• Published 20th Feb 2018
  • 3,856 Views, 350 Comments

The Great and Powerful Centaur - Viper Pit

About thirty years ago a human found herself in Equestria. Eventually she meets a low ranking noble and made a deal with him, she became his wife and eventually gave birth to a centaur Trixie. This is Trixie's story

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Meet the Rainbow Apple part 1

Phew! Finally, it's over.

The meeting with Rarity could have been less embarrassing, to say the least. What with the elegant white mare ripping my shirt off in front of Spike and everything. I had to smack Spike for starting again when I put my shirt back on. After explaining that I don't like it when anypony and anyone staring at me without a shirt or any concealing cloth on my chest. It was a pain to do but with a few explanations about human decency that my mother taught me, they seem to understand what I was saying and respected my comfort zone.

While Rarity was working on my new shirts, Twilight, the perverted purple dragon and I decided to head to Sweet Apple Acres for lunch and to see where I would be sleeping as I concluded that I needed room to sleep comfortably. My stay at the hospital reminded me one thing that I need most of all in Equestria; a big comfy bed and a satisfying full-course meal that will fill all my stomachs.

As we near the farm I can hear steady thuds. The thuds were not rhythmic like one would expect from a walking pattern of a large stallion or monstrous beasts. No, these were coming all over the place, echoing someplace near. Sometimes there would be two thuds in a row then a long silence before another thud would happen. The closer we got to the loud and more pronounced thudding noise, it was starting to become a little unnerving. My centaur body couldn't help but shudder with a little of anxiety, agitation, and confusion. It feels like it wants to run away from the noise before I found out who or what was causing them.

"Trixie, you seem a little jumpy." I hear Spike's worried voice calling out of my trance on the noise.

I shook my head to regain my focus and glanced at the little pervert, who turned his head away immediately. I ignored that gesture and answered him. "It's just that thumping I keep hearing. It's kinda putting me on edge." I replied as I remember the thuds from the Ursa chasing me. Yep, I definitely have a fear of bears now.

"I get it. You've been through a lot so you're still jumpy." Spike correctly points out. I gotta give him credit he is smart for his age... I think so anyway because I don't know how old he is.Note to self-look up how dragons age. Also look into getting insurance for the next wagon I'll buy so I'm not going to be in that situation again.

"Relax Trixie that's just Applejack and Big Macintosh doing some apple bucking there is nothing to be afraid of," Twilight says in a calm but informative voice.

"I'm not afraid, just a little on edge from everything including what happened at Rarity's." I pointed out. It looked like Twilight was gonna reply but a voice from above stops her.

"Oh hey, Twilight what's shaken." I looked up and saw a cyan mare with a rainbow mane hovering below towards us.

"Hello, Rainbow. I was showing Trixie around town and thought I would show her where she will be staying given her size it made sense that Applejack's farm would have space for her." Twilight informed the newcomer. "At the ba-AHEM!" She continued but suddenly covered her mouth with her right forehoof.

Wait, she covered up her mouth before finishing that last sentence. What did she mean by "Ba"? Did she made a Faustian slip-up or is she part sheep?

"That's cool. I was on my way to see if I could get some cider before Pinkie takes it all again." Rainbow then lands on the far side of Twilight.

"Hey Rainbow. Whats ups?" I asked as she hasn't really visited me since the initial visit with her friends.

"H-Hey Trixie. I'm happy your out of the hospital." She didn't seem like she was all that happy, but I didn't say anything about it.

"It does feel nice to get out of that place," I said instead of asking why she was being so skittish. From what I heard from Twilight and a little from Spike, she was described as sociable, egotistical, competitive and loyal to a fault, but here she's acting timid and aloof. Personality traits that are usually expected from a certain yellow pegasus.

"So, Rainbow. Wanna come with us?" Spike asks as he gets down from Twilight's back to walk with us.

"Yeah, sure why not? But Uhhhh... is Trixie gonna... well, you know." Rainbow looks at me with a little fear in her eye.

"No, I'm not gonna vomit blood... I think. I took some of my medicine before I left the hospital. You don't have to worry about that from happening. It's not that serious." I explain. She seems to relax when I said that. So that's why she's was acting so timid. She was afraid I'll vomit again. I can't say I blame her considering it was my blood and not the remains from the inside of my stomachs. It might take a while for her to be herself in front of me but I hope she doesn't continue to act this way around me.

"No, it's not exactly that..." She told me. Wait, if it wasn't my health she's worried about then what is it then.

"Huh? Rainbow Dash, what are you implying exactly?" Yes, thank you, Twilight. It would've been more awkward if I asked her.

Rainbow kicked a tiny pebble with her left forehoof and tilting her head sideways, feeling awkward at what she about tell us. With one big gulp, she opened her mouth and begin speaking. "Is Trixie gonna keep up with you guys or is she gonna collapse again?"

What did she just said?

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight shouted at the cyan pegasus, appalled at what just said about me. I couldn't blame her. I'm mad at this as well.

"Why would you say that?" Spike continued.

"What?!" She said, looking away from our gaze and acting innocent as if she say anything offensive. "I just thought that she looks a little weak and kind-of underweight. By the way, you should eat more."

I gasped, offended at what she is telling me. I was going to say something but she continued. "I mean look at her body. I can see the rib cage through the chest." She pointed her right forehoof on my lower half's body. I looked down and saw that she was right. Wow, did I let myself go that much? "And won't stop shaking like there's an earthquake."

"Wait, you're right," Twilight said, her voice sounded surprised. She looked at me and inspected my body and behavior. "Trixie, are you trembling intentionally or is your body really in a weaken state?"

"What?! No, I took my medicine so my illness should be gone for now." I informed them, raising both my hands as to signal that I'm defending my answer.

"Trixie, that's not how medicine works." Twilight reprimanded for my answer. "They only stabilize and slowly heal your body against your illness and injuries, not stop them entirely until you take another."

"Yeah, even I know that." Rainbow joined in. "I think? I'm sure what stabilize means but the slowly healing and not stopping your sickness parts I understand."

I lowered my head in shame. "I'm not a doctor or a nurse, how would I know..."

"It's still your body." Twilight interrupted my speech once again, her voice becoming more worried and a bit angry. "You should understand what is wrong with it. How could you neglect it?"

"I don't know." Well, that was a rather quick yet accurate answer from me. "I thought I was good to go like the doctors told me. I guess I trusted their word over my own body. I'm sorry."

Great, I'm apologizing to them for something that only affects me. What's wrong with me? Oh, wait. It's everything.

"Yo, Trixie." Rainbow is calling out my name. She was hovering right in front of my face, slowly flapping her cyan feathered wings.

"What?" I said with an irritated tone. Is she going to continue telling me what's wrong with my body or something else that's wrong about me?

"No, I'm sorry." Huh? What did she just say? "I was just pointing out what was wrong with your body because I was concerned if you are okay to even be out of the hospital. I didn't mean to make you feel horrible about it."

"Oh." Me, Twilight and even Spike for some reason, said it the same time.

"Oops," Twilight said, she sounded a little embarrassed. "I was concerned as well but I guess it was more about how ignorant you were with medical science instead of your actual health. I apologize as well for being unaware of how you are feeling."

"No, it's okay," I reassured her. "I'm sorry-"

"Ummm..." Spike finally got in the conversation. "I don't want to be rude but is it okay if we just say sorry once instead of exchanging it with each other?"

"Y-yes, you're right, Spike," Twilight stuttered. "We don't have time. We still have to get Trixie to Applejack to talk about her living arrangements."

"Yeah. We can say our sorries when we get there." Rainbow excitedly said. Must be happy to get out of the awkward situation that I caused... again. "You know what?"

"What?" I asked, feeling nervous for some reason.

"Here." She got to my left side and stretched out her right wing to cover my back, feeling a tight squeeze and lift as if she was carrying me. "I'll help you get to Applejack."

"Oh, you don't-"

"No, don't even finish that sentence." Rainbow objected to letting me finish my sentence. "As your friend, I want to help you out, whether you're injured or when you need help. I can't leave anypony or anyone lying down and feeling down. It's my duty to help all my friends out, no matter how impossible it would be."

"Wow, thanks, Rainbow Dash," I said, feeling a little awestruck at her motivating speech of how loyal she is. "Then led the way, Twilight."

"Sure. Let's go, Spike" She called out to her assistant, who obeyed it. They slowly returned to walking to the designated destination. I was about to follow them as well but Rainbow seemed to not budge.

"Hey!" Rainbow shouted at me, even though I'm right beside her. "I'm the one who made that awesome speech. I should be the one to lead you to Applejack's place."

"Ummm... aren't kind-of busy with something else," I informed her, moving my back where her wing is resting on.

"Oh... Ummm" Rainbow blushed at her obliviousness. "L-let's just going already."

After that little awkward talk at the dirt road of Sweet Apple Acres, Rainbow Dash and I made small talk while following Twilight Spike. I feel like we are getting closer to our destination, the place where I'll be meeting some ponies I'm staying with. I noticed the thumping stopped which helped calm me down, get me to relax, and stop shaking as bad. The rest of the way seemed surprisingly short but that could have been the fact that I wasn't focused on the journey but instead I was having fun with friends. Wow, that is not something I had in a while.

"Look were here," Twilight says breaking off the conversation we were having. I see a big red barn with a silo next to a two-story house with what looks like an older looking pony in a rocking chair. "Okay looks like Granny Smith is taking a nap so we need to be quiet." I nod as Rainbow let go of me. She probably figured we were close enough to the house that if something were to happen I could get help almost instantly.

"Thanks for the assistance guy."

"Think nothing of it, Trixie, we are happy to help," Rainbow says with pride. "But we better go get AJ just in case Granny wakes up early."

"Agreed Spike and I take the left half of the orchard and you take the right half Rainbow." Twilight suggested.

"What do I do?" I asked knowing I'm not gonna be able to help search for their friend mostly because I would get lost.

"You can wait on the porch and see if Applejack or her siblings come by," Spike speaks up.

"Alright I guess but what if she wakes up." I point to the older pony sleeping in the chair as Twilight said her name was.

"Don't move her eyesight is based on movement if you don't move she can't see you," Rainbow says with a straight face. I can't tell if she serious and that very concerning. Twilight, Spike, and Rainbow head out to search for their friend and I make my way to the porch and sit lay down. I listen to the old mare snore as I start thinking when I let myself go.

When did I start loosing so much weight. Oh right, It was about a month before I set out when I took some advice from somepony named Jetstream when he stopped by for business with my dad. He suggested I lose a lot of weight if I was gonna be a star like I wanted. First I cut meat out of my diet, then I started eating less overall. Wow, I never realized how slippery of a slop that could be. Wait, why did the snoring stop.I slowly look up to see That Granny Smith was awake and look at me funny.

"Dang nab it! One of the bulls got loose again." She then gets up and heads inside.Did she just called me a bull?She then comes out with a CATTLE PROD?!! "Get back to your pen before Ah whip this doohickey on yer keister." She demanded.

"I'm not a bull," I calmly said as I stand up and cautiously backed away from the crazy elder mare.

"That's what they all say." She then lunges the cattle prod towards me but falls short.

"Nope, I'm not dealing with this." I use my magic to lift her up and yank that thing away from her.

"What didja to that fer?" She said with such hostility that she give me a stink eye.

"Because I just got out of the hospital and I don't want to get back so soon," I shouted as I put her down while still keeping the cattle prod out of her reach.

"None of our bulls went to the hospital so quit yer lying." She shouted back. She sounds really grumpy even though she took a somewhat serene nap.

"I'M NOT A BULL!" I'm not gonna lie I'm really tempted to use this cattle prod on her. Luckily somebody new arrived at the scene.

"Granny, who are ya barking at this time?" A little yellow filly with a pink bow in her red mane asked, looking curiously at me and the crazy old mare.

"Applebloom, one of them bulls got out their pens again. This one won't go back and snatched ma poking stick." Granny said. She was trying to get the cattle prod back from me by attempting to jump for it but her age stops her from fulfilling the action and I raised my arm higher that not even a tallest known stallion can reach it.

"This darn bull is more stubborn than Applejack during her angsty young mare years."

"And I keep telling you that I'm not a bull." I stomped my left forehoof and just chuck the damn thing away just to stop the elderly mare from getting it.

"Granny go get yer glasses." The filly I now know as Applebloom says opening the door for her grandmother.

"What fer? Ah' can see just fine Applebloom." She then harrumphed. " Now quite Sassen me and help me get this bull back in the pen. Um... whichever this one is? Ah' can't quite member their names." She then starts mumbling to herself as she wonders inside seemingly forgetting what just happened.

"Ah sorry about my granny. her eyes ain't as good as they once were." She gives a small smile. "Hi Ah'm Applebloom it's nice to meetcha."

"I am the Great and POWERFUL TRRRRIXIE." I made my wonderful introduction towards the little filly. I then strike a pose with my arms and front legs in the air while balancing on my back legs briefly. "But you can just call me Trixie." I give a slightly cocky smile.

"Oh, so you're Trixie? Applejack said you'd be stayin' with us." Applebloom then starts inspecting me. "You're bigger then I thought you'd be." A huge grin forms on her face as she starts bouncing around me. "Oh boy, the cutie mark possibilities with you around are well not infinite but a lot that's fer sure." As she bounces around I can't help but giggle at her enthusiasm. " Can ya come with me to meet my friends?"

"Maybe once I get settled and get something to eat." As if on cue, my stomach growled like some ferocious beast. "Eh? I didn't eat much today. Hehe....ho boy."

Applebloom giggled. "Come on, Ah'll get ya something to eat." We then head inside and I see the older mare sleeping in a recliner this time. "What do ya want to munch on?"

"Well if you're making it," I said. I pondered for a few seconds until made my decision on the meal that even a little filly like her can make. "Then I'll have something sweet and enough for both my stomachs. Maybe a sandwich."

"Right away," Applebloom responded. "Ah'll make ya the best sandwich in all of Equestria." After she finished talking, she immediately went somewhere, most likely in the kitchen.

Huh, unlike most other places I don't have to duck as much to get inside.This place is definitely bigger. I guess the Apples are just bigger than your average pony.

"Here, you go." Wow, that was rather quick. "One slice of Granny's delicious homemade apple pie and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich." The tiny filly holds the plate of food in front of my face. Of course, I happily accept and say thanks to both Applebloom and God before eating the food. I get on my knees, clapped my hands together and begin.

Dear Lord, I thank you for all of the blessings you have given me, like having the Apple Family Clan take me in in my time of need until I am able to get a new wagon. A Men.

"Trixie, what are ya doin'?" Applebloom ask.

"I was praying," I reply as I took a bite out of the apple pie. It tastes so delicious that I can taste the fresh apples of the farm with every chew and have the sensation that my energy coming back. "This is really good Applebloom."

"Thank ya but what's praying?" Oh right, it's not very common outside of my household.

"It's part of something that my family does."I start "When my mom first came to Equestria it was all she had for the longest time. It was an anchor to keep her sane. I don't know too much more other then it has something to do with a major belief in her homeland about some old pony who supposedly created everything." I answer before looking at Applebloom, who looks like she want's to more questions. "Applebloom I know you have another question," I said as I got to take another bite of food only to realize I don't have anymore.Ah man, That was really good pie. It will be missed.

"Ah was wondering If ah could hope on your back so I could feel tall like my brother Big Mac." She then uses her puppy dog like eyes as weapons of mass cuteness, making her all adorable that I can't to say no to her. She even tops it off with a quiver from her lower lips that became a death blow to my mental defenses.

"Fine you can ride me but be careful back there I'm still not one hundred percent in case the case wasn't a giveaway." I get down to make it easier for Applebloom to get on my back. "Easy now. Don't want you falling."

"Okay, ready when you are." I gave a little nod and carefully make my way outside. "It's a little bumpy."

"Well, I only have three good legs to work with," I said in a joking matter, shrugging of the stinging pain of my injured leg as to assure the little filly I'm fine. Applebloom noticed the jesting quote and laughed.

This is fun and all but... Ouch... Although my leg feels a little...

"APPLEBLOOM, GIT DOWN FROM THERE RIGHT THIS INSTANCE." A rather angry sounding voice screams scaring the tar out of me causing Appleboom to fall off, but I catch her with my magic in time.

"Uh, oh," Applebloom said as I set her on the ground gentle only to see a rather angry looking orange mare barreling down towards us.

Uh oh indeed.

Author's Note:

religion is for the most part not part of this particular equestria

also who do you want to see shipped with Trixie

1 Big mac

2 a rival stage magician

3 Starlight

4 no one at all

please leave your votes along with your comments below