

“Yes sir?” The mare asked from beside him.

“Ye worked with Zabramn on the cannon?”

“Yes sir.” Sun Flowers nodded.

“Do ye think ye could operate one?” Breaker asked.

Sun Flower started, but slowly nodded after a moment. “Yes sir, Zabramn explained everything to me. I'm pretty sure that I could fire the cannon if needed.”

“Good.” Trade Breaker said. “Get to the forward cannon box and load it. There be trouble in the wind, an' I want my back to be covered.”

Sun nodded. “I'll be ready, but how will I know what to fire at and when?”

Breaker turned to her grimly. “If'n tonight goes the way I feel it's goin', then it t'will be obvious what ye need to do.”

Celestia bolted upright, breathing hard before she checked herself and swallowed.

“Princess!” A concerned voice said from beside her.

She turned and beheld a diminutive sailpony with a stethoscope around his neck. Looking around, Celestia saw that she had been placed in the dreadnought's infirmary and her flank had been bandaged.

“Are you alright?” The doctor asked.

Celestia rolled her neck and felt several joints pop.

“How long have I been asleep?”

“Fourteen hours your highness.” The doctor answered. “The crossbow bolt you were shot with did not hit anything vital, however it was laced with an extremely powerful sedative. I managed to obtain a sample of it from the bolt and found it to be a Zebrican potion known as the 'Ten Year Sleep.' A single drop could put a manticore out of commission for a month and you took quite a lot more than that.”

Celestia shook her head to clear it and got to her hooves.

“Your majesty!” The doctor protested. “The effects of the potion are not yet well known, and I would suggest lying down-”

Celestia ignored him and walked through the door. “I don't have time to rest doctor. I need to speak with the admiral.”

The doctor continued to chase her in protest, but also directed her to the bridge where Iron Keel was waiting.

“Princess Celestia, I'm surprised to see you're awake!” He exclaimed.

“Spare me the pleasantries Admiral.” Celestia ordered. “What is the situation?”

Iron Keel nodded. “Of course. As of right now, we are trying to pursue the metal ship, however their impressive speed has allowed them to escape, and while I have a few guesses at their destination, unfortunately I cannot be sure of where they have run to.”

Celestia held a hoof to her forehead, letting out a slight groan.

“Your highness!” The doctor leapt forward.

“I'm fine!” She snapped before sighing. “My apologies, but right now I am not concerned with my health, only that of my student and her companions. Where do you think the pirate ship is going, Admiral?”

“I believe that it will be heading for the pirate haven of Tortoise Island.” Iron Keel suggested. “Although the ship has never been sighted there before, the pirates will undoubtedly take refuge with other pirates.”

Celestia nodded, trying to ignore the throbbing in her head. “I agree. Tortoise Island is the most logical destination for that cursed ship at this time and it is there that we shall meet them. What is the status of the fleet?”

Iron Keel grimaced. “Not ideal at this time. We lost two cutters to the pirate ship itself, and eight more have sustained heavy damage to friendly fire along with two ships of the line.”

“Friendly fire?” Celestia asked.

Iron Keel's grimace turned to embarrassment. “Ricochets, your highness. Our more powerful casters were somewhat over zealous in their attacks, and their own magic rebounded at our ships. Additionally, most of our pegasi are out of action due to their prolonged exposure to the black smoke, we think that the pirates may have put some sort of poison in the smoke. Non-lethal, but disabling.”

Celestia took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Where are the other fleets?”

“Our northern fleet is currently patrolling the edge of griffon waters, however the southern fleet is en route to our position, and we expect them to arrive by tomorrow night.” Iron Keel responded.

“Very well.” Celestia said. “In light of the fleet's current condition, we shall anchor just off of Tortoise Island so that we may pen the pirates in, and make our move when reinforcements arrive.”

Iron Keel nodded. “Excellent plan your highness. I have written Princess Luna a letter regarding your duties, and she has agreed to raise and lower the sun for you until this whole mess is over. That way, you may rest and regain your strength.”

Celestia thanked him and turned to look out the window. As the sea slowly slipped past, she began to think when a sudden realization came to her.

“Admiral! Where is that crossbow bolt I was shot with?” She demanded.

Iron Keel was startled by her sudden outburst, but quickly made his way to his personal desk and picked up a thin metal shaft with his mouth.

“I have it right here.” He explained around the bolt.

Placing it in front of Celestia, he stepped back.

“The unicorns have been going nuts trying to figure it out. As far as we can tell, the metal is iron of a sorts, highly refined and very strong, but that's it.” Iron Keel said hesitantly.

Celestia studied it closely and tried to pick it up with her magic. The golden aura formed around the metal but when she lifted, the magic passed around the shaft and left it sitting on the deck.

“Completely immune to any type of magic.” Iron Keel frowned. “And strong too, I hit it with a hammer and barely put a dent in it.”

The alicorn studied the bolt and saw that indeed there was a slight imperfection in the shaft.

“Excellent work Admiral.” Celestia said as she smiled.

“Um, thank you your highness?” Iron Keel said with a puzzled look. “But what did I do?”

“Simple really.” Celestia turned to him. “This crossbow bolt is obviously made from the same metal as the ship, and that is why it is immune to magic. However, as strong as it is, you damaged it with a hammer, and this has given me an idea.”

Iron Keel brightened in understanding. “Of course! So, what is the plan when we next meet the pirate ship?”

Celestia tapped the iron deck of the dreadnought. “I'm afraid I'm going to need to make some improvements to the dreadnought.”

Storm Stalker slowly crept through what little foliage there was on the island, flanked by most of her crew. She had spent the last two hours combing the island, looking for a way in, and so far she wasn't too happy.

The volcano had three entrances that she could find; the cone itself, the harbor entrance, and a small cave. The cone was out of the question because most of the creatures that accompanied her did not have wings, and carrying them in was out of the question. The harbor entrance posed the same problem unless they wanted to swim inside, and none of the ponies could hold their breath long enough to make inside without being seen.

That left only the cave entrance. Although there were other caves and tunnels dotted throughout the island, this particular cave was the only one with two of Longhorn's crew standing guard.

Storm went through her plan once more in her head before making her open moves.

“There's our entrance.” She whispered to Big Sail. “Where be Drip an' Henry?”

“Drip is that rock.” Big Sail pointed at a particular outcropping before pointing the shoreline. “Henry's still in the water.”

“Go get 'im.” Storm ordered silently.

As Big Sail crept off, Storm made her way to the rock that was Drip.

“Drip.” She called as quietly as possible. “Drip!”

“Wrong rock.” Drip's voice mysteriously floated to her from up ahead.

The pegasus grumbled a few choice words, but crept forward without making any noise. She searched for a few moments before finally giving up. “Yew lousy bug, Ah cannae tell which rock yew are.”

The rock just to Storm's left turned green before falling away to reveal the changeling.

“There yew are.” Storm said in annoyance. “What 'appened tae yewr fire?”

“Suppression spell.” Drip explained. “Makes it so I don't cause such a large flash when I change.”

“Good tae know.” Storm remarked. “Now pay 'ttention. Ah need yew tae get rid o' those ponies guardin' the entrance silently. Can yew do it?”

Drip nodded. “Sure, it will be pretty easy. One of them needs to pee.”

“Wha?” Storm asked, looking back at the two ponies.

“Yeah, see the way the one on the right keeps fidgeting?” Drip said, pointing to the guilty pony.

Storm took a closer look at the pirate Drip had mentioned and sure enough, he did look somewhat uncomfortable.

“I figure in about five minutes, he's going to lose his battle with is bladder.” Drip smirked.

Storm nodded and waited. Three minutes later, the fidgeting pony made his move, mentioning his problem to his friend before hurrying down the slope to a nice little area with which he could relieve himself.

There was a slight thunk of a cudgel meeting skull and soon, the pirate was making his way back up to his post.

“Took ya long enough!” His friend snapped.

The pirate shrugged. “What can I say?”

The pair stood for few moments before the pirate that now had an empty bladder turned to his friend and studied him.

“What are you gawpin' at?” His friend asked.

“That green stuff on your face!”

“What green stuff?”

The pirate never knew what hit him as a glob of green goo went splat over his muzzle. He tried to scream as his partner leapt on top of him and promptly punched him repeatedly. When it was all over, the pirate lay unconscious as Drip guided Storm and her crew through the tunnel.

They arrived at a dimly lit cavern littered with members of Longhorn's crew, most of which were simply relaxing, working on their equipment, or lining up for the dinner line. On one side of the cavern was a brightly lit area where Twilight was being kept by herself in plain sight, while near a cliff face were, a cage was suspended in the air that contained the five other mares.

“Right, Night Watch an' Dus' Maiden, go wit' Henry an' secure those mares in the cage. Drip, pick a pony an' try tae take the place o' the princess's guards.” Storm whispered. “The rest o' yew are on stan'by. Don' do nothin' unless Ah call yew.”

“Where are you going?” Big Sail asked.

Storm checked her crossbow. “Longhorn be in that tent, Ah know he is.”

“Miss Stalker.” Big Sail said, putting a hoof to her shoulder. “Don't do anything reckless.”

The mare back into the shadows, her dark coat blending in to mask her presence.

“Ah never let feelins' get in the way o' business.” She said darkly. “An' Ah don' intend tae now.”

Big Sail sighed, but didn't argue. Storm Stalker might be angry, but she was still the most skilled and dangerous mare he knew. She was right as well, she would never let her feelings affect her skills.

The two groups separated, with Henry leading the two thestrals towards the cliff while a disguised Drip and one of Storm's crew casually walked into the pirate camp as if they belonged. So far so good.

Twilight sat in the cage, racking her brains for an idea while trying not to think of what would happen if said idea failed.

“Alright you two, go get some vittles.”

Two pirates approached, one of them looked strangely familiar. Her two guards stiffened and turned to see who it was.

“Boulder Head? I thought you was on watch outside.” The first guard said in confusion.

“Dunderhead decided ta switch things up.” The unfamiliar pirate shrugged. “He replaced us an' sent us ta relieve you. After you get chow, head ta the cave and switch out with them.”

“Hold on a sec.” The second guard advanced on the two, looking directly at the pirate beside Boulder Head. “Why don' I recognize ye?”

The pirate shrugged. “Dunno'. Maybe yer blind?”

Boulder Head stepped in between the two. “Are ya daft? He's been aboard for over a month now.”

The guard did not look convinced. “Where did we make port last?”

The pirate rolled his eyes. “Tortoise Island, where else?”

“Stop messin' about Rope Hoof.” The first guard said. “I'm hungry!”

With a snort, the second guard followed his companion towards the dinner line.

Twilight noticed both of the new pirates relax, if only slightly. Boulder Hoof turned to her while the other pirate began scanning the cage.

“Princess, don't make any sort of reaction.” He said while barely moving his mouth.

Twilight stiffened, but kept her emotions in check.

“I'm Drip the changeling.” Boulder Hoof said. “Storm's got a plan to free you, but you have to trust us.”

“The Marblehead's okay?” Twilight asked.

“Aye.” The disguised changeling affirmed. “Now just stay calm, and do exactly as I say.”

Pinkie Pie was sitting in a corner of the cage, her mane deflated and her mouth set in a frown. Rarity was helping comfort a sobbing Fluttershy while Applejack and Rainbow Dash tried to figure out a plan. Two pirates watched them from a ledge, one of them leaning on a battleaxe. The rope that held the cage was anchored to a stalagmite on the ledge, and it had been looped through an arch in the ceiling before being attached to the top of the cage. The pirate with the battleaxe was stationed near the stalagmite that held the rope, ready to cut it in a moment's notice.

At first, the pirates had threatened them, warned them not to try anything, but eventually they just became indifferent and watch the five mares. Not much they could do, even Applejack didn't stand a chance of breaking any of the bars that surrounded them.

Pinkie just sat in the corner, idly watching the pirate with the battleaxe. She almost wished that he would cut it so that she could stop feeling the pain of loss right now. No matter how hard she tried, Pinkie just couldn't forget the sound of Silent Hooves screaming as he was tossed over the rail. With a slight sniffle, she wiped another tear from her eye.

With a grunt, the pirate holding the battleaxe suddenly fell over. Pinkie stood and stared at him, oblivious to the fact that the other guard had similarly fallen unconscious.

“Oh dear, there seems to be a bit of a draft.” Rarity complained while continuing to hug the crying Fluttershy.

“Pinkie, could you help me warm Fluttershy up?” She asked. “Pinkie?”

The pink earth pony ignored her as the shape of a thestral materialized from the darkness behind from where the guard had been standing.

“Dusk Maiden?” She asked.

The thestral held a hoof to her lips, signaling the need for silence. However, Pinkie's comment had attracted the attention of her friends, and they to were quite happy to see the thestral mare. Quickly, Dusk glided to the side of the cage and hovered there.

“Quiet!” She whispered urgently. “Just stay quiet!”

“Okay!” Pinke said, her mane poofing up instantly. The five mares sat silently, but each one was practically bursting with happiness.

Night Watch flew up to hover alongside his sister.

“We're all clear. Henry, you can start.” He quietly called to above the cage.

Pinkie felt the back of her neck freeze as icy breath coated her mane. Rarity, having looked up first, fainted. Applejack reached down to help the delicate unicorn while Rainbow checked to see what her friend had found so horrifying.

“What in Celestia's name?” The normally boastful pegasus barely breathed as she stared upwards in sheer terror.

Pinkie mustered up her courage and craned her neck upwards, a blast cold air greeting her face. When her eyes recovered, the sight of a large, white and scaly creature crawling down the rope towards the cage froze her blood.

“Hello.” It hissed. “My name is Henry.”

Author's Note:

I apologize for not posting on my regular schedule, but I've had a large writer's block due to personal issues. Please, as always, leave feedback and I'll get you the next chapter as soon as possible.