• Published 9th Feb 2019
  • 5,000 Views, 55 Comments

My Little Pony: The Lost Soul - Shadow Master

Their friendship is about to get tested as Mane Six and Dragon Strike Force must find and recruit more allies to save their homeland from the forces of Storm King & Dark Curse.

  • ...

Chapter 9: Celaeno

"After we make and concluded the negotiation with Skullitron, the Lord of Eastern Kludgetown and Leader of AxeKnight Warriors, has agreed to cooperate and make the alliance with us. But in-return for his help, we need to find and deliver the Orb of Lost Soul to him. However, we got trouble to deal with.

Applejack, Saber and Flare Tiger got into a big brawl with both Phantom and Bombardier. They did something offensive to the warriors. That's not the worst. Tempest and her crew have found out and located our position. We were lucky that Skullitron and his warriors were able to give distraction to Tempest and her crew. All of us make our escape at once especially running away from the Tyranno Chaos.

We barely escaped with out lives. But our trouble hasn't ended yet..."

After barely escaping Tempest's Crew and even Tyranno Chaos; Mane Six and their friends boarded on the ship of Captain Celaeno and her crew. They are now facing the bird creatures, who remained firm and serious as they're glaring at the ponies. The ponies really don't like where this is going.

"We're so in deep shit," Tailtech said in concern.

Icy gulped in fear, "No kidding."

"Well, what do we have here?" The captain asked dryly and coldly.

"No idea, captain," The muscular parrot admitted in concern, "But I do know they're not one of our crew."

"Looks like a pack of stowaways." Eye-patched parrot commented.

The fatty female parrot hummed as she used her fork to scratch on her chin, "What are we s'posed to do with 'em?"

The odd parrot squawked happily, making the rest of his crew also chuckled happily and amusingly. Dragon Strike Force held and kept their friends behind for safety. They have the feelings that the fight is about to start.

The muscular parrot smirked, "I think we tie 'em up!"

The fatty parrot squawked happily, "We clip their wings!"

"Nah. We scar 'em emotionally!" The eye-patched parrot said cruelly and ruthlessly, scaring the ponies much. He gasped in realization. He turned and looked at his captain, "Wai-wai-wai-wait. What say the book, Captain Celaeno?"

Captain Celaeno hummed as she opened and read the rule book, "Storm King's rule book says, 'Throw them overboard'."

Mane Six and their friends became worried and scared as they had a bad feeling of what the cargo crew is gonna do next. The eye-patched parrot quickly pulled down the rope, activating the cargo's plank. This scared most of Mane Six, Iris, Seapony Sisters and the children while Dragon Strike Force armed themselves with the weapons.

The muscular parrot whistled, "Looks like we've got some fighters around here!"

"Just because we're cargo crew doesn't mean we go down easily," The eye-patched parrot remarked dryly, "And trust me, we've face worst than fighting the ponies."

"Let's make a deal, ponies," Captain Celaeno said calmly yet coldly, "We do it easy way or the hard way."

Blazefist narrowed his angry eyes, "Think again, Storm King's laborers! We will not go down without the fight."

"Yeah. We'll commandeer the ship by force if we have to!" Shadow Dragon agreed firmly.

Captain Calaeno smirked, "Looks like we've come to an agreement. Boys..."

Captain Calaeno and her crew readied themselves for the fight, same goes to Dragon Strike Force. And just before any of them could start, Soul Sweetie quickly moved to the front of her friends. She shown AxeKnight Warriors' Medallion to the cargo crew. The bird creatures were in shocked and surprised by it.

"Stand down, Captain Calaeno!" Soul Sweetie exclaimed firmly, "By order of Lord Skullitron, you will ceased the hostility and work for us from now on! Override Storm King's rule book, you'll be rewarded one month with three daily foods and double the bucks than he has! And of course, we'll double our effort of delivering the cargo."

While most of the bird creatures awed in amazement, Captain Celaeno hummed suspiciously, "What is it you want us to do for you?"

Soul Sweetie continued, "Just drop us at the location we need to go. Can you do that?"

"Drop you off, huh?" Captain Celaeno asked curiously, with a humming sound, "Alright. Works for me. Better than just have one lunch! Mullet, Boyle, get our guests to their quarters. Lix, make the best breakfast for our guests by morning. Don't want them get puke. Squabble, double check our surroundings. We don't want Storm Guard following us when doing a favor for our number one client."

Mullet the eye-patched parrot and Boyle the muscular parrot saluted firmly. Lix the fatty parrot headed off to the kitchen. Squabble squawked happily as he climbed the shroud for checking around. Captain Celaeno turned away as she was heading to her quarter. She stopped before looked at the crew and guests.

"Almost forgot," Captain Celaeno said calmly before cleared her throat, "Welcome aboard on Gamora, mateys!"

Mane Six and their friends looked surprise. Saber asked, "Did she just-?"

"Call us 'mateys'?" Rainbow asked in surprise. Most of her friends nodded fearfully. She hummed while nodded in agreement, "Yeah. We did."

"Come on, ponies. Better get to your quarters now." Boyle said firmly and calmly. He and Mullet guided and led the guests to the ship's lowered deck. "We've got work to do!"

Mullet chuckled, "And don't worry, we're not gonna throw you overboard when we got something worth for."

Fluttershy groaned uneasily, "Oh. That doesn't make me comfort."

"If they do, they'd better prepare for our wrath. No one mess with my wife," Terrorcreep said dryly and darkly.

"Since when did Terrorcreep gets so overprotective?" Iris asked curiously and calmly, "He's always gloomy so much."

"Well, when you have a wife to look after, darling, you'd bend to get overprotective," Rarity commented happily.

Rainbow groaned, "And not to mention, he's very rough and scary when it comes to protect her. Trust me, I tried to prank on her once, he almost killed me."

"I warned you, Dash. I warned you," Aqua said dryly, "But you'd never listen."

Mullet and Boyle guided and led their guests to the guest quarter. Upon arriving and entering the quarters, the ponies found it to be casual quarter with one small table, chair, some beds, casual chairs, waxed candles and books.

"Well, not exactly quite luxury, isn't it?" Rarity asked in uneasiness.

"Well, it's not a cruise ship, mates. Don't expect some waiters to serve you," Boyle commented playfully.

Mullet nodded, "Yeah. So, sleep tight, ponies. It's gonna be busy day for tomorrow morning."

As soon as he and Boyle exited the quarter's, Mullet closed down the door. Twilight and her friends chatted as they settled down on their new room to sit down.

"At least, the bed are comfortable," Fluttershy commented as she laid down on the bed, "They're soft."

Rarity sighed, "I suppose it will have to do."

"Mount Aris is a long way to go," Blazefist said firmly and calmly, "So, sleep tight. And no supper too. We don't know what kind of food those birds ate. I definitely don't want to eat birdseed or crackers either."

"Don't you have Zuko? I mean you did feed him with birdseed and crackers," Laxtinct asked dumbly.

Blazefist turned and glared at Laxtinct, "I'm a pony. He's a falcon. That's the difference."

"Before we get to bed," Twilight said firmly. She turned and glared at Applejack, "AJ, do you have something to say?"

Everyone looked confuse and worry. Saber and Flare Tiger looked uneasy and worried. Blazefist, Shadow Dragon and Iris looked serious and annoyed. They all turned and looked at Applejack, who was sweating nervously and worriedly.

"W-What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked in concern.

"Did Applejack do something wrong?" Pinkie asked in surprise.

Twilight nodded, "According to Skullitron's generals, she somehow caught Tempest's attention on the Skull Castle. So, what did you do that make his generals mad?"

Applejack gulped nervously as she shown the old journal before her friends, "I sort of stole the journal from Skullitron."

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Everyone sans Saber and Flare Tiger demanded angrily and shockingly. They then all commented angrily, "[Soul Sweetie and Roughneck] How could you?! [Rarity] Applejack, what were you thinking?! [Fluttershy] How could you stole the journal from Skullitron?! [Pinkie] That's very bad, AJ! [Tailtech & Icy] Are you trying to get us into trouble?! [Terrorcreep] No wonder Skullitron, Bombardier and Phantom were angry! [Aqua] Applejack, This is serious! [Rainbow] Seriously, AJ! Not cool! [Shorty] That's an agreement, everyone.! [Blazefist] Of all the stunts we have pulled, yours is the worst! [Laxtinct] Ah... I've got nothing."

"Guys, easy! Applejack didn't do it alone!" Saber said firmly.

Flare Tiger nodded, "Yeah. We sort of going with her for doing this."

"Wait! You two really agreed with her to steal that journal?!" Shadow Dragon asked in shock. Saber and Flare Tiger nodded nervously. He groaned while facepalm, "Are you kidding me?!"

"Seriously?! What the heck?!" Blazefist demanded in fury with his body glowed in red.

"I told you before that Skullitron can be trusted," Soul Sweetie snapped angrily.

Roughneck nodded angrily, "Yeah. Why did you do it?!"

Flare Tiger cleared her throat, "Iris told us to do it!"

Everyone sans Saber and Flare Tiger gasped. Applejack nodded in agreement, "Yeah! Iris told me to go to Skullitron's quarter and find anything suspicious about him! And we did it together! You can't deny it, Iris!"

Everyone turned and glared at Iris. Twilight and the children were suspicious about Iris's choice. Surprisingly, Iris remained calm and relax.

"It's true. I did tell them to do so," Iris said calmly. Everyone sans Twilight and her group gasped in concern. She continued, "But I'd never say steal the journal or evidence, otherwise that would cause the big fight between Equestria and AxeKnight Warriors."

Applejack was about to argue but stopped as she realized her mistakes. She hissed in concern, "Uh oh!"

"Uh oh! Indeed!" Shadow Dragon snarled angrily, "How dare you accuse Iris like that?!"

Twilight snapped angrily, "Do you have any idea what you could have done?!"

Applejack sighed, "I know. I know. But I have the reason to do it. And I don't think that Skullitron can be trusted."

"Hey!" Soul Sweetie and Roughneck snapped angrily.

"Why is that?" Twilight asked suspiciously.

Applejack sighed, "One, he and his pals are demons. Two, we have to be sure that he won't trick and betray us like Capper did to us! Three, don't you think his story is a little bit of suspicious and unusual?"

While everyone is dumbfounded and Rarity was annoyed that Capper was reference for his 'betrayal' again, Twilight hummed thoughtfully, "Okay, you have the point about two. But what makes you think his story is unusual?"

Applejack sighed, "How the heck did he knew about this stuff? And I meant how the heck Kyuubi knows about Hikari's meeting Yami at the same place they first met? Or even him knew about it too?"

"It's a simple logic." Twilight said calmly, "Kyuubi's Harpy Spies have spied and reported everything to her about it. Skullitron also knew it because he was sent there to keep an eye on her. Because of the attack, he quickly went back to find and get Yami to save her. That's all."

"Twilight, I don't believe that's really it," Applejack said firmly. She then showed the journal, "But what I found out in his journal. You need to see it for yourself."

Twilight shook her head firmly, "No, I won't." Applejack looked shock and concern. She continued, "I'm not gonna read somepony's journal because of your suspicious. It wasn't right, Applejack. Whatever he writes in there, it's very personal to him. Most likely about him lost everything including his master and mistress."

Her answer shocked and concerned Applejack, Saber and Flare Tiger. The rest of their friends remained silent and firm about it. Iris secretly smirked darkly, which Spike noticed and became worried about it.

Applejack was in shock yet worried to speak, "But Twilight-!"

"Applejack! Please! Enough!" Twilight interrupted firmly, "I've already made my decision. That's final."

"Princess Twilight," Soul Sweetie spoke gently, "Thank you for defending our adopted father."

Roughneck nodded happily, "Yeah. I don't like someone talked about him."

Applejack was upset and annoyed. She sighed, "Fine. But Twilight, I beg you to read it. You need to know about his story. He's not what he seems to be."

Saber nodded in confirmation, "Applejack's right. I read it. The story he told us is incomplete. And he knows the truth of what really happen."

"I... I'll think about it." Twilight sighed, concerning some group including Soul Sweetie and Roughneck. She continued, "But for now, we should get some sleep. Tomorrow morning, we'll discuss about our next plans about fulfilling Skullitron's request."

Blazefist nodded, "Yeah. It's gonna be a busy day especially making friends with Hippogriffs..."

Aqua punched Blazefist's shoulder, "Can the sarcasm, Blaze. You know that we need all the help we can get to save Equestria."

Blazefist groaned in annoyance, "Fine. Don't expect me to be friendly with them."

"Anyway, get some sleep now. Let's just relax for once," Shadow Dragon said calmly.

Iris nodded, "Agreed. I rather want some peace and quiet, without disturbance by our enemies."

Everyone chatted in agreement as all of them climbed on their beds for peace and quiet sleep. All of them gotten into their beds.

Seapony Sisters slept on the big-sized bed. Blazefist and Aqua slept together on a couch. Rainbow, Pinkie, Tailtech and Icy slept on the left bunk bed with four layers. Rarity slept on top while Shorty slept on the lowered part of bunk bed. Terrorcreep and Fluttershy slept in upside down while having their tails hung on the ceiling's beams. Laxtinct, Saber and Flare Tiger slept on the floor. Twilight tucked both Spike and Nyx on the mini beds.

Lance was sleeping on the floor, waiting for his mother to insist him to sleep on soft place like couch or bed. But instead, Iris was busy helping to get Shadow Dragon on the bed before she gets on it. Seeing what she did made him to distrust and suspicious on his 'mother'. Luckily, Twilight came and insisted him to sleep on couch. She may not be his real mother, but she has the one's heart. He appreciate it by giving her a nuzzle. It make her blush a bit.

After tucking the children on their beds, Twilight spotted Shadow Dragon and Iris slept together. Though jealous and upset that he's not sleeping with her, she decided not to be bothered. Whether 'Iris' is really herself being mind-controlled or impostor, Twilight can't do anything about it. Just before she could sleep, she found Applejack stood before her.

Twilight sighed, "Applejack, what is-?!" She got interrupted as she found herself being hugged by Applejack. It shocked and surprised her to ask, "AJ?"

Applejack sobbed and sniffed tearfully, "Promise me that you won't die."

"W-What? What are you talking about?"

"Twilight, please! Promise me that you don't die because of us. Please."

Twilight was uncertain and confused by Applejack's statement. She sighed, "I promised." She and Applejack departed from hugging. She continued, "Applejack, you should know that I won't get killed easily because I'm an Alicorn and have friends with me."

"I know." Applejack said calmly while wiping her tears off, "I just don't want anything bad happen to you after the vision we had and Flare Tiger told me about the future..."

Twilight was surprised yet concern, "I see. But we won't let that happen. After all, we've got this together."

Applejack sighed, "Yeah. You're right about that, Twilight. Let's get some sleep."

Twilight nodded happily as she and Applejack tucked themselves on the floor, closely to Spike and Nyx's baskets. All of them are sleeping peacefully and quietly now...

At Ponyville Town of Equestria...

Most of Ponyville Town residents and refugees are asleep. The Royal Guards and Mystic Soldiers are on guard and patrol duty. Tao and Mighty Heart were researching and working on the cure to restore both Discord and Derpy to their flesh and blood. Even though E.R.A. Army have won the first battle, they can't celebrate or let down their guards due to the enemies will come up with new plans to defeat and conquer their home.

Shining Armor, Princess Cadance and their allies including Jason Stride, Starlight, Sunset, Team Fighters, Shadow Five and Cutie Mark Crusaders are sleeping at the Castle of Friendship now. Princess Cadance was tucking Flurry Heart on the crib, close to the Crusaders' beds since they insisted to look after her.

Just before she leave, Princess of Love noticed the Crusaders' sad looks. She knew there's something wrong.

"Hey, Crusaders. Is there something wrong?" Princess Cadance asked. Cutie Mark Crusaders remained silent while shaking their heads. The Princess of Love knew something bother them. She suspected they missed some ponies, "You missed your sisters, don't you?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Apple Bloom asked sadly.

Princess Cadance remained silent. Sweetie Belle sighed, "We not only miss them, Princess Cadance. We're also worried about them. I just hope they're alright when finding and getting help from Hippogriffs..."

"I'm sure they'll be fine. We just have to be patient and stay strong," Princess Cadance said calmly.

Scootaloo groaned in frustration, "I hate waiting. And sometimes, I hate to think that something bad happen to them."

Apple Bloom nodded in concern, "Yeah. What if when they got killed or captured by the bad guys? Or... What if we failed?"

Princess Cadance raised her eyebrow at the children. Sweetie Belle continued, "No offense, Princess Cadance. Today's battle was lucky. What if the bad guys taking things serious and mean to take us down? And if we lost and gone before Rarity and others come back? What if-?!"

"Calm down, Crusaders. Worrying and pondering of 'what if' isn't gonna help anyone or this town," Princess Cadance said calmly. She sighed, "I don't know what will happen next. But I do know is that we have to stay strong together to overcome the impossible. As long we have hope and don't give up, we will live for another day. Our family, friends and today's battle has proven that, am I right?"

Cutie Mark Crusaders gave some thoughts of her words and their journeys. They smiled, "Yeah."

Princess Cadance smiled, "Good. Get some sleep. And don't worry, some of Team Fighters are on guard duty. Take care of Flurry Heart."

Cutie Mark Crusaders nodded happily. They quickly fall asleep closely to the crib. Princess Cadance sighed as she left the bedroom. She checked and make sure all the ponies are sleeping peacefully and quietly including the sleeping Sunburst and Starlight, who were researching and studying a way to reverse the Obsidian Stone's effect. She also checked on the soldiers' guarding and patrolling.

Arriving to Twilight's bedroom balcony, she found Shining Armor was outside, overseeing the event and keeping his eyes at the Canterlot City. Despite feeling tired and sleepy, Shining Armor kept his eyes open. She approached to her husband, worrying about his health and sleep.

"You should get some sleep, Shining Armor. Jason and Sergeant Fenix is on guard duty," Princess Cadance suggested in concern.

Shining Armor spoke tiredly, "Don't worry about me, Cadance. I'll be fine."

After inspecting her surroundings, Princess Cadance sighed, "Shining Armor, I understand that you promised Twilight that you will keep her home safe. But that doesn't mean you have to be on guard duty for 24 hours. You need to rest."

"I wish I could, but I can't," Shining Armor said firmly yet tiredly. He sighed, "I... I just don't want to let her down after what happen few years ago."

"It wasn't your fault, Shining Armor. You didn't know it. Or worse, you were hypnotized that you couldn't overcome it. There was nothing you could have done."

"I know. But this is why I cannot let her down again. I'm her big brother."

"I know, Shining Armor. You can't always be there for her. You just do what you can for her. And knowing her, she wants you to rest now and not die. Jason will be the lookout."

While wanted to continue working, Princess Cadance was right about one thing - he needs to rest. Shining Armor sighed, "Alright, you win for once."

Princess Cadance smiled, "Good to hear. Let's get some sleep."

Shining Armor nodded tiredly. After removing his armor, he and his wife slept on Twilight's bed. While sleeping, he muttered softly while tiredly looking at Twilight's photo frame of her family.

"Please be safe, Twiley. Please... Be safe..."

After departing from the Western Kludgetown, Tempest and her crew have set course to Black Skull Island, which was believed and informed by their captive - Caper. Capper was at the dungeon as he is their prisoner. Maul and Kyuubi were chatting in their private room for unknown reasons, leaving both Rippersnapper and Snarl to guard the place. Phasma was piloting the airship. Grubber was busy eating his favorite sweets again.

Tempest was standing on the airship's front deck. She was glaring and staring at the dark sky, which suddenly came down with the hails of raindrops and thundering noise. As always, Tempest remained calm and firm. However, seeing it raining has made her to close her eyes, recalling he past...

Tempest remember it - the very day she joined the Royal Guard Army after she left her hometown. After she was enlisted in the army, she struggled and suffered bully, insults and humiliation by some unicorn trainees during the course of training. Nevertheless, she endured and overcome it for a long time, without her magic. Eventually, over the years later, she has become the Commander of Royal Guards. The soldiers and officers shown their respect to her. She was proud of her success.

"Tempest!" The voice called.

Interrupted by familiar voice, Tempest opened her eyes, snapping back to reality. She sighed as she turned and found Grubber has arrived and stood before her.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to disturb you," Grubber apologized fearfully, "But you should get inside and rest. It's raining now."

Tempest, annoyed and irritated, sighed calmly, "Alright. I'll be in there soon. Head back first, Grubber." Grubbed looked uneasy and worried. The hedgehog sighed as he turned and headed back to the quarter. Remembering something she wanted to ask, she called out, "Grubber, I need to know one thing."

"What is it? I'm happy to answer with whatever you want."

"Why did you join the Storm Kingdom?"

Grubber yelped and stuttered in surprise, "W-What?!"

"You heard me, Grubber. Why?" Tempest asked calmly yet firmly as she turned and looked at him, "From what I can see and tell, you neither exactly soldier in material nor did you get good reception from your soldiers and superior, and even Storm King himself. So why?"

Grubber looked uneasy and scared as he sighed in defeat, "I did it for my mother."

Tempest looked surprise to ask, "Your mother, how? Was she sick? Was she a war hero? Was she a spy?"

"No, she's a prisoner." Grubber answered sadly, shocking Tempest. He continued, "I joined the army, so I can free her. All I did is failing especially being Second-in-Command after Stride betrayed Storm King. I thought I'm gonna lose her or worse until you came."


"Yeah. If you hadn't come, I would have lost my hide and her too. Because of you, Tempest, I've got hope to save my mother. A little minor mistakes, but I'm sure we'll get it right. We can do this. Right?"

Tempest hummed uneasily yet uncertainly, "All I can say is that if we can achieve and fulfill our mission, then we will be rewarded."

Grubber smiled, "Yeah. Thanks."

Grubber turned and entered the ship's quarter. Tempest was still standing and looking at the black sky. She narrowed her eyes firmly before sighed.


At the Sea of Clouds, Gamora Cargo Ship was travelling across it. Inside the guest's quarter, Mane Six and their friends were still asleep peacefully and quietly. Nothing could ruin them. However, Twilight groaned and panted heavily like she's having some nightmares.


Twilight found herself to be alone at the world of darkness. She looked around to find her friends. She became uneasy and scared to be alone. She then found all of her friends, children and even Shadow Dragon stood before her.

"Guys! You're all alright!" Twilight exclaimed happily. She sighed, "Thank goodness. I thought-!"

"Twilight... How could you?" Applejack asked hollowly, shocking and scaring Twilight. She revealed herself with scars and blood. She wasn't alone as more of her friends, her children and even Shadow Dragon also are heavily wounded and scarred. Twilight was in shocked and scarred of what she just saw. She then sniffed tearfully, "I thought we were friends..."

Shadow Dragon nodded angrily, "You betray us..."

"W-What?! No!" Twilight protested in disagreement. She then saw her friends slowly moved back and faded into darkness. She cried, "No! Guys, wait! Don't leave me! Not again! Don't-!"

Twilight yelped in shock and pain as she was pinned down by the giant paw. She then slowly got lifted up in a tight grip. She looked up and found a giant monstrosity and demonic version of white-black fox with nine tails. It snarled and growled at her.

"No! No! Guys, help me! Please!" Twilight cried while struggled to get out of the grip.

"Goodbye, Twilight..." Everyone said darkly.

Twilight was hurt of the betrayal and abandonment, just like before. She turned and looked at the giant fox, who is snarling and growling while drooling its saliva down like it is very hungry and angry. It then roared wildly. It opened its mouth to lunged at her.

Twilight screamed in fear, "Noooooooooooooo!"

Nightmare Ends

HONK! Twilight yelped in shock and surprise as she got up from her sleep. She panted heavily while looking around. She found her friends and family including Shadow Dragon groaned and moaned in annoyance as they slowly got up from their sleeps. She realized it was just a dream. She sighed fearfully as she hoped it won't happen again.

Twilight turned to the front, where she found Mullet was standing before them. He was holding the trumpet as he's responsible of waking up her and her friends.

"Sorry to wake you all up," Mullet said dryly, "Breakfast's ready! So, get your hides out of the bed now!"

SPLUT! Lix Spittle poured most of pudding with birdseed on the bowls for both her crew and guests to eat. The crew ate their foods happily and enjoyably. Most of the ponies were disgusted of eating the food, though some like Applejack, Laxtinct, Pinkie Pie, Flare Tiger and even Icy enjoyed it much.

"You actually like them?" Nyx asked in surprise.

Applejack murmured happily, "Well, it's not really that bad. Can't be worse as Icy's cook again." She turned and found Icy glared at her. She cleared her throat, "No offense."

Icy sighed, "None taken. Sometimes I hate criticism since I'm still learning how to cook better."

"Either way, Captain Celaeno," Blazefist said firmly and calmly, "Thanks for agreeing to help us out."

"Whatever," Captain Celaeno said calmly and firmly, "We're only doing this for getting more breaks and money, and also asking Skullitron's guys to help and cover up our work shifts."

"Not a problem," Soul Sweetie said calmly.

"So, where do you want us to drop you to?" Captain Celaeno asked curiously.

"Mount Aris," Twilight said calmly. Her answer shocked Captain Celaeno and her crew. She asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"Didn't any of you know?" Captain Celaeno asked in concern. The ponies shook their heads. She sighed, "Of course, you don't. Two years ago, Mount Aris has fallen and taken by Storm King."

"WHAT?!" Mane Six and their friends asked in shock.

"How? What happen?" Soul Sweetie asked.

"No one knows." Captain Celaeno admitted in concern, "But I do know is that someone has managed to infiltrate and lower down the security, allowing the invasion to invade and taken over Mount Aris. And the next thing you know, the Hippogriffs disappeared."

Shadow Dragon hissed, "Damn it..."

"You'd think they're dead?" Aqua asked in concern.

"No." Soul Sweetie disagreed. Everyone looked at her. She continued, "If Mount Aris was invaded and fallen, then the Hippogriffs would hide themselves in hidden areas, where no one but them can find and access to it."

Roughneck scoffed angrily, "That sneaky aunt of ours... Always good at running away from the fight especially leaving some of her relatives behind."

"Now, now, Roughneck. Don't get too angry. I'm sure there's explanation," Fluttershy said calmly.

"I'm pretty sure it's saving their hides," Blazefist said dryly. He then got nudged by Aqua's elbow. He groaned, "What?"

Aqua groaned, "I told you to knock it off."

Captain Celaeno sighed, "So, you're still going to Mount Aris?"

"We have to," Twilight said firmly, "We need their help and the relic too."

Iris nodded firmly, "That relic is gonna help save our home and defeat Storm King and Dark Curse for good."

"Well, good luck with that," Mullet remarked dryly.

"Is that sarcasm I hear?" Aqua asked dryly.

"No offense, gal," Boyle apologized, "No one can beat Storm King especially defying and pissing him off. Hate to suffer his wrath again."

"Especially what happen to all of us..." Lix said scared. She then patted scared and hurtful Squabble, "This kid got the worse than any of us."

Squabble squawked fearfully while holding his head to the table. Mane Six and their friends can tell that this crew suffered a lot by Storm King's wrath. They must have make him angry a lot or worse. But they also suspected that they're more than just cargo crew.

"You weren't always delivery birds, were you?" Rainbow asked suspiciously.

Captain Celaeno turned and looked at Rainbow, "What makes you say that?"

"I can list them." Aqua said calmly, "One - your appearance, tone and attitude. Two - you gave the name to your cargo ship. Three - your ship's not exactly typically clean and luxury. Four - you got experience with Storm King. I'd say that you were like marines or navy."

"Yeah. I bet it's something cooler and awesome." Rainbow added.

Captain Celaeno hummed, "Nice. And you were right. We weren't cargo crew before." She turned to the left wall, where the Storm King poster was held. She moved it aside while revealing the banner of bird skull with crossed bones. She sighed, "We used to be much more adventurous."

Mane Six and their friends gasped in shock and surprised of what they just saw. And they couldn't believe it either.

Blazefist sighed, "I don't believe it."

"No way..." Laxtinct said in shock and concern.

"Whoa! You used to be pirates?!" Rainbow asked happily and excitedly.

Mullet coughed a bit, "Um, we prefer the term 'swashbuckling treasure hunters'."

"Isn't that consider pirates?" Tailtech asked in annoyance and suspiciously. Captain Celaeno and her crew gave annoying glare at him. He shown the face of realization, "Right... Rhetorical question... My bad..."

Twilight turned and spoke to Soul Sweetie, "You didn't tell us that these guys are pirates."

Soul Sweetie shrugged, "I actually have no idea. But I can assumed that Skullitron and Captain Celaeno are good friends."

"Still... What and how did it happen?" Rainbow asked curiously, "How did you guys end up like this?"

Captain Celaeno sighed, "Let's just say we have a really and really bad luck. A stupid decision I've made got all of us killed..."


Three years ago...

Captain Celaeno and her pirate crew were sailing their flying airship - Gamora. They sailed across the Sea of Clouds for hunting down and raiding most of cargo ships for stealing the supplies.

"It was just like yesterday," Captain Celaeno narrated, "We just raid couple of Storm Guards' cargo ships for stealing supplies of paste and sand."

One day, they received the bottle of lightning message. As they opened it and found the dark cloud-like monster spoke to them about the gold and jewels. This intrigued them to think about it. Captain Celaeno was uncertain and worried, eventually agreed to take the risk.

"Until one day, an opportunity came to us. Stride, Storm King's former Second-in-Command, secretly send us some messages about getting more loots from Storm King's personal vassal. I was reluctant of it. But we decide to take the risk. "

Captain Celaeno and her pirate crew have launched the surprise raid on Storm King's personal airship. They have stolen much of gold and jewels. They then escaped, along with Strife.

"The raid was success. We took much of Storm King's gold and jewel for ourselves, and even welcomed Strife to join our crew. We've made an escape."

A day later, Storm King and his army managed to track and chase them down. They captured the Gamora Ship, as well as Captain Celaeno and her pirate crew including Strife. Storm King offer a deal to the pirate captain. She angrily refused it.

"But Storm King managed to chase and caught us. He tried to give me the offer as his new Second-in-Command while leaving the rest of my crew as cargo delivery haulers. I refused it."

Angered and fury by her refusal and also raiding his personal ship, Storm King personally tortured and punished Captain Celaeno and her crew painfully while his Storm Guards killed and crippled most of her crew members. The Storm King has crippled and ripped Captain Celaeno's left leg, pulled Mullet's right eye, tear out Boyle's right claw, cut off Lix's tail and also, choked and crippled Squabble to lose his voice and even got his face beatup badly.

"So we suffered his wrath by losing our important parts. I lost my left leg, Mullet lost his right eye, Boyle lost his right claw, Lix lost her tail, most of my crew were killed and injured to become cargo crew, but Squabble got the worst - his face got badly injured and lost his voice. He can only squawked. It was terrible..."

Flashback Ends

Mane Six and their friends were in shock and scared of what they heard. Captain Celaeno and her pirate crew member looked down in shame and pain. The ponies couldn't believe how cruel and savage Storm King is especially punishing the pirate and nearly kill Squabble for stealing his gold and jewels.

"Damn it..." Icy cursed in shock.

"This is..." Aqua said in shock yet painful. She hissed, "This is unacceptable."

"You have no idea..." Captain Celaeno admitted in shame and concern. She then looked at her crew member, "Squabble barely got alive because of me. I can't afford to make a mistake again. All I can do is to make sure that we stay alive. This crew... They're my only family I have. I don't want to lose them..."

Hearing what Captain Celaeno treated her crew as her family, it has made Mane Six and their friends to think about their families and friends from Equestria. They too wanted to make sure they're alive as well.

"Yeah. We know what you mean," Blazefist admitted in concern. He sighed, "I just hope Indigo stays alive. I can't bear to think of losing her. I can't."

Aqua approached and gave Blazefist a hug, "I know. I'm worried too, Blaze."

"All of us do," Applejack agreed, "Our little sisters... I just hope they're alive and not get captured by those monsters."

"Indeed. I hate to imagine it..." Rarity said in concern. Seeing her cried, Shorty wished that he could help her out. She turned and hugged him tearfully. He struggled to pat her gently. She sobbed tearfully, "Sweetie Belle... Mom... Dad..."

Pinkie hummed and whined in concern, "I hope Mr. and Mrs. Cake are okay with the babies. I hope my family especially Maud and Marble are okay too."

Noticing Fluttershy sobbed tearfully, Terrorcreep gave her a hug "Angel... My animal friends... Discord..."

Seeing most of her friends saddened to think about her family, Twilight sighed, "We have to find and get the Hippogriffs' help and relic. It's the only way to help and save Equestria."

"Yeah. You're right," Shadow Dragon agreed as he patted Twilight's back, "We're with you. We'll get back home. I promised."

Twilight smiled weakly yet relieved to her boyfriend, "Thanks..."

Iris was annoyed to see Shadow Dragon and Twilight being together again. Lance, Nyx and Spike noticed it as they're becoming uncomfortable and worried that this 'Iris' may not who she really appears to be.

"Oh yeah! We're gonna save Equestria and Scootaloo! You can bet on it!" Rainbow exclaimed firmly. She turned and looked at Captain Celaeno, "Not only we have AxeKnight Warriors, Seaponies and Hippogriffs, we also got you guys too!"

Everyone was surprised by Rainbow's suggestion. She continued confidently, "With your help, we can take down Storm King and Dark Curse for good! And then, you get your freedom and awesome back! What do you say?"

The pirate crew was surprised and shocked to hear, and even Captain Celaeno. The Gamora's Captain sighed, "I'm sorry. I can't do that, Rainbow Dash..."

Everyone and even Rainbow were surprised and shocked by Captain Celaeno's answer.

"I-I don't understand. Don't you guys want freedom?" Rainbow asked in confusion.

While the pirate crew remained silent and hesitant, Captain Celaeno sighed, "Believe me, Rainbow. We want freedom more than anything. But fighting against Storm King when we barely got out for our lives?" She then clenched her fists tightly, "I can't take the risk again."

Understanding what Captain Celaeno was talking about, Rainbow hissed, "Come on, Celaeno. I get it about what you have been through, but you can't let the fear get to you and your crew. You've gotta fight back. This is your chance!"

Captain Celaeno shook her head firmly, "I appreciate for helping us, Rainbow Dash. But my answer is no. I won't risk my crew for this fight. Never again."

Rainbow protested, "But-!"

"Rainbow Dash, enough!" Blazefist said firmly. Rainbow turned and glared at him. He continued, "If she doesn't want to join us to fight Storm King, we leave it. After all, it's her choice. We have a mission to deal with, and we can't afford to delay."

"He's right," Terrorcreep agreed, "Besides, the pirates are not very important soldiers to recruit. They're just cargo crew."

"They're right, Rainbow Dash," Twilight said calmly, "We have to find and negotiate with Queen Novo for the alliance and relic."

Shadow Dragon nodded firmly, "I'm with them too. After all, Equestria needs the army to fight and save it from our enemies."

Most of the ponies chatted and nodded in agreement, leaving Rainbow disheartened and upset to hear about it. She couldn't believe that her friends won't help and convince the pirates to join and help them now.

Rainbow grunted as she quickly got up and exited the cabin. While the pirates were uncertain and confused by it, the rest of her friends knew it too well. Aqua looked at Blazefist, who nodded firmly and allowed her to follow and talk with Rainbow. Aqua got up and exited the cabin as she was following after Rainbow. And at the same time, Iris smirked secretly yet darkly for unknown reason.

After leaving the cabin, Aqua has arrived on the upper deck. She found Rainbow was standing at the ship's edge. The young Pegasus was looking at the cloudy sky. The Mystic Pegasus approached to her as she wanted to talk with her.

"We can't just leave them like this. Those guys deserve to be free and do anything they wanted, even though they're pirates." Rainbow said dryly and disappointingly, "You know that, right, Aqua?"

Aqua sighed, "Believe me, Dash. They do deserve the freedom."

"Then, why can't we help them? I mean we're friends and also share hated Storm King and Dark Curse. Shouldn't we work together to fight and beat them?"

"Rainbow, there are some ponies or creatures don't want to be involved of fighting. Because they have the family and friends to look after. Knowing what Celaeno and her crew have been through especially got suffered by Storm King's wrath, I have the feeling they're too scared and doubts to fight back or help us."

"So, we just leave them alone like that?"

"Sorry, Dash. I'm afraid so."

"Damn it," Rainbow cursed angrily, "I really hate it. I can't do anything right."

Aqua patted Rainbow's back, "Look, just because we can't do anything to convince them to join our fight, doesn't mean we won't help and free them."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean if we beat and kill Storm King, we can free the prisoners and citizens including the pirates from his wrath. The homeland Storm King has conquered will be freed."

Rainbow looked hopeful to ask, "Really?"

"Really, kiddo. Like you said, we can do this," Aqua nodded confidently. She then gave Rainbow a gentle punch, "So, don't worry too much, Dash. We'll help and free them soon. I promised."

Rainbow smiled in relieved, "Yeah. Thanks for the pep talk."

Aqua smirked proudly, "What are friends and family for? I'll leave you alone for a while. Meet us back at the cabin. No doubt our guys are planning and coming up with the ideas."

"Sure..." Rainbow agreed.

Aqua smiled happily to see Rainbow to understand and agreed with the pirates' choice and team's plans. She headed back to the cabin, leaving her alone to look at the sky. While Rainbow was looking at the cloudy sky happily, someone was approaching her from behind. She noticed the pony standing on her side.

"Iris? What are you doing here?" Rainbow asked in surprise.

"Just checking on you." Iris said happily and calmly, "So, Aqua talked with you about the pirates?"

"Yeah. I was upset and angry that we can't help them now. But if we get enough armies, we can beat the crap out of Storm King and Dark Curse for good. Then, the pirates will be free and can do anything they want."

"That's sounds interesting, Dash. But have you consider try again?"

"Again? You mean talk with them?" Rainbow asked in surprise. Iris nodded happily. She hummed in concern, "I'd love to, Iris. But Celaeno has made her choice. Plus, we've got the mission to do."

Iris sighed, "I know. But it wouldn't hurt to try and inspire them again. After all, we need all the help we can get."

"I don't know. I don't wanna get coach into trouble after the talk we had."

"Come on, Dash. Just try it for once. Like telling and singing to them about how awesome you are. And also, how awesome they are too. Everyone loved being awesome."

"You really think so, Iris?"

"I'm pretty sure, Dash. I'm sure the pirates will change their minds."

Rainbow gave some thoughts about Iris's idea. She smirked happily as the idea could work, and also she loved being an awesome pony. She turned to Iris for accepting the idea, but he Princess of Sky is nowhere to be found. She only found the chest.

Though confused and uncertain, she shrugged happily as she now has the idea to help the pirates regain their mojo and freedom back. It's gonna be awesome for her.

Inside the cabin, most of the ponies and crew were still eating their breakfast and also chatting. Twilight, Applejack, Blazefist, Shorty, Shadow Dragon, Saber, Iris and Soul Sweetie were discussing with Captain Celaeno and Mullet about getting to Mount Aris.

Aqua has returned to the cabin. She gave a nod to Blazefist, who smiled and sighed in relief to know that she has talked some sense to Rainbow about the decision they make.

"So, will there be any blockade during our voyage to Mount Aris?" Blazefist asked in concern.

"Yeah. Even if the city is conquered and ruined, Dark Curse wouldn't let it to be unguarded," Shadow Dragon said in agreement, "Though I wasn't sure about Storm King..."

Captain Celaeno hummed while looking at the map, "To be honest, I believe there is. But I doubt those guys would have stay there for too long."

Mullet nodded in agreement, "Yeah. Since the Hippogriffs disappeared and ransacked most of the treasures, Storm King's and Dark Curse's armies wouldn't stay there too long. Even if they are still there, I don't think they're in high alert to do anything."

"Could be risky..." Saber said in concern, "It could be a trap."

"I have the feeling that they might know what we're up to," Applejack said in concern.

Shorty nodded in agreement, "Which is why I have to finish up with the Armor Strike-I before we could proceed to that area. Consider that is backup plan."

"If we do make it, then I will help and guide you to the hidden chamber," Soul Sweetie continued.

"From the looks of this, I'd say the plan is in place," Iris said calmly.

Twilight nodded in agreement, "Yeah. We're ready to finish this mission for good."

BANG! Everyone turned to the cabin's door, where they found Rainbow is standing before them. She even brought the chest in as well.

"Rainbow?" Aqua asked in surprise, "What are you doing?"

Blazefist hummed suspiciously, "I hope she's not doing something stupid..."

"Helping my friends," Rainbow said firmly and calmly. She slammed the chest on the table before opened it. It revealed pirate trinkets. She continued with firm and pride, "You birds have a choice to make. You could let some cloven-hoofed Storm King tell you how to live your lives, or..." She then took down the Storm King poster while showing the Captain Celaeno's Banner. She smirked proudly, "...you could be awesome again!"

"What the hell is she doing?" Shadow Dragon asked angrily.

"Something tells me it isn't good," Iris said in concern.

Twilight gasped, "Oh no! Rainbow Dash, this really isn't a good time for a-!"

Rainbow slammed her hoof on the table as she began to sing. Everyone was in shock and surprised by her action now.

Rainbow: I know the world can get you down

"—song." Twilight remarked dryly while having facepalm.

"She can't be serious," Shadow Dragon said in concern.

Blazefist turned and glared at Aqua, "Aqua..."

"Don't look at me! I make her understand our mission! This isn't what we just discussed!" Aqua insisted in concern.

Rainbow continued singing proudly and firmly about the pirates lost everything after they were captured and punished by Storm King. She then sang about them shouldn't give up and have faith in themselves. She even jumped and squashed the cup into pieces, causing a splash on Lance's face. It annoyed him a lot.

Rainbow: Things don't work out quite the way that you thought
Feeling like all your best days are done
Your fears and doubts are all you've got
But there's a light shining deep inside
Beneath those fears and doubts, so just squash 'em

Rainbow then removed the curtain of Storm King's banner, revealing Captain Celaeno's trinkets, gold, jewels, hat, tools, materials, map and personal items. This shocked yet inspired Mullet, Boyle, Lix and Squabble to awe and rethink about their doing.

The rest of Mane Six, the children, Roughneck, Flare Tiger, Laxtinct, Tailtech and Icy have decided to help Rainbow to give encouragement and inspiration to the pirates. They began to chant and make some noise. The pirates were amazed and surprised as they too joined the fun as well.

However, the rest of their friends were annoyed and irritated by Rainbow's doing and singing to inspire the pirates.

Rainbow: And let it shine for all the world to see
That it is time, yeah, time to be awesome

Ponies: Ah, ah, ah-ah, awesome!
It's time to be so awesome!
Ah, ah, ah-ah, awesome!
It's time to be so awesome!

Captain Celaeno sighed in upset as she joined the singing but mostly about her guilt for letting her family get killed. She turned and glanced at her portrait. Rainbow came as she passed the old captain hat with pink feather to the humanoid parrot.

She even turned and make Captain Celaeno to looked at her crew, who looked proud and firm as they have made their decision.

Captain Celaeno: You've no idea how hard it's been

Ponies: (It's time to be awesome!)

Captain Celaeno: This dull routine we've been forced to do

Rainbow: Don't let them rob you of who you are
Be awesome, it's all up to you

Touched and inspired by Rainbow's song and her crew's determination, Captain Celeano removed her cargo delivery hat aside. She then put it on her head.

Captain Celaeno: I feel the light stirring deep inside
It's like a tale still yet to be told

Ponies: (It's time to be awesome!)

Rainbow and Captain Celaeno: And now it's time to break the shackles free
And start living like the brave and the bold!

After seeing their captain has made their decision, the prate crew removed their delivery cargo hats out. They then took and put their own clothes and trinkets on.

Captain Celaeno worn her golden-brownish colored vest-like pirate robe with shoulder pads and brown pants, and also armed with her sword. Mullet was still wearing his eye-patch, and sleeveless dark chocolate vest and dark green pants. Boyle worn the sleeveless brown shirt with shoulder pads and chocolate pants. Lix worn greenish shirt, pants and dark green apron. Squabble worn black shirt, dark chocolate pants, aviator's helmet and floater around his neck.

Rainbow and her singing crew put on their pirate trinkets and clothes. They all joining in the fun as well. Twilight and her friends sighed in annoyance as they have to keep their eyes on them, making sure they don't cause some troubles.

All: It's time to be awesome!
Let loose, be true, so awesome!
It's time to be awesome!
Go big, be you, so awesome!

Captain Celeano brought Mane Six and their friends out of the cabin. The pirates began to show the demonstration of what they're capable of being the sky pirates.

Mullet playfully swinging the rope around his ship. Lix helped and assisted Twilight and her crew in charting and locating Mount Aris. Boyle brought the chest to Captain Celeano, who showed the giant blue diamond to Rarity, who was impressed and amazed by it.

Mullet: We used to soar through the clouds in the skies

Lix: Elaborate schemes we would love to devise

Boyle: We rescued our treasure and stored it away

Captain Celaeno: Saving those gemstones for a rainy day

As both ponies and pirates continued singing happily and wildly, Captain Celaeno and Rainbow climbed and moved to the upper deck's long edge. The Pegasus took and thrown the Storm King's rule book to the abyss. As the crew continued singing happily and wildly, Captain Celaeno turned and faced to the group as she make the declaration.

All: We see that light filling up our skies

Rainbow Dash: So take the Storm King's orders and toss 'em

All: 'Cause it's the time to let our colors fly

Captain Celaeno: Hey, scallywags, it's time to be awesome!

The ponies and pirates continued playing and dancing around happily and wildly. They're happy to be free and not be bothered by Storm King's rule book. Twilight, Applejack, six of Dragon Strike Force, Iris and Soul Sweetie were still discussing and working on charting the map.

All: Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Captain Celaeno declared proudly while steering the wheels, "Come on! Let's show these little ponies how it's done!"

As ordered, the pirates pulled down the ropes as they hoisting and activating Gamora to open and flagged out couple of colorful wings for speeding up the pace and also impressing the ponies. The Gamora has transformed into a parrot-like airship.

The ponies awed in amazement at the airship's appearance. The pirates were standing proudly of their airship and choice they make. Twilight and her group were too busy to notice about it. Aqua was glaring at Rainbow as she was very angry yet proud and happy with her protege for helping and inspiring the pirates.

"Awesome! I knew you had it in ya!" Rainbow commented proudly. Captain Celeano smiled happily. She cleared her throat, "And now for the finishing touch!"

Rainbow flew up to the sky as she is building both her speed and energy. Her supporting friends and even pirates cheered and chanted 'Rainboom' happily, attracting Twilight and her group to turn to them. They looked and found what Rainbow was doing.

"What is she doing?" Iris asked.

"Oh no. She can't be that stupid!" Terrorcreep snarled in concern.

"Unfortunately, she is!" Shorty exclaimed in fear, "She's going to get us killed!"

"You don't mean-?" Applejack asked in concern.

Saber hissed, "Yes, AJ. She's gonna alert our enemies!"

Twilight screamed, "Rainbow, stop!"

"Don't do it!" Shadow Dragon shouted as well.

Twilight and her serious friends tried to call their friend off from using her Sonic Rainboom. Unfortunately, Rainbow didn't hear their screams as she has built her energy and speed. She then unleashed the power of Sonic Rainboom. She cheered and laughed happily as she flew spirally and happily, with her rainbow colors on her back, around the Gamora Ship.

While the ponies and pirates were impressed and amazed by Rainbow's Sonic Rainboom, Twilight and her friends were shocked and annoyed by her stunt.

"Son of a bitch!" Blazefist snarled angrily, "She's going to get us killed! Our mission is in jeopardy!"

Aqua groaned, "Rainbow Dash, what have you done?!"

Tempest and her crew have woke up from their sleep, and also have their breakfast. They returned to their duty now. Tempest, Maul and Kyuubi was questioning and interrogating Capper for more information. Rippersnapper and Snarl were leading the scout for the recon. Phasma was piloting the airship while Grubber was busy eating his spongecake until he heard a loud boom.

Grubber looked up and found a colorful rainbow from the southern part of Sea of Clouds. He called out his allies. They all turned their attention to the south, where they found Gamora was sailing to.

"Look at that rainbow! Look at that rainbow! Whoa, that's so cool!" Grubber commented, making Phasma to punch him out of the window. He screamed in pain, "Cut it out!"

"Shut the hell for once, pig," Phasma said in annoyance.

"I'm a hedgehog!" Grubber snapped angrily.

"Looks like we found them." Maul chuckled amusingly.

Kyuubi smirked as she fanned a hand fan at her, "Indeed. Looks like Dashie did exactly what I hope for. Her ego always impede and placed her allies in jeopardy."

Tempest hummed suspiciously, "Yeah. Of them to alert us. Funny, though." She turned and glared at nervous Capper, "They don't seem to be heading to Black Skull Island."

Capper gulped while chuckled nervously, "Like 'ha ha' funny or... ha ha..." He found Tempest and her crew annoyed. He hissed, "Guys, what the hell are you doing? Trying to get yourself killed?"

"Phasma!" Tempest called.

Phasma saluted, "Understood! Changing the course! Attacking the airship now!"

Phasma steered and turned the wheels, causing the Tempest's Airship to turn towards the Gamora. She pushed the handler down, activating the airship's rocket booster, boosting up the speed. Tempest's airship was flying and heading towards Captain Celaeno's airship.

Will Mane Six and their friends escape this time?

To be Continued...

Review and Suggest...

Author's Note:

1. Captain Celaeno's Backstory is based on 'My Little Pony the Movie Prequel', with some changes such as she and her crew lost their parts by Storm King rather than born in handicaps especially Squabble's voice and looks. This would make Rainbow to feel sympathy and urged to help them by singing an inspiration song.

2. People complained and disappointed about Grubber's role especially changing side to good guy at the end in the movie while comparing his to the 'My Little Pony: Stormy Road to Canterlot' for giving some personality. I decide to add a backstory for him, and giving a reason why he still remained in the army, despite the failures and mistakes he has made. I have special plans for him.