• Published 20th Feb 2018
  • 3,856 Views, 350 Comments

The Great and Powerful Centaur - Viper Pit

About thirty years ago a human found herself in Equestria. Eventually she meets a low ranking noble and made a deal with him, she became his wife and eventually gave birth to a centaur Trixie. This is Trixie's story

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Dreams and Goodbyes

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay (and the shortness of the chapter) but for those who do not know I am switching to a biweekly update schedule do to doctors orders, also due to some very nasty weather I lost internet for most of February. About three weeks to be exact.

If you have any questions feel free to ask and if its about the story I will do my best to answer them without giving away the plot. But I am thinking about rewriting some of the more hastily written chapters to smooth things out and help it flow better.

Should Trixie get a bodyguard if yes comment what race you would like to see if no then give your reason?

I was following some scattered rose petals, which were guiding upstairs. Ugh, I'm feeling a little anxious and annoyed as the stairs squeaked like a rubber chicken, with each step I took. I decided to use my prideful and prismatic dragon wings to pick up the pace a little as keep following the petals.

As I fly over a giant wedding cake, I started to hear disgruntled moans. Not undead zombie moans, but "this feels really good yet it hurts a little" moans. Ooookay, it sounds like reallygood.

Passing by some flying wedding dresses, I can see what I think Is Lyra, but her physical figure appeared more like my mom's with the exceptions of her signature light mint green fur and no clothes, only the glistening natural lights conceal her... Ahem, 'shameful' exposed parts . Her beautiful breasts were bouncing and jiggling in a jelly-like motion as she tosses the rose petals that I have been following. Her light green mane with silver-white highlights was tied neatly into a bun and the bindings was a white ribbon with a few different assortments of exotic flowers.

Switching my target of observation, I follow her instead of the petals and soon I see Big Mac in all his glory. I wish I could describe more about his aesthetic appearance, however, I can only clearly see his rugged face while the light that I previously mentioned tried to blind me from motioning my vision on his body. Ah! Such a tease.

The alluring yet mysterious scent exuding from both of them was quite intoxicating as a fresh cup of freshly ground coffee in the morning with a small hint of freshly baked sweets that just came straight out of the oven. The blinding light made my vision blurry and disorientated that I can only perceive Lyra's and Big Mac's specific body parts. My body's movements were stiff and hesitant as I couldn’t help but go a bit closer; the closer I got to them, the more excited I got. It wasn’t often I got dreams like this so I was gonna enjoy this very much.

“Hey, Trixie. Come here, Trixie, and we will show you a wonderful time, Trixie.” Lyra kept saying my name as she began licking one of her own voluptuous breasts. While the other one was being fondled by the sudden appearance of Big Mac

Big Mac got behind Lyra (who seemed to quiver at the contact he was providing) and with a big smug grin. “Eeyup.” He said his signature phrase with a deep seductive voice. The two of them quickly began having sex. The sounds Lyra made with the smells I mentioned earlier it all became too much for me as I quickly flew over to breeding pair and I began to take part.

I would've described more, but I don’t think young children should listen to what happened next... I don't know why I went towards that mentality but it can't be helped, I guess. Anyway, let’s just say Princess Luna probably blushed that night.


Waking up the next morning, I groaned a little at a familiar pungent smell that permeates the air in my bedroom, “Well at least I try and bath regularly.” I then got up and grabbed some clothes, put my beddings in the laundry basket, and then went take a shower.

“Trixie, when you are done, I need you to take your marefriend to the train station,” I hear my mom through the door. Her disgust at the use of marefriend is not lost on me.

“Alright, Mom,” I shouted back, loud enough to be heard through the door.

“I’m not washing your sheets, you are to do that before you go looking for another trailer.”

“Yes, Mom.” A slight blush crosses my face. It’s caused by the fact that my mom found out how my sheets got dirty, but also from the dream I had last night. Finishing my time in the bathroom, I get dressed again. I don’t wrap my breast for support because I didn’t really feel like it. Well, that and I need to get more support wraps anyway. The old ones were starting to stretch and lose there support anyway. Did I mention that before I feel like I have?

“Man, I need to get back on the road I am starting to lose my mind.” I vacate out of the living room where I see dad making breakfast in the kitchen while mom is reading the paper. “Morning, guys,” I greeted everyone to get their attention.

“Morning, Trixie.” My parents responded with a daily morning family greeting while not looking away from their respective task, also known as me.

“Where' s Lyra and Jake?” I asked, curiously and still half drowsy as my eyes were still slightly shut and I had to depend on my memories to locate the coffee maker. I grabbed a mug, poured some freshly brewed morning coffee and took a long sip to warm up and re-energized my body.

Oh yeah, that's the good stuff. Now that I have coffee metaphorically coursing throughout my veins, I fully opened my eyes to completely perceive my surroundings.

"Lyra said they were gonna wait in the lobby for you moon pie." My dad says as I feel him hug me.

Ruffling his mane while not commenting on the nickname I respawn. "That so well alright let me go grab a couple of things before I head out." I hear my mom say something about being a sinner before I leave to grab me what I need. (Including one letter for one Macintosh Apple.)

Once I have what I need I say good-bye and promise to return to wash the sheets. Meeting Lyra and jake in the lobby we quickly make our exit. Jake was asleep on his adoptive moms back.

"So when are you going back on tour Trixie?" Lyra asks me.

"Sometime next week." I then say. " I'm getting my wagon today but I need the extra time to practice my routine and maybe hire a bodyguard to avoid another Ponyville incident you know?"

"Yeah, I get it." She hums thoughtfully. "It takes a special kind of crazy to live there."

"Like having a human son and a centaur girlfriend?" I took a witty jab at her statement.

"Exactly." Wait, a second... Did she not get- "ACK!" She playfully punches my leg with her forehoof. Okay, she got it.

She quickly uses her magic to adjust Jake. "So what your mom said I am wondering if Jake will one day turn into a pony."

"I honestly don't know I haven't met too many humans and as far as I know the only reason that's happening to my mom is that she pissed off the wrong zebra," I answer reply honestly. "So the stuff about cutie marks could be just to scare you."

"What other humans have you met?" She pauses for a moment, "Besides, Jake and your mom-" For some reason, I could see her body visibly shivering. "I meant, your mother."

I have to think for a moment. It would have been easier to say no but I want to be honest with her. " I remember back when I was in Canterlot, visiting my cousin and there was this green skinned thing that had the same body shape as my mom but there is no way it was human."

"What makes you say that?"

"It has been a while so I can't remember much about it but I do remember it had a question mark for a face and a nice suit."

"Yeah, no way. That was a human." The rest of the trip was in silence until we got to the train station.

"Have a safe trip Lyra." I lean down to give her a hug. "And could you give this to Big Mac when you see him?" I give her my letter.

"I will on both accounts." She and Jake got on the train. As the train pulls out I can see Jake tiredly wave goodbye to me.