• Published 9th Feb 2019
  • 4,999 Views, 55 Comments

My Little Pony: The Lost Soul - Shadow Master

Their friendship is about to get tested as Mane Six and Dragon Strike Force must find and recruit more allies to save their homeland from the forces of Storm King & Dark Curse.

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Chapter 3: Capper

"Our home, Equestria, is invaded and conquered by Dark Mystic Ponies and their new ally - Storm King.

Mystic Emperor Lau was poisoned while Princess Celestia and Princess Luna got turned into stone by Obsidian Orbs. Protocol 13 was initiated, Mystic Ponies were forced returning to Mystic Realm, for both defending their home and keeping injured Mystic Emperor safe from harm. Most of ponies and creatures were captured and enslaved by our enemies while some have managed to escape and return home safely, but got our communication cut out and their homes could have enemy blockade. We have lost our world.

Before Princess Celestia were turned, I overheard her mentioning 'seek help from the Queen of Hippogriffs'. It could be our only hope to fight back and save our home. We barely escaped with our lives, but also embarked our journey to south. To find the Hippogriffs.

We'll be soon arriving to the South, but this new place and its local isn't friendly and nice as ours. Coincidentally, we have someone else helping us out. Is he friend or foe? Hard to tell..."

[Shadow of the Day]

After barely escaping their lives from conquered city of Canterlot, Mane Six and their friends flied the gunship Armor Strike-I, and headed straight to the South, where Hippogriffs could be found.

Before they could continue with their mission, Mane Six and their friends took one last look at their home. They all sighed sadly and tearfully, making most to look away while some hugged and patted each other for comfort. As much as they wanted to stay and help their pony kind to fight back, they have the mission to complete.

During their voyage, they encountered some of Dark Devastator Cruisers, Shredder Light Cruisers and their fighters have formed blockade, preventing them from reaching to the South.

Luckily, Armor Strike-I was able to evade and dodge the shots, blasts and missiles from hitting the gunship. And at the same time, the teams fired its mini-guns and missiles at the enemies. The gunship has managed to escape the enemy cruisers and headed to the South, though it has received some damages during the dogfight.

After passing by both Badlands and Demon Land, Armor Strike-I has now arrived and entered Bone Dry Desert. A wasteland of desert, where no creatures and not even Demons could survive much long. They could died from hunger, thirst and eaten up alive by vultures or worst by intense heat. Luckily for them, they've got the gunship for them to fly across the desert. And not to mention, it has an air condition to cool them from intense heat.

Arriving to their next destination, Armor Strike-I has gently landed on the ground. Mane Six and their friends emerged out from the gunship. They all stood on the small sand hill, where they saw a couple of large mountain peaks that was filled with messy and dirty city of ruins, and also covered by polluted clouds and couple of strange airships.

"Oooh! A city!" Pinkie scoffed happily, "We are doing it, you guys!"

"Is that Mount Aris? Is that where the Hippogriffs are?" Iris asked curiously.

"No, that's not Mount Aris." Blazefist said firmly before hummed in concern, "At least, it wasn't."

"Didn't you go to Mount Aris before?" Icy asked curiously.

Tailtech nodded, "Yeah. I mean you're with Princess Celestia and Azure Phoenix for moving and leading the Hippogriffs to their new home. Shouldn't you know that?"

"I was too angry and suspicious to trust them/ So, they only mentioned the place Hippogriffs are settling down." Blazefist said in annoyance while crossed his hooves. He turned and looked at the city, "Still what is this place?"

"It's Kludgetown," Shadow Dragon answered firmly and dryly while narrowing his eyes. Everyone looked at him. He continued, "Home for not just scums and villainy, but also to the Humanoid Creatures."

"Humanoid Creatures?" Twilight asked in surprise and concern.

"The Hybrids of Humans and Animals..." Tailtech said in concern.

"Like Lions, Tigers and Bears?" Fluttershy asked in concern. Shadow Dragon nodded firmly. She gulped in fear, "Oh my..."

Terrorcreep held Fluttershy close to him, "Don't worry, I'll keep you safe." He then kissed his wife's forehead, making her blush and smiled happily. He smiled, "Always will."

"Can I asked a stupid question?" Spike asked curiously. Everyone looked at him. He continued, "Why wasn't this part of Equestria? I mean we did include Badlands and Demon Land in its map."

Lance nodded, "Yeah. I'm surprised that we didn't even invite them to the Festival of Friendship."

"That's because they weren't born naturally," Shadow Dragon said calmly, "They were experimented, mutated and created by the Humans."

Mane Six, Lance, Nyx and Spike looked shock and worry. Saber nodded, "Shadow's right. The Humans did create the Humanoid Creatures for war against the Equestria and Mystic Realm. They wanted more land and power for themselves. They think that they're above ponies and other creatures because they possessed intelligent mind and high technologies."

"Yeah. Not to mention," Blazefist said seriously, "It was them that nearly took out Nezha's life, but lost his limbs and family. That traumatized and enrage him to hate the Humans, and wanted revenge to kill them."

"My... That's dreadful..." Rarity said in concern.

Shorty nodded in concern, "It was. Nezha never forgave the humans, and wanted nothing more than death and destruction of that species. That is why Jade Emperor banished the Human Civilization to another land, where they won't cause the problems to our land or vice-versa."

"Well, that explains why the Princesses and Mystic Emperor didn't invite Hippogriffs and Humanoids. They might cause more problems than amending it," Nyx said in concern, "Nezha would be furious and angry to forgive them. He would kill them in sight."

"If it were to any of us," Applejack said in uneasiness, "We could do worse as Nezha. I hate to imagine that."

"Exactly," Shadow Dragon said in agreement. He sighed, "If we're gonna find Mount Aris, we can try this town for information."

"It's a start," Blazefist said dryly, "We don't make friends or even be nice to them, right, Shadow Dragon?"

Shadow Dragon nodded, "Yeah. Kludgetown is not the nicest hospitality and place for ponies to enjoy."

"True. But who knows? It might become nicest place in the future," Flare Tiger said happily. Everyone looked at her in surprise. She smiled, "Trust me. In the future, Kludgetown becomes the nicest place for all creatures and even Humans. Trust me. This is all thanks to Twilight and her friends."

Twilight blushed a bit while Iris giggled a bit, "Impressive..."

"Well, we just have to be careful and look out for any creature we meet," Twilight said calmly.

Iris nodded while patted Twilight's back, "If they tried to attack us, we'll fight and take them down. We face way worse than these guys."

Twilight giggled as she nudged Iris's chest a bit, "You read my mind, Iris."

"Either way, we should get moving now," Shadow Dragon said firmly.

"Yeah." Blazefist agreed as he turned and looked at his teammate, "Shadow Dragon, you lead since you have been this town for quite some time."

Shadow Dragon nodded firmly, "Got it. Just remember. Don't talk or befriend any Humanoid Creatures. They're not nice and friendly neighborhood. Watch yourselves." He cleared his throat, "Welcome to Kludgetown, everypony."

Shorty approached to Armor Strike-I, where he pushed a small button, causing the gunship to mass-shifting into toy-size. The scientist placed it inside the bag. Shadow Dragon marched ahead as he was leading his team to Kludgetown at once.

"You know what they say: where there's a city," Rarity said happily, "there's a spa! I could use it right about now!"

"Are you serious?" Rainbow asked in annoyance.

Aqua sighed, "In case you forgot, we're on a mission to save Equestria."

Rarity scoffed, "I can multitask."

"Still, would it better if we fly and get over the town?" Laxtinct asked curiously, "We could scare them and make them to tell us about where Mount Aris is."

Shorty sighed in annoyance, "One - that could attract unwanted attention. And who knows? Storm King's army could have taken control of Kludgetown. Two, Armor Strike-I is badly damaged from the air battlefield, so I required some metals and tools to repair the gunship. And finally," He turned and glared at worried and scared Laxtinct, "someone have forgotten to fuel up its tank! So, we can't fly again!"

Laxtinct laughed uneasily before gulped, "Oops..."

A strange yet scary greenish bird has just entered the Kludgetown. While it was flying to the south, a lasso appeared as it grabbed its talon before pulling the bird down. It dropped and fell into a strange cage. The cage got the bird locked in by two humanoid pigs, who handled and managed the stall that is filled with caged birds. They then smirked darkly and sinisterly while looking at the birds.

"Don't worry, little one," Pig Creature #1 said sinisterly and amusingly while holding the cage, "we'll let ya go!"

"To the highest bidder!" Pig Creature #2 exclaimed happily.

The Pig Creatures then laughed sinisterly and happily about selling their birds to the customers. Seeing how they treat the bids, it makes the teams especially Fluttershy uneasy and worried about it. The strange and scary birds squawked and scared them off.

Nevertheless, the ponies quickly moved one. They were passing some stalls, which includes fruits, vegetables, meats, toys, tools, weapons, Storm King Merchandises and so on. However, they weren't exactly friendly and nice creatures as they often argued and shouted with each other about the money and merchandises. They don't like it.

"Ooh. Hey! You Pony Slave with the horn," The hooded creature called Twilight. She turned and looked at him. He smirked while hissed sinisterly, "you selling?"

Twilight then looked at the creature's booth, where she found various horns including unicorns', making her scared and worried. Shadow Dragon nudged and moved her away from the stall. While the ponies were moving, the Princess of Friendship looked scared and worried, making him sigh while patted her back gently. Iris looked a bit of annoy and anger, which Lance spotted it. The navy Alciorn cleared her throat as she approached and gave a comfort to Twilight as well. Lance gave a suspicious yet concern looks upon looking at his mother's looks.

The ponies came across to a humanoid turtle-like named Pushkin, who was putting his barrels on wagon. Suddenly, the barrels fell off to the ground. He muttered and grumbled angrily and annoyingly about it. Twilight noticed it. She then approached to the humanoid turtle, making Shadow Dragon yelped in concern to notice it.

Twilight said calmly as she approached to the Turtle Creature's barrels, "Here. Lemme help you with that."

Using her magic, Twilight levitated and put all the barrels in stand positions on the wagon. Turtle Creature was annoyed and angered to see her using magic on them.

"Hey! No magic around my merchandise!" Pushkin exclaimed in anger, "Get lost, Pony Slaves!"

Mane Six, Iris and the children yelped in shock and concern. Luckily, Blazefist fired his Fireball Shots on the ground, scaring Pushkin to back off. Aqua charged and landed some punches on the humanoid turtle's chest. Shadow Dragon, Saber and Terrorcreep charged and kicked him off. The humanoid turtle mumbled and grumbled angrily as he struggled to get up from the ground.

"Run!" Shadow Dragon shouted.

Shadow Dragon quickly led the ponies away from the Humanoid Creatures. Unknown to the group, they were being spotted and watched. It was a humanoid brown cat with lighter brown fur on chest and has a dark purple-blue curly hair on his head worn the red coat and has a bandage on his tail. While standing near to the bar stall, he hummed amusingly and calmly while looking at the ponies.

"Hmmm... Very interesting..." The humanoid cat said amusingly and calmly.

After the preparation was made; Tempest and her new crew - Grubber, Phasma, Maul and his Demon Changelings and Kyuubi Lilith boarded on her personal Storm Airship. They set sail to find and hunt down their fugitives.

On the airship, Grubber was piloting and sailing the airship. Tempest and her crew were standing on the airship's edge. They're looking at the sun being clouded.

"So, do you truly believe Twilight and Shadow Dragon headed to South?" Tempest asked curiously. Kyuubi nodded calmly and firmly. She hummed suspiciously, "That would be foolish. There is nothing but Demons and Humanoid Creatures living there. What hope do they find there?"

"We did conquer Equestria, keeping their allied creatures at bay from sending reinforcement to them, and also Mystic Ponies are defending their home from Dark Mystic Ponies," Phasma said firmly, "They must be desperate to head to South for finding some help."

"Well, it's hard to tell," Kyuubi said calmly yet amusingly while closing her eyes. She then opened again to look at the sun, "But I do know one thing. They will be trapped by us."

"Out of curiosity, how do you know they would go to South? Who gave you this information?" Phasma asked suspiciously.

Kyuubi smirked amusingly, "That would be telling."

"Yeah. You're gonna find out soon enough," Maul said teasingly, "Trust me. It's gonna blow your mind."

Tempest sighed while rolled her eyes, "Nevertheless, we won't let them escape again. Like you said, Kyuubi, they'll be trapped by us."

Kyuubi smirked darkly, "Indeed. They both will be mine..."

After escaping the Humanoid Turtle's fury over his merchandise, the teams headed to the market street, where creatures are busy and crowded with their own business. Staying close to the Storm King's Merchandise stall, they all panted and breathed calmly and gently from running for their lives. They're taking a break.

"I told you not to befriend to those creatures," Shadow Dragon said firmly, "They're not friendly and nice, even though you want to help them."

Twilight sighed in disappointment, "You're right, Shadow Dragon. I'm sorry."

"Lighten up, Shadow Dragon. It's just a small mistake," Iris said calmly while patted Twilight's back, "I would have done the same thing too. I don't like not helping anyone."

Applejack nodded calmly, "Princess Iris got the point. Some of us would done the same thing. Besides, we won't make the same mistakes again."

Shadow Dragon sighed, "I suppose so."

Iris approached to Shadow Dragon while smiling at him, "Thank you, dear." She gave him a kiss by cheek, making her husband blushed and smiled while annoyed Twilight. She giggled, "I miss doing that."

Shadow Dragon laughed a bit, "Yeah, me too."

Twilight groaned in annoyance, "Yeah. Just to make me jealous."

Applejack nudged Twilight's shoulder, "Take it easy, Twilight. Just remember. Iris is Shadow Dragon's wife. Give them some moment."

Twilight sighed, "I know, Applejack. Please, don't remind me..."

"Guys, focus on the mission," Blazefist said firmly, "We need information about where Mount Aris is, not fooling around."

Aqua nodded in agreement, "Blaze's right. We'd better move out now." She turned and looked at some stalls, which has Storm King's banner. She looked uneasy and worried, "From the looks of it, this town is under Storm King's control. And I don't really like what happens next if we're fooling around."

"Aqua's right," Terrorcreep said firmly while crossed his hooves, "Who knows when will Storm King and Dark Curse realize we're in their territory and sent their troops here? It's best we moved out now."

"Agreed, TC," Shadow Dragon agreed, "We gotta stick together. Be careful who you talk to. And try to blend in."

"And more importantly, get the information about Hippogriffs and nothing else." Blazefist said firmly before asked, "Got it?"

Everyone nodded firmly and calmly. Tailtech looked worry and uneasy as he looked around of his surroundings, "Where's Pinkie Pie?"

"Oh boy... She's not doing what we think she's doing," Icy said in concern.

"Can I have your attention please?!" Pinkie's voice shouted happily, making the rest of her friends groaned in concern and annoyance.

Flare Tiger sighed, "Looks like it, folks."

"What the hell was she thinking?!" Blazefist snapped in annoyance as he got up from the ground, "We'd better find Pinkie Pie before she caused more problems."

"Definitely, we have to stop her," Terrorcreep agreed, "She's gonna get us killed!"

While the ponies were looking for her, Pinkie was calling and out and making an announcement in the middle of market street, where Humanoid Creatures were walking and passing them by.

"Can anypony take us to the Queen of the Hippogriffs?!"

The blue humanoid shark-like with gills on his sides worn brown dirty shirt - Mori approached to Pinkie. He growled a bit, "You want something? You gotta give something, Pony Slave!"

Pinkie jumped before Mori, who got surprised to hold her. She gestured 'hug' before him, "Well, how about a big warm hug from a grateful pony friend?"

"No!" Mori dropped Pinkie down. He turned and walked away while muttered, "Who wanna hug Pony Slave like her?"

Eventually Pinkie went around to Humanoid Creatures as she tried to befriend while giving unusual gifts to the creatures such as giving unused comb to Lizard Creature, the picture of Maud to the another Turtle Creature and also breath mint to another Pig Creature, who belched at her face. Pinkie fainted to the ground.

The ponies managed to find and regrouped with Pinkie, who got recovered from Pig Creature's burp.

"Pinkie, what the hell are you doing?" Shadow Dragon asked angrily and annoyingly, "I told you not to make friends with those Humanoid Creatures. They're not nice and friendly to ponies or anyone else."

"And not to mention, you're attracting wrong crowd," Blazefist added annoyingly.

"They're right, Pinkie," Twilight said in concern, "You can't announce to every creature about our mission. They could report to Storm King about whereabouts or worse..."

"Relax, guys! I totally got this!" Pinkie said happily.

"Do you mean getting those creatures talking to us about Hippogriffs-" Iris asked in concern as she found Kludgetown Residents approached while slyly and greedily looking at her and her friends. She gulped, "-or looking at us like we're prize?"

Lance hissed, "I'm guessing they choose the latter."

"And it's not gonna be good too." Nyx said in fear.

Saber hissed while glaring at Pinkie, "Next time, Pinkie. Let me do the talking."

A Lizard Creature name Louise demanded, "How much for the giant gecko?"

Everyone was confused and worried, Spike groaned, "Who you callin' a gecko?"

"He's a dragon, genius!" Nyx snapped in anger while held Spike back.

Lance nodded, "And Spike isn't for sale! He's our brother!"

"I want that fancy purple hair, Pony Slave!" Vera the greenish Dear-like Creature, "I'll give ya two storm bucks for it!"

"Two storm bucks?! It's worth more than that!" Rarity exclaimed in annoyance.

"Huh?" Shorty asked in confusion while facehoof, "Rarity, you do realize that you're selling your mane to them?"

"So, what's your point?" Rarity asked in confusion, making Shorty groaned in annoyance.

"Guys, trouble here!" Blazefist snapped in concern.

The team are now facing at the group of Humanoid Creatures. They are approaching to them while shouting and bidding happily on them. And at the same time, the same humanoid cat emerged from the alley's shadows. He hummed amusingly while has his paw touching and holding his chin gently.

The creatures bidding happily, "Gimme that pink one! I'll take the blue one! No! I want the blue one! The strong blue one with ponytail! I need that lizard! I'll take that picture of your sister! I want that beautiful purple winged pony! As if! That dark blue winged pony is more beautiful than the white one! Let me take that yellow pony! Back off! The pony boys are mine to take! I want that samurai guy! Those little ones are so cute! I'll take them! That guy looked cool and feisty! He might be good fighter. I want that one! The fat one looks good! Give me that vampire! I like monsters! I want all of them for my collection!"

Mane Six and the children looked uneasy and scared of Humanoid Creatures' bidding and demanding them to give up themselves to the latter. Dragon Strike Force armed and readied themselves in fighting positions especially Shadow Dragon readied with his Summoner Gem for the fight.

And just before anypony could do anything, the same humanoid cat jumped in front of them. He held his hand to gesture all Humanoid Creatures to back off.

"Back up, everyone! Back it up! Y'all in some serious danger!" Cat Creature exclaimed in concern, making Humanoid Creatures looked confuse and uncertain. He approached to them while looking and pointing at the ponies, "Now you didn't touch any of them, did you? Just look at all those colors! You think that's natural? They're infected with 'pastelis coloritis'."

The Humanoid Creatures gasped in shock and concern while the ponies looked confuse yet annoyed of what he has said to them.

Feeling insulted, Short spoke, "Hey! There's no such thing called 'pastelis coloritis'! You make that-!" He got cut off from talking by Cat Creature's tail. He yelped upon sniffing on his tail. Feeling his nose itchy, he yelped, "Cats?! Why does it have to be cats! Ahh... Ahhh... Ahchoo!"

Shorty sneezed out loud at the Cat Creature's tail, making him yelped in shock and concern to feel his tail soaked with his sneeze bacteria. And at the same time, the ponies and Humanoid Creatures looked scared and worried about the sneeze.

Cat Creature quickly grabbed his tail while screamed in agony, "Oh no! My tail! My tail! I've been infected!" He then approached to the crowd, who looked scared to see him sickly. While his tail swiftly painted with purple fruit's juice colored, he shouted in fear at the creatures, "Stay away from me! I'm gonna get covered by purple splotches! Please! Get away from me, and you'll be fine."

While the Humanoid Creatures cowered in fear about the sickness, the Cat Creature's tail swung the purple colored juice at Mori's body. The Shark Creature is now covered by purple juice spots. The cat gasped in shock upon looking at him, making other creature to gasped as well.

Seeing his body covered in purple splotches, Mori gasped, "Oh no! What do I do?!"

Cat Creature groaned sickly while holding his tail tightly. He looked at Mori, "Enjoy your last moments and don't touch anyone. Because parts will fall off."

SCREAMED! The Humanoid Creature panicked and ran off in fear of what they just heard. They don't want to get infected and lose their parts at once.

"Well, all right," Cat Creature purred calmly as he turned and looked at the ponies. He then dried out his tail, "Thanks for the sneeze on my tail, nerd. I'm lucky that I'm not really sick when I pull the act off."

Shorty sneezed out loud. He sniffed while using his handkerchief to wipe it off, "Well, if you hadn't put your stupid tail on my muzzle, I wouldn't sneeze!" He sneezed out loud, "I'm allergic to stupid cats!"

"That's insulting, you know?" The Cat Creature asked in annoyance.

"Who cares about that!" Rainbow exclaimed happily as she flew around the Cat Creature. She shouted happily, "You are awesome!"

"And quite charming." Rarity added and giggled happily.

"Thank you, ladies. Thank you very much," Cat Creature said happily as he bowed down before the ponies. He even gave Rarity a kiss on her hoof, "Capper's the name. Charming's my game."

Blushed in red, Rarity sighed happily, "What a gentleman, you truly are..."

Angered and annoyed by Capper's charming Rarity while his face was burnt in red, Shorty snorted in anger while crossed his hooves, though he sneezed again. Spike huffed angrily as he did the same thing as Shorty's action. They don't like the cat a lot.

"I have the feeling this is more than allergic problem." Tailtech whispered to Icy.

Icy sighed while nodded, "No kidding. This is gonna be ugly."

"Anyway, we'd better keep moving now. We've got work to do," Blazefist said firmly. He turned and glared at Capper, "We appreciate your help, Mr. Capper. But we've gotta go."

"Go?! You can't go yet!" Capper exclaimed in concern, making the ponies suspicious on him. He cleared his throat, "I might have the information you're looking for. To the Hippogriffs, right?"

"You have the info?!" Laxtinct asked happily. Capper nodded calmly. He sighed, "That'd be great."

Terrorcreep groaned, "Laxtinct..."

"Can you tell us where Mount Aris is?" Fluttershy gently asked Capper.

Capper smiled, "Don't worry, I will. Just follow me to my home, my little ponies. And I'll give you the answer."

"Then, lead us the way, Capper," Rarity said calmly, shocking Shorty and Twilight. She smiled, "It'll be our honor."

Iris nodded, "I'm with Rarity. We should follow him."

And just before Rarity and Iris could start following Capper, Shorty halted them back, "Rarity, Iris, have you both lost your mind?!"

Twilight nodded in concern, "Shorty's right! We don't know if we should trust him."

"He's definitely up to something. I can feel it," Shorty said dryly.

Shadow Dragon sighed, "And I already told you guys before that we shouldn't befriend with him and his kind. I have the feeling he's lying."

"But he has the information we need," Laxtinct said in concern.

"For once, Lax's right. We need that info," Blazefist said firmly, surprising his teams. He continued, "It might be a trap. But we can handle it. It's worth the risk."

"Or maybe, we spring the trap on him," Saber suggested slyly, "Leave the trap to me and Terrorcreep. We'll handle it."

Terrorcreep nodded firmly, "Yeah. We'll hit him hard."

Rarity sighed in annoyance, "Darlings, please! We don't need such brutal tactics. I'm sure he's quite humble and generous gentleman. He can be trusted." She turned and looked at Twilight, "And also, Twilight, we could definitely use a friend out here!"

"I don't know..." Twilight said in concern.

Shorty nodded firmly, "And I don't really like it."

Iris patted Twilight's back, "Like the guys said, it's worth the risk. Plus, if he did set a trap for us, Saber and Terrorcreep can handle it." She approached and held Rarity close to her, "Rarity did say that we could use a friend out here. And who better be our friend than him? He did save our lives."

"I assure you that I do no such thing, ladies. And you know what," Capper said calmly, "Two Little Ladies are right. And, if I do say so myself..."

Capper begins to sing sadly about Kludgetown to Mane Six and their friends. He shown to them to some neighborhood, where some creatures shown sinister, scary and greedy looks like they wanted to harm the ponies.

Capper: This town is not a nice place
For little fillies all alone
There are lots of twists and corners
That could lead to the unknown

Capper have his new friends to turn and face to the market street's alley. He has his right paw's nail to cut down a rope that brought down the boards, covering the alley in darkness. It scared and worried Mane Six and children while Dragon Strike Force remained firm and calm.

Capper: Let me guide your way
And I'll be sure to help you through
You could really use a friend out here
And luckily for you...

Arriving to the barrel in middle of market street, Capper snapped his paws, allowing the spotlight to shine on him. He then led Mane Six and their friends to dark blue humanoid rat-like brute, who is guarding the door. He gave the rat a secret handshake, which the rat opened the door and allowed them to enter.

Capper: I'm the friend that you need
When you're lost and don't know what to do
I'm your pal, your amigo
Useful and resourceful, too
And my help, you'll concede
Is a plus guaranteed

While leading the ponies to another market area, Capper secretly has his tail to swipe and steal the mangoes from the fruit seller. He juggled them for the moment. He thrown two fruits to both Lizard Kludgetowner and a Mouse Kludgetowner, and even passed one to Applejack, which earn her smile. The Kludgetowner cheered happily.

Capper: You can call and I'll come running
Just follow my lead
'Cause I'm the friend you need!

Klugetown Wool-Seller: He's a friend

Scaly Klugetowner: Quite a friend!

Klugetowners: He's a friend indeed!

While leading the ponies to home, Capper helped and protected them from danger such as stopping them while allowing giant monster to cross, stopping a snake trying to eat the children, making a long board for the ponies to cross from one to another building, riding the mine cart on railing tracks, and guiding them through the mist.

Capper: You need a bud to spot the danger
A pal to stop the creep
A chum and not a stranger to assist
You need a bro who is cunning
That can help you take the leap
A friend who knows what's lying in the mist

Separated from her friends, Fluttershy arrived to the dark alley, where she found creepy and demonic bats descend and attacked her. Luckily, Terrorcreep came and covered her for protection, as well as Capper used the umbrella to repel the bats while shielding them. The shy pony smiled while vampire pony was annoyed and angered.

Capper: Don't fear these darkened alleys
They're scary, yes, I know
Why, you could use a friend
To protect you wherever you go

After leading Fluttershy and Terrorcreep to the group, Capper approached to Rarity. He shown his concern looks as he looked down on her hooves, which was covered by muck. He then grabbed a long red carpet. He make way to the distance, where he unfold and rolled the carpet straight to the ponies. And at the same time, he followed it till the end, where he bowed before the ponies.

Capper: And such a dazzling beauty
Covered in dirt and muck
But now your fate is changing
Now you are in luck

Iris and Mane Five were amazed and happy to see how considerate and generous Capper is. Twilight, Dragon Strike Force, the children and especially Shorty were suspicious of him. Nevertheless, they all marched and followed the Cat Creature. Capper led the ponies to the windmill-like resident, which is believed to be his home.

Capper: 'Cause I'm the friend that you need
When you're lost and don't know what to do
I'm your pal, your amigo
Lookin' out for friends like you

Upon arriving to their destination, Capper let Mane Six and their friends inside the house. Seeing an opportunity, Saber and Terrorcreep quickly moved and hid behind the stalls, where they can see the event's unfolding.

As soon as Twilight and Shadow Dragon were the last ponies to enter, Capper closed the door as he turned his attention to a little humanoid raccoon, who worn gray shirt with long sleeves and darker scarf. The humanoid cat took a piece of paper out while placing it beneath his scarf, giving both Saber and Terrorcreep suspicious about him.

Capper: And my help, you'll concede
Is a plus guaranteed
Just call and I'll come running
We'll say it's agreed...

"Hey, Needy. Here's my new message to your boss," Capper said calmly, "Tell Verko, 'My place, twenty minutes.' I've got something that will 'magically' erase all my debt."

Needy nodded firmly as he turned and ran off to find and inform his boss Verko. Capper returned inside his home. While hiding behind the stalls, Terrorcreep and Saber have seen everything.

Terrorcreep groaned in anger, "Son of a bitch!"

"Yup. Looks like we were right," Saber said firmly while narrowing his eyes. He turned and looked at Terrorcreep, "Let's follow him now."

Terrorcreep nodded, "Let's do this."

While Terrorcreep and Saber followed Needy to his headquarter, Capper entered his home, where the ponies were waiting for him. He cheered happily as he led them to use giant gears-like that acted as elevator, reaching to windmill.

Capper: 'Cause I'm the friend you need!

Mane Four: He's a friend

Rarity: Quite a friend!

Iris and Mane Five: He's a friend indeed!

After climbing up the moving gears, elevators and stairs; Capper has led the ponies to his home via trap door. He got out from it. The ponies followed and got out from the trap door as well. They all awed in surprise and amazement of what they just saw. The place is filled with kitchen, cupboard of plates and cups, table and two chairs, sofa, chandelier-like with shinny bottles, some strange yet old merchandises and treasures on shelves and everywhere.

Capper smiled and greeted, "Welcome, my little ponies, to my little manor."

"Ooh! A sort of a roco-hobo-Bohemian hodgepodge." Rarity remarked uneasily.

"Apologies for the state of my litter box." Capper apologized, "I wasn't expecting guests."

Mane Five, Laxtinct and the children were busy with looking around of the surroundings and other merchandises. Shorty remained close to Rarity, who is chatting with Capper as he doesn't trust him, other than his allergic. Twilight, Iris and Dragon Strike Force looked around to find some clues from library and artifacts, that could help them to know where Hippogriffs are.

"Y'all sure y'all want the Hippogriffs?" Capper asked curiously.

"Indeed, Capper," Rarity confirmed, "We're looking for The Queen of the Hippogriffs!"

Capper hummed in concern, "I'm not sure if that's a great idea."

"Why is that?" Shorty asked suspiciously.

"I heard some rumors that the Queen of Hippogriffs is nothing but cowardly and unintelligent queen, who wouldn't want to fight Storm King and defend her own home." Capper answered calmly, "And they said that she betray and abandon the innocents and creatures-in-need including her own relatives and best friends. That doesn't sound like an honorable and humble queen if you ask me."

"Oh my..." Rarity said in concern.

Shorty sighed, "I'm not certain if that is true. The Queen of Hippogriffs and her kind are our only hope to save our home."

Capper hummed curiously, "Really? Something bad has happen."

Rarity sighed, "Indeed, darling. Indeed, it is..."

Twilight, Shadow Dragon and Iris were checking on small library, where they found a World Wide Map Book on the shelf. It got their attentions.

"Is that-?" Shadow Dragon asked.

Twilight nodded, "It is. It's World Wide Map Book."

"It could tell us where the Mount Aris is," Iris agreed firmly as she levitated and took the book out, "Let's check it out.

Twilight and Shadow Dragon nodded firmly, "Right."

After passing through some ruined blocks from Capper's home, Needy has arrived and entered the abandoned messy office. Saber and Terrorcreep have been following the humanoid raccoon to the base, They both looked at each other. They nodded firmly as they both readied and armed with their Twin Dragoon Sabers and Dual Thunder Axes.

Inside the office, Needy gave a small piece of paper to his boss. He was a humanoid pink Naked Mole Rat worn a white uniform, dark brown vest, black pants, dark socks and also red suit, as well as wearing a top hat and goggles. His name is Verko. He hummed amusingly while reading it.

"This looks promising..." Verko said amusingly. He put it aside while looking at Needy, "Alright, kid. Get the boys ready. We're gonna get our prize!"

BOOM! CLANG! BANG! SCREAMED! CRIED! Verko and Needy yelped in shock and concern of what they just heard. They turned and looked at the entrance, where they heard a lot noise and shouts from. They both became scared and uneasy to think of whoever the intruder is to come and kill them off.

BANG! The Naked Mole Rat Bodyguard got thrown and smashed the table. Verko and Needy looked up and found Saber and Terrorcreep entered the office.

"What the-?! Ponies?!" Verko asked in shock and surprise. He scoffed, "What are you doing here?! What do you want from me?! Did Capper send you both here to finish me off?!"

"No," Saber answered calmly. He cleared his throat. Terrorcreep took the box of nachos, tacos and its cheese sauce. It surprised and shocked Verko, making him sweat in uneasiness and worried. He continued with a smirk, "We're here for negotiation. And I know you can't resist this much."

Verko gulped in fear while was still sweating in shock and fear, "T-This... This... This..."

"It's unbelievable!" Verko exclaimed happily while eating the cheesy nacho-taco happily and wildly. He sighed, "This is the best food I ever had! I loved it! I'm happy that I accept this negotiation."

Saber smirked, "Glad you like it."

Saber and Terrorcreep have made successful negotiation with Verko. Three of them were heading straight back to Capper's home for some discussion with the Cat Creature about his debt. During their walking across the market street's bridge, they heard some shouts, screams and noises. They all turned to their right to see what is going on.

Terrorcreep and Saber gasped in shock and concern. They have found couple of Storm Guards and Demon Changelings were harassing and interrogating Humanoid Creatures while destroying and searching through their properties. They even spotted Phasma was commanding and leading them to interrogate the citizens. Tempest, Grubber and Maul were walking across the market street. The hedgehog was busy eating his apple caramel while Maul was slyly showing off his moves to the creatures.

"That can't be good," Saber said in concern, "They're on our trail! No doubt, one of the locals will spill the bean to them soon."

Terrorcreep's eyes narrowed firmly, "I'll take care of them, Saber. Head back and exposed that stupid cat!"

"You sure?" Saber asked.

Terrorcreep scoffed, "I am both tactician and spy. I can handle it. Go now."

Saber nodded firmly as he quickly lead Verko to Capper's home. Terrorcreep jumped off the bridge before flapped his wings. He then hid behind the western alley's shadows. He then turned upside down while having his tail grabbed and held the pole like a bat. He then witnessed the event while readying to deploy his tactics.

After sending out her soldiers to interrogate and search for fugitives, Phasma regrouped with her crew. They're all continued marching down the market street.

"I have the forces spread and scoured the town, finding and capturing our fugitives," Phasma said firmly and darkly. She groaned, "Why the hell Kyuubi left?!"

Tempest sighed, "I have no idea. She claimed that she needed something to replenish her beauty skin. Quite odd I must say."

"Don't worry about her. She'll join us soon. She just need to make sure her skin is beautiful and amazing," Maul said playfully.

Tempest groaned, "That doesn't make me feel any better."

"You really think the ponies got this far?" Grubber asked curiously.

Maul scoffed, "Trust me. They do. They're very tenacious to die and get captured until they get what they're looking for."

"He's right," Tempest said in agreement. She took a sniff a bit on the air. She turned and looked at the board, which has a strand of pinkish hair. She smirked, "Twilight and Shadow Dragon are here, no doubt."

As Tempest cleared her throat, Phasma sighed in annoyance before speaking up, "Attention!" The Humanoid Creatures turned and looked at her. She continued, "This is Captain Phasma of Storm Kingdom! A little purple pony and pale pony with spiky hair passed this way."

Tempest taken over and spoke, "Tell me where she is...

"...or something real bad's gonna happen." Grubber joked amusingly

Heard and spotted Tempest spoke, Mori snarled angrily as he turned and marched towards her. While her crew remained firm and calm, Grubber squeaked in fear as he backed off at once.

"You think we're gonna fall for this again?" Mori demanded angrily, "I don't know what kinda scam you're workin' with Capper and the rest of your friends, but-"

"'Friends'?" Tempest asked in surprise yet in calm tone, "So, they weren't alone..."

"Poison or no poison, you're gonna pay!" Mori snapped in anger.

Mori launched his punch at Tempest, but missed due to her dodging down. She then kicked him by gut. She charged and swiped her kicks at the Shark Creature's leg to fell down. She then grabbed his tail while jumping up high. She then slammed and dropped Mori straight to the ground hard. Tempest landed on the ground gently.

Maul whistled amusingly, "Hello, sexy girlfriend..."

"Ohhhh, Fishman jush got dropped!" Grubber cheered.

Phasma groaned as she slammed her fist on Grubber's head, "Shut up, pig!"

"Ow! I'm a hedgehog! Not a pig!" Grubber snapped in annoyance.

As Mori struggled to get up, he got grabbed and held to the ground by Phasma. Tempest approached and looked at him, face-to-face. This made him scared and worried.

"Now..." Tempest said calmly as she has horn readied with electrical shocks, "...about this... 'Capper'..."

And just before Mori could say anything, everyone on the street heard some screeching noise. This has made them uneasy and worried. Grubber looked up to the sky. He saw something dark and shadowy, blocking the sun like storm clouds. It's heading towards them. He even spotted something unusual and scary about dark clouds.

Grubber gasped, "What the heck-?!"

SCREECH! The demonic bats and vampire fruits bat swarmed the whole market street, as well as they all wildly and angrily attacking, screeching and biting all of Humanoid Creatures, Storm Guards and Demon Changelings. This has forced Tempest and her crew to withdraw and hid within the abandoned warehouse for cover.

On the clear sky, Terrorcreep has seen everything since he has launched his Grizzly Wings - the swarm of hungry bats to attack them, preventing Tempest and her crew to learn Capper's locations. Sensing most of Humanoid Creatures' lives slowly draining down, he telepathically ordered the bats to abandon their attacks and leave at once. He turned and returned to his group at once.

After witnessing swarm of bats leaving the area, Tempest and her crew emerged out from abandoned warehouse. They were in shock of what they just saw. All of Storm Guard Patrols, Demon Changelings and Humanoid Creatures including Mori were all killed by the bites and drainage of their blood.

"That can't be good..." Grubber said in shock and concern.

Maul laughed, "Yeah. That was quite clever of those ponies. I always liked to fight and challenge them. They're fun."

Angered again by his insults and jokes, Tempest fired her electrical shocks at the Maul's face, making Grubber laughed and Phasma sighed in annoyance. The magenta unicorn growled angrily to find that her captives are killed. She has lost the chance to find and capture Twilight and Shadow Dragon alive.

Back at the Capper's home, the girls and Capper laughed happily and amusingly about hearing another latest story from Rainbow, involving her story about getting her cutie mark. Dragon Strike Force and the children were searching for information about Hippogriffs. Twilight, Shadow Dragon and Iris were reading and looking at the map book for finding Mount Aris.

"Stop playin' me! A sonic rainboom? That's not a real thang!" Capper protested in denial. He got up from his bed. He then gave a curious looks to ask, "Is that a real thing?"

Rainbow scffed, "I'll show ya!"

Capper yelped in concern, "Naw-naw-naw, I don't need you sonic 'rainbooming' up in my place, thank you very much."

And just before he could do anything else, Capper got dragged away from others. He then noticed his coat's right sleeve being levitated and sewed on its hole, followed by placing golden buttons on it. He was shocked and surprised by it. He turned and found Rarity stood before him, while she was levitating sewing tools.

"Here you go." Rarity said calmly, "I do apologize. If we were back home, I could've done something truly fabulous."

Suspiciously of Rarity's action, Capper asked, "Okay... What's the catch?"

"Nothing." Rarity answered happily, "After all that you've done for us, consider it a 'thank you'."

Surprised and touched by Rarity's generosity, Capper shown and spoke regretfully, "Oh. Uh, don't thank me. Really."

Seeing everything, Shorty groaned angrily while breaking the pencil in two by his bare hooves. He also sneezed out loud thanks to his allergic again. Spike huffed angrily while snorted out of his little green flames.

"Guys! We did it! We did it!" Twilight called her friends happily. All of her friends and even Capper gathered around at the small table. She then shown the map of Equestria's South and a small island that has tallest mountain with some houses and castle, along with walls-like wings that covered it. She continued, "We've found Mount Aris! It's somewhere on the south!"

"Nice work, Twilight!" Blazefist exclaimed proudly.

Shorty turned and glared at Capper, "Guess we don't need your help now."

Spike nodded playfully, "Yeah."

Twilight blushed a bit, "I couldn't have done it without Iris and Shadow Dragon."

"We did make a pretty good team," Iris said happily. She turned and nuzzled her husband's face, "Didn't we?"

Shadow Dragon laughed uneasily yet amusingly while blushed in red. This make Twilight annoyed again, but she got snapped back to reality by Applejack's clearing her throat. The Princess of Friendship sighed while nodded calmly.

"But still, Twilight did the work of it," Shadow Dragon said calmly, "She deserves it."

Heard of him commenting to her, Twilight blushed in red, "Thanks, Shadow Dragon."

"Anyway, we'd better move now," Aqua said firmly, "Time is wasting."

Blazefist nodded in agreement, "Let's move it, teams!"

The ponies packed up their stuffs as they're preparing to move out. This has made Capper uneasy and worried to gasp in concern.

"Wait!" Capper exclaimed frantically while making cat yowl noise as he blocked the entrance door,
"You can't—you can't make it by y'allselves. You need an airship! And lucky for you, I can get you a ride." Blazefist readied his Fire Fist aiming at the cat creature. This make him yelped, "Easy with the fire attack! Cats hate fire!"

"I thought they hate water," Laxtinct asked curiously.

Pinkie shrugged, "No idea..."

"Back off now," Blazefist demanded.

"Yeah. We have our gunship. I just need some tools and materials to patch my ship up. We don't need your help now." Shorty said firmly and dryly. He pushed Capper aside, "So, back off!"

As Shorty opened the door, he turned and found Verko stood before him. The naked mole rat creature smiled widely and exclaimed, "Here's Verko!" This surprised Shorty to back off. Rarity came and helped him up. He laughed happily, "Sorry, I'm late, Capper. I just had some business to deal with."

Capper laughed uneasily, "Yeah. No problem, Verko. So, about our deal?"

Verko scoffed while waved it off, "Forget your deal and debt. I have someone pay bigger than your. In fact, his idea is better than yours of selling ponies to me!"

The ponies gasped in shock and concern to hear it. Rarity was heartbroken and upset, "You were... You were going to sell us?"

"I knew it." Shorty snapped angrily, "I know I have terrible allergic, but I didn't think cats could bring more bad luck to us!"

Capper yowled in concern, "Wow! Wow! Wow! Easy there! This is just a misunderstanding!"

"Not quite, Capper. You can't trick military officers like Dragon Strike Force. I know everything." Saber said firmly as he entered the house. He glared at Capper, "I negotiated with him about changing his deal with you. I asked him for information about you and your 'debt' to paid off. In return, he gets not only much rich and rare golds, but also delicious foods that no Naked Mole Rats could resist."

Capper gulped in fear and worry. Verko laughed happily while eating his cheesy nachos, "Oh yes, it's true. I told him about you and your deceased friend Chummer being a thieves and have rare rock to pay off the troubles you have caused. Instead of giving it to me, that stupid cat escaped with that rock and even leaving Capper behind." After finishing his nachos, he licked his fingers. He sighed, "So, he owed me a big debt to pay."

Mane Six and their allies were in shock yet anger and fury with Capper's deception. The cat creature became worry and scared. He is now in big trouble.

Saber smirked, "And best of all, Verko sold you to us."

Verko laughed happily, "Your debt it paid, Capper. Hope you're happy and enjoy your freedom. Goodbye, kitty!"

As soon as Verko turned and left Capper's home, the ponies turned and glared at the Cat Creature. They're ready to beat him up.

"Easy there! Easy!" Capper said frantically, "Let me explain!"

"I don't want to hear it!" Rarity snapped in anger, "I don't want to hear another lies from you again!"

Shorty nodded firmly as he readied with his Flame Volley Blaster, "In fact, I would blast you to pieces now, stupid cat!"

Capper yelped in concern to see his end has come. Saber quickly stopped Shorty from start firing his blaster at the cat. Shorty turned and glared at him.

"Easy, Shorty. We're not gonna kill him," Saber said firmly, confusing the group. He turned and glared at Capper, "The cat may have lied to us, but he's right about one thing. He's the friend that we need."

"Seriously?" Everyone asked in shock and surprise.

"Are you sure?" Applejack asked.

Saber nodded firmly, "I'm sure, AJ. Capper knows this place than any of us, and the only creatures we have to rely on. Plus, he is our slave and captive now. So, he's gonna do what we want. And what we need is some tools and supplies to fix and fuel up the gunship, so we can leave this place."

Everyone was surprised by his plan. Twilight spoke, "That's a good plan."

Iris nodded, "Yeah. It is good."

"But what if he tried to escape?" Spike asked in concern.

Nyx nodded, "Someone needs to keep an eye on him."

"Not a problem," Shorty said firmly as he took a collar device-like. He placed it around Capper's neck. He then shown his communication device, "I called it 'Captive Caller'. This allowed me to keep an eye and track on him from my device and know where he's going. If he did tried to escape, I'll just push a button to electrocute and paralyze him from moving. He won't escape."

Capper groaned, "Aw man..."

"Isn't that ruthless and cruel?" Rarity asked in concern.

"He deserves it," Shorty snapped firmly, "I won't let him off that easily. Count on it."

"Either way, we should get moving now," Shadow Dragon said firmly.

"Wait! Where's Terrorcreep?!" Fluttershy asked in concern.

"We've gotta go now!" Terrorcreep's voice shouted. Everyone turned and found the Mystic Vampire Pony has arrived and returned to the group. He panted heavily. Fluttershy approached and held him up. He continued, "Tempest! Maul! They're here! We have to go now!"

Everyone gasped in shock and concern. Blazefist hissed, "Let's move it. We can't fall behind now!"

Twilight nodded, "Yeah. Tempest and her crew are not far from behind! Let's get going now!"

"Move it, Capper. No more tricks," Shadow Dragon said firmly as he pushed Capper to the front, "Lead us to the shop, where they sell some good stuffs and fuel tanks!"

"And be careful of your action too," Shorty added while showing his communication device.

Capper groaned, "Alright, I'm going! I'm going!"

As soon as the ponies and Capper left Capper's home, they all headed off to another market street for shopping and buying more metals and fuel tanks for Armor Strike-I. Once completed, they can continue their journey to Mount Aris...

To be Continued...

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