• Published 20th Feb 2018
  • 3,857 Views, 350 Comments

The Great and Powerful Centaur - Viper Pit

About thirty years ago a human found herself in Equestria. Eventually she meets a low ranking noble and made a deal with him, she became his wife and eventually gave birth to a centaur Trixie. This is Trixie's story

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Meet the parents

I got off the train, stretching my arms and legs as I step on the platform. What? It feels good to get off the train after a few hours of sitting. looking around I can see a lot of ponies getting on the train presumably to go home and count how much bits they lost during their stay. Yep, this place hasn't changed a bit.

"I still have some bits leftover. Maybe I can get something new to wear before I head to the hotel." I stated to myself to get my priorities organized. I quickly count out all five of my bits. SERIOUSLY?! " Haaaa... Of course, I don't have enough." I sighed deeply.

"Mom is gonna kill me for not having a proper shirt on... And she might overkill me for not properly maintaining my finances." Without much choice in the matter, I head straight to the hotel. As I walk through the sea of crowds, I can see all sorts of creatures pass by each other who each one was focusing on their own activities such as visiting popular attractions with excited expressions. From Griffons to Minotaurs and even a couple of my fellow Centaur brethren.

Just another typical day in Las Pegasus.

Even though no one noticed, I covered my upper human half torso as best I can and pick up my pace before I see my (hopefully) caring and gentle parents.

I make it to my family's hotel with a little trouble in locating the place. It's relatively easy to spot considering the giant cross as the sign. Geez, it hasn't been that long since I left. I shouldn't be THIS nervous to see them again, let alone be clumsy with finding your childhood home/tower.

"No use getting cold hooves now." Taking a deep breath and gulp from my throat before proceeding to head inside...

Ah, this place hasn't changed at all... in a nostalgic sense. In physically and popularity appearances, the hotel changed a lot. I swear it gets cloudier in here every time I come inside.

The floor has a nice dark blue carpet with a purple cross that connects to the front reception desk to the front entrance door. On top of the center of this room, the ceiling has a gorgeous golden chandelier with emeralds and other lighter green gemstones for decoration. The furniture is pure alabaster white and in different shapes to accommodate different species and...


... Yup, like clockwork, The screams of said creatures coming from the indoor roller-coaster deeper inside the hotel. Everything looks the same? Of course, why wouldn't it? Its only been about a year, maybe a year and a half since I left.

Walking up to the front desk I ring the bell and wait for the desk manager to arrive. It's not long before he shows up. He's a short light brown stallion wearing a nice white suit. His cutie mark is that of a pocket hankey and his name tag that reads "Mr. Moseby". He sees me and his eyes widen and he gets the biggest smile on his face. (Remember: don't... never criticize his bald head. That is considered to be incredibly rude.)

"Trixie, it's so good to see you again." He exclaims as he runs up to me full speed ahead.

"Its good you see you too, Moseby," I greeted back as we share a brief hug. Well, to be more accurate I am the one doing the hugging while he tries since his forelegs are too short to reach around me. After I set him down he gets a proper look at me.

"Trixie dear, what happened to you? Did you get robbed? I need all the details, young lady." Although he sounds truly worried, he can't help but be curious with information. Don't let his gender fool you. He is a huge gossip lover. I would even dare say that he participates in all kinds of gossips even more than Rarity.

"Sure but first you wouldn't happen to have a shirt in my size I could borrow? My mother would ground me for a month for showing up without one." I informed him.

"Oh, of course, of course. Follow me." He scurries away. I follow him into the back where he stays. He's not the only staff member to stay in the hotel but he is the only one to have his room expenses not be taken out of his paycheck. I may or may not have had a hand in that as a little filly.

I tell him what happened in Ponyville along the way. Everything from the Ursa Minor and the Parasprites incident to the date I forgot I set up with Lyra and before I board the train, I unconsciously kissed with Big Mac.

"My, my it seems you would have formed quite the loving herd if things turned out differently," Moseby said with a kind smile on his face. Opening up his room it looks like any other room in the hotel only with a stove and a big refrigerator in the kitchen. His closet is fairly packed with shirts, suits, ties, and pocket hankies. I skip the majority of the cloths and I find a nice blue tropical shirt with palm trees and coconut drinks all over it. It fits, but I do have to make sure not to raise my arms around my parents tho.

"Oh, thank you, Moseby, you're a life saver," I say as I pat his head getting a joking glare from him.

"Your very welcome Trixie. Now I think its time for you to go meet with your parents they should be in their room." I nod at his words. I thank him again for his shirt before I take a nearby elevator up to the upper levels. The elevator music is a song from moms world called Jesus, take the wheel. It's a nice song but not really my type of music.

The ding of the elevator lets me know that my stop is here. I step out and into the hallway. The shine of the floor tells me it was recently mopped well that and the wet floor sign. Carefully making my way to my parent's room without making a mess of the recently cleaned floor.

It's not long before I'm at my parent's room. I go to knock but I start to get cold feet.

"You can do this Trixie you've come this far," I say to myself and without further hesitation, I knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I heard my dad's prestige voice call out.

"It's me, dad," I answer through the door. There is a moment of silence then the door swings open to my father, who has the biggest smile on his face. He has light blue fur, white mane, and tail, and his cutie mark is three sacks of bits. He's wearing a purple suit with a black bow tie and he has a rose in his pocket. He was was probably about to go mingle with the guest.

"Hi, dad." I awkwardly waved as he barrels into me giving me a Pinkie Pie-style full body hug, his arms wrapped around my lower human half torso. I will say it is awkward to be taller than your dad. Especially when maximum height (including his unicorn horn) only comes close to my human half belly.

"Oh, I missed you, my little princess." He says once he stops hugging me. "Not that I'm unhappy to see you, but why are you here?" He says as he lets go. "And wearing one of Moseby's shirts?"

"It's a long story and I would like to tell it to both you and mom so I don't have to repeat myself." I step inside the apartment. Its nothing fancy just white walls, wood floors and a golden cross on the wall. The furniture is a nice light brown color.

Taking a seat on the couch while my dad goes and gets me something to drink. "Thanks, dad." I take the glass of water. "So, how is mom doing?"

"Well other than a slight change in appearance she's doing good." I don't like the way he said that.

"What happened to mom?!" I yelled in a panic. My dad flinches at my words.

"Well, her skin turned orange and her hair turned a nice golden yellow." I facepalmed that daf would be complimenting mom's sudden changes in her physical appearance. "Yeah, she's currently in her prayer room to combat the effects."

"How did she get exposed to that much magic this time?"

"I had to break up a fight between two unicorns." A new voice cut in catching the both of us off guard. "Hello, Trixie This is a pleasant surprise." Turning around I see my mom. She is wearing a solid black business suit. She has white skin but its still yellow around the joints, Her hair is brown with hints of the golden yellow.

"Hi, mom." I get up to hug her and she hugs back. My mom is about a head taller than me so she always makes me feel safe whenever we hug. "I hope you're okay."

"I'm fine sweetie but it seems that God is gonna let stay human for a little longer." She then looks sad for a moment. " I will turn into a pony one day and I don't look forward to it but if it's in gods plan who am I to judge."

"I'm sorry Amy but I should have been there when the fight broke out." My dad said as he nuzzles my mom.

"It's alright, Jack. We both know that it's gonna happen eventually but if I'm being honest, I'm a little terrified at the thought." My mom said but I know that was partially a lie.

My mom isn't really afraid of transforming into a pony. No, she's terrified of losing her human form, the one she was born and lived with. It must be hard to part ways with something you lived with for most of your life.

I knew this because I heard her cry out once when I was a little kid. One night, I had a nightmare that woke me up and scared me completely; although I have forgotten what that dream was. I ran straight to my parents' bedroom to soothe me and sleep with them but both of them were gone that night. My dad was performing a late-late-night show for the "more matured" audience and wouldn't be back until the morning. I knew where my mother was which was in our private prayer room, next to the living room.

I was gonna burst into tears and ran straight to her but my mom beat right to it. I took a peek through the small crack of the door and saw her kneeling while praying to God in a desperate begging manner. She begged to Our Almighty Lord with all of her might to not change into a pony for she was afraid of losing "the last thing she had left of her homeworld", in part of losing all her memories of her human friends and family. When I saw her collapse and pass out on the floor, I charged back to my bed, covered my entire body under my blanket and closed my ears with my pillow to block out the sorrowful cries of my mother but to no avail.

I regretted not helping my mom that night. I felt so weak and pathetic.

That event was when I decided to do whatever I can to help my mom with her condition. I wanted to use my magic to prevent that change from happening but I don't how to do that and I might become the main cause of her transformation.

Finding the cure or the solution to her problem was one of the main reasons why I decided to roam around Equestria and beyond as a Travelling Magic Show Centaur. Every time I stop by a town or city, I would go to the libraries or anywhere that provides information to look for any hints of a solution.

I thought Twilight's Library might hold the answers that I need when she told me she had a collection of ancient Equestria and Old World tomes that weren't available anywhere else. But I never got the chance to look at any of them due to the Parasprites devouring the irreplaceable ancient tomes. That event was the reason why I snapped at Twilight.

Gah! Enough with the sad thoughts. I can't help but sadly reminisce that memory whenever my mother started to have her... "episodes" but I don't want to cry in front of my parents right now I already have enough on my plate.

I give a polite cough to get both of their attention. "Now, I don't mean to interrupt but I don't think now is the time for being a Debby downer, you guys."

"Trixie is absolutely right." Mom then claps her hands "Now why are you here, dear?"

We sit down and I tell them everything I told Moseby. They where mad that I had lied to them in my letters but overall, I'm glad that I am safe. Mom was a little miffed that I entertained the Idea of a herd but was more interested in Jake. Dad was laughing at the way I told... no, more like snapped aggressively Twilight off for escalating the Parasprites incident. I guess that was his way of getting back at my uncle.

By the time I was done talking thanks to the many interruptions by comments and questions three hours had passed. Not that I'm complaining about spending time with my parents but well they are my parents they can be awkward at times.

"Wow, sounds like you had quite the adventure but you do realize you're grounded for lying to us." My mom said as I nodded on my punishment... then as if the perfect timing, a knock at the door.

"I got it," I said while my dad goes to answer the door.

"So they have a whole book on humans?" My mom asks and again I nod. "What did it say?" From her tone, it wasn't a request.

"It was about what happens to humans when they arrive, some who are ponies when they arrive are locked in mental institutions because no one believes them, others like you, mom, turn into ponies over time, but most died due to illness in their first couple weeks after arriving in Equestria," I answered honestly.

"What else?" Her desperate gaze makes me flinch. I never understood how she knew I was never telling her the whole truth. I guess her intuition is greater than God's omniscient sight on all of his creations.

"That one human arrives about once every fifteen to twenty years." The familiar voice of Lyra cuts in. To say I'm shocked she's here is an understatement. Even more shocking is she is wearing a black dress that sparkles in the light.

"Lyra, what are you doing here?" I asked once I get over the shock.

"I'm here for our date, silly." She giggles with an ominous tone, her right eyebrow twitching quite a lot. Tipping her head slightly down, a dark shadow soon coated the top half of her face and eyes. She slowly approaches me until she stopped exactly five feet in front of me. I can feel all of my anxiety well up all over my body.

"I'm not gonna let a little thing like the town being destroyed by creepy gluttonous bug creatures stop that from happening."

Oh great. She's mad.