• Published 20th Feb 2018
  • 3,857 Views, 350 Comments

The Great and Powerful Centaur - Viper Pit

About thirty years ago a human found herself in Equestria. Eventually she meets a low ranking noble and made a deal with him, she became his wife and eventually gave birth to a centaur Trixie. This is Trixie's story

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The Date

I've really screwed the three-headed pooch now. I have an angry mare in a black dress, an infuriated and slightly... SLIGHTLY homophobic mother, and a confused father, with all of their judgemental glares on me. I swear, I think that black dress that Lyra is wearing should only be reserved for funerals.

Wait... Am I going to die?

Taking a moment to take a deep breath and steel my nerves, I asked an obvious yet all-important question so that I can remove the tense intimidation atmosphere and avert everyone's attention on me.

"Where's Jake?"

Lyra, without any hesitation, replies. "He's looking around in the lobby on his lonesome.

"Shouldn't you have just brought him along? We don't mind." I asked, feeling a bit worried.

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that." She reassured everyone. "He's used to being on his own before I adopted him. I give him my trust that he can handle himself and behave appropriately."

Oh, what a nice mother figure she is.

"Besides, I thought it would be good for him to spend some time with another human." Lyra gestures her left forehoof at my mom, who returned it with an intimidating stare which seemed to have little effect on the mare. "If that's alright, of course, ma'am?" She nonchalantly said with a smile.

"It's fine." My mom answered with a disgusted scoff. Mother, please be more considerate towards same-sex relationships. "It has been too long since I've seen another human." A small frown forms on her face. "Even those perverted primitives in Zebrica have some decency to almost welcome to have a decent chat with people... Almost."

"Really? Well, you can chat with Jake while Trixie and I go on our date," Lyra said quite smoothly that it actually convinces my homophobic mom to agree. Just how did she convince my mom with a couple of sentences? Anyone's guesses would be better than mine.

"Just be sure to bring her back by eleven." My dad says a little hint of protectiveness in his voice.

"Let me go get ready," I say before I get in any more trouble with Lyra. "It should only take me a couple minutes." She nods in conformation and I head to my old room.

My old room is very pink. The walls are pink, the blankets are pink, and the dresser is pink. But there was stuff like glow in the dark stickers on the walls to help break up the pink. My room is basically a Pinkie Jamboree of decorations. Oh my lord, seeing this room after being away for a long time makes it super embarrassing. This feeling would become even worse if Lyra caught a small glimpse.

"When did I stop liking Pink so much?" I asked myself as I open my closet to find some decent dating attire. I took another quick look at everything in my room. "More like... Why did I even want to anything pink in my room?"

I choose a shirt and vest combination similar to what I wear on stage, excluding my glorious cape of wonders and only the colors of the base and trims are reversed. Dark blue sleeves and a light blue vest instead of a dark blue vest and light blue sleeves.

Should I wear a hat to complete the casual stroll outfit? Mmmmm... maybe next time.

Before I leave I put on some cherry red lipstick, some light purple eyeshadow and brushed my hair into a more flowing style to give myself a more mature and sensual charm.

As I casually saunter back to the living room, My observant eyes immediately notice my date's eyes widen and jaw drop in awestruck. Booyah, I hit the mark with a single love arrow.

"You look exponentially more alluring in that outfit than that drabby-looking tropical shirt you had on before." She says, biting her lower lip. Is she blushing? Of course, she's blushing like a newly grown apple. I must look like a true beauty. Wow, it's amazing what a little makeup can do.

"Thanks, Lyra." I go and give my parents a quick hug "Well I'm heading out now I will tell you how it goes when I get back."

"Oh and have Moseby escort little Jake on your way out please." My mom said as I broke my hug from her.

"We will, mom," I calmly said then Lyra and I head to the elevator.

The ride on the elevator is awkward mostly because Lyra was drooling at me. I wish I was kidding. I was used getting looks but they where mostly the are you sick or the wow that's a shiny look. To say I never got looks like this before would be wrong. A couple of my old bullies where only bullies because they had crushes but the way Lyra was looking at me was a little weird.

"Lyra, you're drooling." I pointed out and it takes her a second before she wipes away her drool.

"Sorry I guess I was entranced by your beauty." She says trying not to appear embarrassed as she was.

"It's alright." The elevator door opens to the main lobby Where I see just how Lyra got up to my parent's room.

The lobby looked like a tornado blew through the place as I see some items lying all over the place and some of the furniture has been tossed around. The guest looked terrified of Lyra as they backed away as we passed by them. I think I heard some of them whispering...

"The Grim Pony!"

Yeah, that. Someone just screamed that name. What was all that about?

Shrugging off that name, I looked at Lyra. "What did you do!?" I loudly asked in shock.

"The wouldn't let me up so I had to persuade them to let me up." She replies too calmly for my taste. Yeah, not gonna poke inside that Ursa Major's cave. Note to self; don't get on her bad side... again. Implant this fact right this time, Brain.

"Moseby," I called out his name, changing the subject quickly. I see his little bald head poking out of his desk and he looks like he just seen a ghost. "Mom wants you to bring Jake up to her room."

"W-W-Whos that?" He whispers. I point to the human boy sitting on one of few pieces of furniture not upside down or hanging from the ceiling. "Right away."

"Thank you," Lyra says politely and we head out to officially start our date. " Now I heard that there was this really awesome rollercoaster called the Wild Blue Yonder I wanna ride." I can't help but laugh. "What's so funny?"

"That rollercoaster is in my families hotel but I don't think that's first date material. " I answered as I gestured to her fancy black dress.

"Yeah, you gotta point there... I guess." She looks a little down so I give her a slight hip check. "Yes?"

"Let's just go watch a play or one of the many other shows this is Las-Pegasus after all." I remind her. I can see the gears turning in her head as a wide smile forms on her face.

"Yeah! You're right this is Las-Pegasus." She gets some pep in her step. "Let's go play some slots or, or go see some stage preforms and eat a big old cheese pretzel."

"Now your thinking this is a place for memories but no hard drinks. I don't wanna have to carry my date back to the hotel because she got blackout drunk," I say in a joking yet serious matter. I don't want that incident to happen to me... hah, again.

"Sure, that can be for the third date." Lyra teased as she winked at me. I just roll my eyes at her antics.

"Let's just see where this date goes first," I reply casually, placing my right arm around Lyra's neck and guided her to our next destination.

We decided to just look around and see what catches our attention. As we walk I give Lyra little bits of trivia. Like how Las-Pegasus hospitals suspend doctors and nurses who get caught betting on patients who would die next. One nurse was even arrested for murdering her patients so she would win the pots. And that there are over 30 quick weddings per day in Las-Pegasus, making it the top wedding destination in Equestria.

"Huh, that's kinda neat to know," Lyra replied as she looked around taking in the sights and sounds. "Wow look at that." She then books it to a street performer. The performer in question was a red dragon with black strips running along the length of his body and his wings were beige with red circular patterns on them. He also had on a nice long sleeved tux.

"Step right up! Step right up and let me show what magic a dragon can do." He shouts to get as much attention as possible. Once he gets a decent sized crowd he pulls out some cards and starts shuffling them. Nothing too impressive. I would have at least done the shuffling while interacting with my audience. This guy is nothing more than a con artist, a rookie one at that. I think to myself as he begins laying the cards down in groups of four.

"You with the cowpony hat. Why don't you step right up." He says as he points to a big yellow earth pony stallion in a tiny cowpony hat. I noticed his cutie mark was three cards, two-faced down and the face up one was an ace of clubs.

"Howdy." The stallion says as he takes a bow. That's probably his straight man. I deiced to use this to teach Lyra a couple things about stage magic. Plus they aren't doing anything wrong just trying to make a couple of bits so no reason to ruin the fun for everypony by calling him out.

"Lyra, pay close attention to the dragon's wrist," I informed to her as the dragon has the stallion pick a card from each pile.

"What why?" She asks. The dragon them shows everyone the cards the stallion picked. They are a three of clubs, a jack of diamonds, a five of hearts, and a princess of hearts.

"I wanna teach you some things about stage magic." Lyra looks at me confused for a moment before she does look at the dragon as he then sets the cards to face down.

"Now I want you to follow the princess of hearts." The dragon then mixes up the cards and it seems easy to follow. But for those paying attention would have noticed the slight shine coming from his cuff-links. The stallion pick one and he's correct, but the dragon then flips over the others and they are all the princess of hearts.

"Did you see it Lyra?" I asked as the crowd oohs and awes.

"I think so didn't his cuff-links shine but it was so fast I almost didn't catch it." She rubbed a hoof under her chin as she thought about it. "But it might have just been the light."

"You saw it and it was real. " I lowered my sleeve down to her to show her my cuff-links. "His cuff-links and by extension mine are enchanted to swap cards to set one based on what your actions are. But you have to be touching the cards you want to swap." I look at the dragons technique and it's good it shows he knows his stuff but he still needs to work on his entertainment a little.

"So why is this important." She asked, curiosity rising into fascination.

"Because the cuff-links are like training wheels until you can do these trick on your own without magic," I state as I begin to walk away. I don't want to ruin the fun for everyone and there could have been eavesdroppers that do want to ruin the fun.

"That's kinda cool but why do you have them?" Lyra asked once she caught up to me.

"This is from my early days as plus it has been a while and I need to get some practice before I resume my grand tour across Equestria," I answer giving Lyra some good for thought. "But despite the cuff-links being training wheels you still need to learn the movements needed for each trick like if you want to summon an ace of spades you would have to shake your left hoof three times but if you shake it twice you could end up with the six of diamonds," I explain further.

" Wow, there is a lot more work that goes into stage magic then I thought," Lyra said stunned. I give a light chuckle as we continue to walk around. But soon all that walking caused us to get hungry. If the sound of our stomachs is anything to go by.

"You wanna grab a big old cheesy pretzel?" I ask my date with a slight smirk.

"Oh you know it I'm so hungry I could eat Sweetie belles cooking. I mean I won't but I could" We both share a good laugh and we find a pretzel stand and we order a couple of cheesy pretzels and decide to call it a successful date overall. After we finish our pretzels we head back to the hotel and I have Mosbey get her a room for the night. I head up to my parent's place on the top floor and I walk into Mom playing a board game with Jake.

"How was the date, Sweetie," Mom asks as she takes her turn.

"It went well we both agree that a second date is a must but not any time soon," I respond as I yawn. "Lyra is in room 145, so you know where to send Jake when you're done I'm going to bed." We give our course of good nights and I go to bed.

Author's Note:

just in case anyone forgot in the earlier chapters I mentioned how Trixie's mother when on her own journey. During said journey she met some "humans" for a lack of a better word. The issue was they where like our ancestors you know the big foreheads and super hairy/ You know the Neanderthals. They where basically those but with minor magic that helped them identify non poisonous food.