• Published 20th Feb 2018
  • 3,856 Views, 350 Comments

The Great and Powerful Centaur - Viper Pit

About thirty years ago a human found herself in Equestria. Eventually she meets a low ranking noble and made a deal with him, she became his wife and eventually gave birth to a centaur Trixie. This is Trixie's story

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Every story has a begining

I am on my way to a little town called Ponyville to make my grand start as a show mare so I can help my Mother in any way I can. As the day grows old and I grow tired and decide to rest for the night seeing as I should make it to the town by noon tomorrow anyhow. I unhook myself from the wagon once I pull off to the side of the road. Inside the wagon, I have a bed, a small camping stove, and a picture of my family.

My mom is the only human in Equestria with long black hair on her head and beautiful brown eyes with tan-ish skin. My dad is a light blue unicorn with a white mane and tail with a cutie mark of a half moon. My uncle is in the picture as well, though I’ve only seen him a few times. He’s also a blue unicorn but with a dark blue mane and tail and two crescent moons for a cutie mark one big one and one small one that turns into the big one.

Shortly after I get done looking at the family photo I start making a vegetable soup with corn, green beans, carrots, and peas. Once I'm done chopping up the vegetables I set them in the pot too start boiling while I go wash my hands and clean my hooves cause I do need to look my best for my grand debut. Even though cleaning the back hooves are a pain in my flank at times.

"This is it, Trixie. Tomorrow you can finally show those bullies at school that you aren't a freak of nature." I said to my reflection from the mirror before I take my blood pressure medication. See because I have two hearts I have to take these special medications at least three times a day to keep my blood pressure down.

Otherwise, I could end up in the hospital just from a brisk walk. I accidentally let the food cook a little too long and its lost some of its flavor... Well, at least it was still really good though. I need to remember to write back to mom and thank her for the recipe.

Going to sleep might be a bit of a challenge at certain times. My pony half gets comfortable one way and my human half gets comfortable another so what ends up happening most of the time is I sleep with my head against a wall. It doesn't help that its unusually cold tonight and my pajamas are more or less a glorified tank top made of silk.

The next morning arrives a little too early for my liking but who am I to tell Celestia to hold off on raising the sun. After I finally get out of bed I proceed to eat some of the leftover vegetable soup from last night, brush my teeth, and take my medication. I decide to throw on my Performance outfit so that way I don't have to waste water washing more then I have to when I'm on the road. The outfit consists of a purple shirt with a dark blue vest a star covered light purple magicians hat and a matching cape.

I rehooked myself to the wagon while trying my best to ignore the frost making my hooves cold. My journey resumed though I can't help but think back to some of my earliest memories of my mom. I remember when my magic first started to develop and I accidentally set the living room on fire. My mom was so proud and so angry at the same time. I smile every time I remember the look on her face. Another memory I have is when we first discovered that I need to take medication to help my blood pressure. I was but a little filly no more than five years old and I was playing in the yard when I felt very sick all of a sudden I vomited up blood and I started crying. My dad just happened to be coming out to check on me when it happened. I don't think I ever saw him so scared ever. Anyway, I was rushed to the emergency room where we discovered I got some extra organs such as heart stomach but also where my pony half is mostly filled with a extra magic that helps keep me going. Which means I need to be careful when I over exert myself.

I'm pulled out of my memories when I see a couple of unicorn colts playing. A short stubby grey one and a tall skinny orange one. I try and move on in hopes that I don't scare them off like some of the foals in Canterlot. But luck is not on my side and they do spot me but instead of screaming and running away like I was expecting they instead come running up to me.

"Umm, Can I help you?" I asked, a little weary of the two colts.

"Yea just what the heck are you?" The stubby grey one asked with the orange one just nodding in agreement. it takes a lot of willpower to not roll my eyes at these two. I know its a legitimate question for young foals to ask, but after getting asked that question for all your life it gets on your nerves at times.

"My name is Trixie and I'm a centaur," I answered as I continue on my way to Ponyville.

"Cooool." They said in total awestruck at the same time.

"Ummm... what's a centaur?" The orange one says. He sounds as stupid as he looks. So very stupid.

"It means I'm half pony and half human," I answer while trying not to sound rude.

"Neat." The stubby one replies. The fact that they didn't ask what a human was very unusual but not that uncommon, considering there are many other creatures inhabiting this little magical land called Equestria.

The grey one continues to spout his multiple strings of questions that much to my growing annoyance and headache."So what's with the wagon."

"I'm a traveling stage magician." By now it's warmed up enough and I get the feeling in my hooves back again. I get a nice idea that will help promote my show and get these two away from me. "How would you two like to earn some bits?" I ask before they can get off another question.

"Boy, would we!" Again they said with amazement at the same time.

Ha! Hook line and Sinker.

"Okay, what you need to do is go into town and tell as many ponies as you can about The Great and Powerful Trixie and her show got it?" With a quick nod, they take off and with that the rest of the trip is smooth sailing with some of the ponies staring at me once I get into town. After a quick search for a place to set up for my performance later. I make a quick sandwich to take my medication with before I start setting up.

After about half an hour of working, I'm finally ready to start the show. I take a quick look at the crowd and I see at least fifty ponies. I end up having to take some deep breaths to calm myself before I go on.

"COME ONE COME ALL."I yell to get everyponies attention "I am the Great and Powerful TRRRIXIE! Watch in awe as I, The Great and Powerful Trixie, perform feats of magic to have ever been seen by pony eyes." To punctuate that last statement I use my magic to launch some fireworks getting a string of oohs and awes from the audience.So far so good.I think to myself as I continue. I performed some basic tricks like pulling a bunny from a hat and spinning some plates on my fingers while I balance on a ball.

"My, my, my what unnecessary boasting." I detect a pony say in the crowd but I ignore it as I use a bit of sleight of hand to poof in a bouquet of flowers.

"Yea yea. Magic. Smagic. Boo!" Again I hear another pony declared out loud. But I won't have any of that on my first show none the less.

"Well, well, well it seems we have some naysayers in the audience." I confidently said. "Who is so ignorant that they dare challenge the magical might of the Great and Powerful Trixie." I challenged to those neigh-sayers. "Do they not know they are in the presence of the most powerful centaur in all of Equestria?"

"Just who does she think she is." I see the pony who commented this time a white unicorn with a purple mane and tail and way too much eyeshadow for my taste.

"Yea especially when we all know that Twi...." a small purple dragon says before being cut off by another unicorn this one I recognize as Celestia's prized pupil, Twilight Sparkle. I set off some more Fireworks to try and get the show back on track when a Blue Pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail flies up to the stage.

"So Great and Powerful Trixie what makes you think you're so awesome anyway?" After a moment I remember a story my mother told me when she first came to Equestria and how she tricked an Ursa Major.

"Why only the Great and Powerful Trixie has magic powerful enough to defeat the dreaded Ursa Major." I then follow up with some fireworks in the shape of a bear with a star on its head. The crowd again oohs and awes as I recite the story my mother told me. " When the ponies of Huffington had no one to turn to but The Great and Powerful Trixie stepped in and with her awesome magic to defeat the Ursa and sent it back into the Everfree forest." I used the fireworks to illustrate the 'battle' that took place until the Ursa picture exploded into an array of various colorful and dazzling lights.

"That settles it Trixie really is the most talented, most awesome, most powerful unicorn in all of Ponyville." the orange colt from before says stepping in front of the audience to praise me for some reason. The fact that he got my species wrong is not helping his credibility.

"No, in all of Equestria." His stubby counterpart joins in.

"How do you know you didn't see it and besides." Again the dragon never finishes his sentence as Twilight zips his mouth shut.

"It's true, Trixie's enthusiastic little admirers. Trixie is certainly the best in Ponyville." I understand it was wrong to talk like an egotistic jerk. But I just can't help but stick to whatever is going on while I try to sort this out after the show is over. Nothing... not single noise can be heard other than few strays of coughs and the cricking noises from a cricket. At this rate, I may end up having to take my medication an extra time with the way these ponies treating the show.

"Oh, please you're nothing but talk." I heard the dragon stated after he unzips his mouth. And that's the point where I had enough.

"OKAY ENOUGH!" I pointed my right forehoof at the troublemakers. "No one is forcing you to stay here and watch my show. So, you can leave at any time but if you do want to stay and disrupt the show. I want to see you backstage once I'm done performing," I stated, breaking my persona for it was the only way to prove how serious I was being. Heck, I don't think they knew it was all an act. The tiny dragon took his leave with a smug look on his face but the two talkative ponies decided to stay put albeit reluctantly. "Thank you for your cooperation."

Fortunately, the rest of the show went off without a hitch and I saw three ponies backstage when I have finished the unicorn and Pegasus from before along with an orange earth pony with a straw blonde mane and tail, which both tied with red bands at the end. They had difficulty looking at me straight in the eye mostly because I'm a good bit taller than them.

"I have two questions; Why did you interrupt my show and most importantly, why is the earth pony here?" I asked as I repeatedly tapped a hoof as I anticipated for a response from the offenders.

"You were boasting like a delusional mare and we didn't like it one-bit, Darling." The white unicorn says and it just makes me pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Ahm here for the same reason my friends are." The earth pony said with a matter-of-factly attitude.

"Have you ponies never been to a stage show before?" I ask still holding my nose. After a little bit of waiting, I look to see that all three of them are looking at the ground like it's the most interesting thing around. "I was putting on an act to keep my audience entertained while I tell some made up stories. Do you understand?"

"Wait... you mean that was all an act?" The Pegasus says with a clearly confused look on her face.

"Yes, it is an act. As a matter of fact, it was meant to be my first show... However, you stubborn foals nearly ruined it with your harsh comments that I was this close..."

I made a small pinch from my fingers to show how much patience I had left, leaving a microscopic gap between both fingers. "...to running off stage with those comments of yours." I really don't know where I went wrong with the show for them to act like that.

"Ah, geez I feel like a jerk now." The Pegasus admitted to her folly, she rubbed the back of her head.

"Me, too. Ahm mighty sorry for ruining yer first show. Can ya find in yer heart to forgive us?" The earth pony apologized.

I let out a displeased scoff as she insinuates that I should overlook at what she and her friends did to me and my show...

But I guess I can't be mad forever. "I guess but can one of you explain to the dragon I saw in the crowd that what happened was an act I don't feel like having a repeat at tomorrows performance."

"I'll do it, darling, he's more than likely going to listen to me." The white unicorn said.

"Thank you now if you excuse me I need to get some rest for tomorrows show." I wave them off and they were even nice enough to leave some bits in the tip jar. Which I forgot to announce at the end of the show.....I facepalmed at my blunder. I decide to make a small salad for dinner before taking my medication and going to bed.

Author's Note:

any mistakes can you guys point out because I'm still learning how to write properly.

can anyone guess who the uncle is? I mean I will tell you eventually but not for a little while.