• Published 9th Feb 2019
  • 5,000 Views, 55 Comments

My Little Pony: The Lost Soul - Shadow Master

Their friendship is about to get tested as Mane Six and Dragon Strike Force must find and recruit more allies to save their homeland from the forces of Storm King & Dark Curse.

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Chapter 10: Breakthrough

"Captain Celaeno was planning to throw me and my friends to overboard. Thanks to Soul Sweetie and the medallion badge, Celaeno and her crew stand down and allow us to stay aboard until we reach our destination.

We then learned the truth behind the crew. They were actually pirates before they got captured and punished by Storm King for defiance and stealing his gold from him. I feel sorry for them being forced to become his laborers.

Rainbow wanted to help them, and also asked them to join us, but Celaeno refused because of her mistakes. As much as I wanted to agree with Rainbow, but we have our mission to deal with. But that didn't stop her because Rainbow sang a song to inspire the pirates to regain their 'awesomeness'. As much as I'm annoyed about her action, but I still believed that she did the right thing for her friends.

Unfortunately, Rainbow pulled the dangerous stunt - unleashing Sonic Rainboom. That means our enemies are not far from behind..."

After unleashing and performing Sonic Rainboom, Rainbow laughed happily as she returned to Gamora Ship. Most of her friends cheered and gave the applause happily to her for giving out the best performance they ever seen. She landed on the ground. She gave a bow to all of them.

"Nice work, Rainbow Dash!" Captain Celaeno exclaimed happily, "That's some show."

Mullet nodded in agreement, "Yeah. Not to mention, you've helped us get our 'argh' back!"

"We really appreciate it a lot," Captain Celaeno thanked happily and calmly.

Rainbow smiled, "Always to like to help." She turned and found Dragon Strike Force, Twilight and Applejack were approaching her. She smirked, "Well, look at who just show up at the party? You miss it a lot."

Instead of showing friendly comments to Rainbow, Blazefist gave her a powerful punch. She fell to the ground hard. She even has her muzzle bleed out. Everyone gasped in shock and concern. Twilight, Applejack and six of Dragon Strike Force were angry and annoyed at Rainbow's latest stunt.

"Wow! Bro!" Laxtinct exclaimed in concern and shock.

"What's with you?" Roughneck asked in annoyance.

"Why did you do that for?" Captain Celaeno asked in shock, "She was just helping us to regain our freedom and independent. Nothing wrong about it."

"Do you even realize of what you have done?!" Blazefist angrily asked Rainbow.

Wiped off the blood, Rainbow grunted as she slowly get up, "What? You've got problem with my singing? I'm more awesome than you and your little girl? Better than her? I enjoyed beating her upside down?" Blazefist, again struck another punch at her again. She groaned in pain, "Really need to shut that up..."

"You don't get it, Rainbow?!" Twilight exclaimed in frustration, "Your Sonic Rainboom has alerted Tempest, Maul and their crew! You led them right to us!"

Shadow Dragon nodded angrily, "She's right. You're gonna get us killed!"

Everyone gasped in shock and concern, and even Rainbow has the same reaction as theirs.

"W-What?!" Rainbow asked in shock and concern. She shook her head in denial, "N-No way! There is no way they could have spotted it. Besides, they're miles away from us!

DING! RING! Squabble squawked out loud while ringing the bell. Everyone turned to him. He then pointed at the rear. They turned and found Tempest's military airship coming out from the Sea of Clouds. All of them gasped in shock and concern.

"Shit! Storm Guards!" Boyle exclaimed in concern, "They've found us!"

Everyone turned and glared at Rainbow, who looked nervous and worried to say, "Okay. Maybe they kinda did?"

"Are you kidding me?!" Everyone sans pirates asked angrily and annoyingly.

"This is serious, Rainbow," Terrorcreep snapped angrily, "You put us and our mission in jeopardy!"

Aqua grabbed and held Rainbow up, "What were you thinking, Rainbow?! I thought we just have this discussion over!"

"We did, Aqua!" Rainbow exclaimed in concern. She then turned and pointed at Iris, "But Iris came to me! She talked to me! She told me that I should try again to talk Celaeno and her crew! Or maybe, try to do some singing! She really was there with me!"

Everyone was in shock and confused by Rainbow's statement. Most of them were both doubtful and suspicious about it.

"Rainbow Dash, what are you talking about?" Soul Sweetie asked in concern.

Rainbow was confused. Terrorcreep groaned, "Iris has been with us at the cabin for the whole time while you were mopping about you couldn't help Captain Celaeno. How could she be in two places at the same time?!"

Rainbow was in shock and confuse. She then looked at her friends and even pirates, who nodded and chatted in confirmation.

"Wait a minute! I'm not lying! I really didn't! Iris was really there with me!" Rainbow insisted fearfully and frantically. Everyone was unconvinced. She continued, "I'm honest! Aqua! Celaeno! Tell them!"

Aqua sighed in shame while having her facepalm, "I really don't know what to say..."

"I wish I could say I believed in you..." Captain Celaeno admitted in concern, "But Iris was really with us about Mount Aris's situation."

Shadow Dragon sighed while shaking his head angrily, "Unbelievable. Another accusation to Iris again..."

"Or maybe... Another deception?" Twilight asked suspiciously.

"It has to be. Just like what she did with me." Applejack asked her suspiciously, "We really need to be careful around her."

Twilight nodded, "Agreed. I hope Saber can find out if Iris is really her or not."

Rainbow was in shock and concern, "No... No way! I'm not lying!"

"Save it, Rainbow. We need to do something now," Blazefist said angrily and firmly.

Captain Celaeno nodded in agreement, "He's right. We need to hide you now! The Storm Guards still think we're cargo crew."

Twilight nodded in agreement, "We've gotta hide!"

Soul Sweetie nodded, "Hopefully, they go away for good!"

"No!" Aqua protested angrily and firmly. Everyone turned and looked at her. She continued, "I'm tired of running and hiding! I say it's time we fight back!"

Blazefist nodded firmly and calmly, "She's right. We're gonna show Tempest and her crew that we're not the ponies to be mess with. Like she said, we fight back!"

Everyone gasped in shock and concern to hear what Blazefist and Aqua has said.

"Bro and sis, are you two seriously crazy?!" Laxtinct asked in shock and concern, "You seriously want to pick a fight with them?!"

"Indeed. We don't stand a chance against them," Rarity exclaimed in fear, "Or worse, we'll be dead!"

Fluttershy gasped, "We can't! We can't! Our families and home are depending on us!"

"No. He's right." Saber said firmly, "If we keep on running, they won't stop until all of us or at least Shadow Dragon and Twilight get captured. We can't let that happen."

Shorty sighed, "Unless we inflict some damages to their airship, we will never escape them!"

"Better yet, take them down for good," Terrorcreep said cruelly, shocking Mane Six and the children.

Aqua looked at Blazefist, who nodded in agreement. She smirked while crossed her hooves, "That's the plan, guys. Time to fight back."

"Prepare for the battle," Blazefist gave the firm orders, "Celaeno, take the wheels of the ship, and get the weapons for battle! We've gotta take down that-!"

Captain Celaeno interrupted, "Hold it! Who said we're taking orders from you?! Gamora and my crew are mine to command, not yours!"

Annoyed and angry at her refusal to cooperate, Blazefist turned to grab and hold Captain Celaeno close to him. He then activated his left hoof of Fire Fist, scaring her off. The rest of his friends and crew became worried and scared.

"Blazefist! Easy!" Laxtinct exclaimed in concern.

Blazefist kicked Laxtinct off while glaring and scowling at Captain Celaeno, "If we don't work and drove our enemies back together, then enslaved is the least of your worries. And trust me, Dark Curse is not a type of Dark Lord you want to mess with."

"I'd comply to him if I were you," Aqua warned Captain Celaeno calmly, "And trust me, my negotiation with you can be very extreme and deadlier than his. You don't want to mess with us."

Captain Celaeno gulped in concern, "Well, when you put that way, it make sense. I'll take the wheels. Mullet, Boyle, get the weapons ready! Squabble, Lix, help the ponies out! Let's show those Storm Guards of what we're made of!"

"Aye-aye, captain!" Pirates saluted firmly and fearfully.

"Remind me not to get on these guys' bad sides," Roughneck said in concern.

Soul Sweetie sighed, "No kidding..."

"Everyone, get ready for the fight," Blazefist ordered firmly. He turned to Shorty, "Shorty, get the Armor Strike-I repaired and fueled up! We're gonna need it to escape. Lax, Tailtech, Icy, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow and the kids will help you out."

Shorty nodded firmly, "Understood!"

"Got it!" The group whom Blazefist has assigned saluted.

"W-What?! Are you serious?!" Rainbow asked angrily and annoyingly.

"That's an order, Rainbow Dash. Follow and comply it!" Blazefist said angrily while glaring at Rainbow.

Rainbow groaned, "Damn the order! I'm not gonna run away from the fight!"

"Yeah. Letting you loose to screw things up is the last thing I want happen to our team. Just like your stupid song and Sonic Rainboom alerting the enemies to our positions!" Blazefist snapped angrily, "I'm not gonna lose my family because of your reckless, selfishness and lying!"

"Oh yeah?! You wanna pick a fight with me? Coz I'm ready for it!" Rainbow snapped.

Blazefist readied with his Fire Fists, "Come on, Dash! I'll teach you the meaning of 'pain'."

"Knock it off, guys!" Aqua snapped angrily as she punched and knocked both Blazefist and Rainbow, with her Hydro Cannon. She continued while glaring at them, "We need to work together, not against each other! So, put your goddamn issues and start fighting the enemies off! Got it?!"

Blazefist and Rainbow were annoyed and irritated about working together, but they knew Aqua has the point. They decided to put their difference aside for now.

"We don't have much time," Saber said firmly, "They're coming."

"You're right. Let's get the job done! Settle up!" Blazefist ordered firmly.

Aqua turned and glared at Rainbow, "Rainbow, for once, follow the orders."

Rainbow groaned in frustration, "Fine..."

"Battle stations, everyone!" Captain Celaeno ordered firmly.

Mane Six and their friends quickly make their defense and preparation for the battle against their enemies. Captain Celaeno's crew quickly searched and gathered cannons, weapons and blasters for the fight. Shorty, Laxtinct, Tailtech, Icy, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow and three children headed to the docking bay at once as they have to check, repair and fuel up the Armor Strike-I.

"Hold on a second!" Pinkie called as she took out the script. She muttered annoyingly and angrily while reading it carefully, "Huh?! There wasn't anything about an air battle taking place!

Flare Tiger sighed while patted Pinkie's back, "Pinkie, this is an adaptation, remember?!"

"No time to be random, you two!" Rainbow called angrily.

Everyone was making the preparation for the air battle. As Spike was climbing down the stairs, he noticed Iris's dark smile, making him uneasy and worried to think of what she's really after. Nevertheless, he has to go and help his friends now. Time is running out.

On Tempest's Military Airship, Tempest and her allies noticed something odd about the Gamora Ship. It's turning its attention to them.

After eating another spongecake, Grubber gulped in shock, "Was that supposed to happen?"

"No. It wasn't," Tempest said firmly and dryly. She smirked, "To be honest, I'm too tired of chasing them. I'm glad that they decide to fight back, so I can deal with them personally."

"Me too," Maul agreed playfully. He sighed as he cracked and stretched himself, "I missed fighting my rival. He's the fun guy. Plus, Twilight's fun too for me to mate."

Grubber groaned in disgust, "That is disgusting."

Tempest scoffed calmly, "Nevertheless, prepare for battle! Phasma, straight to them now!"

Maul nodded proudly and amusingly to his Demon Changelings and Storm Guards. They all headed off and make battle preparation. Snarl chuckled amusingly as he tied up Capper to the pillar, hoping to get the attention of their enemies. Phasma turned the steers before pushed down the handler hard, causing the military airship blasted off and charged straight at Gamora Airship.

Maul moved to the ship's rear, meeting up with Kyuubi. She was holding and looking at a familiar Magic Mirror's reflection of herself. She hummed calmly as she remarked and admired to herself about how beautiful and perfect she is.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything especially doing self-admiring again," Maul said calmly and amusingly.

"So, the fight begins?" Kyuubi asked calmly yet annoyingly and disappointingly. Maul nodded firmly. She sighed while looking at her Magic Mirror, "What a pity. Mortals are lately becoming more stubborn, violent and stupid creatures now. Nevertheless, they do make an interesting entertainment especially their 'friendship'. I look forward to end it." While licking her mouth, she held the mirror in front of herself, "I wish I summoned the powerful never-ending cyclone!"

As commanded, Kyuubi's Magic Mirror surged itself with greenish electrical. Gathering and charging up its energy, the Magic Mirror unleashed and fired its magical beam. It flew and hit on the clouds between Tempest's and Gamora Ship. It then began to swirling and forming the destructive force of a large tornado - cyclone.

"Oh yeah! Playtime!" Maul exclaimed happily and wildly.

Kyuubi laughed sinisterly and darkly, "Indeed. Let's see how you survive this, Hikari and Yami..."

On the Gamora's Ship, Mane Six and their friends are making final preparation for the defense. Shorty and his team are at the below deck as they're making sure that Armor Strike-I is ready and functional for their escape plans. Lix assisted them in ship's repairs.

Captain Celaeno was still steering and piloting the Gamora Ship. Mullet and Squabble armed with their blasters. Boyle readied the cannons while joined and assisted by Saber, Soul Sweetie, Roughneck, Pinkie and Flare Tiger. Twilight, Iris, Blazefist, Aqua and Terrorcreep readied with their magic and Elemental Elements of Harmony for blasting. Shadow Dragon and Applejack armed themselves with their weapons for the fight.

Twilight then spotted something amiss at the center of Sea of Clouds. She gasped as she has discovered the appearance of cyclone. Everyone also noticed it as well.

Pinkie asked in shock, "What is that?!"

"Cyclone! At Sea of Clouds?!" Roughneck shouted in concern, "You've gotta be kidding me!"

"What's next? Charging to our doom?!" Terrorcreep asked dryly.

Saber hissed, "Hate to think of that!"

Captain Celaeno smirked, "That's the idea, boys."

Everyone sans pirates gasped in shock and concern. Twilight protested, "You can't be serious!"

"We'll be dead if we go in there!" Shadow Dragon snapped in concern.

"Relax. We've got this," Captain Celaeno said confidently, "Brace up yards, ponies and birds! Dying is the day worth living for."

"You heard her! Brace up!" Mullet echoed firmly, "We're going in!"

[Breaking the Habit]

Both pirates and ponies held on the cannons and fences tightly and firmly as Captain Celaeno steered and thrust her ship straight to the cyclone now.

Tempest and her crew noticed Gamora Ship was sailing straight to the cyclone. While Storm Kingdom officers were surprised by the stunt, Maul and his minions were amused and entertained by it. Nevertheless, they have the mission to do.

"They're crazy than I thought!" Grubber commented in shock.

Tempest narrowed her firm eyes, "Doesn't matter. We won't let them escape again." She then activated her battle mask on her face. She breathed firmly, "Captain Phasma!"

"Understood!" Phasma exclaimed firmly as she pushed down the thruster handler, "Full speed ahead! Let's show those fools what our Bonecrusher is made of!"

While still tied to the pillar, Capper yowled in shock and fear, "Are you crazy?!"

Maul chuckled, "What's the matter, kitty? You afraid to lose your nine lives?"

Kyuubi smirked, "Let the game begins..."

Tempest and her crew armed and readied themselves with their weapons and cannons for the fight. Phasma steered the airship straight to cyclone.

Both Gamora and Bonecrusher have reached and entered the cyclone. They then began to sail down the cyclone's swirling. Both airships are facing at each other during their sailings.

"Ready the cannons!" Captain Celaeno and Phasma ordered firmly and determinedly.

As ordered by the captains, both Gamora and Bonecrusher crew quickly readied and aimed their cannons at each other. The crew members armed themselves with their guns, blasters, bows and arrows for the battle. They're awaiting the captains' orders. As both airships continued flying and sailing down the cyclone, they have targets at sights.

"FIRE!" Captain Celaeno and Phasma ordered at once.

From distance, both Gamora and Bonecrusher fired their cannons and blasters at each other; shooting down the enemies as well as damaging the airships.

Mane Six and their allies also joined the fight as well. Twilight and Iris fired their powerful Unicorn Bursts. Pinkie, Saber, Soul Sweetie, Roughneck, Flare Tiger and Boyle fired the cannons. Blazefist unleashed and launched his Firestorm Phoenix and Fire Shots in hitting the enemy troops. Aqua fired her Hydro Cannon in pushing and knocking their cannons back. Terrorcreep summoned and struck down his Thunderstorm for halting and deflecting the blasts. Shadow Dragon defended the crew by swinging and striking down his Darkness Blade, with the help of both Shield of Darkness and Aura Dragon Power. Mullet and Squabbled provided the covering fire for his allies.

Tempest and her crew are fighting back as well. Tempest fired and unleashed her powerful blast in blasting and knocking both cannonballs and some bullets. Maul and Kyuubi have swiftly and quickly dodge and deflect the attacks as well. Rippersnapper roared angrily as he swung and struck down his giant axe at the weapons. Snarl helped and led his team, firing their cannons back at the enemies. Grubber screamed and panicked fearfully while running and dodging the attacks.

As both airship continued firing at each other, Gamora and Bonecrusher were getting closer as they're reaching the end of cyclone. They both got tangled at once, causing the crew nearly to fall down on the deck. They managed to recover and got up for the next fight.

"Board enemy ships!" Captain Celaeno and Phasma exclaimed out loud.

Blazefist readied with his Falcon Spear, "Let's do this! Aqua, Terrorcreep, Saber, Flare Tiger, Pinkie, Boyle, Squabble, with me! Let's break the ship to pieces! The rest of you defend the ship!"

Looking at his glowing Summoner Gem, Shadow Dragon sighed, "Sorry, not this time. I'll save it for the real fight on the ground."

Blazefist and his team climbed the airship's shroud to top. They grabbed and swung over to Bonecrusher Airship, where they began engaging and fighting off the enemies including Phasma and Rippersnapper. Kyuubi, hated to get her hands dirty again, decided not to join the battlefield and watch it, unless it's personal for her to deal with.

Blazefist, Saber, Aqua and Terrorcreep are fighting with Rippersnapper, who roared angrily and wildly while swinging and striking his giant axe at them. Pinkie, Flare Tiger, Boyle and Squabble are dealing with Phasma, who armed and fired her blasters at them while swinging her Chromed Pike at them. Capper was still tied up to the pillar.

"Now, now, my pet. You will get your revenge soon," Tempest said calmly to her Summoner Gem before putting it in her pocket. She turned to her crew as she gave the order, "Let's go now! I want Princess of Friendship and Mystic General of Dragon alive!"

Maul whistled happily, "Grubber, Snarl, with me! To battle!"

Tempest, Maul and their minions including 20 soldiers charged and jumped over to Gamora. They are now facing off Mane Six and their allies now.

"Take no prisoner!" Tempest ordered firmly.

As ordered, both Demon Changelings and Storm Guards charged and attacked Mane Six and their allies, who fought back fiercely and determinedly. Twilight, Iris and Applejack were fighting off Tempest. Shadow Dragon was dueling with Maul firmly and determinedly. And at the same time, they were fending off the enemy troops. Mullet was sniping and shooting down both Storm Guards and Demon Changelings while guarding and keeping his captain safe. When her first mate is in danger, Captain Celeano joined the fight as well to save him. Soul Sweetie and Roughneck covered each other's back by fighting the enemies off.

Snarl was searching and looking for more of his enemies, suspecting that they might try to escape. And at the same time, Grubber was running and hiding from the fight. Once he find his hiding place, he can eat his spongecake and watch the battle happily.

While battling the enemy force, Boyle and Squabbled cried out loud as they charged and attacked Phasma, who easily blocked and deflected the attacks, with her Chrome Pike for ten times. When Boyle tried to strike his claw at her, she dodged down and grabbed him by neck, shocking him. Luckily, Squabble charged and rammed her off but she slammed her fists in knocking him down. Boyle jumped and attacked her, but instead Phasma grabbed and thrown him at the pillar, indirectly freeing Capper from the tied up ropes.

Pinkie and Flare Tiger charged and attacked at Phasma, who easily dodged and evaded their funny 'attacks'. Annoyed and angered at their jokes, Phasma grabbed and thrown Pinkie at Flare Tiger. They both got slammed to the walls. She was about to fire her gun if not for Capper yowled out loud, scaring her off. Both Boyle and Squabble charged and rammed her to the walls. Pinkie and Flare Tiger readied and fire the cannon at her, damaging her armor as well as wounding her.

Blazefist, Saber, Aqua and Terrorcreep were facing off Rippersnapper, who is readied with his giant axe. Saber unleashed Wind Storm in blowing him back. Followed by combination of both Aqua's Water Torpedo Shard and Terrorcreep's Thunder Fangs, they shocked the Znema Dravec, who didn't even fazed. Blazefist charged as he fired his Fireball Shots. However, Rippersnapper roared in anger as he charged out and attacked them. They fought back and tried to take him down, but he was too fast and strong for them to hit. Eventually, he roared angrily as he slammed some punches in knocking them out.

Refused to give up, Aqua got up at once as she charged and engaged a duel with Rippersnapper. Both of them have a fierce fight for a while. Blazefist, Terrorcreep and Saber grunted as they struggled to get up. They looked at each other as they nodded firmly while charging up their Elemental Elements of Harmony. Both of them continued punching until their faces are badly bruised and wounded.

Rippersnapper grabbed and held Aqua. He was about to finish her off. Luckily, Terrorcreep jumped and unleashed his Thunder Fangs, wounding and electrocuting him, freeing Aqua. Saber unleashed Zen Air Slashes, wounding him a lot. Blazefist jumped and fired his Firespin Strike. Both of them used and combined Wind Storm and Firestorm Phoenix in burning and wounding him alive. Rippersnapper groaned in pain as he fell to the ground hard.

Both Blazefist's and Pinkie's teams regrouped and reunited as they're relieved that they're safe from harm. But they knew that they're not done yet. They quickly sabotage and damaged the airship's control. And to their surprise, Kyuubi remained silent while looking at the mirror. This make them uncomfortable and uneasy if she was aware of them or doesn't bother at all.

Nevertheless, they have completed their mission. They quickly returned to Gamora Airship at once, bringing Capper along as well.

And at the same time, the wounded Rippersnapper held the greenish Summoner Gem, which hissed and buzzed loudly. He snarled and roared angrily as he thrown to the ground, summoning his Ancient Beast to come out and fight.

On Captain Celaeno's airship, Mane Six and their allies were still fighting off Tempest, Maul and their soldiers. Captain Celaeno, Mullet, Soul Sweetie and Roughneck fought enemy troops while watching and protecting each other's backs from the attacks.

Twilight, Iris and Applejack were facing at Tempest. All four of them are ready to fight.

"Thought you could escape from me, Princess?" Tempest asked calmly yet firmly beneath her breathing mask.

Twilight groaned, "Not successfully this time."

"But that doesn't mean we're giving her up to you," Applejack said firmly.

Iris nodded firmly, "Indeed! We won't give up the fight!"

"Oh, isn't that sweet?" Tempest remarked calmly yet amusingly. She giggled, "Too bad you'll end up like your dear mother and aunt.

Iris growled in anger, "You're gonna pay for that, you broken-horned bitch!"

Iris charged up her magical horn, shocking and concerning both Twilight and Applejack. They tried to stop her, but she fired her Unicorn Burst at Tempest. The broken horned unicorn dodged to her left before firing its powerful electrical magic blasts from her nose cannon-like in knocking Iris off.

Tempest smirked while glaring at both Twilight and Applejack, "Now, for you, princess..."

As Tempest charged while readied with her electrical magic powers, she fired the shot at Twilight. But Applejack pushed her aside before she got hit by chest. Twilight groaned as she fired her Unicorn Burst in hitting Tempest, who barely dodge the attack. She jumped and slammed a punch against Twilight's face. The Princess of Friendship grunted painfully as she quickly and firmly kicked at Tempest's face back. Both of them continued punching and kicking at each other for few times. Both of them armed and readied their Unicorn Burst and Electrical Magic Burst, which sparked and exploded in pushing them back.

Tempest charged and readied to attack Twilight. Applejack jumped to halt and slam her to the ground. They both rolled over while punching at each other until they reach the cabin. As Tempest grab and held her head up to finish her up, Applejack headbutt on her before kicked her off. Both of them have a fierce fight in punching at each other by face, body and hooves for few times. Applejack rammed and held her against the fence while pushing her off the airship. However, Tempest kicked her before grabbed and tied the rope around her neck, slowly strangling and choking her out of air.

Twilight levitated and slammed the glass on Tempest's mask before allowing Applejack to kick her. And at the same time, Iris fired multiple Unicorn Bursts in hitting the commander. She then charged and rammed her off. Tempest got thrown off back to the Bonecrusher Airship's platform.

Shadow Dragon and Maul readied with their Darkness Blade and Twin Killer Swords as they both were glaring and aiming at each other. They both charged and swung their blades at each other for few rounds. They then both clashed for the moment while glaring at each other.

"Been a long time since we last fought." Maul remarked amusingly.

Shadow Dragon grunted, "The feeling's mutual. Only difference is that Iris is back, and you won't take her away from me or my son again."

"We'll just see about that." Maul laughed amusingly and wildly. They both departed as they again clashed each other's again. He smirked, "You won't be needing your pet monster to back you up this time. Otherwise, he could destroy the whole ship."

"I don't need him to," Shadow Dragon said firmly and darkly.

Both Shadow Dragon and Maul departed from the fight. They both swung and clashed their blades at each other for few rounds. Shadow Dragon activated his Aura Dragon Power, powering and energizing him a bit as he charged and rammed Maul off. He tried to thrust at him. He dodged the attack before hitting him by guts. Demon Changeling continued launching some punches while dodging and evading the punches from the Mystic Pony. As Shadow Dragon fell to his knees, Maul charged to finish him off. On the last second timing, he quickly swipe his kick in tripping him to fall down.

Maul grunted in pain as he slowly got up. Shadow Dragon jumped over and slammed him to the ground, where he swung and slammed Demon Changeling's head on the floor for ten times. He has his head rammed him off before punched him thrice. He then kicked him off. He grabbed and slammed his head against the walls for ten times. He then thrown him straight to the fences. Maul jumped and slammed his Twin Killer Sword in finishing him off, luckily, Shadow Dragon blocked it for the moment. However, Demon Changeling tried to take a bite on the Mystic Pony, who struggled to move his head from getting bitten. He rammed his head against Maul's face before nudged and kicked him off. Maul screamed in shock as he fell right on the Bonecrusher airship.

Shadow Dragon panted heavily as he dropped to the ground hard. He turned and found Grubber, who looked scared and worried. The hedgehog screamed and panicked as he quickly returned to the airship at once. He turned and found Twilight, Iris and Applejack came to him. They quickly helped get him up. He gave both Twilight and Iris a hug as they returned it to him.

Blazefist and his team returned to the airship in time. And just before any of them could do anything or celebrate about their victory, their airship got rammed and shaken up. They looked up and found a large creature hissing and snarling wildly and angrily.

At the airship's below deck; Shorty, Tailtech, Icy, Rarity, Fluttershy and Lix were finishing up with the repairs and also fueling on the Armor Strike-I's fuel tank. Laxtinct, Rainbow and the children were keeping their eyes out on situation.

Rainbow groaned as she grabbed and thrown the wrench at the walls, "How long are you gonna finish up your work?"

Shorty groaned in frustration as he welding torch in fixing the gunship's damages, "Little more time if you stop destroying my tools!" He then found a damaged wrench, "Rainbow Dash, I needed that!"

"Is he always that cranky?" Lix asked in confusion as she tightened the screwdriver.

Rarity sighed, "You have no idea."

"Come on! We have to finish this up," Tailtech exclaimed in concern as he poured the fuel into the Armor Strike-I's tank, "I don't know how much our friends can hold."

"Them?! What about us?!" Laxtinct asked in concern. He pointed at the entrance, where Snarl has entered the scene, "We've got company!"

"Laxtinct, you're making big deal for no reason," Lance said in annoyance as he readied with his Dual Blades, "He's just one guy."

Snarl chuckled, "Well, you're about to find out why you don't mess with me, kid! Plus, I wasn't alone too!"

BANG! Everyone on the below deck yelped in shock and concern to hear and feel the tremor.

"Oh yeah! Action time!" Rainbow exclaimed happily.

Tailtech looked at his watch. He gasped, "Our guys need help!"

"Tailtech, Rainbow, Laxtinct, go and deal with the problem now," Shorty ordered firmly, "Lance, Nyx, Icy, Rarity, Fluttershy, hold that Demon Changeling off!"

Rarity yelped, "Why me?! I'm not a fighter!"

"Me neither!" Fluttershy exclaimed in concern.

"Will you just help and buy me more time?!" Shorty demanded angrily. He cleared his throat before sighed calmly, "I need more time to fix the damages!"


Tailtech, Rainbow and Laxtinct nodded and headed off to the top. Icy, Fluttershy, Rarity and the children were facing off Snarl, who cracked and stretched his head happily as he readied with his demon claws. He hissed wildly and happily as he charged and thrust his claws at them, who dodged and moved aside at once.

Lance rushed and engaged with Snarl. They both swing their blades and claws at each other for the few times. He then dodged down before jumped and kicked him to the walls. He even tried to take him down. Rarity and Icy fired her Diamond Gatling Blaster and Frozen Shards at Demon Changeling, who easily dodge while destroyed most of them. He then charged and knocked them easily and swiftly. Nyx and Spike readied themselves for the fight. Snarl turned and gave a loud roar, scaring them both off.

Snarl turned to Shorty and Lix, who both yelped and squawked in concern. They quickly were giving the repairs on Armor Strike-I, as well as fueling the tank up. Fluttershy was standing in his way. She's still scared and worried to fight back because she's scared of frightening monster especially Terrorcreep wasn't there for her.

"Oh please, you're not honestly think you can take me down?" Snarl asked amusingly. Fluttershy was still scared and worried. He chuckled, "Wow. This is gonna be easy than I thought. Just like taking care of that stupid Discord. Turning him into stone."

"You did what?!" Fluttershy demanded angrily and furiously. She screamed in anger, scaring Snarl off. She activated her Animal Ruby. She used the power of Cheetah's Speed and Bear's strength. She screamed, "I'm gonna kill you!"

Fluttershy screamed angrily as she charged and engaged with Snarl, who yelped in concern. She launched multiple punches and kicks on him before slammed and ramming him off. Seeing him got wounded, Icy got up as she fired Ice Beam in freezing Snarl's body up before summoning Soldiers of Ice to come out and charged at him. He got thrown straight back to the Bonecrusher's Cruiser. He grunted in pain for landing on the ground.

Fluttershy panted heavily as she slowly calmed herself down. She then cried tearfully to hear about Discord being turned into stone. Icy approached and gave her a comfort hug.

Shorty and Lix were shocked and surprised by Fluttershy's rage. Lix whistled, "Didn't know she has the terrible temper."

"She rarely use it," Shorty said in concern.

Rainbow, Laxtinct and Tailtech got up to the upper deck, where they found a giant insect-like creature with smaller mandible and twin pincers-like mandile, muscular armored body, giant antennas, twin giant compound eyes, six smaller eyes, twin giant claws, twin claw-like hands, large beetle wings, giant abdomen with giant scorpion stinger and four ant's legs-like.

The insect-like creature screeched out loud as it was attacking and battling with Mane Six and their friends. And at the same time, it summoned and ordered its mini-version of itself to attack and kill them.

Rainbow yelped, "What the heck is that?!"

"Oshibka!" Tailtech exclaimed in concern, "Oh man! This isn't good! I didn't know they have one?!"

"Hello?! Can we kill or push him off our ship?!" Laxtinct asked angrily, "Seeing bugs makes me think of how much I hate the camp!"

Tailtech hummed thoughtfully and carefully as he looked around of his surroundings including Bonecrusher's damanged airship, cyclone, cannons, his watch, Laxtinct and even Rainbow Dash herself. He smirked proudly.

"I've got the idea," Tailtech said firmly and calmly, "Lax and I will distract Oshibka! Rainbow get ready with the Sonic Rainboom! We're gonna take that thing down!"

"Are you serious?!" Laxtinct asked in concern.

Rainbow smirked, "Yes! Finally, some action!"

"On my signal, you strike it down straight to Bonecrusher," Tailtech said firmly. Rainbow and Laxtinct nodded. He smirked, "Let's do this!"

Rainbow flew up to the sky as she readied herself with Sonic Rainboom. Tailtech and Laxtinct joined in as they armed and fired the cannons at Oshibka and its minions, as well as helping and saving the team as well. And at the same time, Tailtech used his magic in tinkering and changing the watch's frequency like he's trying to contact them.

Oshibka has proven to be formidable foe as it continued attacking and damaging the airship especially firing both acids and poison stingers at Mane Six and their friends, who struggled to fight off both Oshibka Minions and evading the attacks. Luckily, Tailtech managed finishing his tinkering as he fired his watch's sonic wave at the Ancient Beast Insects. He then chatted through it, making the Oshibka Minions stopped and listened to it.

Oshibka was confused and annoyed as it screeched out loud. Oshibka Minions turned and attacked her at once. The large creature screeched in pain and agony.

"Rainbow! Boom at it!" Tailtech ordered.

Rainbow smirked as she flew down at once, charging and powering up her Sonic Rainboom. She charged and slammed a powerful force in knocking Oshibka and its minions down, causing Bonecrusher Airship straight into the abyss of cyclone. Most of its crew screamed and panicked in fear. Rainbow managed to return to her group.

Blazefist turned to Captain Celeano, "Celeano, get us out of here!"

Captain Celaeno nodded, "On it! Hang on!"

Captain Celaeno steered the pirate ship, sailing and escaping the cyclone. Her pirate crew held tight on the ropes, making sure wind is blowing the sails. They're now escaping the cyclone.

The Gamora Ship has escaped and returned to Sea of Clouds. Mane Six and their friends were in shock and surprised that they not only have escaped Cyclone alive, but they also have defeated Tempest and her crew. They all now celebrating and cheering wildly and happily for being alive and victorious. Shorty and his team returned to upper deck.

"Good news! Armor Strike-I is fully repaired!" Shorty exclaimed happily.

"Well done, Shorty!" Rarity said happily as she gave Shorty a kiss. This make him happy and relaxed. She turned and found Capper standing besides with his friends. She gasped as she charged and gave the humanoid cat a hug, "Capper, you're alive! I thought you were killed!"

"Aw come on!" Shorty asked in annoyance and frustration.

"Well, I was. But I managed to trick and mislead them to Black Skull Island, giving you ponies some time," Capper said calmly and happily. He groaned, "It would have been gone better if somepony hadn't done 'Sonic Rainboom'."

Everyone turned and glared at Rainbow. Rarity groaned, "Yes. We are aware of that. It was our mistakes. But it's over."

"Not yet!" Mullet exclaimed in concern. Squabble squawked in fear while ringing the bells. He pointed ahead, "Blockade dead ahead!"

Everyone looked at the pirate ship's frontal edge. They gasped as they found a large Dark Devastator Cruiser and three Shredder Light Cruisers are in their way. They even let most of Stinger Jets and Armored Beetles Strikes to attack.

"That's not the worse! Tempest's back!" Laxtinct screamed in fear and concern.

Everyone gasped as they looked back and found the Bonecrusher Airship has somehow magically returned to the surface, and to their surprise, it's fully repaired. It's heading towards them.

"You've gotta be kidding me?!" Everyone asked in shock and concern.

"How?! We blow it up!" Rainbow exclaimed in concern.

Twilight hissed, "Kyuubi Lilith! She has the Magic Mirror. She must have wish to escape the cyclone and has the ship repaired!"

"Why that no good witch! She cheated!" Aqua exclaimed in concern.

Boyle hissed while looking at Gamora Airship's condition, "We're in no condition to fight! She needs repairs now!"

"If we stay here, we'd be dead..." Captain Celaeno said in concern.

Everyone groaned in concern, realizing that they can't escape. Blazefist gave some thoughts about their escape plan. He then turned and found a large barrels of gun powders, fuel tanks, grenades, blasters and more. This gave him the idea.

"Everyone, I have the idea..." Blazefist said firmly, "Get to Armor Strike-I now! We're about to do something dangerous."

Everyone was in shock and confusion by Blazefist's plan. Saber has picked it up, "Everyone, do it! Abandon ship! Abandon ship!"

"Abandon ship?! Why would you-?!" Captain Celaeno asked suspiciously before gasped, "Oh no! Don't you dare do this!"

"It's the only idea I've got," Blazefist said firmly, "Besides, if we get out of alive, save our home and beat our enemies in time, you'll get the bigger money as Skullitron's."

Captain Celaeno groaned in frustration before muttered and grumbled angrily. Mullet placed his claw on her shoulder, making her to turn and looked at him and the rest of her crew. They all nodded firmly while smiling weakly. This shocked and frustrated her yet also made her realize of what is important.

Captain Celaeno sighed, "Fine. Keep that promise. Got it?"

Blazefist nodded firmly, "Count on it. Get to Armor Strike-I. We're getting out of here!"

Everyone quickly climbed down the stairs to below deck. Saber remained behind as he decided to help Blazefist out. The commander was relieved and happy to hear it. Both of them quickly poured barrels of powder and oil around the ship.

The fighters poured in as they began firing their blasters and bombarded Gamora Airship. The Dark Devastator Cruiser and Shredder Light Cruisers have also moved and boxed as they have trapped and blocked the pirate ship from escaping.

Bonecrusher Airship was heading towards it. It has pleased Tempest, Maul and Kyuubi that they have succeeded their mission. Rippersnapper has recalled his Oshibka back to his Summoner Gem.

"There's no escape now," Tempest smirked calmly. She groaned as she turned and glared at Kyuubi, "Though you could have used your stupid Magic Mirror in the first place?"

Kyuubi sighed, "I'd like to make them get their hopes high before crushing it. I enjoyed torturing and ruining the pathetic mortals' moments."

Maul snickered, "That's what I liked about you, Kyuubi!"

"Maybe you should use it to make sure that they won't escape again," Tempest said calmly yet sarcastically.

Kyuubi smirked, "I would have." She snickered amusingly, "Where's the fun with that?"

Tempest groaned, "Honestly, why them?"

On the Gamora Ship, the army of Storm Guards and Dark Mystic Soldiers encountered and attacked both Saber and Blazefist. After they just finished up pouring out the oil and powder on the ship, they fought back and defeated most of them. At the same time, they both glanced and smirked at each other like they're having rivalry and competition in defeating most of enemy soldiers.

While fighting most of enemy soldiers, they then climbed down the stairs to the lower deck, where the rest of their friends are inside the Armor Strike-I and its attaching to a giant passenger cargo-like. As Saber gotten into the ship, Blazefist pulled the handler, opening the lower deck's doors. Armor Strike-I dropped and dived down at once. The army of Storm Guards and Dark Mystic Soldiers have arrived and entered the lower deck.

Blazefist fired his Fireball Shots at the gun powder, which slowly crisped and burning the trail back to its main source. He then quickly jumped and dived down at once. Dark Mystic Soldiers and Storm Guards armed and fired their guns at him. He barely dodge and evade the blasts, though his left wing got shot. Luckily, Armor Strike-I came to his aid as Saber grabbed and got him in.

As soon as its burning trail reached at the end of main sources, the fire sparkled and ignited them at once.

BOOM! Gamora has exploded! Destroying not only itself, but also all the cruisers that came too close to it. Tempest and her crew were in shock and concern of what they just saw. They couldn't believe in their own eyes.

After the explosion, the debris of Gamora Airship were falling down into the ocean. Armor Strike-I was among them. Surprisingly, it was flying, dodging and passing by the debris. Mane Six and their friends including the new ones. They all cheered happily and wildly. They have once again escaped the clutches of their enemies again.

"Looks like the cost is clear," Shorty said in relief as he was piloting the Armor Strike-I, "We're far away from the enemies for now."

Tailtech nodded, "Yeah. That was a close call especially managing to fit all of us in. How did you do that?"

Shorty smirked, "I'm always come in prepare with the cargo carrier. I have the feeling that we might have more guests in."

Rarity awed happily as she grabbed and hugged Shorty, "Thank goodness! You're the best, Shorty!"

Just before Shorty could do anything, Rarity gave Shorty a passionate kiss, making him sighed and awed happily.

Aqua helped and healed Blazefist's left wing's wounds, though some were too deep for her. He has his left wing bandaged.

"You okay?" Aqua asked.

Blazefist smirked, "Never better. Glad we escaped."

"Yeah, we do," Aqua said calmly. She gave her husband a kiss. She continued, "Don't worry. We'll get home. We will save Indigo."

Blazefist nodded, "Thanks."

"Hey, guys," Rainbow approached to Blazefist and Aqua. She sighed, "I just want to say I'm sorry for screw up. I just-!"

"Save it," Blazefist said firmly. Rainbow looked down in shame. He cleared his throat, "Besides, you did want to help them. And even though you didn't do it, Tempest and her crew would have come to us sooner or later, even Capper got them distracted."

Rainbow was surprised. Aqua nodded as she gave a nudge on her shoulder, "Yeah. Getting these pirates on our sides is the right call."

Rainbow couldn't help but feel relief and happy as she gave them a nudge, "Thanks."

"I know what is next!" Nyx cheered happily.

Spike nodded, "Yeah! We're home free!"

Twilight giggled happily, "Yes, we are."

"Let's finish this," Shadow Dragon said proudly.

Shorty laughed, "Okay, everyone, hold on to your seat belt now! Next stop, Mount Aris!"

Soul Sweetie sighed, "Yeah. Back to our aunt's home..."

Mane Six and their friends cheered and celebrated wildly and happily. Armor Strike I was heading straight to Mount Aris, without anyone following them from behind.

Bonecrusher Airship has arrived at the destruction site, where its crew members see nothing but debris and parts of both Gamora and other Dark Mystic Cruisers. No survivors.

Tempest groaned in anger as she turned and launched the punch at Maul to the ground. She glared at him, "This is your fault! You always keep ruining our perfect chance to capture them alive! WHat is wrong with you?!"

Maul scoffed while wiping the blood off, "Nothing's wrong with me. Something wrong is you." Tempest looked shocked yet annoyed. He continued, "The problem is that you've got no patient and don't trust anyone but yourself. And of course, you assumed too much that we would follow you. Think again, genius!"

"How dare you?!"

"I dare you to insult and fight me to prove how wrong I am. Because in the end, we're not the only ones, who are keeping dark secrets about the agenda you have."

"I only want my horn back! There's nothing else I want! I don't have agenda!"

"Keep lying, Ms. Mary Poppins., because we all know that you're not really loyal to Storm King."

Tempest and Maul got into a heated argument while the rest of the crew remained silent while watching the argument. As Grubber was chewing his lollipop, he noticed something on the broken plank. He picked it up. He unfolded it as it revealed itself to be a map. He gasped in surprise and shock. He turned and called out.

"Guys! Look what I've found!" Grubber called while waving the map to them.

Tempest and her crew stopped their argument. They turned and looked at the map. The very same map that Mane Six and their friends used to chart and locate Mount Aris.

"Well... Looks like they're heading to Mount Aris." Tempest said amusingly, "I see. Now we know why they come here in the first place. And also, the reason why you didn't want to capture them early. You purposely frighten and pressure them to ."

Kyuubi smirked, "Yes, Commander Tempest. They're not only trying to get the Hippogriffs' help, but also retrieving the very item that you have failed to take..."

Tempest smirked proudly, "Yes... I know..."

Maul chuckled evilly, "Oh yeah. Instead of chasing them now..."

"We let them do our dirty work," Tempest said calmly and amusingly, "The Orb of Lost Souls will be ours..."

To be Continued...

Review and Suggest...

Author's Note:

1. Originally, Tailtech was about to show off his new invention - a Jet Fighter Tornado while fighting off some enemy fighters, along with Rainbow Dash. But I felt it's unnecessary and distracting, and not to mention, they're still at the cyclone's swirling while fighting Tempest and her crew.

2. Blazefist and Saber were originally rammed the Gamora Ship straight at the blockade's main cruiser, destroying it. This will crippled and bring down the Dark Mystic and Storm Kingdom's morale down. They then escaped for their lives. Tech was originally to appear as the Commander of Mount Aris Blockade, but decided to drop it since he doesn't have much role in it.

3. There's another alternative scene, where Mane Six and their allies were forced to abandon their allies to escape and get to Mount Aris, leading them back to the original scene, where both pirate crew and Capper got killed by Tempest's electrical shots.

4. There's another scene where Tempest was making a contact and reported about her 'crew's plans and getting the Orb of Lost Soul. But I decided not to because I have planned something unexpected for her at the end of story.