• Published 20th Feb 2018
  • 3,857 Views, 350 Comments

The Great and Powerful Centaur - Viper Pit

About thirty years ago a human found herself in Equestria. Eventually she meets a low ranking noble and made a deal with him, she became his wife and eventually gave birth to a centaur Trixie. This is Trixie's story

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The Great Medical Testing

The next day arrived and boy I was a wreck. My back was killing me my breath smells to high heaven, worst of all my hair was all over the place.

"God, I look and slight... SLIGHTLY feel like trash." I told to myself as I looked in a mirror.

What a cluster fu- AHEM! I mean, a series of unfortunate events that have occurred in my life. A tiny jerk purple dragon calling me out on my tricks as nothing and boasting how this Twilight unicorn is the best magic user in Equestria. Bunch of the village's natives tried to do the same thing but I was lucky to end that so-called argument by telling them I don't know... IT WAS A MAGIC SHOW! Ahem, sorry about that outburst. I don't know what came over me just now. Must be due to the fact that my trailer/home got decimated by an Ursa MINOR. Not a Major but a little baby Minor, who got a little antsy when it got rudely awakened from its slumber by two dense colts as they thought that I could actually beat that monstrosity.

I don't know how my life will get any... Oh hey, look at that. The hospital must do complimentary bathing and teeth supplies to all their patients. That's a good sign of my luck... right? Whatever, I brushed my teeth and give my face a quick wash. "Better if only a little." I grabbed a mane brush from the table. I don't know who's owns this but I doubt they will care if I use it to get rid of this bed head. Once I finished brushing, I put down the brush back where I found it then I limp my way over to the door, feeling a little famished. On the other side of the door is Nurse Red Heart.

"Oh, umm Good morning Nurse... Red Heart. Is that right?" I said, my voice croaked a bit. Feeling a little uncomfortable about running into somepony while on my way to getting breakfast.

"Morning, Trixie. Yes, my name is Nurse Red Heart and I came here to inform you that the doctor would like to run some test on you after your done eating." She stated flatly, probably not a morning pony.

"Thank goodness." I let out a sigh of relief. "I was beginning to feel hungry after my... situation last night. I'm sorry to ask this..."

"Oh, it's no problem at all. Ask away."

"Thank you. Anyway, why am I being tested and what kind of tests am I going to experience?" I ask a little nervous about being poked with hundreds and hundreds of needles. I involuntarily shudder at that particular thought, which only intensified to one thousand percent when I realized that I'm in a hospital and have little memory of what actually goes on in here.

"Oh, the doctor was going over your medic records... well, the remains that the scavenger ponies found on your trailer and since the medical field has improved since the original test where taken, the hospital staff, including me, has decided that these new test might be able to give a more detailed reason as to why your hearts are acting up in lay pony's terms."

"That makes sense, I guess," I said as we started heading to the cafeteria albeit rather slowly as they don't have any wheelchairs that I would fit in. " You guys really need to get bigger wheelchairs. WHOA! " I almost lost my balance when I forgot my back leg was broken for a moment.

"You should be more careful and while I agree you really shouldn't be moving this much but we need you in the labs so might as well grab you something to eat along the way." She says while helping me keep my balance. Once we arrive in the cafeteria, I was out of breath from all the limping. I grabbed some rose oatmeal with some water, so I can take my pills. While I was eating nurse RedHeart goes to get a stretcher as it is apparent that me limping all the way to the lab was going to interfere with the test, and it also gives me time to think about what I'm going to do for bits.

I could take that job offer twilight gave me. No no, not yet I haven't even explored all my option. I could give performance lessons a try. maybe even archery lessons. But who would want to learn archery that I only took it up because of daddy? On top of that, I'm not a very good teacher. I can't do to much physical labor, otherwise, I could aggravate my condition so that takes out farm work.I signed as I finish the last of my food before returning the dishes and sitting back down to wait for nurse RedHeart to get back.Maybe I could work at a stall and use my skills to attract customers yea that might work. Small towns like these almost always have a farmers' market. Although should I...

My thoughts are interrupted by a stretcher pushed by Nurse RedHeart coming through the cafeteria doors. Well, at least she knows how to make an entrance at least.

"Have you finished eating, Trixie?" She asked as she pulls up next to me. I gave her a slight nod because this stretcher is huge... Well by pony standards anyway but it looks like I can sit comfortably on it. "Good, now let me help you on." After I get on the stretcher I'm pushed to a room in the hospital where they care for larger ponies like that big red stallion I saw at the show the other day.

"Hey, Nurse Red Heart, I have a question."

"What is it, Trixie?"

"Why didn't somepony just bring breakfast to me while I was in bed?"

"Oh well, we are a little short of staff at the moment, dear."

"Why is that?"

"The same reason you are here. That Ursa attack hurt a lot of ponies." She must have noticed my worried attitude changed because she continues by saying. " It would have been a lot worse if you hadn't bought time for Twilight to come and stop the attack it would have been a lot worse for everypony." I gotta admit it did make me feel a little better. If only slightly. Our conversation ends as we enter a new bigger room. Well, bigger in the sense that it was a single bedroom, yep no more roommates for me, not that I had one, to begin with.

"So... When and how many are these tests going to take place?" I asked, not wanting to wait for hours just for some random pony to flash a light in my eyes and taking some blood for some reason. I'm a little squeamish seeing my own blood come out of my body.

"Oh, don't worry. The doctor should be arriving here in about five to ten minutes, as his schedule suggested. Although give or take with the number of other patients he's currently taking care of, it might take longer than expected." She replies with a small smile on her face like a professional hospital staff.

"And the number of tests may vary on how many current ailments, medical issues and... unusual anatomy additions each patient has." Did she have to make that unnecessary pause on the last one like I'm not here? I wouldn't be too offended if she didn't do that or I don't know, tell me that I'm not a pony.

"Anyway, while we're waiting for the doctor to arrive, I'm going to ask you some questions about why you are here in Ponyville Hospital. For reference your records, of course."

"Okay, go ahead and ask away Nurse Red Heart," I told her.

"Thank you, Trixie, and just call me Red Heart." She then proceeds to ask me some question about my point of view of last nights events such as why was I out so late and if I could recall which direction the Ursa came from, stuff like that. After she asked her questions she left to give my answers to the local police. About ten minutes after Nurse Red Heart left the doctor came in, he was a light brown unicorn stallion with chocolate colored mane and tail, I can't see his cutie mark because of his coat that's covering it. He wore a white lab coat, a brown clipboard floating beside him with the use of his magic and had a stethoscope, I think that's what they are called, around his neck.

"Hello, Ms.Lulamoon. I am Dr.Feel Better. I called you here as I noticed that your medical records are a little out of date and a few pages missing, so I am here to update them and maybe see if we can find a cure for your condition." He says with a lighter voice then I would have thought for someone of stature. he is slightly bigger than most ponies but still smaller than me.

"Sounds good. What do we need to do doc?"

"First I am going to do a standard physical then tonight you can't eat or drink anything because you could make yourself sick when we examine your hearts tomorrow." He explained.

"Why is that?"

"Well, the magic we use will upset the stomach or in your case stomachs if these records are accurate."

"Alright makes sense I guess."

"Excellent then let us begin. Take a few deep breaths." I do as he says and he puts a stethoscope on my back as he writes down his findings. "Keep breathing." He then places both buds of his stethoscope, placed the apparatus' flat surface on the lower half of my centaur body and continues writing on his clipboard after a couple of seconds of listening. "Fascinating.

"What's up, doc?" I asked.

"Your heart pulse in your pony half seems to beat a little faster than other ponies. Must be due to the organs requiring to circulate on your pony half and the extra ones on your... human half, I think that's what types of species your birth mother is, right?"

"Yes, my medical records will tell you that," I answered him.

"Interesting interesting. I've heard stories about these creatures but I've never actually seen one face to face. Is your mother still alive?"

"Yes. She is."

"Good. That means you have some relatives to visit and inform me more about your condition."

After he was done mumbling at my anatomy, he levitated the stethoscope away from my centaur body and... took out a popsicle stick from one of the pockets of his lab coat?

"Umm, excuse, Dr. Feel Better. But shouldn't you check other heart as well?" I asked, uneased on why he didn't inspect my human heart.

"Oh, don't worry about that. I only needed a record of your pony half's heartbeat as it larger than your... human heart as it flows most of the blood throughout your entire body and must be the main cause of your condition." The doctor looked away from me for a second, appearing sheepish. "And I can't actually document that part due to lack of information about humans, centaurs and both of their anatomy."

A tilted my head to my right shoulder as I half-understand what he said to me. "I see," I said to him.

"You don't have to understand that part just yet." He reassured me. "We still have a lot of tests to perform before we can specify if that part of your body is the problem and whether Equestria's medical science and alchemy can cure it."

"Okay. I'm sorry for lying that I understood what you said back there."

"I'll accept your apology if you accept mine for informing you ahead of time."

"Of course."

"Marvelous. Now, enough chit-chat.I have other patients to attend to so let's finish the rest of the tests." He floated the popsicle stick near my mouth. "Open your mouth wide and say 'Ahh'."

Author's Note:

I would like to thank the pony who inspired me to make this chapter the law abiding pony sorry if some of the medical terms are wrong I am no expert in the medical field