• Published 20th Feb 2018
  • 3,856 Views, 350 Comments

The Great and Powerful Centaur - Viper Pit

About thirty years ago a human found herself in Equestria. Eventually she meets a low ranking noble and made a deal with him, she became his wife and eventually gave birth to a centaur Trixie. This is Trixie's story

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The Lord of the Parasprites part 3

I woke up because the sun shined on my eyes and as much as I hate to admit it but I really needed that. My headache is almost completely gone and I no longer taste blood in my mouth which means my magic is back and under control. I will have to thank Big Mac for making me rest next time I see him.The clothes I put on this morning are drenched in sweat. Looks like I will need some fresh clothes.

I make my way to the bathroom to take a quick bath to wash away the sweat and dirt from last night. I wasn't in their long about fifteen minutes at most. Wrapping a towel around myself I take a look around the house, Seeing as nopony is here I make my way to the barn or I would if those bugs from this morning weren't eating it and everything inside.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed at the sight of maybe millions of those things just eating a barn like it was a cake. My screaming causes some of them to break away and eat the towel wrapped around me I even feel their tongues lick me before flying off. Once they are gone I puke because those things just touched and licked me. If I hadn't just woken up I would have probably fainted. Then start getting angry because this always seems to happen to me.

I start looking around the remains of the barn to see if they left anything untouched. To my surprise yes the barrels I put the anti-bug spell on are still there and that's it. Everything else is gone. When I say everything I mean EVERYTHING else. My clothes, props, medicine. Not to mention Applejack's tools, barrels and oh yeah THE BARN.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL!" I shout to the heavens. "This doesn't make any sense I was helping Applejack deal with those things all night I never saw them eat anything like wood, paint OR TOWELS?!" I kick ground in frustration "How do Bugs go from eating mostly fruits and vegetables to eating entire barn? IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! It would of have to take a skilled mage to change the diet of a single creature let alone an entire swarm of bugs?" I shuddered a little bit as the wind blew past my unclothed top half, but I ignore it for now.

"I can only think of one pony in this entire town that can do something like this and her name is Twilight Sparkle," I growl as I make my way towards town to chew out the purple mare with zero common sense. I would find something to cover myself with but I'm afraid that anything I use will just get eaten by those bugs. I will make her pay for this. She is buying me a new wagon and the supplies to go with it. INCLUDING CLOTHES.

Before I even reach the main town center, I can see the damage caused by her little spell and the bugs. The closer I get the worse the damage is. Houses half eaten or completely gone, Ponies screaming in terror as their possessions are beating eaten by bugs. Luckily I see Pinkie Pie rounding up the devil spawn with music, before the completely destroy the town. I give Pinkie a nod to which she returns and I follow her because she will lead me to the source of this destruction, and to make sure that none of these things break formation. Soon enough, Pinkie Led me to Twilight and the rest of her friends.

"Before I go would you like to give me your friendship Report now?" I hear a motherly voice ask but I don't care before Twilight gets a single word out of her mouth I scream her name.

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE!" They all turn to look at me and they can tell I'm pissed. "What in Gods name did you do?"

"Trixie?! What happened to your clothes?" Rarity asked but I march right past her and lift Twilight with my magic.

"I tried stopping the Parasprites." She said weakly. I can hear Rainbow getting angry at me but I will deal with her in a moment.

"That is enough, Trixie" I hear the less than motherly say but I ignore her.

I bring her as close as I can to my face. "Isn't changing the diet of a creature illegal?" Again, she nods. "So I'll ask again. WHO IN GOD'S HOLY NAME TOLD YOU THAT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA?!" I dropped her on her ass and wait for a reply.

"I didn't think." She began.

"No, you didn't." I interrupted. "I could have died today, you know that, right?" I heard the collective gasp everypony. "Yeah, I was on the second floor of Applejacks house asleep when they came because I was exhausted from helping Applejack all night from those bugs." I can see Twilight look at Applejack as I continue. " I just got lucky they ate the barn instead of the house. So tell me Twilight how are you gonna fix this because if you hadn't switched their diets and caused all this what do you think would have happened."

" I-I-I don't know." She replied on the verge of tears.

"They would have run out of food to devour and moved on it's just like any bugs... no like any parasites do. Sure, the food supply would have been depleted and the entire town might starve for a couple of days... BUT FOOD IS REPLACEABLE, LIVES AREN'T, TWILIGHT!" I huff as I finish my rant and venting my anger. I feel a hoof on my shoulder and I turn around to see Princess Celestia.

"It seems that my student has caused some unintended harm when trying to do good." The Princess glares at the both of us. "Twilight, I expect you to help with the clean up the town and I will be telling your parents about this." She addresses Twilight first then she looks at me. " While I understand that you are upset Trixie you didn't need to yell at Twilight."

"Forgive me Princess but that is where you are wrong I was living in the barn until I could get back on my hooves but the barn and everything save for a couple barrels of apples are gone including my medication which I DESPERATELY need," I informed her which got her to mouth an "oh" sound.

"Applejack, the Crown shall pay for repairs for your barn, the town and replace any items that were destroyed in the attack that is replaceable." She states before she gets back in her chariot."I will Check in as repairs are going and Trixie be nicer to your cousin." And with that, she leaves.

After a moment of silence, Rainbow is the first one to speak up. "Wait, who's Trixie's cousin?"

"Twilight is my cousin. Our dads are brothers." I explained as I went to go and see if the bank was intact. I'm okay if one of them followed me but I think they should focus their worries and assistance more on the town since it is in serious need of repair and the citizens need all the help they can until the Equestrian Royal Guards arrive with the reparation supplies. Besides, there is no reason for me to stay in Ponyville anymore.

"Why did no one tell me?" I heard Rainbow behind me apparently they were following me or at least heading in the same direction.

"Well, you never asked, Darling." I heard Rarity's reply. "All though I never asked either, so this is quite the surprise for both of us."

We arrived at the heart of the destruction and I can hear them gasp as they really look at the damage Twilight's actions have caused. I can't help but see Fluttershy looking extra skittish this entire time. I'll have to ask her what's wrong later, but I'm sure Rainbow will already do that if not her then Rarity will.

I stop and turn to see them all in shock. The only one who isn't surprised is Pinkie Pie who saw this as she was rounding up the Parasprites. Fluttershy looks to be on the verge of tears, Twilight is getting a big fucking reality check, and the rest are still taking it in.

"Look at me, Twilight." I see her ears lop down, letting me know that she heard me. Rainbow Dash moves in front Twilight wings spread out. Deciding I don't want to get into a brawl right now I don't raise my voice. "You're a smart pony... well, academically and magically smart pony but you don't have common sense on... basically, everything. Sometimes, you need to think things through especially during emergencies that involve your friends and other ponies- no, other creatures around you."

I paused for a bit to see if she reacts and she doesn't. At least not on the outside. "Let's use the Ursa attack as an example, Okay? If I hadn't kept my cool and told everyone to run to the park, I would imagine a lot more then ten ponies would have been injured... or exponentially worse. You understand you need to have a clear head especially in emergency situations like the one today." I leave to let them think on my words.

I decide to grab a couple of bits out of the bank. If there was a bank left, that was it. Thankfully, there was and I head to the train station which is in a largely unaffected part of the town. It was an uneventful walk but I am starting to give goosebumps from being without a shirt for so long. I buy the ticket and wait for the train.

"Where are you goin', Sugarcube?" An all familiar deep voice of Big Mac says behind me. Covering my breast with my arms I turn around to answer him.

"I'm going back to my parents' place in Las Pegasus. Maybe my father will give me a job as his assistant or schedule my own gig... well just until I've earned enough to get back on my hooves." I replied and I can see the hurt in his eyes. If I'm being honest with myself it hurt to see that. "There is just no place left for me here both metaphorically and physically," I say as I step closer to him

"Ah see." He looks around the empty train station. "Well, Ah know Ah can't stop ya but do please come back." The twinging pain in his voice and hearts were too much to bear for me. As he starts to walk away but I can't stop myself from stopping him. He turns around and I kiss him and he kisses back. It was perfect if a little unusual. I stop as my train pulls up and ponies inside start getting off.

"Goodbye, ya big lug," I said to him with an uncertain smile, saddened voice, and aching hearts. After I said that to him, I board on the train that was heading to my parents' place, Las Pegasus.

"Goodbye, Trixie." He says to me with a smile but I know he wasn't smiling at all. I assume he went to tell the others about where I'm heading. While I waited for the train to move, all I could think of was that kiss I gave to Big Mac.

That only kiss was my last regret in Ponyville... or so I thought.

Author's Note:

Sorry about no date with Lyra but they forgot about that when the parasprites attacked