• Published 20th Feb 2018
  • 3,857 Views, 350 Comments

The Great and Powerful Centaur - Viper Pit

About thirty years ago a human found herself in Equestria. Eventually she meets a low ranking noble and made a deal with him, she became his wife and eventually gave birth to a centaur Trixie. This is Trixie's story

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Meet the Apples part 2

"Applebloom what were ya' thinking? Getting on Trixie's back like that you know she just got out of the hospital." Applejack scolded Applebloom before looking at me. Her judgemental gaze made ME flinched. " And what were you thinking even letting her on yer back in the first place ya Idjet." She then takes a deep breath. "Now Trixie you are more than welcome to stay here but Ah need you ta be more careful. Ya understand?"

"I understand Applejack, but I didn't see anything wrong with it. Your sister just wanted to feel tall. If only for a little bit." I explain while trying not to be intimidated by a mare that's half my height. I was failing miserably.

"Yea Ah mean Big Mac is well he's big and I wanted to see what it was like but Ah didn't wanna because it's embarrassin' Applejack." The little filly says as she rubs her hoof in the dirt. If I had to guess she was trying to act cute to reduce her punishment. I'm sure a lot of ponies do that when they are young and try to play off cuteness as their ace in the hole, but if they play it too much and it doesn't work as much.

"It's okay Applebloom just, just try not to do that with an injured guest alright sugar cube." Applejack then pulls in Applebloom for a hug. I can't help but smile at the sight. It kinda makes me wish I had a brother or sister. "Run along now sugar cube I gotta get show Trixie where she'll be sleeping."

"Okay Applejack." Applebloom gives me a quick hug and then runs off somewhere. Probably to meet her friends she told me about earlier.

Applejack waves to her sister then turn towards me. "Trixie, if ya gonna be livin' here fer the time being I might as well show ya around."

"Sounds good to me, I don't exactly wanna get lost in this huge orchard," I replied while crossing my arms.

"Alright, then its time fer the grand tour." And with that, the grand tour started. After about five minutes, (give or take a few minutes). Our first stop was some trees with green apples in them. " These are our green apple tree. They are a little sourer then yer run of the mill red apples but they make fer great apple juice."

"Wouldn't the red ones be better for apple juice?" I questioned. Applejack chuckles slightly.

"That's what most folks think but nope, the sour nature of these apples goes well with sugar and it ends up taste both sweet and sour at the same time." She explained.

"Just like lemons on lemonade." I responded.

"Exactly, Sugarcube." She happily said.

Huh, I guess that makes some sense. I mean, she is the apple expert.

"Where to next Applemaster?" I give a slight bow.

"Applemaster?" She said, looked at me with not an offended look but rather a curious one.

"Well, you must be an expert and really fun time doing farming apples and doing other farm stuff."

"Now hold just an apple pickin' minute." She said


"It ain't all fun and games when it comes farming apples."


"Apple farmin' is a serious career.

"Look, I'm sorry that I offended you."

There were a few long seconds of silence before I could hear the blonde mane pony chuckling. "Nah, I'm just yanking yer chain."

"That was... quite a sense of humor you have there, Applemaster."

"Well, I had to get back at ya fer dat nickname." She retorted

We chuckled a bit while we slowly walked down the road. I was looking at the numerous rows of apple trees that were guard by a long line of wooden fences.

"Up next is the Zap Apples which are just over that hill." She pointed to a hill that was a good distance away.

"Are you sure I should be walking this much with a broken leg?" I asked suddenly having second thoughts and a little concerned with how much walking I did today. Applejack seems to ponder what I said for a minute or two

"Yer right, Sugarcube. Sorry, I reckon we need to git back so you can rest up some."

"Thanks, I'm just a little exhausted." With a little help from Applejack, we start heading back towards the farmhouse Applejack giving apple bucking tips for when my leg is better.

"Well, we can meet Twilight and Rainbow before I show you where yer stay." Applejack casually mentioned and not that she did I would be nice to say bye to them before I lay down to rest.

"I think I can do that but then I'm going to pass out for a little bit." She gives a nod of understanding and before I know it we stop in front of the barn.We got here faster then I was expecting, but I suppose that's a good thing.

Applejack opens the door to the barn as she says "Twilight and Rainbow should be in there."

"Why are Rainbow and Twilight in the barn?" I asked. I mean why wouldn't they be on the porch with some apple cider or something.

"Only one way to find out, Sugarcube." She points a hoof inside the barn.Totally not ominous at all.

"Okay but I'm not good with surprises because you know bad hearts and all that." I give a nervous chuckle as I enter the barn. Inside was Twilight, Rainbow, and Rarity surprisingly reorganizing the tools in the barn and getting what looks like a giant pile of.....Hay.....with a.... quilt on top of it. "What's with the hay pile?"

"Oh, we didn't expect you to come back so early, darling." Rarity said while what I'm assuming is organizing some of the clothes I had commissioned from her earlier today.My god, she works fast.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here either Rarity. Why are you?" I ask as I look around the barn and I can see a curtain that's around the giant hay pie.

"Oh well, Darling. Since you are staying here until you can afford a new wagon I thought I would come by with your clothes and see about cleaning up the place." The sophisticated white pony said that with a smile.

"Yeah!" Rainbow enthusiastically shouted. "And since, these guys are really slowpokes. I decided to clean as well. With my awesome pegasus speed, this barn will be so clean that you can eat food off the floor."

"EWWW!!!" Everypony yelled.

"Rainbow Dash, that's a revolting idiom to state." Rarity commented.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, hold on a second. Why am I staying in the barn?" This is unacceptable. There is no bed for me no place for me to put my medicine, plus anypony can just walk right on in on me at any time.

"Beggars can't be choosers, Trixie darling." Rarity said.

"Yeah." Rainbow joined in. "Be grateful that you even have a place to stay for free and the bed is big enough that your entire body will be comfortable." I somehow doubt that hay will be comfortable.

"Don't worry, the girls and I will make sure that your stay at Applejack's barn is comfortable and safe," Twilight reassured me.

I was going to protest but I looked around and just sighed in defeat. I'm pretty sure every pony here in this room has some persuasive speech on why I should stay here. I should just accept the offer and skip the exhausting argument.

"It doesn't look like I have too much of a choice in the matter." With a sigh I say. "I better make myself as cozy as I can with hay for a bed. At least the quilt is warm and really soft. Thanks, Rarity."

"Nothing but the finest cotton fabrics for my new friend." Rarity clarified with a grateful smile and prideful tone for hearing my compliment.

"But before you lay down and have some shut eye." Applejack said. "We better start cleaning the barn before the sun sets and Granny howlers us for dinner."

"Yeah." We all shouted and began clearing some space for me to rest on.

After what felt like a long hour of clearing various heavy items and washing every surface, the barn is finally clean enough that it appeared to be more of a very spacious house rather than a barn where the large farm tools are kept. Twilight went out twenty minutes ago, saying that she was going to grab something from her home to give to me. Rainbow Dash also left the scene fifteen minutes ago, everypony telling me that she might have taken a nap somewhere in the apple orchard or above the clouds. I kind of understand as I want to collapse on the hay pile right now and fall into a deep slumber (maybe munch on some hay as a late night snack).

"Phew, that sure was exhausting work." Applejack stated. She removed her hat and uses her right hoof to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

"Indeed, it sure was." Rarity agreed. "Now that we're done here, I can finally go home and take a nice long herbal bubble bath to soothe my aching body."

"A bath does sound good to have right now," I said, now desiring

"You can use the bathtub in ma home." Applejack politely offered.

Usually, I would refuse but my body is begging to be cleaned. "I'll take that offer then, Applejack," I replied.


I heard the metal hinges of the barn doors emit a clunk noise. The doors opened and I saw Twilight and Rainbow Dash came back. With them was a large light blue box that was about their size and was wrapped in a white ribbon. Twilight used her magic to levitate the seemingly heavy box while Rainbow was floating beside it with a huge grin on her face.

"Hey girls, we're back," Twilight stated to everyone. "Sorry for unannouncedly leaving but I had to get Trixie's present from my house."

"it's no problem at all," I said. " But you didn't have to give me anything. You girls already provided me everything I need to survive until I can get back on my hooves. I don't how I'll ever repay you back if you kept giving me more stuff."


After I was done with my grateful speech, I heard Rainbow snicker loudly. I looked and saw her poorly attempting to hide her laughter by cover her face with her hooves and wings.

"Did I said something funny?" I asked, feeling a little offended.

The cyan pegasus waved her hooves like a shield. "Oh no no no no, it's just that the present we got you is really awesome and I can't wait for your reaction." She responded. "I'm so excited."

"Okay," I said but I don't trust that answer. There must something suspicious inside that box. "Is this a prank gift."

"Oh, there's no need to worry about Rainbow and her... wily personality." Rarity said reassuringly. "Her remarks are only in jest. We truly are thrilled to see what we all got for you."

"Yes." Twilight agreed. "Pinkie Pie put all of her effort on this one."

"Oh, if it is from Pinkie," I said. "Then I guess there's nothing suspicious about this present, right?"

"Well, why don't ya go open dat box first then thank us fer it." Applejack chuckled and I give her a confused look but I doubt she noticed. I slowly approach the giant box as it was about four feet high from the looks of it.

"Umm, okay?" A little weird but I thought nothing of it and remove the top cover of the present. I slowly looked down to see...


"GAHHH!!!"I screamed at the top of my lung when some pink thing popped out of the box.

My first primal instincts were to punch the thing that scared me in the face while screaming like a little foal. After the initial scare, I started freaking out because of who I just punched.

"Oh, my god I'm so sorry I don't know what happened I just reacted." I'm freaking out really bad because I just punched Pinkie in the face. She was holding her muzzle and rolling on the ground. "I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!"I repeated over and over. I'm so freaked out that I almost start vomiting.

"Trixie, calm down." I hear Twilight's voice. "We don't need you having a panic attack on us. Breath Trixie breath."

Author's Note:

i don't know jack about making apple juice